100+ cụm từ vựng hay sử dụng chủ đề Daily Life part 2

100+ cụm từ vựng hay sử dụng chủ đề Daily Life part 2

Bài viết này là phần 2 của series bài viết cụm từ vựng chủ đề Daily Life. Như ở phần trước chúng ta đã được đọc và học cụm từ vựn liên quan đến Catch, Watch, Get up, ... thì bài viết này sẽ đề cập đến các từ vựng khác để bạn quen hơn nữa.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Bài viết này là phần 2 của series bài viết cụm từ vựng chủ đề Daily Life. Như ở phần trước chúng ta đã được đọc và học cụm từ vựn liên quan đến Catch, Watch, Get up, … thì bài viết này sẽ đề cập đến các từ vựng khác để bạn quen hơn nữa.

Đọc lại các cụm từ vựng khác tại: 100+ cụm từ vựng hay sử dụng chủ đề Daily Life part 1.

Cụm từ vựng đi với từ Work

  1. Hard work – Lao động chăm chỉ.
  2. Work ethic – Đạo đức làm việc.
  3. Remote work – Làm việc từ xa.
  4. Teamwork – Làm việc nhóm.
  5. Workload – Khối lượng công việc.
  6. Work environment – Môi trường làm việc.
  7. Work-life balance – Cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống.
  8. Work schedule – Lịch làm việc.
  9. Workforce – Lực lượng lao động.
  10. Workstation – Điểm làm việc.
  11. Work-related stress – Stress liên quan đến công việc.
  12. Work culture – Văn hóa làm việc.
  13. Work performance – Hiệu suất làm việc.
  14. Work contract – Hợp đồng lao động.
  15. Work experience – Kinh nghiệm làm việc.
  16. Work permit – Giấy phép làm việc.
  17. Work shift – Ca làm việc.
  18. Workforce diversity – Đa dạng nhân sự.
  19. Work arrangement – Sắp xếp công việc.
  20. Work motivation – Động lực làm việc.

Đặt câu với các cụm từ vựng

  1. She achieved success through years of hard work and dedication to her craft.
  2. His strong work ethic earned him respect among his colleagues.
  3. Many companies have embraced remote work as a permanent option for their employees.
  4. Effective teamwork is essential for completing complex projects on time.
  5. The increased workload caused some employees to feel overwhelmed.
  6. A positive work environment fosters creativity and productivity.
  7. Achieving a healthy work-life balance is important for overall well-being.
  8. She organized her work schedule to accommodate her family commitments.
  9. The company is planning to expand its workforce to meet growing demand.
  10. Each employee has their own workstation equipped with the necessary tools.
  11. Long hours and tight deadlines can lead to significant work-related stress.
  12. The company promotes a collaborative work culture where ideas are valued.
  13. His consistent high work performance led to a promotion.
  14. Before starting the job, she carefully reviewed the terms of her work contract.
  15. Relevant work experience is often a key factor in job applications.
  16. He needed to obtain a work permit before he could start his new job overseas.
  17. She preferred working the morning work shift rather than the late shift.
  18. The company strives to promote workforce diversity by hiring people from different backgrounds.
  19. They reached a flexible work arrangement that allowed for remote work a few days a week.
  20. Setting personal goals can help increase work motivation and productivity.

Bài tập

Sử dụng các từ vựng sau điền vào chỗ trống:

work motivationworkforce diversity
work performancework culture
work scheduleworkstation
work-life balanceworkforce
workloadwork environment
work permitwork arrangement
work shiftswork-related stress
teamworkwork ethic
remote work
  1. Jenny’s __________ is admirable; she always goes above and beyond what is expected of her.
  2. Due to the pandemic, many companies have shifted to __________ arrangements to ensure the safety of their employees.
  3. Effective __________ is essential for completing complex projects on time.
  4. Mark was feeling overwhelmed by the heavy __________ but managed to prioritize his tasks to meet the deadlines.
  5. The company fosters a positive __________ by encouraging open communication and mutual respect among employees.
  6. Sarah strives to maintain a healthy __________ by dedicating time to her hobbies and spending quality time with her family.
  7. Employees are required to adhere to the __________ provided by their supervisors.
  8. The company’s success can be attributed to its diverse and talented __________.
  9. Alex’s __________ is equipped with dual monitors and ergonomic furniture to enhance productivity and comfort.
  10. Chronic __________ can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health.
  11. The organization promotes a collaborative __________ where employees feel valued and supported.
  12. Managers should provide regular feedback to employees to help improve their __________.
  13. Before starting a new job, foreign nationals must obtain a valid __________.
  14. Nurses at the hospital work rotating __________ to ensure 24/7 patient care.
  15. Embracing __________ leads to innovation and a broader range of perspectives within the organization.
  16. Jane negotiated a flexible __________ that allows her to work from home twice a week.
  17. Setting clear goals is essential for maintaining __________ and achieving success in one’s career.

Đáp án

  1. Jenny’s work ethic is admirable; she always goes above and beyond what is expected of her.
  2. Due to the pandemic, many companies have shifted to remote work arrangements to ensure the safety of their employees.
  3. Effective teamwork is essential for completing complex projects on time.
  4. Mark was feeling overwhelmed by the heavy workload but managed to prioritize his tasks to meet the deadlines.
  5. The company fosters a positive work environment by encouraging open communication and mutual respect among employees.
  6. Sarah strives to maintain a healthy work-life balance by dedicating time to her hobbies and spending quality time with her family.
  7. Employees are required to adhere to the work schedule provided by their supervisors.
  8. The company’s success can be attributed to its diverse and talented workforce.
  9. Alex’s workstation is equipped with dual monitors and ergonomic furniture to enhance productivity and comfort.
  10. Chronic work-related stress can have detrimental effects on both physical and mental health.
  11. The organization promotes a collaborative work culture where employees feel valued and supported.
  12. Managers should provide regular feedback to employees to help improve their work performance.
  13. Before starting a new job, foreign nationals must obtain a valid work permit.
  14. Nurses at the hospital work rotating work shifts to ensure 24/7 patient care.
  15. Embracing workforce diversity leads to innovation and a broader range of perspectives within the organization.
  16. Jane negotiated a flexible work arrangement that allows her to work from home twice a week.
  17. Setting clear goals is essential for maintaining work motivation and achieving success in one’s career.

Cụm từ vựng đi với Study

  1. Study habits – Thói quen học tập
  2. Academic achievement – Thành tích học thuật
  3. Research methodology – Phương pháp nghiên cứu
  4. Study materials – Tài liệu học tập
  5. Critical thinking – Tư duy phê phán
  6. Study group – Nhóm học tập
  7. Memorization techniques – Kỹ thuật ghi nhớ
  8. Study schedule – Lịch học tập
  9. Study environment – Môi trường học tập
  10. Note-taking skills – Kỹ năng ghi chú
  11. Study session – Buổi học
  12. Study load – Khối lượng học tập
  13. Study strategies – Chiến lược học tập
  14. Study break – Giờ nghỉ học
  15. Study skills – Kỹ năng học tập
  16. Study aids – Các phương tiện học tập
  17. Self-directed learning – Học tự hướng
  18. Study plan – Kế hoạch học tập
  19. Study time – Thời gian học tập
  20. Study discipline – Kỷ luật học tập

Đặt câu

  1. Developing good study habits from an early age can significantly impact a student’s academic performance.
  2. Her consistent dedication to her studies led to remarkable academic achievement throughout high school.
  3. In his thesis, he meticulously described the research methodology employed to gather data.
  4. The university bookstore offers a variety of study materials ranging from textbooks to reference guides.
  5. Employers often seek candidates with strong critical thinking skills to solve complex problems.
  6. Joining a study group can provide mutual support and encouragement during exam preparation.
  7. By utilizing effective memorization techniques, she managed to recall important information during the exam.
  8. Setting up a detailed study schedule helped him balance his academic workload and extracurricular activities.
  9. A quiet and well-lit room provides an ideal study environment conducive to concentration.
  10. She attended a workshop to improve her note-taking skills for better retention of lecture content.
  11. Last night, they had a productive study session at the local library, covering multiple chapters.
  12. Balancing a heavy study load with part-time work requires excellent time management skills.
  13. Experimenting with various study strategies can help students discover the most effective approach for them.
  14. After an intense study break, she returned to her desk feeling refreshed and ready to continue.
  15. High school students often enroll in courses to enhance their study skills and academic performance.
  16. Online tutorials and flashcards are popular study aids used by many students to supplement their learning.
  17. His preference for self-directed learning allows him to explore topics of personal interest at his own pace.
  18. Creating a detailed study plan is crucial for staying organized and on track with coursework.
  19. He dedicated his entire weekend to study time, determined to master the material before the exam.
  20. Maintaining study discipline is challenging but essential for achieving long-term academic goals.
  21. Forming good study habits early on can lead to success in both academic and professional pursuits.
  22. Her consistent academic achievement earned her a scholarship to her dream university.
  23. The professor explained the research methodology used in the groundbreaking study.
  24. The library offers a wide range of study materials to cater to diverse learning styles.
  25. Effective critical thinking is a valuable skill in various fields, from science to business management.

Bài tập

critical thinkingacademic achievement
note-taking skillsmemorization techniques
study loadstudy skills
study strategiesstudy aids
study materialsstudy group
research methodologystudy habits
study schedulestudy sessions
study environmentstudy breaks
study planself-directed learning
study disciplinestudy time
  1. Developing good __________ is essential for academic success.
  2. Her hard work resulted in outstanding __________.
  3. Understanding __________ is crucial for conducting quality studies.
  4. The library provides a wide range of __________ for students.
  5. Employing __________ skills allows one to analyze information effectively.
  6. They formed a __________ to prepare for the upcoming exam.
  7. Using effective __________ helped him ace the test.
  8. Setting up a __________ helps in managing time efficiently.
  9. Creating a conducive __________ is important for concentration.
  10. Good __________ are beneficial for retaining information during lectures.
  11. She dedicated every evening to her __________.
  12. Balancing __________ with other activities is challenging but necessary.
  13. Adopting effective __________ can improve learning outcomes.
  14. Taking regular __________ helps in maintaining focus and avoiding burnout.
  15. Developing strong __________ is crucial for academic success.
  16. Utilizing various __________ such as textbooks and online resources enhances learning.
  17. He excelled in __________ and pursued independent research projects.
  18. Creating a detailed __________ ensures efficient use of study time.
  19. Spending sufficient __________ each day is important for mastering new material.
  20. Maintaining __________ is key to staying focused and motivated.

Đáp án:

  1. Developing good study habits is essential for academic success.
  2. Her hard work resulted in outstanding academic achievement.
  3. Understanding research methodology is crucial for conducting quality studies.
  4. The library provides a wide range of study materials for students.
  5. Employing critical thinking skills allows one to analyze information effectively.
  6. They formed a study group to prepare for the upcoming exam.
  7. Using effective memorization techniques helped him ace the test.
  8. Setting up a study schedule helps in managing time efficiently.
  9. Creating a conducive study environment is important for concentration.
  10. Good note-taking skills are beneficial for retaining information during lectures.
  11. She dedicated every evening to her study sessions.
  12. Balancing study load with other activities is challenging but necessary.
  13. Adopting effective study strategies can improve learning outcomes.
  14. Taking regular study breaks helps in maintaining focus and avoiding burnout.
  15. Developing strong study skills is crucial for academic success.
  16. Utilizing various study aids such as textbooks and online resources enhances learning.
  17. He excelled in self-directed learning and pursued independent research projects.
  18. Creating a detailed study plan ensures efficient use of study time.
  19. Spending sufficient study time each day is important for mastering new material.
  20. Maintaining study discipline is key to staying focused and motivated.

Cụm từ vựng đi với Go to Bed

  1. Hit the hay: Đi ngủ.
  2. Tuck in: Dùng ga trải trên giường, chuẩn bị đi ngủ.
  3. Turn in: Chuẩn bị đi ngủ hoặc bắt đầu đi ngủ.
  4. Bedtime routine: Thói quen trước khi đi ngủ.
  5. Sleep tight: Chúc ngủ ngon.
  6. Lights out: Tắt đèn, kết thúc buổi tối và chuẩn bị đi ngủ.
  7. Catch some Z’s: Ngủ một chút.
  8. Hit the sack: Đi ngủ (thường là muốn nói nhanh chóng).
  9. Call it a night: Kết thúc một ngày và chuẩn bị đi ngủ.
  10. Snooze time: Thời gian nghỉ ngơi, thường là buổi chiều hoặc tối.
  11. Snuggle down: Nằm êm ấm trên giường sẵn sàng để đi ngủ.
  12. Bed down: Lên giường để nghỉ hoặc ngủ.
  13. Drift off: Bắt đầu ngủ dần dần.
  14. Hit the pillow: Làm chuẩn bị đi ngủ bằng cách nằm xuống giường.
  15. Nod off: Ngủ một giấc ngắn.
  16. Go to sleep: Đi ngủ.
  17. Curl up in bed: Cuộn tròn trong giường sẵn sàng để ngủ.
  18. Beddy-bye: Biệt ngủ.
  19. Doze off: Ngủ gật.
  20. Snug in bed: Ở trong giường êm ấm sẵn sàng để ngủ.

Đặt câu

  1. I usually hit the hay around 10 PM to ensure I get enough rest for the next day.
  2. After reading her favorite bedtime story, the mother tucked in her child and kissed her goodnight.
  3. Feeling exhausted after a long day, Sarah decided to turn in early.
  4. Establishing a bedtime routine can help improve sleep quality and overall well-being.
  5. Sleep tight,” said Mary to her children as she turned off the lights and closed their bedroom door.
  6. Once the clock struck midnight, it was lights out for everyone in the dormitory.
  7. After a long day of hiking, John decided to catch some Z’s in his cozy sleeping bag.
  8. It’s getting late, so let’s hit the sack and get some rest before tomorrow’s big presentation.
  9. With all the work completed, Susan decided to call it a night and relax with a good book.
  10. Saturday afternoons are perfect for snooze time, especially after a busy week.
  11. As the temperature dropped outside, the couple snuggled down under the warm blankets.
  12. Exhausted from the journey, the travelers were eager to bed down for the night.
  13. Despite the soothing music, she found it hard to drift off to sleep.
  14. As soon as his head hit the pillow, Mark drifted off into a deep slumber.
  15. During the boring lecture, Sarah couldn’t help but nod off for a few minutes.
  16. It’s getting late; I think it’s time to go to sleep and recharge for tomorrow.
  17. With a good book in hand, she curled up in bed and lost herself in its pages.
  18. After saying their goodnights, the children eagerly awaited their bedtime routine, signaling it was time for beddy-bye.
  19. Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t help but doze off during the movie.
  20. After a long day of work, he felt snug in bed and quickly drifted off to sleep.

Bài tập

Điền vào chỗ trống các cụm từ vựng cho sẵn

Sử dụng các cụm từ sau để điền: hit the hay, tuck in, turn in, lights out, catch some Z’s, hit the sack, call it a night, snooze time, snuggle down, bed down, drift off, hit the pillow, nod off, go to sleep, curl up in bed, beddy-bye, doze off, snug in bed.

After a long and exhausting day at work, Sarah couldn’t wait to [1] ____________. She had been looking forward to this moment since she woke up that morning. First, she decided to [2] ____________ early, as she knew she needed plenty of rest to recharge for tomorrow. Before [3] ____________, she followed her usual [4] ____________, which included dimming the lights, reading a book for a while, and sipping on a cup of herbal tea. Finally, when it was [5] ____________, she kissed her husband goodnight and [6] ____________.

Once [7] ____________ and all the distractions of the day were gone, Sarah finally had the chance to [8] ____________. She [9] ____________ under the warm covers, feeling comfortable and content. As she lay there, she could feel herself starting to [10] ____________ as her mind drifted away from the worries of the day. Eventually, she [11] ____________ into a peaceful slumber, feeling [12] ____________ in bed.

The next morning, Sarah woke up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever challenges the day might bring, thanks to a restful night’s sleep.

Đáp án

  1. go to sleep
  2. turn in
  3. hitting the hay
  4. bedtime routine
  5. lights out
  6. hit the pillow
  7. bedded down
  8. catch some Z’s
  9. snuggled down
  10. drift off
  11. nodded off
  12. snug in bed

Phần series này tạm dừng ở đây, hẹn các bạn sang phần 3.

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