Khi luyện Writing English bạn hay gặp loại đề bài này: Miêu tả bản thân, bao gồm tuổi, nghề nghiệp, sở thích và mục tiêu trong cuộc sống. Sau đây là 10 đoạn văn mẫu bạn có thể tham khảo.

Các từ vựng, cụm từ vựng khi writing chủ đề này

  1. majestic (adj.): hùng vĩ, tráng lệ
  2. breathtaking (adj.): ngoạn mục, gây kinh ngạc
  3. landscapes (n.): phong cảnh
  4. rich cultural heritage (phrase): di sản văn hóa phong phú
  5. expansive (adj.): rộng lớn, mênh mông
  6. steppes (n.): thảo nguyên
  7. rugged mountains (phrase): dãy núi hiểm trở
  8. pristine (adj.): nguyên sơ, không bị tác động
  9. wilderness (n.): hoang dã
  10. captivate (v.): mê hoặc, quyến rũ
  11. sweeping grasslands (phrase): thảo nguyên bát ngát
  12. nomadic yurts (phrase): nhà lều di động
  13. ancient (adj.): cổ xưa, cổ điển
  14. enduring (adj.): bền vững, lâu dài
  15. hospitality (n.): lòng mến khách, sự hiếu khách
  16. ingrained (adj.): bẩm sinh, gắn bó với
  17. profound appreciation (phrase): sự đánh giá sâu sắc
  18. resilience (n.): sự kiên cường, sự đàn hồi
  19. unwavering (adj.): kiên định, vững vàng
  20. boundless beauty (phrase): vẻ đẹp vô tận
  21. Greetings (n): Lời chào hỏi.
  22. Delighted (adj): Rất vui mừng, hạnh phúc.
  23. Glimpse (n): Một cái nhìn nhanh, cái nhìn thoáng qua.
  24. Embrace (v): Ôm, đón nhận, chấp nhận một cách nồng hậu.
  25. Gratitude (n): Sự biết ơn, lòng biết ơn.
  26. Growth (n): Sự phát triển, sự tăng trưởng.
  27. Discovery (n): Sự khám phá, sự tìm ra.
  28. Professional (adj): Thuộc về nghề nghiệp, chuyên môn.
  29. Fulfillment (n): Sự đạt được, sự thực hiện, sự hoàn thành.
  30. Role (n): Vai trò, nhiệm vụ.
  31. Contribution (n): Sự đóng góp, sự góp phần.
  32. Impact (n): Tác động, ảnh hưởng.
  33. Passion (n): Niềm đam mê, sự say mê.
  34. Solace (n): Sự an ủi, sự an lòng.
  35. Inspiration (n): Sự truyền cảm hứng, nguồn cảm hứng.
  36. Immense (adj): Rất lớn, vô cùng.
  37. Express (v): Diễn đạt, bày tỏ.
  38. Creatively (adv): Một cách sáng tạo.
  39. Unwind (v): Thư giãn, nghỉ ngơi.
  40. Fascinated (adj): Nhiều cảm hứng, cuốn hút.
  41. Engage (v): Tham gia, tương tác.
  42. Enrich (v): Làm giàu, làm phong phú.
  43. Driven (adj): Có động lực, được thúc đẩy.
  44. Aspiration (n): Sự khao khát, nguyện vọng.
  45. Strive (v): Phấn đấu, cố gắng.
  46. Determination (n): Sự quyết tâm, kiên định.
  47. Connection (n): Sự kết nối, mối quan hệ.
  48. Anticipate (v): Mong đợi, dự đoán.
  49. To start (Để bắt đầu): Để bắt đầu câu chuyện hoặc phần nào đó.
  50. Beyond the confines of (Vượt ra ngoài ranh giới của): Ngoài ra, bên ngoài.
  51. Daily life (Cuộc sống hàng ngày): Các hoạt động và trải nghiệm trong cuộc sống hàng ngày.
  52. Looking forward (Hướng về phía trước): Mong đợi, hi vọng về tương lai.
  53. In essence (Nói chung): Nói ngắn gọn, tóm lại.
  54. Along life’s journey (Trong cuộc hành trình của cuộc sống): Trong suốt quá trình sống.
  55. Thank you for allowing me to (Cảm ơn bạn đã cho phép tôi): Một cách lịch sự để kết thúc một bài viết hoặc diễn đạt sự biết ơn.
  56. Age (Tuổi) – The length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed.
  57. Profession (Nghề nghiệp) – A paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and a formal qualification.
  58. Fulfillment (Sự thỏa mãn) – Satisfaction or happiness as a result of fully developing one’s abilities or character.
  59. Passion (Niềm đam mê) – Strong and barely controllable emotion.
  60. Interest (Sở thích) – A feeling of wanting to know or learn about something or someone.
  61. Goal (Mục tiêu) – The object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.
  62. Curiosity (Sự tò mò) – A strong desire to know or learn something.
  63. Enthusiasm (Sự hăng hái) – Intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
  64. Dedicated (Tận tụy) – Devoted to a task or purpose; having single-minded loyalty or integrity.
  65. Joy (Niềm vui) – A feeling of great pleasure and happiness.
  66. Relaxation (Sự thư giãn) – The state of being free from tension and anxiety.
  67. Inspired (Được truyền cảm hứng) – Of extraordinary quality, as if arising from some external creative impulse.
  68. Commitment (Sự cam kết) – The state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
  69. Aspire (Cao cả) – Direct one’s hopes or ambitions toward achieving something.
  70. Adventure (Cuộc phiêu lưu) – An unusual and exciting or daring experience.
  71. Opportunity (Cơ hội) – A set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something.
  72. Growth (Sự phát triển) – The process of increasing in physical size.
  73. Learning (Sự học hỏi) – The acquisition of knowledge or skills through study, experience, or being taught.
  74. Exploring (Khám phá) – Travel through (an unfamiliar area) in order to learn about it.

Các đoạn văn tham khảo:

Getting to Know Me

Hello there! My name is [Your Name], and I’m excited to share a little bit about myself with you.

Firstly, let me introduce myself by telling you about my age. I am currently [Your Age] years old, and I believe that every year brings new opportunities for growth and learning. Being [Your Age] allows me to embrace experiences with a sense of youthful curiosity and enthusiasm.

In terms of my profession, I am [Your Profession]. I find great fulfillment in my work because [Reason you find fulfillment]. Whether it’s [Specific task or responsibility], [Another specific task or responsibility], or [Another specific aspect], I am dedicated to [What you contribute to your profession].

Outside of work, I have a variety of interests that keep me engaged and inspired. One of my greatest passions is [Your Hobby or Interest]. Whether I’m [Activity related to your hobby or interest], [Another activity related to your hobby or interest], or simply [Another aspect of your hobby or interest], I find joy and relaxation in pursuing this passion.

Moreover, I am also [Another Interest or Hobby]. This interest allows me to [Reason why you enjoy this hobby or interest], and I often find myself [Activity related to this interest or hobby].

Looking ahead, I have several goals that I am working towards in life. One of my primary objectives is [Your Primary Goal]. I am committed to achieving this goal by [Your Plan or Strategy], and I am excited about the opportunities it will bring for personal and professional growth. Additionally, I aspire to [Another Goal or Aspiration]. By pursuing this goal, I aim to [What you hope to achieve or contribute].

In conclusion, I am a [Your Positive Trait], [Your Positive Trait], and [Your Positive Trait] individual who is passionate about [Your Passion or Interest], dedicated to [Your Profession], and committed to achieving my goals in life. I look forward to the adventures that lie ahead and the opportunity to continue growing, learning, and exploring new horizons. Thank you for taking the time to get to know me!

Embracing Life’s Journey

Greetings! I’m delighted to provide you with a deeper glimpse into who I am and what drives me forward in life.

At this juncture, I find myself at the vibrant age of [Your Age]. This stage of life is brimming with possibilities, and I relish the chance to seize every moment with enthusiasm and determination.

In terms of my vocation, I proudly serve as a [Your Profession]. This role resonates with me deeply because [Reason you feel connected to your profession]. Whether I’m [Specific task or responsibility], [Another specific task or responsibility], or [Another specific aspect], I approach my work with a sense of purpose and dedication.

Beyond the confines of my profession, my interests span a diverse spectrum. One of my enduring passions is [Your Hobby or Interest]. Engaging in [Activity related to your hobby or interest], [Another activity related to your hobby or interest], or simply [Another aspect of your hobby or interest] fills me with joy and fulfillment, offering a respite from life’s hustle and bustle.

Moreover, I find solace and inspiration in [Another Interest or Hobby]. This pursuit allows me to [Reason why you find fulfillment in this hobby or interest], and I often find myself [Activity related to this interest or hobby], fostering a sense of creativity and exploration.

As I navigate the journey of life, I hold dear to several aspirations that guide my path. Foremost among these is [Your Primary Goal]. To achieve this ambition, I am committed to [Your Plan or Strategy], eagerly anticipating the growth and opportunities that lie ahead. Additionally, I am driven by the desire to [Another Goal or Aspiration], with the aim of [What you hope to accomplish or contribute].

In essence, I embody a spirit of resilience, passion, and curiosity, eager to embrace life’s adventures and challenges alike. Thank you for allowing me to share a glimpse of my journey with you, and I look forward to the boundless opportunities that await on the horizon.

Embracing Life’s Journey

Greetings! I’m delighted to have the chance to share a glimpse of who I am with you.

To start, I’d like to share that I am currently [Your Age] years old. With each passing year, I embrace the journey of life with a sense of wonder and gratitude, recognizing that every moment is an opportunity for growth and discovery.

In terms of my professional life, I work as a [Your Profession]. This role allows me to [Reason you find fulfillment in your profession], contributing to [Specific impact or benefit]. Whether I’m [Specific task or responsibility], [Another specific task or responsibility], or [Another aspect of your profession], I am dedicated to making a positive impact through my work.

Beyond the confines of the office, I find solace and inspiration in various hobbies and interests. One of my greatest passions is [Your Hobby or Interest]. It brings me immense joy to [Activity related to your hobby or interest], [Another activity related to your hobby or interest], and [Another aspect of your hobby or interest], allowing me to express myself creatively and unwind from the demands of daily life.

Additionally, I am deeply fascinated by [Another Interest or Hobby]. Engaging in this interest allows me to [Reason why you enjoy this hobby or interest], and I often find myself [Activity related to this interest or hobby], further enriching my life experiences.

Looking forward, I am driven by several meaningful goals. One of my primary aspirations is [Your Primary Goal]. I am actively pursuing this goal by [Your Plan or Strategy], fueled by my determination to [What you hope to achieve or contribute]. Moreover, I am committed to [Another Goal or Aspiration], striving to [Your vision or desired outcome].

In essence, I am an individual who values [Your Positive Trait], [Your Positive Trait], and [Your Positive Trait], passionate about [Your Passion or Interest], dedicated to [Your Profession], and committed to personal and professional growth. As I continue along life’s journey, I eagerly anticipate the opportunities for learning, connection, and fulfillment that lie ahead. Thank you for allowing me to share a piece of my story with you!

A Tale of Two Worlds: My Journey from Vietnam to America

Hello! As I embark on this journey of self-introduction, I am thrilled to share a bit about my roots and the two worlds that have shaped who I am today.

Though I currently reside in [Your Current Location], my story begins in the vibrant countryside of Vietnam. I was born and raised in [Your Hometown], a picturesque town nestled amidst lush greenery and rolling hills. Growing up, I was immersed in the rich tapestry of Vietnamese culture, from the tantalizing aromas of street food stalls to the melodious tunes of traditional music echoing through the bustling streets.

However, life took a transformative turn when my family made the courageous decision to relocate to the United States in pursuit of new opportunities and a brighter future. Settling in [Your Current City or State], I found myself navigating the complexities of a new culture and language, while simultaneously cherishing the cherished traditions and values of my homeland.

Despite the initial challenges of adaptation, I quickly came to appreciate the diversity and vibrancy of American society. From the towering skyscrapers of urban landscapes to the vast expanses of pristine wilderness, America captivated me with its boundless possibilities and endless horizons.

Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, I remain deeply connected to my Vietnamese heritage. I treasure the memories of family gatherings filled with laughter and love, the aroma of pho simmering on the stove, and the warmth of community that transcends borders and oceans.

Today, I stand at the intersection of two worlds, drawing strength from the rich tapestry of my cultural heritage while embracing the opportunities that America has to offer. It is a journey marked by resilience, adaptation, and the unwavering belief that with perseverance and determination, anything is possible.

In closing, I am profoundly grateful for the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today—a proud Vietnamese-American navigating the complexities of identity and belonging. Thank you for allowing me to share a glimpse of my journey with you!

A Glimpse of My Homeland

Before I delve deeper into my personal journey, allow me to paint a picture of my roots. I hail from the vast and majestic land of Mongolia, a place of breathtaking landscapes and rich cultural heritage.

Mongolia, often referred to as the “Land of the Eternal Blue Sky,” is renowned for its expansive steppes, rugged mountains, and pristine wilderness. From the sweeping grasslands dotted with nomadic yurts to the rugged terrain of the Altai Mountains, the natural beauty of Mongolia never fails to captivate those who set foot upon its soil.

Beyond its natural wonders, Mongolia boasts a vibrant tapestry of traditions and customs that have been passed down through generations. The nomadic way of life, deeply rooted in the land and its resources, remains a fundamental aspect of Mongolian culture. From horseback riding across the vast plains to participating in traditional ceremonies such as Naadam, Mongolia offers a glimpse into a way of life that is both ancient and enduring.

Moreover, the warmth and hospitality of the Mongolian people leave a lasting impression on all who visit. Whether gathered around a crackling fire in a ger, sharing stories and songs, or extending a heartfelt welcome to guests, hospitality is ingrained in the fabric of Mongolian society.

Growing up in Mongolia has instilled in me a profound appreciation for nature, a deep respect for tradition, and an unwavering sense of community. These values continue to shape who I am today, influencing my perspective on life and guiding me on my journey of self-discovery.

As I embark on this journey of sharing my story with you, I carry with me the spirit of Mongolia—the spirit of resilience, hospitality, and boundless beauty. I hope that through my words, you too can catch a glimpse of the wonders that my homeland has to offer.

Đọc thêm chủ đề khác về Writing: Writing IELTS theo chủ đề Animal part 1.

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