Đây là phần 7 của dạng Extremely Hard Question. Cho dù bạn có định ôn tập Writing bất cứ chủ đề nào đi chăng nữa, vẫn sẽ có những kỳ thi có những câu hỏi nằm ngoài chủ đề đã ôn tập. Bây giờ bạn nên làm thế nào? Nếu như bạn học theo lộ trình cá nhân hóa tại TRI thì bạn chắc chắn sẽ giải quyết được vấn đề này. Còn nếu bạn chưa muốn học thì bạn cứ làm theo các dạng bài tập mà TRI biên soạn sau đây.

Writing Task part 8

Can a single global government effectively address regional disparities and inequalities within and across countries? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


1. Uniform Standards: A global government could establish uniform standards for economic development, healthcare, education, and infrastructure, thereby reducing regional disparities.1. Loss of Sovereignty: Countries may lose their sovereignty and cultural identity under a single global government, leading to resistance and conflict.
2. Resource Redistribution: A centralized authority could efficiently redistribute resources from wealthier regions to poorer ones, alleviating inequalities.2. Corruption and Mismanagement: A single global government could become corrupt or inefficient, exacerbating disparities rather than addressing them.
3. Coordinated Efforts: Global coordination can enable effective responses to regional crises such as natural disasters, pandemics, or economic downturns.3. Lack of Flexibility: Different regions have unique needs and challenges that may not be adequately addressed by a one-size-fits-all approach.
4. Conflict Resolution: A global government could mediate conflicts between regions, promoting peace and stability worldwide.4. Tyranny and Oppression: Concentration of power in a global government could lead to tyranny and oppression, undermining human rights and freedoms.

Summary: While a single global government could potentially address regional disparities through uniform standards, resource redistribution, coordinated efforts, and conflict resolution, the disadvantages of loss of sovereignty, corruption, lack of flexibility, and potential tyranny may outweigh these benefits. Balancing centralized authority with regional autonomy and diversity is essential to effectively tackle inequalities.


  1. Uniform Standards: Tiêu chuẩn đồng nhất
  2. Economic development: Phát triển kinh tế
  3. Healthcare: Chăm sóc sức khỏe
  4. Infrastructure: Hạ tầng
  5. Reducing regional disparities: Giảm thiểu bất đồng vùng miền
  6. Resource redistribution: Phân phối lại tài nguyên
  7. Wealthier regions: Các vùng giàu có
  8. Poorer ones: Các vùng nghèo
  9. Alleviating inequalities: Giảm bớt bất bình đẳng
  10. Global coordination: Phối hợp toàn cầu
  11. Natural disasters: Thảm họa tự nhiên
  12. Pandemics: Đại dịch
  13. Economic downturns: Sụt giảm kinh tế
  14. Conflict resolution: Giải quyết mâu thuẫn
  15. Mediate conflicts: Hòa giải xung đột
  16. Promoting peace: Thúc đẩy hòa bình
  17. Stability worldwide: Ổn định trên toàn cầu
  18. Loss of Sovereignty: Mất chủ quyền
  19. Cultural identity: Bản sắc văn hóa
  20. Resistance: Sự phản đối
  21. Conflict: Xung đột
  22. Corruption: Tham nhũng
  23. Mismanagement: Quản lý sai lầm
  24. Exacerbating disparities: Làm trầm trọng thêm bất đồng
  25. One-size-fits-all approach: Phương pháp một kích cỡ phù hợp với tất cả
  26. Lack of Flexibility: Thiếu linh hoạt
  27. Unique needs: Nhu cầu đặc biệt
  28. Challenges: Thách thức
  29. Tyranny: Bạo chúa
  30. Oppression: Áp bức
  31. Concentration of power: Tập trung quyền lực
  32. Human rights: Nhân quyền
  33. Freedoms: Tự do
  34. Advantages: Ưu điểm
  35. Disadvantages: Nhược điểm
  36. Balancing: Cân bằng
  37. Centralized authority: Quyền lực tập trung
  38. Regional autonomy: Tự trị vùng miền
  39. Diversity: Đa dạng
  40. Tackling inequalities: Đối phó với bất bình đẳng


Cấu trúc câu:

  1. Câu đảo ngữ: “While a single global government could potentially address regional disparities through uniform standards…
  2. Câu so sánh: “The advantages outweigh the disadvantages.”
  3. Câu phức: “Balancing centralized authority with regional autonomy and diversity is essential to effectively tackle inequalities.”

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp:

  1. Sử dụng các cụm từ liên kết: “thereby reducing“, “from wealthier regions to poorer ones“, “such as natural disasters, pandemics, or economic downturns“.
  2. Sử dụng mệnh đề quan hệ: “that may not be adequately addressed“, “that may outweigh these benefits“.

Bài viết gợi ý hoàn chỉnh cho chủ đề Extremely Hard Question

Ensuring Transparency and Accountability in a One-World Government: Striking a Balance

In envisioning a one-world government scenario, the imperative of transparency and accountability stands as a cornerstone principle. While this ambitious concept holds promises of global cooperation and unity, its realization hinges greatly on the establishment of robust mechanisms to uphold transparency and ensure accountability.

On the side of agreement, proponents advocate for the implementation of strict transparency laws and regulations. They argue that requiring all government actions to be publicly disclosed would foster trust and legitimacy. Moreover, establishing independent oversight bodies to monitor governmental activities is seen as a critical safeguard against potential abuses of power. These bodies would play a pivotal role in ensuring compliance with transparency standards, thereby bolstering public confidence.

Furthermore, technology emerges as a potent tool in this pursuit. Utilizing innovations such as blockchain could create immutable records of government transactions and decision-making processes, thereby enhancing transparency and reducing the risk of tampering or manipulation.

Advocates also stress the importance of fostering a culture of civic engagement and participation. By empowering citizens to hold government officials accountable for their actions, this approach seeks to decentralize oversight and distribute responsibility among the populace.

On the opposing side, skeptics voice concerns about the potential for government overreach and the loss of individual freedoms in a centralized system. They caution that while oversight bodies may be established with good intentions, there is a risk of corruption and manipulation within these institutions, undermining their effectiveness.

Moreover, the complexity of technological systems poses a significant challenge. While blockchain technology holds promise, ensuring its accessibility and understanding for all citizens remains a daunting task. Additionally, concerns about geopolitical tensions and the potential for conflicts of interest within the one-world government raise questions about its ability to truly serve the interests of all humanity.

In conclusion, while the advantages of transparency and accountability in a one-world government scenario are evident, striking a balance between these ideals and the practical realities of governance is paramount. By addressing concerns surrounding government overreach, technological complexity, and geopolitical tensions, we can pave the way for a more transparent and accountable global governance system, one that truly serves the needs and aspirations of all humanity.

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