Speaking Part 10: Discuss the effects of climate change

Speaking Part 10: Discuss the effects of climate change

Bài Speaking này có chủ đề về biến đổi khí hậu, chủ đề này đã được đụng đến đôi lần ở trong website The Real IELTS. Tuy nhiên lần này lại là luyện tập Speaking.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung

Bài Speaking này có chủ đề về biến đổi khí hậu, chủ đề này đã được đụng đến đôi lần ở trong website The Real IELTS. Tuy nhiên lần này lại là luyện tập Speaking.

Các từ vựng cần nắm được trước khi Speaking chủ đề này

  1. Effects of climate change – Tác động của biến đổi khí hậu
  2. Pressing issue – Vấn đề cấp bách
  3. Far-reaching consequences – Hậu quả xa rộng
  4. Environmental impacts – Ảnh hưởng môi trường
  5. Rising temperatures – Sự tăng nhiệt độ
  6. Global temperatures – Nhiệt độ toàn cầu
  7. Polar ice caps – Các môi trường băng ở cực Bắc và cực Nam
  8. Rising sea levels – Sự tăng mực nước biển
  9. Heatwaves – Đợt nắng nóng
  10. Extreme weather events – Các sự kiện thời tiết cực đoan
  11. Hurricanes – Bão
  12. Typhoons – Bão nhiệt đới
  13. Droughts – Hạn hán
  14. Ecosystem disruption – Sự đảo lộn của hệ sinh thái
  15. Biodiversity – Đa dạng sinh học
  16. Coral reef bleaching – Việc mất màu của rạn san hô
  17. Deforestation – Tàn phá rừng
  18. Societal impacts – Ảnh hưởng đến xã hội
  19. Economic costs – Chi phí kinh tế
  20. Heat-related illnesses – Các bệnh liên quan đến nhiệt độ
  21. Vector-borne diseases – Bệnh truyền nhiễm do vector
  22. Agricultural sector – Ngành nông nghiệp
  23. Growing seasons – Mùa trồng
  24. Crop yields – Sản lượng nông sản
  25. Food security – An ninh lương thực
  26. Disaster relief – Cứu trợ thảm họa
  27. Renewable energy – Năng lượng tái tạo
  28. Innovation in green technologies – Sáng tạo trong các công nghệ xanh
  29. International cooperation – Hợp tác quốc tế
  30. Adaptation measures – Biện pháp thích ứng
  31. Indigenous communities – Cộng đồng bản địa
  32. Arctic region – Vùng Bắc Cực

Dàn ý triển khai Speaking theo chủ đề Discuss the effects of climate change


  • Greeting: Good [morning/afternoon/evening], everyone.
  • Topic Introduction: Today, I would like to discuss the effects of climate change, a pressing issue that affects our planet and our lives in numerous ways.


1. Environmental Effects

  • Rising Temperatures:
    • Global temperatures have increased significantly over the past century.
    • Effects: Melting polar ice caps, rising sea levels, and more frequent heatwaves.
  • Extreme Weather Events:
    • Increased frequency and intensity of hurricanes, typhoons, and droughts.
    • Examples: Devastating hurricanes in the Atlantic, prolonged droughts in Africa and Australia.
  • Ecosystem Disruption:
    • Impact on wildlife habitats and biodiversity.
    • Coral reef bleaching, deforestation, and loss of species.

2. Societal and Economic Effects

  • Health Impacts:
    • Increased heat-related illnesses and deaths.
    • Spread of vector-borne diseases (e.g., malaria, dengue) due to changing habitats for insects.
  • Agricultural Challenges:
    • Altered growing seasons and reduced crop yields.
    • Food security issues, leading to increased prices and potential famines.
  • Economic Costs:
    • Increased spending on disaster relief and recovery.
    • Damage to infrastructure and property, affecting economies worldwide.

3. Positive Effects (if any)

  • New Opportunities in Renewable Energy:
    • Growth in solar, wind, and other renewable energy sectors.
    • Job creation and innovation in green technologies.
  • Increased Awareness and Action:
    • Greater global awareness of environmental issues.
    • Policy changes and international agreements aimed at reducing carbon emissions (e.g., Paris Agreement).

4. Case Studies and Real-World Examples

  • Case Study 1: The Pacific Islands
    • Effects: Rising sea levels leading to displacement of communities.
    • Actions: Adaptation measures such as building sea walls and relocating populations.
  • Case Study 2: The Arctic Region
    • Effects: Melting ice affecting indigenous communities and wildlife.
    • Actions: International cooperation to limit Arctic drilling and protect ecosystems.


  • Summary: To conclude, climate change has far-reaching effects on our environment, society, and economy. While there are some potential positive outcomes in terms of innovation and awareness, the overall impact is overwhelmingly negative.
  • Call to Action: It is crucial for individuals, communities, and nations to take immediate and sustained action to mitigate the effects of climate change and protect our planet for future generations.
  • Thank You: Thank you for listening. I am open to any questions or further discussion on this topic.

Tips for Speaking Practice

  1. Practice Fluency: Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. Avoid rushing.
  2. Use Connectors: Utilize words like “moreover,” “however,” “for example,” to connect ideas smoothly.
  3. Engage with Your Audience: Make eye contact (if in person) or engage with the camera (if online).
  4. Support with Data: Incorporate relevant statistics or facts to strengthen your points.
  5. Prepare for Questions: Anticipate possible questions and think about how you would answer them.

Bài Speaking được triển khai theo dàn ý bên trên

Good morning everyone. Today, I would like to delve into a topic that concerns us all: the effects of climate change. As we’re all aware, climate change has become a pressing issue with far-reaching consequences for our planet and our lives.

Firstly, let’s consider the environmental impacts of climate change. Over the past century, global temperatures have been steadily rising. This rise has led to the melting of polar ice caps, resulting in rising sea levels and more frequent heatwaves.

Moreover, climate change has contributed to the increase in extreme weather events such as hurricanes, typhoons, and droughts. For instance, we’ve witnessed devastating hurricanes in the Atlantic and prolonged droughts in regions like Africa and Australia.

Additionally, there’s the concerning disruption to ecosystems and biodiversity. Coral reef bleaching, deforestation, and the loss of species are just a few examples of how climate change is reshaping our natural world.

Moving on to societal and economic impacts, climate change poses significant challenges to human health. With rising temperatures, we’re seeing increased incidents of heat-related illnesses and deaths. Furthermore, changing habitats for insects are leading to the spread of vector-borne diseases like malaria and dengue.

In the agricultural sector, altered growing seasons and reduced crop yields are becoming more common. This, in turn, threatens food security, leading to increased prices and potential famines, particularly in vulnerable regions.

Economically, the costs of climate change are substantial. Governments are spending more on disaster relief and recovery efforts, while damage to infrastructure and property is taking a toll on economies worldwide.

Despite the grim picture, there are some potential positive effects. One notable area is the rise of renewable energy. With greater awareness of climate change, there’s been significant growth in sectors such as solar and wind energy, leading to job creation and innovation in green technologies.

Moreover, the increased awareness of environmental issues has spurred action on both individual and international levels. The Paris Agreement, for example, is a testament to global cooperation in tackling climate change.

Let’s take a closer look at a couple of case studies to understand the real-world impacts of climate change. In the Pacific Islands, rising sea levels are threatening to displace entire communities. In response, adaptation measures such as building sea walls and relocating populations are being implemented.

Similarly, in the Arctic region, melting ice is affecting indigenous communities and wildlife. International efforts to limit Arctic drilling and protect ecosystems are underway, highlighting the importance of global cooperation in addressing climate change.

To sum up, the effects of climate change are profound and wide-ranging, impacting our environment, society, and economy. While there are some glimmers of hope in terms of renewable energy and increased awareness, the overall outlook is concerning.

It’s imperative for us all, as individuals, communities, and nations, to take immediate and sustained action to mitigate these effects and safeguard our planet for future generations.

Thank you for listening. I’m open to any questions or further discussion on this critical topic.

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