‘Take up’ và ‘Pick up’: lý thuyết và 100 câu bài tập

‘Take up’ và ‘Pick up’: lý thuyết và 100 câu bài tập

"Take up" và "pick up" là hai cụm động từ trong tiếng Anh, có nhiều ý nghĩa và cách sử dụng khác nhau tuỳ theo ngữ cảnh. Dưới đây là lý thuyết và ví dụ về cách sử dụng của chúng.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


“Take up” và “pick up” là hai cụm động từ trong tiếng Anh, có nhiều ý nghĩa và cách sử dụng khác nhau tuỳ theo ngữ cảnh. Dưới đây là lý thuyết và ví dụ về cách sử dụng của chúng.

1. Take up

Nghĩa và cách sử dụng:

  1. Bắt đầu một sở thích hoặc hoạt động mới:
    • Ví dụ: “She decided to take up painting after she retired.”
    • (Cô ấy quyết định bắt đầu vẽ sau khi nghỉ hưu.)
  2. Chiếm không gian hoặc thời gian:
    • Ví dụ: “The meeting took up the entire morning.”
    • (Cuộc họp chiếm hết cả buổi sáng.)
  3. Tiếp tục một công việc hoặc nhiệm vụ chưa hoàn thành:
    • Ví dụ: “Let’s take up where we left off.”
    • (Hãy tiếp tục từ chỗ chúng ta dừng lại.)
  4. Chấp nhận một thử thách hoặc lời mời:
    • Ví dụ: “He took up the challenge to climb the mountain.”
    • (Anh ấy chấp nhận thử thách leo núi.)

2. Pick up

Nghĩa và cách sử dụng:

  1. Nhặt lên:
    • Ví dụ: “She picked up the book from the floor.”
    • (Cô ấy nhặt cuốn sách từ dưới sàn lên.)
  2. Đón ai đó bằng xe:
    • Ví dụ: “I’ll pick you up at the airport.”
    • (Tôi sẽ đón bạn ở sân bay.)
  3. Học hoặc hiểu điều gì đó một cách tự nhiên:
    • Ví dụ: “He picked up Spanish while living in Mexico.”
    • (Anh ấy học tiếng Tây Ban Nha khi sống ở Mexico.)
  4. Cải thiện hoặc tăng lên:
    • Ví dụ: “Sales picked up during the holiday season.”
    • (Doanh số tăng lên trong mùa lễ.)
  5. Bắt đầu lại sau khi dừng:
    • Ví dụ: “Let’s pick up the conversation after lunch.”
    • (Chúng ta hãy tiếp tục cuộc trò chuyện sau bữa trưa.)
  6. Nhận được tín hiệu (radio, TV, v.v.):
    • Ví dụ: “We can pick up the signal from this point.”
    • (Chúng ta có thể nhận được tín hiệu từ điểm này.)
  • “Take up” thường được dùng khi nói về việc bắt đầu một hoạt động, chiếm thời gian hoặc không gian, tiếp tục một việc gì đó, hoặc chấp nhận một thử thách.
  • “Pick up” được dùng khi nói về việc nhặt lên, đón ai đó, học hỏi một cách tự nhiên, cải thiện hoặc tăng lên, bắt đầu lại sau khi dừng, hoặc nhận được tín hiệu.

Hiểu rõ ngữ cảnh sử dụng sẽ giúp bạn lựa chọn cụm động từ phù hợp và sử dụng chúng một cách chính xác.

Bảng thống kê sự khác nhau

Summary Table

Phrasal VerbUsageExampleExplanation
Take UpTo begin a new activityShe decided to take up painting.Starting a new hobby.
To occupy space/timeThe sofa takes up too much space.Using space or time.
To accept a challenge/offerHe took up the challenge.Accepting a challenge.
To continue after a breakLet’s take up where we left off.Resuming after a pause.
To absorb or incorporateThe sponge took up the water.Absorbing a substance.
Pick UpTo lift somethingCan you pick up the book?Lifting from a lower position.
To collect someone/somethingI will pick up the kids.Collecting someone/something.
To learn casuallyShe picked up Spanish.Learning informally.
To improve/increaseSales picked up.Increasing or improving.
To continue laterLet’s pick up this conversation.Resuming later.
To catch an illnessHe picked up a cold.Contracting an illness.

Bài tập

Exercise 1: Fill in the Blanks

Fill in the blanks with either “take up” or “pick up”:

  1. After she retired, she decided to __________ painting to keep herself busy.
  2. Can you __________ the kids from school today?
  3. He plans to __________ a new hobby this summer.
  4. The phone rang, but nobody was around to __________ it up.
  5. She needs to __________ her jacket from the dry cleaners.
  6. John wants to __________ yoga to improve his flexibility.
  7. Could you __________ the pace a little? We’re running late.
  8. The company decided to __________ the offer after much consideration.
  9. She managed to __________ French quite easily while living in Paris.
  10. Let’s __________ this conversation after lunch.

Exercise 2: Choose the Correct Sentence

Choose the correct sentence from the pairs provided:

  1. a) He took up the kids from school at 3 PM.
    b) He picked up the kids from school at 3 PM.
  2. a) She picked up a new hobby during the holidays.
    b) She took up a new hobby during the holidays.
  3. a) I need to take up my clothes from the tailor.
    b) I need to pick up my clothes from the tailor.
  4. a) He plans to take up jogging to stay fit.
    b) He plans to pick up jogging to stay fit.
  5. a) Can you take up the book from the floor?
    b) Can you pick up the book from the floor?

Exercise 3: Rewrite the Sentences

Rewrite the following sentences using “take up” or “pick up”:

  1. She started learning Spanish last year.
    → She __________ Spanish last year.
  2. Can you collect the kids from the park?
    → Can you __________ the kids from the park?
  3. He began playing the guitar recently.
    → He __________ the guitar recently.
  4. She needs to get her coat from the cleaners.
    → She needs to __________ her coat from the cleaners.
  5. I will start a new project next month.
    → I will __________ a new project next month.

Exercise 4: Match the Definitions

Match the definitions to the correct phrasal verb:

  1. To start doing a particular job or activity
  2. To learn something new quickly
  3. To collect someone or something
  4. To continue something at a later point
  5. To begin to study, practice, or do (a hobby/activity)

a) Pick up
b) Take up


Exercise 1:

  1. take up
  2. pick up
  3. take up
  4. pick up
  5. pick up
  6. take up
  7. pick up
  8. take up
  9. pick up
  10. pick up

Exercise 2:

  1. b) He picked up the kids from school at 3 PM.
  2. b) She took up a new hobby during the holidays.
  3. b) I need to pick up my clothes from the tailor.
  4. a) He plans to take up jogging to stay fit.
  5. b) Can you pick up the book from the floor?

Exercise 3:

  1. She took up Spanish last year.
  2. Can you pick up the kids from the park?
  3. He took up the guitar recently.
  4. She needs to pick up her coat from the cleaners.
  5. I will take up a new project next month.

Exercise 4:

  1. To start doing a particular job or activity – b) Take up
  2. To learn something new quickly – a) Pick up
  3. To collect someone or something – a) Pick up
  4. To continue something at a later point – a) Pick up
  5. To begin to study, practice, or do (a hobby/activity) – b) Take up

100 câu bài tập thêm

Fill in the Blanks with “Take Up” or “Pick Up”

  1. She decided to ________ knitting during the winter months.
  2. Can you ________ the kids from school today?
  3. He wants to ________ a new hobby this summer.
  4. I need to ________ my dry cleaning on the way home.
  5. She ________ the challenge of running a marathon.
  6. We should ________ this conversation later.
  7. The puppy quickly ________ the new tricks.
  8. The phone rang, but no one was around to ________.
  9. Let’s ________ where we left off last week.
  10. He managed to ________ some Spanish during his trip to Mexico.
  11. The couch ________ too much space in the living room.
  12. She ________ the fallen book from the floor.
  13. He plans to ________ jogging to stay fit.
  14. Can you ________ the pace a bit? We’re running late.
  15. She ________ playing the guitar last year.
  16. He ________ his mail from the post office.
  17. The sponge quickly ________ the spilled water.
  18. She needs to ________ her coat from the cleaners.
  19. They decided to ________ the offer after much thought.
  20. I will ________ the groceries on my way home.
  21. He ________ a new sport every summer.
  22. Can you ________ the kids from the park?
  23. She wants to ________ yoga to improve her flexibility.
  24. The team ________ the project after the holiday break.
  25. He ________ the book and started reading.
  26. She ________ the habit of reading before bed.
  27. The baby quickly ________ new words.
  28. He needs to ________ his suit from the tailor.
  29. Let’s ________ this meeting after lunch.
  30. She ________ painting as a hobby.
  31. He plans to ________ cycling to stay healthy.
  32. She needs to ________ her shoes from the repair shop.
  33. He ________ the toy from the shelf.
  34. The kids ________ playing soccer last week.
  35. Can you ________ me up at the station?
  36. She ________ the challenge of learning French.
  37. He quickly ________ the new software.
  38. The table ________ too much room.
  39. She decided to ________ a new project at work.
  40. Can you ________ some groceries on your way back?
  41. He ________ the guitar and started playing.
  42. She ________ the habit of jogging every morning.
  43. The cat ________ the toy and ran off.
  44. He needs to ________ his car from the garage.
  45. Let’s ________ this discussion tomorrow.
  46. She ________ photography after her vacation.
  47. He plans to ________ cooking classes.
  48. She needs to ________ her dress from the store.
  49. He ________ the fallen apple from the ground.
  50. The children ________ swimming lessons last summer.
  51. Can you ________ the parcel from the post office?
  52. She ________ the challenge of writing a novel.
  53. He quickly ________ the local dialect.
  54. The chair ________ too much space in the room.
  55. She decided to ________ an online course.
  56. Can you ________ the laundry on your way back?
  57. He ________ the newspaper and started reading.
  58. She ________ the habit of meditating daily.
  59. The wind ________ the leaves.
  60. He needs to ________ his prescription from the pharmacy.
  61. Let’s ________ our work after the break.
  62. She ________ gardening in her free time.
  63. He plans to ________ tennis lessons.
  64. She needs to ________ her hat from the coat rack.
  65. He ________ the broken pieces from the floor.
  66. The students ________ a new subject this semester.
  67. Can you ________ the pizza on your way home?
  68. She ________ the challenge of organizing the event.
  69. He quickly ________ the basics of coding.
  70. The new decoration ________ too much wall space.
  71. She decided to ________ more responsibilities at work.
  72. Can you ________ the dog from the vet?
  73. He ________ the remote control and turned on the TV.
  74. She ________ the habit of journaling.
  75. The truck ________ the packages from the warehouse.
  76. He needs to ________ his watch from the repair shop.
  77. Let’s ________ this task after the meeting.
  78. She ________ baking as a new hobby.
  79. He plans to ________ driving lessons.
  80. She needs to ________ her scarf from the lost and found.
  81. He ________ the scattered papers.
  82. The family ________ hiking during their vacation.
  83. Can you ________ the books from the library?
  84. She ________ the challenge of climbing the mountain.
  85. He quickly ________ the new procedures at work.
  86. The new furniture ________ too much space in the office.
  87. She decided to ________ a leadership role.
  88. Can you ________ the children from daycare?
  89. He ________ the plate and put it on the table.
  90. She ________ the habit of drinking green tea.
  91. The storm ________ the debris.
  92. He needs to ________ his shoes from the cobbler.
  93. Let’s ________ the project next week.
  94. She ________ sewing in her spare time.
  95. He plans to ________ piano lessons.
  96. She needs to ________ her jacket from the wardrobe.
  97. He ________ the glass from the counter.
  98. The team ________ a new strategy after the meeting.
  99. Can you ________ some milk from the store?
  100. She ________ the challenge of learning to dance.

Answer Key

  1. take up
  2. pick up
  3. take up
  4. pick up
  5. take up
  6. pick up
  7. pick up
  8. pick up
  9. take up
  10. pick up
  11. take up
  12. pick up
  13. take up
  14. pick up
  15. take up
  16. pick up
  17. take up
  18. pick up
  19. take up
  20. pick up
  21. take up
  22. pick up
  23. take up
  24. take up
  25. pick up
  26. take up
  27. pick up
  28. pick up
  29. pick up
  30. take up
  31. take up
  32. pick up
  33. pick up
  34. take up
  35. pick up
  36. take up
  37. pick up
  38. take up
  39. take up
  40. pick up
  41. pick up
  42. take up
  43. pick up
  44. pick up
  45. pick up
  46. take up
  47. take up
  48. pick up
  49. pick up
  50. take up
  51. pick up
  52. take up
  53. pick up
  54. take up
  55. take up
  56. pick up
  57. pick up
  58. take up
  59. pick up
  60. pick up
  61. take up
  62. take up
  63. take up
  64. pick up
  65. pick up
  66. take up
  67. pick up
  68. take up
  69. pick up
  70. take up
  71. take up
  72. pick up
  73. pick up
  74. take up
  75. pick up
  76. pick up
  77. pick up
  78. take up
  79. take up
  80. pick up
  81. pick up
  82. take up
  83. pick up
  84. take up
  85. pick up
  86. take up
  87. take up
  88. pick up
  89. pick up
  90. take up
  91. pick up
  92. pick up
  93. take up
  94. take up
  95. take up
  96. pick up
  97. pick up
  98. take up
  99. pick up
  100. take up

Học lại bài cũ: 100 từ vựng phrasal verbs liên quan đến tiền bạc mà bạn cần biết.

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