Chủ đề Art là chủ để Writing được nhiều giám khảo và thầy cô giáo chú ý cho luyện thi IELTS. Nên TRI biên soạn chủ đề này để các bạn có thể tham khảo. Đây là Part 2. Bạn có thể đọc Part 1 ở đây: Writing IELTS chủ đề Art (Nghệ thuật) Part 1.

Writing City Transformation

City Transformation: Advocates suggest that increased investment in public art, such as sculptures and architectural embellishments, can significantly improve the overall quality of life in urban areas. To what extent do you agree?

Từ vựng

  1. Aesthetic appeal – Sức hấp dẫn về mặt thẩm mỹ
  2. Cultural identity – Định danh văn hóa
  3. Social interaction – Tương tác xã hội
  4. Community engagement – Sự tham gia của cộng đồng
  5. Revitalize – Hồi sinh, làm sống lại
  6. Neglected areas – Các khu vực bị bỏ quên
  7. Subjective nature – Bản chất chủ quan
  8. Disagreements – Sự bất đồng ý kiến
  9. Controversy – Sự tranh cãi, gây tranh cãi
  10. Fostering a sense of pride and ownership – Khuyến khích tinh thần tự hào và sở hữu
  11. Placemaking – Tạo nên không gian
  12. Landmarks – Điểm nổi bật, địa danh nổi tiếng
  13. Gathering spaces – Khu vực tập trung, nơi hội tụ

Ngữ pháp

  1. Câu đơn:
    • Public art enhances aesthetic appeal and cultural identity of cities.
    • Funding for public art may divert resources from more essential services like education and healthcare.
  2. Câu phức:
    • Public art promotes social interaction and community engagement.
    • Not all residents may appreciate or connect with certain forms of public art, leading to discord.
  3. Câu so sánh:
    • Public art can revitalize underdeveloped or neglected areas, attracting tourists and investors.
    • The subjective nature of art may lead to disagreements on what constitutes valuable public art, causing controversy.
  4. Câu ghép:
    • Public art projects often involve local artists, fostering a sense of pride and ownership among residents.
    • Maintenance costs for public art installations can become a burden on municipal budgets in the long term.
  5. Câu phức hợp:
    • Public art contributes to placemaking, creating memorable landmarks and gathering spaces.
    • Prioritizing public art may overshadow more pressing urban issues such as homelessness and infrastructure decay.

Dàn ý bài viết

Public art enhances aesthetic appeal and cultural identity of cities.Funding for public art may divert resources from more essential services like education and healthcare.
Public art promotes social interaction and community engagement.Not all residents may appreciate or connect with certain forms of public art, leading to discord.
Public art can revitalize underdeveloped or neglected areas, attracting tourists and investors.The subjective nature of art may lead to disagreements on what constitutes valuable public art, causing controversy.
Public art projects often involve local artists, fostering a sense of pride and ownership among residents.Maintenance costs for public art installations can become a burden on municipal budgets in the long term.
Public art contributes to placemaking, creating memorable landmarks and gathering spaces.Prioritizing public art may overshadow more pressing urban issues such as homelessness and infrastructure decay.

Conclusion: While increased investment in public art undeniably offers numerous benefits, including aesthetic enhancement, community engagement, and urban revitalization, it also poses challenges such as resource allocation, maintenance costs, and differing perceptions of artistic value. Thus, while advocating for public art, it is crucial to strike a balance between promoting cultural enrichment and addressing essential urban needs to ensure holistic city transformation.

Cultural Enrichment

Cultural Enrichment: Some contend that it is imperative for governments to allocate more resources towards incorporating public artworks like murals and installations to foster a sense of cultural identity and pride in cities. To what extent do you agree?

Từ vựng

  1. Public artworks – Các tác phẩm nghệ thuật công cộng
  2. Murals – Tranh vẽ tường
  3. Installations – Các tác phẩm trưng bày
  4. Foster a sense of cultural identity and pride – Phát triển cảm giác về bản sắc văn hóa và tự hào
  5. Landmarks – Điểm nổi bật, biểu tượng
  6. Enhance the identity of a city – Tăng cường bản sắc của một thành phố
  7. Belonging among its residents – Sự thuộc về giữa cư dân
  8. Promote social cohesion – Thúc đẩy sự đoàn kết xã hội
  9. Common points of interest – Những điểm chung của sự quan tâm
  10. Conversation among diverse community members – Cuộc trò chuyện giữa các thành viên cộng đồng đa dạng
  11. Collaboration and empowerment – Sự hợp tác và quyền lực
  12. Underserved neighborhoods – Các khu vực chưa được chăm sóc đầy đủ
  13. Economic vitality – Sức sống kinh tế
  14. Tourism revenue – Doanh thu du lịch
  15. Economic development – Phát triển kinh tế
  16. Cultural preservation – Bảo tồn văn hóa
  17. Enriching the urban environment – Làm phong phú môi trường đô thị
  18. Pressing needs – Những nhu cầu cấp bách
  19. Quality of life – Chất lượng cuộc sống
  20. Sustainable urban development – Phát triển đô thị bền vững.

Ngữ pháp

  1. Câu bị động:
    • “Public artworks like murals and installations serve as landmarks…”
    • “Well-designed public artworks can attract tourists…”
  2. Câu so sánh:
    • “The impact of public artworks on tourism and economic development may vary depending on factors…”
  3. Câu ghép:
    • “Finding a balance between investing in cultural enrichment and addressing pressing needs is crucial…”
  4. Câu phức:
    • “Investing in public artworks reflects a commitment to cultural preservation and creativity…”
  5. Câu mệnh lệnh:
    • “Governments should prioritize addressing basic needs…”
  6. Cấu trúc điều kiện:
    • “The impact of public artworks… may vary depending on factors…”
  7. Cấu trúc so sánh:
    • “…prioritize addressing basic needs… before investing in non-essential projects…”

Dàn ý bài viết

1. Public artworks like murals and installations serve as landmarks, enhancing the identity of a city and fostering a sense of belonging among its residents.1. Allocating resources to public artworks may divert funds from more pressing needs such as infrastructure, education, or healthcare.
2. Art in public spaces can promote social cohesion by providing common points of interest and conversation among diverse community members.2. Cultural identity and pride can be cultivated through various means beyond just public artworks, such as community events, education programs, and historical preservation efforts.
3. Public art projects often involve local artists and community members, creating opportunities for collaboration and empowerment, particularly in underserved neighborhoods.3. Not all public art projects resonate with residents or effectively capture the cultural essence of a city, potentially leading to disinterest or even resentment.
4. Well-designed public artworks can attract tourists and visitors, contributing to the economic vitality of a city through increased tourism revenue and spending.4. The impact of public artworks on tourism and economic development may vary depending on factors such as location, quality, and relevance to the local context.
5. Investing in public artworks reflects a commitment to cultural preservation and creativity, enriching the urban environment for present and future generations.5. Governments should prioritize addressing basic needs and improving quality of life for all residents before investing in non-essential projects like public artworks.

Conclusion: While allocating resources towards public artworks can indeed enhance cultural identity and pride in cities, there are valid concerns regarding the allocation of funds and the effectiveness of such projects in achieving their intended goals. Finding a balance between investing in cultural enrichment and addressing pressing needs is crucial for sustainable urban development.

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