100 Từ Vựng Tiếng Anh Về Thương Binh Liệt Sĩ

100 Từ Vựng Tiếng Anh Về Thương Binh Liệt Sĩ

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Nhân dịp ngày 27/07 – ngày thương binh liệt sĩ, TRI soạn sẵn 100 từ vựng tiếng Anh liên quan đến thương binh liệt sĩ dành cho các bạn viết bài luận về vấn đề này. Đây là những từ hữu ích giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về các khái niệm, sự kiện, và con người liên quan đến lĩnh vực này.

100 Từ Vựng Tiếng Anh Về Thương Binh Liệt Sĩ

  1. Veteran – Cựu chiến binh
  2. Martyr – Liệt sĩ
  3. Soldier – Người lính
  4. Hero – Anh hùng
  5. War – Chiến tranh
  6. Battle – Trận chiến
  7. Conflict – Xung đột
  8. Sacrifice – Hy sinh
  9. Courage – Sự dũng cảm
  10. Honor – Vinh dự
  11. Duty – Nhiệm vụ
  12. Service – Phục vụ
  13. Patriot – Người yêu nước
  14. Memorial – Đài tưởng niệm
  15. Remembrance – Sự tưởng nhớ
  16. Freedom – Tự do
  17. Independence – Độc lập
  18. Protection – Bảo vệ
  19. Bravery – Sự dũng cảm
  20. Loyalty – Lòng trung thành
  21. Peace – Hòa bình
  22. Unity – Sự đoàn kết
  23. Country – Đất nước
  24. Flag – Lá cờ
  25. Anthem – Quốc ca
  26. Legacy – Di sản
  27. Tribute – Tưởng niệm
  28. Honorary – Danh dự
  29. Recognition – Sự công nhận
  30. Wreath – Vòng hoa
  31. Ceremony – Buổi lễ
  32. Commemoration – Kỷ niệm
  33. Monument – Tượng đài
  34. Grave – Mộ
  35. Tomb – Lăng mộ
  36. Cemetery – Nghĩa trang
  37. Legacy – Di sản
  38. Valor – Lòng dũng cảm
  39. Combat – Chiến đấu
  40. Conflict – Xung đột
  41. Infantry – Bộ binh
  42. Navy – Hải quân
  43. Airforce – Không quân
  44. Medal – Huy chương
  45. Award – Giải thưởng
  46. Badge – Huy hiệu
  47. Uniform – Đồng phục
  48. Regiment – Trung đoàn
  49. Brigade – Lữ đoàn
  50. Division – Sư đoàn
  51. Platoon – Trung đội
  52. Company – Đại đội
  53. Battalion – Tiểu đoàn
  54. Artillery – Pháo binh
  55. Armor – Thiết giáp
  56. Cavalry – Kỵ binh
  57. Enlist – Đăng ký nhập ngũ
  58. Draft – Lệnh nhập ngũ
  59. Rank – Cấp bậc
  60. Commander – Chỉ huy
  61. Officer – Sĩ quan
  62. Sergeant – Trung sĩ
  63. Corporal – Hạ sĩ
  64. Private – Binh nhì
  65. Cadet – Học viên sĩ quan
  66. Deployment – Sự triển khai
  67. Engagement – Giao tranh
  68. Operation – Chiến dịch
  69. Reinforcement – Viện trợ
  70. Reconnaissance – Trinh sát
  71. Intelligence – Tình báo
  72. Casualty – Thương vong
  73. Wounded – Bị thương
  74. Injured – Bị thương
  75. Killed – Tử trận
  76. Missing – Mất tích
  77. POW (Prisoner of War) – Tù binh chiến tranh
  78. MIA (Missing in Action) – Mất tích khi chiến đấu
  79. Rehabilitation – Phục hồi chức năng
  80. Veteran Affairs – Cựu chiến binh
  81. Military Hospital – Bệnh viện quân y
  82. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) – Rối loạn căng thẳng sau chấn thương
  83. Valor – Lòng dũng cảm
  84. Honor Guard – Đội danh dự
  85. Salute – Chào
  86. Retreat – Rút lui
  87. Advance – Tiến công
  88. Tactics – Chiến thuật
  89. Strategy – Chiến lược
  90. Armistice – Đình chiến
  91. Truce – Ngừng bắn
  92. Victory – Chiến thắng
  93. Defeat – Thất bại
  94. Liberation – Giải phóng
  95. Occupation – Chiếm đóng
  96. Guerrilla – Du kích
  97. Militia – Dân quân tự vệ
  98. Draft – Lệnh gọi nhập ngũ
  99. Enlist – Nhập ngũ
  100. Deployment – Sự triển khai

Bài tập

  1. A ______ is a person who has served in the military. (Veteran)
  2. A ______ is someone who died for their country. (Martyr)
  3. A ______ fights in a war. (Soldier)
  4. A ______ is someone admired for their courage. (Hero)
  5. ______ is a state of armed conflict between different countries or groups. (War)
  6. A ______ is a fight between armed forces. (Battle)
  7. ______ refers to a serious disagreement or argument. (Conflict)
  8. ______ means giving up something valued for others. (Sacrifice)
  9. ______ is the ability to face danger without fear. (Courage)
  10. Receiving ______ is a sign of respect and admiration. (Honor)
  11. A soldier’s ______ is to serve their country. (Duty)
  12. Military ______ means working for the armed forces. (Service)
  13. A ______ is a person who loves and defends their country. (Patriot)
  14. A ______ is built to remember those who died in war. (Memorial)
  15. ______ is the act of honoring the memory of someone. (Remembrance)
  16. Soldiers fight to protect our ______. (Freedom)
  17. Many wars are fought for ______ from other nations. (Independence)
  18. ______ of the nation is the military’s primary role. (Protection)
  19. ______ is another word for bravery. (Valor)
  20. ______ is a state of tranquility and harmony. (Peace)
  21. ______ is important for a strong nation. (Unity)
  22. Soldiers serve to protect their ______. (Country)
  23. The national ______ is a symbol of the country. (Flag)
  24. The national ______ is sung to honor the country. (Anthem)
  25. The ______ of fallen soldiers is their enduring influence. (Legacy)
  26. We pay ______ to the heroes of war. (Tribute)
  27. The ______ title is given to those honored for bravery. (Honorary)
  28. ______ is when someone’s achievements are formally acknowledged. (Recognition)
  29. A ______ is placed on a grave to honor the dead. (Wreath)
  30. A ______ is held to honor military heroes. (Ceremony)
  31. ______ events are held to remember the fallen. (Commemoration)
  32. A ______ is a structure to remember those who died in war. (Monument)
  33. A soldier’s ______ is their final resting place. (Grave)
  34. A ______ is a large and impressive burial chamber. (Tomb)
  35. Soldiers are often buried in a ______. (Cemetery)
  36. The ______ of heroes is remembered by all. (Legacy)
  37. ______ is shown by those who fight bravely. (Valor)
  38. ______ is direct fighting between armed forces. (Combat)
  39. ______ arises from differences between groups or nations. (Conflict)
  40. The ______ is the ground fighting force of the military. (Infantry)
  41. The ______ operates at sea. (Navy)
  42. The ______ is responsible for aerial warfare. (Airforce)
  43. A ______ is given for acts of bravery. (Medal)
  44. An ______ is received in recognition of achievement. (Award)
  45. A ______ is worn to show military rank or achievement. (Badge)
  46. Soldiers wear a ______ as part of their official attire. (Uniform)
  47. A ______ is a large unit of soldiers. (Regiment)
  48. A ______ is a military unit typically consisting of 3,000 to 5,000 soldiers. (Brigade)
  49. A ______ is a military formation usually consisting of 10,000 to 20,000 soldiers. (Division)
  50. A ______ is a small military unit led by a lieutenant. (Platoon)
  51. A ______ is a military unit typically led by a captain. (Company)
  52. A ______ consists of several companies. (Battalion)
  53. ______ is the branch of the military using large guns. (Artillery)
  54. ______ refers to military vehicles protected by armor. (Armor)
  55. ______ are soldiers who fight on horseback or in armored vehicles. (Cavalry)
  56. Soldiers can ______ in the military at any recruiting office. (Enlist)
  57. During a _______, men are required to join the military. (Draft)
  58. A soldier’s ______ determines their level of responsibility. (Rank)
  59. The ______ is the person in charge of a military unit. (Commander)
  60. An ______ is a member of the armed forces who holds a position of authority. (Officer)
  61. A ______ is a non-commissioned officer in the army or marines. (Sergeant)
  62. A ______ is a low-ranking non-commissioned officer. (Corporal)
  63. The most junior rank in the army is ______. (Private)
  64. A ______ is a young trainee in a military academy. (Cadet)
  65. Military ______ involves sending soldiers to specific locations. (Deployment)
  66. ______ is a term for engaging in military action. (Engagement)
  67. A military ______ is a coordinated action plan. (Operation)
  68. ______ refers to additional troops sent to support others. (Reinforcement)
  69. ______ missions gather information about the enemy. (Reconnaissance)
  70. ______ involves gathering and analyzing information about the enemy. (Intelligence)
  71. A ______ is someone who is injured or killed in war. (Casualty)
  72. ______ soldiers are those hurt in battle. (Wounded)
  73. ______ means having physical harm. (Injured)
  74. A ______ soldier has lost their life in combat. (Killed)
  75. ______ soldiers are unaccounted for after a battle. (Missing)
  76. A ______ is someone captured and held by the enemy. (POW)
  77. ______ stands for Missing in Action. (MIA)
  78. ______ programs help injured soldiers recover. (Rehabilitation)
  79. ______ handle services and benefits for veterans. (Veteran Affairs)
  80. Injured soldiers receive care at a ______. (Military Hospital)
  81. ______ is a mental health condition affecting some veterans. (PTSD)
  82. Acts of ______ are honored with medals and ceremonies. (Valor)
  83. The ______ participates in ceremonial events. (Honor Guard)
  84. Soldiers ______ to show respect. (Salute)
  85. A ______ is a withdrawal of troops. (Retreat)
  86. Troops ______ towards the enemy. (Advance)
  87. Military ______ are the plans for fighting. (Tactics)
  88. ______ is the overall plan for achieving military objectives. (Strategy)
  89. An ______ is an agreement to stop fighting. (Armistice)
  90. A ______ is a temporary cessation of hostilities. (Truce)
  91. ______ is the successful outcome of a battle or war. (Victory)
  92. ______ means losing in a battle or war. (Defeat)
  93. ______ is the act of freeing a country or area. (Liberation)
  94. ______ refers to the control of a country by foreign military forces. (Occupation)
  95. ______ warfare involves irregular military actions by small groups. (Guerrilla)
  96. A ______ is a military force raised from the civil population. (Militia)
  97. A ______ is a call to enlist in the armed forces. (Draft)
  98. To ______ is to sign up for military service. (Enlist)
  99. The ______ of troops means sending them to a specific area. (Deployment)

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