IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 50

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 50

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 50:

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 50:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The government should ban plastic bags. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

The issue of plastic pollution has become a pressing environmental concern, leading to calls for the government to ban plastic bags. While I agree that reducing plastic bag usage is crucial for environmental protection, I believe a complete ban may not be the most effective solution. Instead, a combination of strict regulations and public education would yield better results.

Firstly, the detrimental effects of plastic bags on the environment cannot be overstated. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, taking hundreds of years to decompose, and often end up in oceans and other natural habitats, posing significant risks to wildlife. Marine animals, for instance, frequently ingest plastic debris, which can lead to injury or death. Moreover, plastic bags contribute to soil and water pollution, further exacerbating environmental degradation. In light of these facts, reducing plastic bag usage is imperative.

However, an outright ban on plastic bags may lead to unintended consequences. For many people, especially those in lower-income communities, plastic bags are a convenient and cost-effective option for carrying goods. Banning them without providing affordable and accessible alternatives could cause inconvenience and economic strain. Additionally, a sudden ban might lead to increased use of other disposable bags, such as paper or cloth, which also have environmental impacts, including higher water and energy consumption during production.

A more balanced approach would involve implementing stringent regulations on plastic bag production and usage. For example, imposing taxes on plastic bags can discourage their use while generating revenue for environmental programs. Governments could also mandate the use of biodegradable or reusable bags, ensuring that alternatives are both environmentally friendly and widely available. Furthermore, public education campaigns are essential to raise awareness about the environmental impact of plastic bags and to promote sustainable habits among consumers.

In conclusion, while the government should take decisive action to curb plastic bag pollution, a complete ban may not be the most practical or effective solution. Instead, a multifaceted approach combining regulation, alternative solutions, and education would better address the issue, ensuring both environmental protection and public convenience.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Sentence Structures and Grammatical Structures

  1. Complex Sentences:
    • “While I agree that reducing plastic bag usage is crucial for environmental protection, I believe a complete ban may not be the most effective solution.”
    • “For many people, especially those in lower-income communities, plastic bags are a convenient and cost-effective option for carrying goods.”
    • “In light of these facts, reducing plastic bag usage is imperative.”
  2. Compound Sentences:
    • “Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, taking hundreds of years to decompose, and often end up in oceans and other natural habitats, posing significant risks to wildlife.”
    • “Governments could also mandate the use of biodegradable or reusable bags, ensuring that alternatives are both environmentally friendly and widely available.”
  3. Simple Sentences:
    • “A more balanced approach would involve implementing stringent regulations on plastic bag production and usage.”
    • “Marine animals, for instance, frequently ingest plastic debris, which can lead to injury or death.”
  4. Relative Clauses:
    • “Marine animals, for instance, frequently ingest plastic debris, which can lead to injury or death.”
    • “Additionally, a sudden ban might lead to increased use of other disposable bags, such as paper or cloth, which also have environmental impacts.”
  5. Passive Voice:
    • “Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, taking hundreds of years to decompose.”
    • “Public education campaigns are essential to raise awareness about the environmental impact of plastic bags.”

Connectors and Linking Words

  1. Introduction of Ideas:
    • “Firstly”
    • “For example”
    • “In conclusion”
  2. Adding Information:
    • “Moreover”
    • “Furthermore”
    • “Additionally”
  3. Contrast and Concession:
    • “While”
    • “However”
    • “Instead”
  4. Cause and Effect:
    • “Leading to”
    • “Due to”
    • “Resulting in”
  5. Conclusion:
    • “In light of these facts”
    • “In conclusion”
    • “Instead”

Example Sentences Using These Structures and Connectors

  1. Complex Sentence with Contrast:
    • “While I agree that reducing plastic bag usage is crucial for environmental protection, I believe a complete ban may not be the most effective solution.”
  2. Compound Sentence with Addition:
    • “Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, taking hundreds of years to decompose, and often end up in oceans and other natural habitats, posing significant risks to wildlife.”
  3. Relative Clause with Example:
    • “Marine animals, for instance, frequently ingest plastic debris, which can lead to injury or death.”
  4. Passive Voice with Cause and Effect:
    • “Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, taking hundreds of years to decompose.”

By using a variety of sentence structures and connectors, the essay maintains a clear and coherent flow of ideas while effectively addressing the topic.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Pressing – Cấp bách
  2. Environmental – Thuộc về môi trường
  3. Concern – Mối quan ngại
  4. Ban – Cấm
  5. Reduce – Giảm
  6. Crucial – Quan trọng
  7. Protection – Sự bảo vệ
  8. Complete – Hoàn toàn
  9. Effective – Hiệu quả
  10. Solution – Giải pháp
  11. Combination – Sự kết hợp
  12. Strict – Nghiêm ngặt
  13. Regulations – Quy định
  14. Public education – Giáo dục công cộng
  15. Detrimental – Gây hại
  16. Non-biodegradable – Không phân hủy sinh học
  17. Decompose – Phân hủy
  18. Habitats – Môi trường sống
  19. Significant – Đáng kể
  20. Risks – Rủi ro
  21. Marine animals – Động vật biển
  22. Ingest – Nuốt vào
  23. Debris – Mảnh vụn
  24. Injury – Tổn thương
  25. Soil – Đất
  26. Water pollution – Ô nhiễm nước
  27. Environmental degradation – Suy thoái môi trường
  28. Income – Thu nhập
  29. Convenient – Thuận tiện
  30. Affordable – Phải chăng
  31. Alternatives – Lựa chọn thay thế
  32. Disposable – Dùng một lần
  33. Higher consumption – Tiêu thụ cao hơn
  34. Balanced approach – Cách tiếp cận cân bằng
  35. Production – Sản xuất
  36. Imposing taxes – Áp thuế
  37. Discourage – Ngăn cản
  38. Revenue – Doanh thu
  39. Mandate – Yêu cầu
  40. Biodegradable – Phân hủy sinh học
  41. Awareness – Nhận thức
  42. Sustainable habits – Thói quen bền vững
  43. Decisive action – Hành động quyết đoán
  44. Practical – Thực tế
  45. Multifaceted approach – Cách tiếp cận nhiều mặt
  46. Convenience – Sự thuận tiện

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