Bài tập Listening 37: The Importance of Water Conservation

Bài tập Listening 37: The Importance of Water Conservation

Bài luyện tập Listening có chủ đề về sự quan trọng của việc bảo tồn nước. Sau đây chúng ta sẽ lắng nghe phần Audio thật kỹ để trả lời các các câu hỏi của Seciton.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Bài luyện tập Listening có chủ đề về sự quan trọng của việc bảo tồn nước. Sau đây chúng ta sẽ lắng nghe phần Audio thật kỹ để trả lời các các câu hỏi của Seciton.

Bài Listening


Section 1: Short Conversations

Instructions: Listen to the following short conversations and answer the questions.

Conversation 1


  1. How much water does an average person use per day?
  2. Name one method mentioned to reduce water usage at home.

Conversation 2


  1. What problem in agriculture is discussed?
  2. What solution is suggested for the irrigation issue?

Section 2: Lecture Excerpt


  1. By what year is it estimated that two-thirds of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas?
  2. Name two water conservation strategies mentioned in the lecture.
  3. What is one water-saving habit individuals can adopt according to the lecture?


  1. By what year is it estimated that two-thirds of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas?
  2. Name two water conservation strategies mentioned in the lecture.
  3. What is one water-saving habit individuals can adopt according to the lecture?

Section 3: Multiple Choice Questions

Instructions: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answer.


  1. What is one of the main causes of water shortages mentioned in the passage?
    • a) Over-extraction of groundwater
    • b) Increasing population
    • c) Industrial growth
  2. Which of the following is a suggested measure to promote sustainable water use?
    • a) Building more dams
    • b) Enhancing water recycling processes
    • c) Expanding urban areas
  3. What role do education and awareness campaigns play according to the passage?
    • a) Reducing industrial water use
    • b) Encouraging communities to conserve water
    • c) Increasing agricultural production

Section 4: Gap Fill Exercise

Passage: “Water conservation is critical for maintaining a sustainable environment. One effective way to conserve water is by ___________ (1) water leaks in homes and buildings. Additionally, using ___________ (2) toilets and showerheads can significantly reduce water usage. Another important strategy is to ___________ (3) water consumption in agriculture by adopting modern irrigation techniques. Moreover, ___________ (4) awareness about the importance of water conservation can lead to more responsible water use by individuals and communities.”


Section 1: Short Conversations

  1. Conversation 1:Questions and Answers:
    1. How much water does an average person use per day?
      • Answer: Around 80-100 gallons.
    2. Name one method mentioned to reduce water usage at home.
      • Answer: Fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, or taking shorter showers.
  2. Conversation 2:Questions and Answers:
    1. What problem in agriculture is discussed?
      • Answer: Water wastage due to irrigation.
    2. What solution is suggested for the irrigation issue?
      • Answer: Switching to drip irrigation.

Section 2: Lecture Excerpt

Questions and Answers:

  1. By what year is it estimated that two-thirds of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas?
    • Answer: By 2025.
  2. Name two water conservation strategies mentioned in the lecture.
    • Answer: Reducing water waste, improving water management systems, promoting the use of alternative water sources such as rainwater harvesting.
  3. What is one water-saving habit individuals can adopt according to the lecture?
    • Answer: Using low-flow fixtures, turning off the tap while brushing teeth, or watering plants during cooler parts of the day.

Section 3: Multiple Choice Questions

Questions and Answers:

  1. What is one of the main causes of water shortages mentioned in the passage?
    • a) Over-extraction of groundwater
    • b) Increasing population
    • c) Industrial growth
    • Answer: a) Over-extraction of groundwater
  2. Which of the following is a suggested measure to promote sustainable water use?
    • a) Building more dams
    • b) Enhancing water recycling processes
    • c) Expanding urban areas
    • Answer: b) Enhancing water recycling processes
  3. What role do education and awareness campaigns play according to the passage?
    • a) Reducing industrial water use
    • b) Encouraging communities to conserve water
    • c) Increasing agricultural production
    • Answer: b) Encouraging communities to conserve water

Section 4: Gap Fill Exercise


  1. fixing
  2. low-flow
  3. optimize
  4. raising

Audio Scirpt

Section 1: Short Conversations

Instructions: Listen to the following short conversations and answer the questions.

Conversation 1:

  • Speaker A: Did you know that an average person uses around 80-100 gallons of water per day?Speaker B: Really? That’s a lot! How can we reduce our water usage at home?Speaker A: Well, simple actions like fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and taking shorter showers can make a big difference.
Conversation 2:
  • Speaker A: I read an article about how much water is wasted due to irrigation in agriculture.Speaker B: Yes, inefficient irrigation systems are a major issue. Switching to drip irrigation can save a lot of water.Speaker A: That’s true. It’s important for farmers to adopt more sustainable practices.

    Section 2: Lecture Excerpt

    Instructions: Listen to the excerpt from a lecture on water conservation and answer the following questions.

    Lecture: “Water is an essential resource for all forms of life on Earth. However, with the growing global population and climate change, water scarcity has become a pressing issue. It is estimated that by 2025, nearly two-thirds of the world’s population will live in water-stressed areas. To combat this, water conservation strategies are vital. These include reducing water waste, improving water management systems, and promoting the use of alternative water sources such as rainwater harvesting. Individuals can contribute by adopting water-saving habits in their daily lives, such as using low-flow fixtures, turning off the tap while brushing teeth, and watering plants during cooler parts of the day to reduce evaporation.”

    Section 3: Multiple Choice Questions

    Instructions: Listen to the passage and choose the correct answer.

    Passage: “Freshwater is a limited resource that is essential for human survival, agriculture, and industry. Despite this, many regions are experiencing severe water shortages. Over-extraction of groundwater, pollution, and inefficient water use are key contributors to this crisis. To address these issues, it is crucial to implement policies that promote sustainable water use. For instance, investing in advanced irrigation techniques, enhancing water recycling processes, and protecting natural water bodies from contamination are effective measures. Education and awareness campaigns can also play a significant role in encouraging communities to conserve water.”

    Section 4: Gap Fill Exercise

    Instructions: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct words.

    Passage: “Water conservation is critical for maintaining a sustainable environment. One effective way to conserve water is by fixing water leaks in homes and buildings. Additionally, using low-flow toilets and showerheads can significantly reduce water usage. Another important strategy is to optimize water consumption in agriculture by adopting modern irrigation techniques. Moreover, raising awareness about the importance of water conservation can lead to more responsible water use by individuals and communities.”

    Học lại bài cũ: Bài tập Listening 36: Cybersecurity and Online Safety.

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