Emphatic Structures Practice và 100 câu bài tập

Emphatic Structures Practice và 100 câu bài tập

Emphatic structures trong tiếng Anh là các cấu trúc được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh một phần cụ thể của câu. Điều này có thể bao gồm việc nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ, động từ, tân ngữ, hoặc các trạng từ. Có một số cách phổ biến để tạo các câu nhấn mạnh trong tiếng Anh.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Emphatic structures trong tiếng Anh là các cấu trúc được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh một phần cụ thể của câu. Điều này có thể bao gồm việc nhấn mạnh chủ ngữ, động từ, tân ngữ, hoặc các trạng từ. Có một số cách phổ biến để tạo các câu nhấn mạnh trong tiếng Anh.

Lý Thuyết về Emphatic Structures

  1. Cleft Sentences (Câu phân tách):
    • It is/was… that…: Được dùng để nhấn mạnh một phần của câu.
      • Ví dụ: It was John who broke the window.
    • What… is/was…: Được dùng để nhấn mạnh một hành động hoặc sự việc.
      • Ví dụ: What I need is a new computer.
  2. Inversion (Đảo ngữ):
    • Được sử dụng với các trạng từ phủ định hoặc hạn chế ở đầu câu.
      • Ví dụ: Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
  3. Fronting (Đảo phần đầu câu):
    • Đưa một phần của câu lên đầu để nhấn mạnh.
      • Ví dụ: Amazing, it was.
  4. Use of Auxiliary Verbs (Sử dụng trợ động từ):
    • Sử dụng trợ động từ để nhấn mạnh hành động.
      • Ví dụ: I do like chocolate.
  5. Adding Emphatic Words (Thêm các từ nhấn mạnh):
    • Sử dụng các từ như really, very, so, such.
      • Ví dụ: She is really talented.

Bài Tập Về Emphatic Structures (Gap Filling)

Dưới đây là 100 câu bài tập về Emphatic Structures dạng điền vào chỗ trống. Học sinh cần điền từ hoặc cụm từ thích hợp để hoàn thành câu sao cho ý nghĩa được nhấn mạnh rõ ràng.

  1. It was _______ who found the missing keys.
  2. What I need _______ a good night’s sleep.
  3. Never _______ I seen such a beautiful painting.
  4. Little _______ she know about the surprise party.
  5. What they wanted _______ a fair chance to prove themselves.
  6. It was _______ who first noticed the fire.
  7. Seldom _______ you find such a peaceful place.
  8. It is not until you lose something _______ you realize its value.
  9. Only by working hard _______ you achieve your dreams.
  10. Not only _______ he talented, but he is also very humble.
  11. It was in Paris _______ they met for the first time.
  12. What they did _______ unbelievable.
  13. Rarely _______ such dedication in a young artist.
  14. What _______ most about the job is the teamwork.
  15. It was the noise _______ kept me awake all night.
  16. Never before _______ such a rapid development.
  17. What I love _______ how you always stay positive.
  18. It was yesterday _______ I saw him at the market.
  19. Only then _______ realize the true meaning of friendship.
  20. What she said _______ very surprising.
  21. No sooner _______ the meeting start than the fire alarm went off.
  22. It was his determination _______ made him succeed.
  23. What they are planning _______ very ambitious.
  24. Barely _______ we finish our meal when it started to rain.
  25. What he needs _______ a bit more confidence.
  26. It was the first time _______ she had seen the ocean.
  27. Not until the end of the movie _______ understand the plot twist.
  28. It is the simplicity _______ makes this design so special.
  29. What she wrote _______ truly inspiring.
  30. Only by listening carefully _______ you understand the message.
  31. It was the warmth _______ drew us to the place.
  32. Hardly _______ he reached home when the storm broke out.
  33. What surprises me _______ her resilience.
  34. It was his quick thinking _______ saved the day.
  35. What she discovered _______ beyond imagination.
  36. Only after losing her _______ he realized her worth.
  37. What they achieved _______ nothing short of a miracle.
  38. It was through perseverance _______ they overcame the obstacles.
  39. What motivates him _______ the desire to help others.
  40. Little _______ she realize the impact of her words.
  41. It was their hard work _______ brought them success.
  42. What they need _______ more time to prepare.
  43. Scarcely _______ the concert start when it began to rain.
  44. What amazes me _______ his ability to stay calm.
  45. It was the music _______ lifted everyone’s spirits.
  46. What she did _______ truly remarkable.
  47. Only by understanding the past _______ we move forward.
  48. What impressed me _______ his dedication.
  49. It was their kindness _______ touched my heart.
  50. Rarely _______ you see such generosity.
  51. It was the best meal _______ I had ever tasted.
  52. What they created _______ a masterpiece.
  53. Not until I met him _______ understand true kindness.
  54. It was the determination _______ led to their victory.
  55. What we need now _______ a plan of action.
  56. Never again _______ I make that mistake.
  57. It was her idea _______ changed everything.
  58. What surprised them _______ his honesty.
  59. Only by working together _______ achieve our goals.
  60. What I found _______ very interesting.
  61. It was the teamwork _______ made the project successful.
  62. What I like _______ how they approach problems.
  63. Hardly _______ she enter the room when everyone started clapping.
  64. It was their persistence _______ paid off in the end.
  65. What he brought _______ exactly what we needed.
  66. Rarely _______ you meet someone so kind.
  67. It was the first time _______ they traveled abroad.
  68. What she learned _______ invaluable.
  69. Only then _______ realize the importance of the lesson.
  70. What we saw _______ breathtaking.
  71. It was the honesty _______ won him respect.
  72. What I remember _______ his smile.
  73. Hardly _______ the train leave the station when it started to rain.
  74. It was his suggestion _______ solved the problem.
  75. What they achieved _______ commendable.
  76. Not until the last minute _______ he complete the project.
  77. It is the diversity _______ makes this city so vibrant.
  78. What she appreciated _______ their support.
  79. Only by trying _______ we learn our limits.
  80. What he shared _______ very insightful.
  81. It was the enthusiasm _______ inspired everyone.
  82. What I felt _______ pure joy.
  83. Barely _______ the show begin when the lights went out.
  84. It was the precision _______ impressed the judges.
  85. What they discussed _______ very important.
  86. Never _______ I seen such a stunning performance.
  87. It was her bravery _______ everyone admired.
  88. What he did _______ very courageous.
  89. Only by exploring _______ discover new things.
  90. What we experienced _______ unforgettable.
  91. It was the patience _______ helped him succeed.
  92. What she mentioned _______ worth considering.
  93. Hardly _______ he finish speaking when the crowd erupted.
  94. It was the creativity _______ set them apart.
  95. What he offered _______ exactly what we needed.
  96. Rarely _______ you encounter such talent.
  97. It was the first time _______ I heard that song.
  98. What he discovered _______ amazing.
  99. Only then _______ understand the significance of the moment.
  100. What they proposed _______ very interesting.

Đáp án 100 câu bài tập về Emphatic Structures

  1. It was John who found the missing keys.
  2. What I need is a good night’s sleep.
  3. Never have I seen such a beautiful painting.
  4. Little did she know about the surprise party.
  5. What they wanted was a fair chance to prove themselves.
  6. It was Mary who first noticed the fire.
  7. Seldom do you find such a peaceful place.
  8. It is not until you lose something that you realize its value.
  9. Only by working hard can you achieve your dreams.
  10. Not only is he talented, but he is also very humble.
  11. It was in Paris that they met for the first time.
  12. What they did was unbelievable.
  13. Rarely do you see such dedication in a young artist.
  14. What matters most about the job is the teamwork.
  15. It was the noise that kept me awake all night.
  16. Never before have I seen such a rapid development.
  17. What I love is how you always stay positive.
  18. It was yesterday that I saw him at the market.
  19. Only then did I realize the true meaning of friendship.
  20. What she said was very surprising.
  21. No sooner had the meeting start than the fire alarm went off.
  22. It was his determination that made him succeed.
  23. What they are planning is very ambitious.
  24. Barely had we finish our meal when it started to rain.
  25. What he needs is a bit more confidence.
  26. It was the first time that she had seen the ocean.
  27. Not until the end of the movie did I understand the plot twist.
  28. It is the simplicity that makes this design so special.
  29. What she wrote was truly inspiring.
  30. Only by listening carefully can you understand the message.
  31. It was the warmth that drew us to the place.
  32. Hardly had he reached home when the storm broke out.
  33. What surprises me is her resilience.
  34. It was his quick thinking that saved the day.
  35. What she discovered was beyond imagination.
  36. Only after losing her did he realize her worth.
  37. What they achieved was nothing short of a miracle.
  38. It was through perseverance that they overcame the obstacles.
  39. What motivates him is the desire to help others.
  40. Little did she realize the impact of her words.
  41. It was their hard work that brought them success.
  42. What they need is more time to prepare.
  43. Scarcely had the concert start when it began to rain.
  44. What amazes me is his ability to stay calm.
  45. It was the music that lifted everyone’s spirits.
  46. What she did was truly remarkable.
  47. Only by understanding the past can we move forward.
  48. What impressed me was his dedication.
  49. It was their kindness that touched my heart.
  50. Rarely do you see such generosity.
  51. It was the best meal that I had ever tasted.
  52. What they created was a masterpiece.
  53. Not until I met him did I understand true kindness.
  54. It was the determination that led to their victory.
  55. What we need now is a plan of action.
  56. Never again will I make that mistake.
  57. It was her idea that changed everything.
  58. What surprised them was his honesty.
  59. Only by working together can we achieve our goals.
  60. What I found was very interesting.
  61. It was the teamwork that made the project successful.
  62. What I like is how they approach problems.
  63. Hardly had she enter the room when everyone started clapping.
  64. It was their persistence that paid off in the end.
  65. What he brought was exactly what we needed.
  66. Rarely do you meet someone so kind.
  67. It was the first time that they traveled abroad.
  68. What she learned was invaluable.
  69. Only then did I realize the importance of the lesson.
  70. What we saw was breathtaking.
  71. It was the honesty that won him respect.
  72. What I remember is his smile.
  73. Hardly had the train leave the station when it started to rain.
  74. It was his suggestion that solved the problem.
  75. What they achieved was commendable.
  76. Not until the last minute did he complete the project.
  77. It is the diversity that makes this city so vibrant.
  78. What she appreciated was their support.
  79. Only by trying do we learn our limits.
  80. What he shared was very insightful.
  81. It was the enthusiasm that inspired everyone.
  82. What I felt was pure joy.
  83. Barely had the show begin when the lights went out.
  84. It was the precision that impressed the judges.
  85. What they discussed was very important.
  86. Never have I seen such a stunning performance.
  87. It was her bravery that everyone admired.
  88. What he did was very courageous.
  89. Only by exploring can we discover new things.
  90. What we experienced was unforgettable.
  91. It was the patience that helped him succeed.
  92. What she mentioned was worth considering.
  93. Hardly had he finish speaking when the crowd erupted.
  94. It was the creativity that set them apart.
  95. What he offered was exactly what we needed.
  96. Rarely do you encounter such talent.
  97. It was the first time that I heard that song.
  98. What he discovered was amazing.
  99. Only then did I understand the significance of the moment.
  100. What they proposed was very interesting.

Học lại bài cũ: Subjunctive Mood Drills và 100 câu bài tập.

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