IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 13

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 13

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 13:

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 13:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Space exploration is a waste of money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

The topic of space exploration often sparks debate about its necessity and financial justification. Some argue that it is a waste of money, especially given the numerous issues that require attention on Earth. However, others believe that space exploration is a vital investment for the future. In this essay, I will argue that while there are valid concerns regarding the costs, the benefits of space exploration make it a worthwhile investment.

Firstly, the technological advancements resulting from space exploration have had significant positive impacts on various aspects of life on Earth. Innovations such as satellite communications, GPS technology, and weather forecasting systems are direct outcomes of space research. These technologies have transformed the way we live, work, and interact, demonstrating that the investment in space exploration yields practical and widespread benefits.

Moreover, space exploration drives scientific progress and stimulates interest in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. The pursuit of knowledge about the universe fosters curiosity and inspires the next generation of scientists, engineers, and researchers. This, in turn, contributes to the development of new technologies and solutions to global challenges, further justifying the expenditure on space programs.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that the costs of space exploration are substantial, and there are pressing issues on Earth that demand immediate attention and funding. Problems such as poverty, healthcare, education, and climate change arguably deserve more direct investment. Critics of space exploration contend that resources could be better allocated to address these urgent concerns.

Nonetheless, it is not a zero-sum game. Investment in space exploration does not necessarily mean neglecting terrestrial issues. In fact, many advancements made through space research have applications that benefit Earth directly. For instance, environmental monitoring satellites help track climate change and natural disasters, aiding in the mitigation of their impacts.

In conclusion, while the cost of space exploration is high and there are immediate needs on Earth, the long-term benefits and technological advancements it brings cannot be overlooked. Space exploration should be viewed as a complementary investment that drives innovation and addresses both extraterrestrial and terrestrial issues. Therefore, I partially agree with the notion that the money spent on space exploration is justified, provided it is balanced with addressing critical issues on Earth.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Cấu trúc câu

  1. Câu đơn:
    • “However, others believe that space exploration is a vital investment for the future.”
    • “In this essay, I will argue that while there are valid concerns regarding the costs, the benefits of space exploration make it a worthwhile investment.”
    • “Problems such as poverty, healthcare, education, and climate change arguably deserve more direct investment.”
  2. Câu phức:
    • “Some argue that it is a waste of money, especially given the numerous issues that require attention on Earth.”
    • “Firstly, the technological advancements resulting from space exploration have had significant positive impacts on various aspects of life on Earth.”
    • “The pursuit of knowledge about the universe fosters curiosity and inspires the next generation of scientists, engineers, and researchers.”
  3. Câu ghép:
    • “However, it is essential to acknowledge that the costs of space exploration are substantial, and there are pressing issues on Earth that demand immediate attention and funding.”
    • “Nonetheless, it is not a zero-sum game.”
    • “In fact, many advancements made through space research have applications that benefit Earth directly.”

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp

  1. Mệnh đề quan hệ:
    • “that require attention on Earth.”
    • “that drives innovation and addresses both extraterrestrial and terrestrial challenges.”
  2. Cụm phân từ:
    • “resulting from space exploration”
    • “made through space research”
  3. Câu bị động:
    • “the benefits of space exploration make it a worthwhile investment.”
    • “the long-term benefits and technological advancements it brings cannot be overlooked.”
  4. Câu điều kiện:
    • “provided it is balanced with addressing critical issues on Earth.”

Từ kết nối các câu và các đoạn

  1. Liên từ chỉ sự đối lập:
    • However: “However, others believe that space exploration is a vital investment for the future.”
    • Nonetheless: “Nonetheless, it is not a zero-sum game.”
  2. Liên từ chỉ nguyên nhân – kết quả:
    • Firstly: “Firstly, the technological advancements resulting from space exploration have had significant positive impacts on various aspects of life on Earth.”
    • Therefore: “Therefore, I partially agree with the notion that the money spent on space exploration is justified.”
  3. Liên từ chỉ thời gian:
    • In this essay: “In this essay, I will argue that while there are valid concerns regarding the costs, the benefits of space exploration make it a worthwhile investment.”
  4. Từ nối chỉ mục đích:
    • In fact: “In fact, many advancements made through space research have applications that benefit Earth directly.”

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Space exploration – thám hiểm không gian
  2. Waste of money – lãng phí tiền bạc
  3. Financial justification – sự biện minh về tài chính
  4. Investment – đầu tư
  5. Technological advancements – các tiến bộ công nghệ
  6. Satellite communications – truyền thông vệ tinh
  7. GPS technology – công nghệ GPS
  8. Weather forecasting systems – hệ thống dự báo thời tiết
  9. Practical and widespread benefits – lợi ích thiết thực và rộng rãi
  10. Scientific progress – tiến bộ khoa học
  11. STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) – khoa học, công nghệ, kỹ thuật và toán học
  12. Global challenges – các thách thức toàn cầu
  13. Substantial – đáng kể
  14. Poverty – nghèo đói
  15. Healthcare – chăm sóc sức khỏe
  16. Education – giáo dục
  17. Climate change – biến đổi khí hậu
  18. Critics – những người chỉ trích
  19. Resources – nguồn lực
  20. Terrestrial issues – các vấn đề trên Trái Đất
  21. Environmental monitoring satellites – các vệ tinh giám sát môi trường
  22. Mitigation – sự giảm thiểu
  23. Extraterrestrial – ngoài Trái Đất
  24. Complementary investment – đầu tư bổ sung
  25. Innovation – sự đổi mới
  26. Critical issues – các vấn đề quan trọng

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