IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 31

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 31

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 31:

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 31:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Genetic engineering should be permitted in agriculture. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

Genetic engineering, the direct manipulation of an organism’s genes, has revolutionized many fields, including agriculture. The question of whether genetic engineering should be permitted in agriculture is contentious, with strong arguments on both sides. This essay will discuss the extent to which genetic engineering in agriculture should be allowed.

Firstly, genetic engineering can significantly enhance agricultural productivity and food security. By modifying crops to be more resistant to pests, diseases, and harsh environmental conditions, farmers can achieve higher yields and more reliable harvests. For instance, genetically engineered crops such as Bt corn, which produces a natural insecticide, have reduced the need for chemical pesticides, leading to lower production costs and less environmental damage. Furthermore, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be engineered to contain higher nutritional content, addressing malnutrition in many parts of the world. For example, Golden Rice, enriched with Vitamin A, aims to combat vitamin deficiencies in developing countries.

Despite these benefits, there are valid concerns about the long-term impacts of genetic engineering on agriculture. One major issue is the potential for unintended consequences, such as the development of superweeds and pest resistance. When crops are engineered to withstand certain herbicides, it can lead to the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds, making weed control more challenging and expensive. Moreover, the reliance on a few genetically modified strains can reduce biodiversity, making crops more vulnerable to diseases and changing environmental conditions. This monoculture approach can threaten food security in the long term.

Another concern is the ethical and socio-economic implications of genetic engineering in agriculture. The technology is often controlled by a few large multinational corporations, which can lead to the monopolization of seed markets and increased dependency of farmers on these companies. This dependency can undermine the autonomy of farmers, especially in developing countries, and exacerbate economic inequalities. Additionally, there are ethical questions regarding the manipulation of natural organisms and the potential risks to human health from consuming GMOs, although scientific consensus generally regards GMOs as safe.

In conclusion, while genetic engineering in agriculture offers significant advantages in terms of increased productivity and enhanced nutritional content, it also poses risks related to environmental sustainability, biodiversity, and socio-economic equity. Therefore, genetic engineering should be permitted in agriculture but with stringent regulations and oversight to mitigate potential negative impacts. This balanced approach would allow society to reap the benefits of genetic engineering while mitigating its drawbacks.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Sentence Structures and Grammar Used in the Essay

Sentence Structures:

  1. Simple Sentences:
    • Genetic engineering, the direct manipulation of an organism’s genes, has revolutionized many fields, including agriculture.
    • This essay will discuss the extent to which genetic engineering in agriculture should be allowed.
    • Bt corn produces a natural insecticide.
    • Golden Rice is enriched with Vitamin A.
  2. Compound Sentences:
    • The question of whether genetic engineering should be permitted in agriculture is contentious, with strong arguments on both sides.
    • For instance, genetically engineered crops such as Bt corn, which produces a natural insecticide, have reduced the need for chemical pesticides, leading to lower production costs and less environmental damage.
  3. Complex Sentences:
    • By modifying crops to be more resistant to pests, diseases, and harsh environmental conditions, farmers can achieve higher yields and more reliable harvests.
    • Despite these benefits, there are valid concerns about the long-term impacts of genetic engineering on agriculture.
    • When crops are engineered to withstand certain herbicides, it can lead to the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds, making weed control more challenging and expensive.
  4. Compound-Complex Sentences:
    • Furthermore, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be engineered to contain higher nutritional content, addressing malnutrition in many parts of the world.
    • Another concern is the ethical and socio-economic implications of genetic engineering in agriculture.
    • This dependency can undermine the autonomy of farmers, especially in developing countries, and exacerbate economic inequalities.


  1. Passive Voice:
    • Genetic engineering should be permitted in agriculture.
    • GMOs can be engineered to contain higher nutritional content.
    • The technology is often controlled by a few large multinational corporations.
  2. Modal Verbs:
    • Genetic engineering should be permitted in agriculture.
    • Farmers can achieve higher yields and more reliable harvests.
    • This balanced approach would allow society to reap the benefits.
  3. Relative Clauses:
    • Genetic engineering, the direct manipulation of an organism’s genes, has revolutionized many fields.
    • Bt corn, which produces a natural insecticide, has reduced the need for chemical pesticides.
    • The technology is often controlled by a few large multinational corporations, which can lead to the monopolization of seed markets.
  4. Conditional Sentences:
    • When crops are engineered to withstand certain herbicides, it can lead to the evolution of herbicide-resistant weeds.
    • If genetic engineering is permitted, it should come with stringent regulations and oversight.

Connective Words:

  1. For Addition:
    • Firstly
    • Furthermore
    • Additionally
  2. For Contrast:
    • Despite these benefits
    • Another concern is
    • Although
  3. For Examples:
    • For instance
    • For example
  4. For Cause and Effect:
    • Leading to
    • Making
    • Allow
  5. For Conclusion:
    • In conclusion
    • Therefore

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Genetic engineering – Kỹ thuật di truyền
  2. Agriculture – Nông nghiệp
  3. Manipulation – Sự điều khiển
  4. Organism’s genes – Gen của sinh vật
  5. Contentious – Gây tranh cãi
  6. Permitted – Được phép
  7. Enhance – Nâng cao
  8. Productivity – Năng suất
  9. Food security – An ninh lương thực
  10. Crops – Cây trồng
  11. Resistant – Kháng cự
  12. Pests – Sâu bọ
  13. Diseases – Bệnh tật
  14. Yields – Sản lượng
  15. Harvests – Mùa thu hoạch
  16. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) – Sinh vật biến đổi gen
  17. Nutritional content – Hàm lượng dinh dưỡng
  18. Malnutrition – Suy dinh dưỡng
  19. Developing countries – Các nước đang phát triển
  20. Unintended consequences – Hậu quả không mong muốn
  21. Superweeds – Cỏ dại siêu kháng
  22. Pest resistance – Sự kháng sâu bệnh
  23. Herbicides – Thuốc diệt cỏ
  24. Biodiversity – Đa dạng sinh học
  25. Monoculture – Độc canh
  26. Ethical implications – Hệ quả đạo đức
  27. Socio-economic implications – Hệ quả kinh tế xã hội
  28. Multinational corporations – Tập đoàn đa quốc gia
  29. Monopolization – Độc quyền
  30. Dependency – Sự phụ thuộc
  31. Autonomy – Sự tự chủ
  32. Scientific consensus – Đồng thuận khoa học
  33. Environmental sustainability – Sự bền vững môi trường
  34. Stringent regulations – Quy định nghiêm ngặt
  35. Oversight – Sự giám sát
  36. Reap the benefits – Gặt hái lợi ích
  37. Mitigating – Giảm nhẹ

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