IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 38

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 38

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 38:

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 38:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Children should start school at a younger age. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

In recent years, there has been an ongoing debate regarding the appropriate age for children to begin formal education. Some advocate for starting school at a younger age, arguing that it provides children with a head start in their academic journey. Others, however, believe that delaying school enrollment allows children more time to develop socially and emotionally. This essay will explore both perspectives and argue that while early schooling has its merits, it should be approached with caution.

Proponents of early school enrollment emphasize the benefits of early cognitive stimulation. They argue that children are highly receptive to learning in their formative years, and starting school earlier can enhance their intellectual development. For instance, exposure to structured learning environments and educational activities at a young age can foster early literacy and numeracy skills. Additionally, early schooling can provide children with opportunities to develop essential social skills by interacting with peers and teachers, which can be beneficial for their overall development.

However, there are compelling reasons to approach early school enrollment with caution. One major concern is the potential for increased stress and pressure on young children. Formal schooling often comes with structured schedules, homework, and assessments, which can be overwhelming for children who are not developmentally ready. Research has shown that children who start school at a younger age may experience higher levels of anxiety and behavioral problems, which can negatively impact their long-term academic performance and mental health.

Furthermore, delaying school enrollment allows children more time to engage in unstructured play, which is crucial for their development. Play-based learning promotes creativity, problem-solving, and emotional resilience, all of which are essential skills for success in later life. Countries with strong education systems, such as Finland, typically start formal schooling at a later age, and their students consistently perform well academically. This suggests that there are benefits to allowing children more time to mature before entering a formal education setting.

In conclusion, while starting school at a younger age can offer certain academic and social benefits, it is important to consider the potential drawbacks. Early schooling should be carefully designed to balance structured learning with ample opportunities for play and exploration. A flexible approach that takes into account the individual needs and readiness of each child is crucial. Ultimately, a one-size-fits-all policy may not be the best approach, and careful consideration should be given to ensure that early school enrollment supports the holistic development of children.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

Cấu trúc câu

  1. Câu phức: Sử dụng mệnh đề phụ để bổ sung thông tin.
    • “Some advocate for starting school at a younger age, arguing that it provides children with a head start in their academic journey.”
    • “They argue that children are highly receptive to learning in their formative years, and starting school earlier can enhance their intellectual development.”
  2. Câu ghép: Sử dụng từ nối để liên kết các mệnh đề độc lập.
    • “Others, however, believe that delaying school enrollment allows children more time to develop socially and emotionally.”
    • “Countries with strong education systems, such as Finland, typically start formal schooling at a later age, and their students consistently perform well academically.”
  3. Câu đơn: Sử dụng câu ngắn để nhấn mạnh thông tin.
    • “This essay will explore both perspectives and argue that while early schooling has its merits, it should be approached with caution.”
    • “One major concern is the potential for increased stress and pressure on young children.”

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp

  1. Mệnh đề quan hệ: Để bổ sung thông tin chi tiết.
    • “which can be beneficial for their overall development.”
    • “which can negatively impact their long-term academic performance and mental health.”
  2. Cấu trúc so sánh:
    • “more time to develop socially and emotionally.”
    • “more time to mature before entering a formal education setting.”
  3. Cấu trúc bị động:
    • “it should be approached with caution.”
    • “A flexible approach that takes into account the individual needs and readiness of each child is crucial.”
  4. Động từ nguyên thể:
    • “to begin formal education.”
    • “to develop essential social skills.”
  5. Danh động từ (Gerund):
    • “starting school at a younger age.”
    • “delaying school enrollment.”

Từ kết nối các câu và các đoạn

Từ kết nối trong câu

  1. Liên từ phụ thuộc:
    • “while” (while early schooling has its merits)
    • “that” (that it provides children with a head start)
    • “which” (which can be beneficial for their overall development)
  2. Liên từ phối hợp:
    • “and” (and starting school earlier can enhance their intellectual development)
    • “but” (but it should be approached with caution)

Từ kết nối đoạn văn

  1. Từ nối chỉ sự tương phản:
    • “However” (However, there are compelling reasons to approach early school enrollment with caution.)
  2. Từ nối chỉ sự bổ sung:
    • “Additionally” (Additionally, early schooling can provide children with opportunities to develop essential social skills)
  3. Từ nối chỉ kết luận:
    • “In conclusion” (In conclusion, while starting school at a younger age can offer certain academic and social benefits)
  4. Từ nối chỉ kết quả:
    • “This suggests that” (This suggests that there are benefits to allowing children more time to mature before entering a formal education setting)

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Ongoing debate – tranh luận liên tục
  2. Appropriate age – độ tuổi thích hợp
  3. Formal education – giáo dục chính quy
  4. Advocate – ủng hộ
  5. Head start – khởi đầu thuận lợi
  6. Academic journey – hành trình học tập
  7. Delaying school enrollment – trì hoãn nhập học
  8. Socially and emotionally – về mặt xã hội và cảm xúc
  9. Cognitive stimulation – kích thích nhận thức
  10. Receptive to learning – tiếp thu học tập
  11. Formative years – những năm tháng hình thành
  12. Enhance – nâng cao
  13. Intellectual development – phát triển trí tuệ
  14. Structured learning environments – môi trường học tập có cấu trúc
  15. Early literacy and numeracy skills – kỹ năng đọc viết và toán học sớm
  16. Social skills – kỹ năng xã hội
  17. Developmentally ready – sẵn sàng phát triển
  18. Higher levels of anxiety – mức độ lo lắng cao hơn
  19. Behavioral problems – vấn đề hành vi
  20. Unstructured play – chơi tự do
  21. Play-based learning – học qua chơi
  22. Creativity – sự sáng tạo
  23. Problem-solving – giải quyết vấn đề
  24. Emotional resilience – khả năng phục hồi cảm xúc
  25. Holistic development – phát triển toàn diện

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