IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 40

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 40

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 40:

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 40:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Reality TV shows do more harm than good. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

Reality TV shows have become a ubiquitous part of modern entertainment, captivating audiences with their unscripted drama and intriguing personalities. However, the debate over whether they do more harm than good persists. I partially agree with the statement that reality TV shows do more harm than good, as their negative impacts often outweigh the benefits they offer.

Firstly, reality TV shows often promote unrealistic and unhealthy standards. Participants are frequently selected based on extreme physical appearances or outrageous behavior, which can lead to a distorted perception of reality among viewers. For example, shows like “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” or “The Bachelor” emphasize superficial beauty and materialism, fostering unrealistic expectations about body image and lifestyle. This can be particularly harmful to impressionable audiences, especially teenagers, who may develop insecurities and strive for unattainable ideals.

Moreover, reality TV can encourage negative behavior. Many shows thrive on conflict, manipulation, and sensationalism to boost ratings. This can lead viewers to believe that such behavior is acceptable or even desirable in real life. For instance, programs like “Big Brother” or “Survivor” often highlight backstabbing and deceit as strategies to win, which can normalize unethical conduct. Consequently, viewers might imitate these behaviors, thinking they are justified in achieving success.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that not all reality TV shows have detrimental effects. Some can provide educational value and promote positive messages. Shows like “The Great British Bake Off” or “Shark Tank” offer entertainment while also inspiring creativity, entrepreneurship, and skill development. These programs can motivate viewers to pursue their passions and learn new skills, demonstrating that reality TV can have a constructive side.

Additionally, reality TV shows can create a sense of community and belonging. They often spark discussions and interactions among viewers, both online and offline, fostering social connections. For example, fan communities around shows like “RuPaul’s Drag Race” or “America’s Got Talent” bring people together, allowing them to share common interests and celebrate diversity.

In conclusion, while reality TV shows can have some positive aspects, I believe that their overall impact is more harmful than beneficial. The promotion of unrealistic standards and negative behavior can have long-lasting effects on viewers, particularly the younger generation. Nevertheless, with careful selection and consumption, audiences can mitigate these adverse effects and even find value in some reality TV programs. Therefore, it is crucial for viewers to be discerning and for producers to strive for more responsible content.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp trong bài

  1. Câu phức hợp (Complex sentences):
    • “However, the debate over whether they do more harm than good persists.”
    • “Firstly, reality TV shows often promote unrealistic and unhealthy standards.”
    • “For example, shows like ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ or ‘The Bachelor’ emphasize superficial beauty and materialism, fostering unrealistic expectations about body image and lifestyle.”
    • “This can be particularly harmful to impressionable audiences, especially teenagers, who may develop insecurities and strive for unattainable ideals.”
    • “Many shows thrive on conflict, manipulation, and sensationalism to boost ratings.”
    • “However, it is essential to acknowledge that not all reality TV shows have detrimental effects.”
    • “For example, fan communities around shows like ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race’ or ‘America’s Got Talent’ bring people together, allowing them to share common interests and celebrate diversity.”
    • “In conclusion, while reality TV shows can have some positive aspects, I believe that their overall impact is more harmful than beneficial.”
  2. Câu ghép (Compound sentences):
    • “Reality TV shows have become a ubiquitous part of modern entertainment, captivating audiences with their unscripted drama and intriguing personalities.”
    • “Consequently, viewers might imitate these behaviors, thinking they are justified in achieving success.”
    • “Shows like ‘The Great British Bake Off’ or ‘Shark Tank’ offer entertainment while also inspiring creativity, entrepreneurship, and skill development.”
    • “Therefore, it is crucial for viewers to be discerning and for producers to strive for more responsible content.”
  3. Câu đơn (Simple sentences):
    • “This can lead to a distorted perception of reality among viewers.”
    • “Participants are frequently selected based on extreme physical appearances or outrageous behavior.”
    • “Reality TV can encourage negative behavior.”

Các từ kết nối câu và đoạn

  1. However – Tuy nhiên
    • Example: “However, the debate over whether they do more harm than good persists.”
  2. Firstly – Đầu tiên
    • Example: “Firstly, reality TV shows often promote unrealistic and unhealthy standards.”
  3. For example – Ví dụ
    • Example: “For example, shows like ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ or ‘The Bachelor’ emphasize superficial beauty and materialism…”
  4. This can be particularly – Điều này có thể đặc biệt
    • Example: “This can be particularly harmful to impressionable audiences…”
  5. Moreover – Hơn nữa
    • Example: “Moreover, reality TV can encourage negative behavior.”
  6. Consequently – Do đó
    • Example: “Consequently, viewers might imitate these behaviors…”
  7. However, it is essential – Tuy nhiên, điều quan trọng
    • Example: “However, it is essential to acknowledge that not all reality TV shows have detrimental effects.”
  8. Additionally – Thêm vào đó
    • Example: “Additionally, reality TV shows can create a sense of community and belonging.”
  9. In conclusion – Kết luận
    • Example: “In conclusion, while reality TV shows can have some positive aspects, I believe that their overall impact is more harmful than beneficial.”
  10. Therefore – Vì vậy
    • Example: “Therefore, it is crucial for viewers to be discerning and for producers to strive for more responsible content.”

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Reality TV shows – Chương trình truyền hình thực tế
  2. Ubiquitous – Phổ biến, ở khắp nơi
  3. Unscripted drama – Kịch bản không viết trước
  4. Intriguing personalities – Những cá tính thú vị
  5. Negative impacts – Ảnh hưởng tiêu cực
  6. Benefits – Lợi ích
  7. Unrealistic – Không thực tế
  8. Unhealthy standards – Tiêu chuẩn không lành mạnh
  9. Distorted perception – Nhận thức bị bóp méo
  10. Superficial beauty – Vẻ đẹp bề ngoài
  11. Materialism – Chủ nghĩa vật chất
  12. Impressionable audiences – Khán giả dễ bị ảnh hưởng
  13. Insecurities – Sự bất an
  14. Attainable ideals – Lý tưởng có thể đạt được
  15. Negative behavior – Hành vi tiêu cực
  16. Sensationalism – Khuynh hướng giật gân
  17. Boost ratings – Tăng tỷ suất người xem
  18. Unethical conduct – Hành vi phi đạo đức
  19. Detrimental effects – Ảnh hưởng có hại
  20. Educational value – Giá trị giáo dục
  21. Positive messages – Thông điệp tích cực
  22. Inspiring creativity – Truyền cảm hứng sáng tạo
  23. Entrepreneurship – Tinh thần khởi nghiệp
  24. Skill development – Phát triển kỹ năng
  25. Constructive side – Khía cạnh xây dựng
  26. Sense of community – Cảm giác cộng đồng
  27. Social connections – Kết nối xã hội
  28. Fan communities – Cộng đồng người hâm mộ
  29. Celebrate diversity – Tôn vinh sự đa dạng
  30. Discernment – Sự sáng suốt
  31. Responsible content – Nội dung có trách nhiệm

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