IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 89

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 89

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 89

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 89

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The government should implement stricter gun control laws. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

The issue of gun control is a contentious one, with strong arguments on both sides. Some believe that stricter gun control laws are essential for ensuring public safety, while others argue that they infringe on individual freedoms. I partially agree with the statement that the government should implement stricter gun control laws, as I believe that while certain restrictions are necessary to reduce gun-related violence, a balance must be struck to respect the rights of responsible gun owners.

Firstly, the primary reason for supporting stricter gun control laws is the potential for reducing gun violence. In countries with stringent gun regulations, such as the United Kingdom and Australia, there have been significant decreases in gun-related deaths and mass shootings. Stricter background checks, mandatory waiting periods, and limits on the sale of certain types of firearms can help prevent guns from falling into the hands of those with criminal backgrounds or mental health issues. For instance, in the United States, where gun laws are relatively lax, there is a higher incidence of gun violence compared to other developed nations.

Moreover, stricter gun control laws can help mitigate the risk of accidental shootings. Many gun-related accidents occur in homes where firearms are not securely stored or are easily accessible to children. Implementing laws that mandate safe storage and the use of gun locks can prevent these tragic incidents. Additionally, mandatory training for gun owners on proper handling and storage of firearms can further enhance safety.

However, it is important to acknowledge the perspective of those who oppose stricter gun control laws. Many people view the right to bear arms as a fundamental liberty, particularly in countries like the United States where this right is enshrined in the Constitution. For these individuals, owning a gun is not only a matter of personal security but also a symbol of freedom. Therefore, any measures to restrict gun ownership should be carefully considered to avoid infringing on these rights.

In conclusion, while I agree that stricter gun control laws are necessary to enhance public safety and reduce gun violence, it is crucial to find a balanced approach that respects the rights of responsible gun owners. By implementing sensible regulations, such as thorough background checks and safe storage requirements, the government can achieve a compromise that promotes safety without unnecessarily restricting personal freedoms.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Cấu Trúc Câu và Ngữ Pháp Được Sử Dụng Trong Bài

  1. Câu Phức (Complex Sentence):
    • “Some believe that stricter gun control laws are essential for ensuring public safety, while others argue that they infringe on individual freedoms.”
    • “Firstly, the primary reason for supporting stricter gun control laws is the potential for reducing gun violence.”
    • “Implementing laws that mandate safe storage and the use of gun locks can prevent these tragic incidents.”
  2. Câu Ghép (Compound Sentence):
    • “Many gun-related accidents occur in homes where firearms are not securely stored or are easily accessible to children.”
    • “In countries with stringent gun regulations, such as the United Kingdom and Australia, there have been significant decreases in gun-related deaths and mass shootings.”
  3. Câu Điều Kiện (Conditional Sentence):
    • “Any measures to restrict gun ownership should be carefully considered to avoid infringing on these rights.”
    • “By implementing sensible regulations, such as thorough background checks and safe storage requirements, the government can achieve a compromise that promotes safety without unnecessarily restricting personal freedoms.”
  4. Câu Quan Hệ (Relative Clause):
    • “For instance, in the United States, where gun laws are relatively lax, there is a higher incidence of gun violence compared to other developed nations.”
    • “Many people view the right to bear arms as a fundamental liberty, particularly in countries like the United States where this right is enshrined in the Constitution.”

Từ Kết Nối (Connectors) Các Câu và Các Đoạn

  1. Firstly – Trước hết
  2. Moreover – Hơn nữa
  3. For instance – Ví dụ
  4. Additionally – Ngoài ra
  5. However – Tuy nhiên
  6. Therefore – Do đó
  7. In conclusion – Kết luận

Phân Tích Các Đoạn Văn

  1. Đoạn 1 (Introduction):
    • Câu phức nêu rõ hai quan điểm khác nhau về việc kiểm soát súng.
    • Sử dụng từ kết nối “while” để liên kết hai mệnh đề tương phản.
  2. Đoạn 2 (Lý do ủng hộ kiểm soát súng chặt chẽ hơn):
    • Mở đầu bằng từ kết nối “Firstly” để nêu lý do đầu tiên.
    • Câu phức và câu ghép để diễn đạt ý tưởng về lợi ích của việc kiểm soát súng chặt chẽ.
  3. Đoạn 3 (Lý do bổ sung):
    • Mở đầu bằng từ kết nối “Moreover” để bổ sung lý do khác.
    • Sử dụng câu phức và câu điều kiện để diễn đạt các biện pháp an toàn.
  4. Đoạn 4 (Phản biện):
    • Mở đầu bằng từ kết nối “However” để nêu quan điểm trái ngược.
    • Sử dụng câu phức và câu quan hệ để giải thích lý do phản đối.
  5. Đoạn 5 (Kết luận):
    • Mở đầu bằng từ kết nối “In conclusion” để tóm tắt và kết luận.
    • Sử dụng câu điều kiện để nêu ý kiến về cách giải quyết vấn đề.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Stricter – nghiêm ngặt hơn
  2. Gun control laws – luật kiểm soát súng
  3. Public safety – an toàn công cộng
  4. Infringe – xâm phạm
  5. Individual freedoms – quyền tự do cá nhân
  6. Responsible gun owners – những người sở hữu súng có trách nhiệm
  7. Gun-related violence – bạo lực liên quan đến súng
  8. Background checks – kiểm tra lý lịch
  9. Mandatory waiting periods – thời gian chờ bắt buộc
  10. Criminal backgrounds – tiền án
  11. Mental health issues – vấn đề sức khỏe tâm thần
  12. Incidence – tỷ lệ
  13. Accidental shootings – các vụ nổ súng vô tình
  14. Securely stored – được cất giữ an toàn
  15. Accessible – có thể tiếp cận được
  16. Tragic incidents – các sự cố bi thảm
  17. Mandatory training – đào tạo bắt buộc
  18. Proper handling – việc xử lý đúng cách
  19. Fundamental liberty – quyền tự do cơ bản
  20. Enshrined – được ghi nhận
  21. Personal security – an ninh cá nhân
  22. Sensible regulations – quy định hợp lý
  23. Compromise – thỏa hiệp

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