
IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Dietary Supplements

Trong bài IELTS Writing Task 1 này, bạn sẽ mô tả lượng tiêu thụ thực phẩm chức năng trong 3 ngày của 3 gia đình khác nhau, dựa trên biểu đồ cột (Bar Chart). Biểu đồ cho thấy số lượng sản phẩm tiêu thụ của từng gia đình trong các ngày cụ thể, cho phép bạn so sánh và phân tích mức tiêu thụ. Đọc bài này Cách làm bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart trước khi làm bài. Bạn cũng có thể đọc lại bài nói về Task 1 tại đây: IELTS Writing Task 1 cần lưu ý những gì? Đọc thêm về xây dựng lộ trình học IELTS của The Real IELTS. IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Dietary Supplements You should spent about 20 mintutes on this task In this IELTS Writing Task 1, you will describe the consumption of dietary supplements over 3 days by 3 different families, based on a bar chart. The chart shows the amount of products consumed by each family on specific days, allowing you to compare and analyze their consumption levels. You should write at least 150 words. Ngày Gia đình A (viên) Gia đình B (viên) Gia đình C (viên) Ngày 1 10 12 8 Ngày 2 9 11 7 Ngày 3 11 13 9 IELTS Writing 1 Overview The table below presents the consumption of dietary supplements by three different families over a period of three days. The families are labeled as Family A, Family B, and Family C. The data shows the number of pills consumed each day by each family. This report will analyze and compare the consumption patterns of these families. Body 1 On the first day, Family A consumed 10 pills, Family B consumed 12 pills, and Family C consumed 8 pills. Family B had the highest consumption on this day, while Family C had the lowest. The differences in consumption could be due to varying family sizes, health needs, or preferences for dietary supplements. Body 2 On the second day, Family A’s consumption slightly decreased to 9 pills, while Family B’s consumption also dropped to 11 pills. Family C consumed 7 pills, showing a consistent decrease in their intake as well. However, on the third day, all three families increased their consumption: Family A consumed 11 pills, Family B consumed 13 pills, and Family C consumed 9 pills. Family B maintained the highest consumption throughout the three days, indicating possibly a higher dependency or need for supplements compared to the other families. IELTS Writing 2 Overview The table below represents the hypothetical consumption of dietary supplements over three days by three different families: Family A, Family B, and Family C. The data, measured in units of pills consumed, highlights variations in supplement intake across the families and over the three-day period. Body 1: Analysis of Supplement Consumption On Day 1, Family A consumed 10 pills, Family B consumed 12 pills, and Family C consumed 8 pills. This initial day shows Family B with the highest consumption, while Family C had the least. On Day 2, the numbers slightly decreased for all families: Family A consumed 9 pills, Family B consumed 11 pills, and Family C consumed 7 pills. This trend indicates a general reduction in supplement intake on the second day for all families. Body 2: Trends and Insights On Day 3, consumption increased across all families. Family A took 11 pills, Family B took 13 pills, and Family C took 9 pills. Notably, Family B consistently had the highest consumption over the three days, whereas Family C consistently had the lowest. This data suggests that Family B may have a higher dependency or requirement for dietary supplements compared to the other families, while Family C may have a more moderate approach to supplement intake.

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Civil Cases

IELTS Writing Task 1 yêu cầu bạn phân tích biểu đồ bar chart minh họa số lượng vụ án dân sự trong 3 tháng tại 3 quốc gia khác nhau. Bạn cần mô tả sự thay đổi số lượng vụ án theo thời gian, so sánh sự khác biệt giữa các quốc gia và nêu bật những xu hướng chính. Để đạt điểm cao, hãy sử dụng ngôn ngữ chính xác và cấu trúc câu mạch lạc. Đọc bài này Cách làm bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart trước khi làm bài. Bạn cũng có thể đọc lại bài nói về Task 1 tại đây: IELTS Writing Task 1 cần lưu ý những gì? Đọc thêm về xây dựng lộ trình học IELTS của The Real IELTS. IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Civil Cases You should spent about 20 mintutes on this task IELTS Writing Task 1 requires you to analyze a bar chart illustrating the number of civil cases over three months in three different countries. You need to describe the changes in the number of cases over time, compare the differences between the countries, and highlight the main trends. To achieve a high score, use precise language and coherent sentence structures. You should write at least 150 words. Quốc gia Tháng 1 Tháng 2 Tháng 3 Quốc gia A 120 115 130 Quốc gia B 90 85 100 Quốc gia C 75 80 95 Bài mẫu 1 Overview The table provided illustrates the number of civil cases recorded over three months (January, February, and March) in three countries: Country A, Country B, and Country C. This data is hypothetical and serves as an example to analyze the trends in civil litigation across these nations. Body 1: Analysis of Civil Cases in Country A In Country A, the number of civil cases shows a slight fluctuation over the three months. In January, there were 120 cases, which decreased to 115 in February, and then increased significantly to 130 in March. This indicates a temporary decline in February, but overall, there is an upward trend from January to March. The increase in March might suggest either an actual rise in civil disputes or more efficient reporting mechanisms during that period. Body 2: Comparative Analysis of Countries B and C Country B and Country C both show a gradual increase in the number of civil cases from January to March. Country B reported 90 cases in January, which slightly decreased to 85 in February but rose to 100 in March. Similarly, Country C had 75 cases in January, 80 in February, and 95 in March. Although both countries experienced a dip in February, they followed a similar upward trend by the end of March. This pattern might reflect seasonal factors or other underlying issues affecting civil disputes in these countries. In conclusion, while all three countries show variability in civil case numbers over the three months, the overall trend indicates an increase in March compared to January, suggesting a rise in civil litigation or improved case reporting towards the end of the period. Bài mẫu 2 Overview The table illustrates the number of civil cases filed in three countries over three months: January, February, and March. The data shows fluctuations in the number of cases across the countries and months. Body 1 In January, Country A had the highest number of civil cases at 120, followed by Country B with 90 cases, and Country C with 75 cases. In February, the number of cases in Country A slightly decreased to 115, while Country B saw a small reduction to 85 cases. Interestingly, Country C experienced a slight increase, recording 80 cases. Body 2 March witnessed an increase in the number of civil cases for all three countries. Country A’s cases rose to 130, marking the highest monthly figure for the period. Country B’s cases also increased to 100, while Country C saw a rise to 95 cases. This upward trend in March suggests a potential seasonal or situational factor influencing the number of civil cases filed across these countries.

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