
IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Soft Drinks

IELTS Writing Task 1 yêu cầu thí sinh mô tả biểu đồ cột về lượng tiêu thụ nước ngọt trong ba ngày của ba cụm cư dân khác nhau. Biểu đồ minh họa sự khác biệt về mức độ tiêu thụ giữa các cụm cư dân này theo từng ngày, giúp thí sinh phân tích và so sánh các số liệu. Việc nắm vững cấu trúc và ngôn ngữ mô tả biểu đồ là cần thiết để đạt điểm cao trong phần thi này. Đọc bài này Cách làm bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart trước khi làm bài. Bạn cũng có thể đọc lại bài nói về Task 1 tại đây: IELTS Writing Task 1 cần lưu ý những gì? Đọc thêm về xây dựng lộ trình học IELTS của The Real IELTS. IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Soft Drinks You should spent about 20 mintutes on this task IELTS Writing Task 1 requires candidates to describe a bar chart showing the consumption of soft drinks over three days by three different clusters of residents. The chart illustrates the differences in consumption levels among these clusters on each day, helping candidates analyze and compare the data. Mastering the structure and language of chart descriptions is essential to achieve a high score in this task. You should write at least 150 words. Ngày Cụm cư dân A (lít) Cụm cư dân B (lít) Cụm cư dân C (lít) Ngày 1 120 150 130 Ngày 2 110 140 135 Ngày 3 115 145 140 Bài mẫu 1 Overview The following report presents an analysis of the soft drink consumption over three days across three residential clusters: Cluster A, Cluster B, and Cluster C. The data, though hypothetical, provides insight into daily variations and overall consumption patterns within these clusters. Body 1 On Day 1, Cluster A consumed 120 liters of soft drinks, Cluster B consumed 150 liters, and Cluster C consumed 130 liters. This initial day shows that Cluster B had the highest consumption, leading by a significant margin of 30 liters compared to Cluster A, and 20 liters compared to Cluster C. This suggests that Cluster B residents had a notably higher demand for soft drinks on the first day. Body 2 Day 2 saw a slight decrease in consumption for all clusters. Cluster A consumed 110 liters, Cluster B 140 liters, and Cluster C 135 liters. The trend of Cluster B having the highest consumption continued, though the gap between Cluster B and the other clusters narrowed. On the final day, Cluster A consumed 115 liters, Cluster B 145 liters, and Cluster C 140 liters. This day showed a slight recovery in consumption, with all clusters except for Cluster A increasing their intake compared to Day 2. Cluster B remained the leading consumer, consistently showing the highest consumption across all three days. In summary, Cluster B had the highest soft drink consumption each day, followed by Cluster C, and then Cluster A. The overall pattern suggests a steady preference for soft drinks in Cluster B, with minor fluctuations in consumption across the three days. Bài mẫu 2 Overview Overall, Cluster B consistently consumed the most soft drinks over the three days, while Cluster A had the lowest consumption. The consumption pattern for all clusters showed minor fluctuations over the observed period. Body 1 On the first day, Cluster B had the highest consumption with 150 liters, followed by Cluster C with 130 liters, and Cluster A with 120 liters. On the second day, all clusters showed a decrease in consumption except for Cluster C. Cluster B again led with 140 liters, while Cluster A saw the most significant drop to 110 liters. Cluster C, however, experienced a slight increase, consuming 135 liters. Body 2 On the third day, there was a slight increase in consumption for Cluster A and Cluster B, whereas Cluster C continued its upward trend. Cluster B’s consumption rose to 145 liters, maintaining its leading position. Cluster A’s consumption increased to 115 liters, and Cluster C recorded the highest increase over the period, reaching 140 liters. Despite these fluctuations, Cluster B remained the highest consumer overall, while Cluster A consistently consumed the least.

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Loan Applications

IELTS Writing Task 1 yêu cầu mô tả biểu đồ cột về số lượng hồ sơ vay vốn trong 3 ngày của 3 ngân hàng khác nhau. Biểu đồ thể hiện rõ ràng sự biến động về số lượng hồ sơ vay vốn giữa các ngân hàng qua các ngày. Người viết cần phân tích và so sánh dữ liệu, đưa ra nhận xét về xu hướng và sự khác biệt. Đọc bài này Cách làm bài IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart trước khi làm bài. Bạn cũng có thể đọc lại bài nói về Task 1 tại đây: IELTS Writing Task 1 cần lưu ý những gì? Đọc thêm về xây dựng lộ trình học IELTS của The Real IELTS. IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Loan Applications You should spent about 20 mintutes on this task IELTS Writing Task 1 requires describing a bar chart showing the number of loan applications over 3 days at 3 different banks. The chart clearly illustrates the fluctuations in the number of loan applications among the banks over the days. The writer needs to analyze and compare the data, providing comments on the trends and differences. You should write at least 150 words. Ngày Ngân hàng A Ngân hàng B Ngân hàng C Ngày 1 50 65 40 Ngày 2 45 70 35 Ngày 3 55 60 45 Bài mẫu 1 Overview This report analyzes the number of loan applications received by three different banks (Bank A, Bank B, and Bank C) over a period of three days. The data provides insights into the daily loan application trends for each bank, allowing for a comparative analysis of their performance. Body 1: Daily Loan Applications On Day 1, Bank A received 50 loan applications, Bank B received 65, and Bank C received 40. This indicates that Bank B was the most popular choice for loan applicants on the first day, with Bank A and Bank C trailing behind. On Day 2, the trend shifted slightly. Bank A saw a decrease in applications, receiving 45, while Bank B experienced an increase, receiving 70 applications. Bank C, on the other hand, saw a decrease, receiving only 35 applications. This suggests that while Bank B’s popularity continued to grow, Bank A and Bank C faced a decline in their loan applications. Body 2: Comparative Analysis On Day 3, Bank A rebounded slightly with 55 loan applications, whereas Bank B experienced a decrease to 60 applications. Bank C saw an increase, receiving 45 applications. Over the three days, Bank B consistently received the highest number of applications, indicating a strong preference or better marketing strategies compared to Banks A and C. Comparatively, Bank A had a moderate performance with fluctuations, while Bank C showed the least number of applications but managed a slight increase by Day 3. The overall data suggests that Bank B is the most favored among the three, followed by Bank A and then Bank C. This analysis highlights the competitive nature of loan applications among banks and can be used to strategize for better customer engagement and service improvements. Bài mẫu 2 Overview The data presented shows the number of loan applications received over three days by three different banks: Bank A, Bank B, and Bank C. The figures provide insights into the daily performance of each bank in terms of loan application processing, highlighting trends and variations in customer engagement across the given period. Body 1 On Day 1, Bank A received 50 loan applications, Bank B received 65, and Bank C received 40. This indicates that Bank B had the highest number of loan applications, followed by Bank A, with Bank C trailing behind. The figures suggest that Bank B may have had a more aggressive marketing strategy or better customer outreach on that particular day. On Day 2, there was a slight decrease in the number of applications for Bank A, dropping to 45. In contrast, Bank B experienced an increase, receiving 70 applications. Bank C saw a decrease, with only 35 applications submitted. The drop in applications for Bank A and Bank C could be due to various factors, such as customer satisfaction, service quality, or market conditions. Body 2 Day 3 showed a rebound for Bank A, with the number of applications rising to 55. Bank B, however, experienced a decrease, receiving only 60 applications. Bank C saw an increase, with 45 applications. The increase for Bank A and Bank C could be attributed to improved customer service, promotional activities, or seasonal factors that influenced customer decisions. Overall, Bank B consistently received the highest number of applications over the three days, suggesting a strong presence in the market. Bank A showed fluctuations but managed to recover by Day 3, while Bank C experienced the lowest but steady performance with a slight improvement on the final day. This data can help the banks analyze their performance, identify areas for improvement, and strategize for better customer engagement and service delivery.

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