100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc “neither… nor…”

100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc “neither… nor…”

Bài viết này tổng hợp 100 bài tập về cách sử dụng cấu trúc “neither… nor…” trong tiếng Anh.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Bài viết này tổng hợp 100 bài tập về cách sử dụng cấu trúc “neither… nor…” trong tiếng Anh. Đây là một cấu trúc ngữ pháp hữu ích để diễn đạt sự phủ định hai đối tượng cùng lúc. Thông qua các bài tập, người học sẽ rèn luyện kỹ năng viết câu linh hoạt và chính xác hơn.

Học lại bài cũ: 100 bài tập viết lại câu chuyển đổi từ cấu trúc sử dụng “although” sang “in spite of”.

Đề bài viết lại câu cấu trúc “neither… nor…”

  1. She doesn’t like coffee. She doesn’t like tea.
  2. John wasn’t at home. His brother wasn’t at home.
  3. They didn’t call me. They didn’t send an email.
  4. I don’t play the guitar. I don’t play the piano.
  5. The manager didn’t attend the meeting. The assistant didn’t attend either.
  6. He didn’t finish his homework. He didn’t do his project.
  7. Sarah isn’t coming to the party. Tom isn’t coming to the party either.
  8. She doesn’t like reading. She doesn’t like writing.
  9. The teacher didn’t explain the lesson. The students didn’t understand.
  10. My mother doesn’t speak French. My father doesn’t speak French either.
  11. He wasn’t excited about the trip. He wasn’t nervous either.
  12. I don’t want to eat pizza. I don’t want to eat pasta.
  13. She didn’t open the door. She didn’t answer the phone.
  14. We don’t have time to go shopping. We don’t have time to cook.
  15. He didn’t see the accident. He didn’t hear the noise.
  16. The cat didn’t eat. The dog didn’t eat either.
  17. I don’t like swimming. I don’t like running.
  18. They weren’t interested in the movie. They weren’t interested in the book either.
  19. The car didn’t start. The bike didn’t work either.
  20. She doesn’t want to go out. She doesn’t want to stay home.
  21. We don’t need help. We don’t need money either.
  22. I haven’t been to New York. I haven’t been to Los Angeles either.
  23. He didn’t buy a ticket. He didn’t make a reservation.
  24. The house wasn’t clean. The yard wasn’t clean either.
  25. She doesn’t wear makeup. She doesn’t wear jewelry.
  26. The teacher didn’t explain the rules. The students didn’t ask questions.
  27. I can’t sing. I can’t dance either.
  28. He doesn’t eat vegetables. He doesn’t eat fruit.
  29. The meeting didn’t start on time. The presentation didn’t start on time either.
  30. We weren’t surprised by the result. We weren’t disappointed either.
  31. The singer didn’t perform well. The band didn’t play well either.
  32. She can’t cook. She can’t sew either.
  33. The child wasn’t tired. The child wasn’t hungry either.
  34. I didn’t see the movie. I didn’t read the book.
  35. We didn’t visit the museum. We didn’t go to the park.
  36. He doesn’t like cats. He doesn’t like dogs.
  37. She wasn’t late for work. She wasn’t absent either.
  38. They didn’t travel to Europe. They didn’t travel to Asia either.
  39. I don’t have a pen. I don’t have a notebook.
  40. The restaurant didn’t serve breakfast. The hotel didn’t serve breakfast either.
  41. The weather wasn’t cold. The weather wasn’t hot either.
  42. He doesn’t drink soda. He doesn’t drink juice either.
  43. The bus wasn’t crowded. The train wasn’t crowded either.
  44. She doesn’t like horror movies. She doesn’t like action movies.
  45. I wasn’t feeling well. I wasn’t in a good mood either.
  46. They didn’t visit us. They didn’t call us either.
  47. The shop didn’t open on time. The bank didn’t open on time either.
  48. The students didn’t study. The teacher didn’t prepare.
  49. She didn’t answer the phone. She didn’t reply to the email.
  50. The computer wasn’t working. The printer wasn’t working either.
  51. The team didn’t win. The team didn’t lose either.
  52. We didn’t hear the announcement. We didn’t see the sign.
  53. He didn’t come on Monday. He didn’t come on Tuesday.
  54. I don’t want to buy this dress. I don’t want to buy that one.
  55. She didn’t forget her homework. She didn’t forget her books either.
  56. The teacher didn’t teach the lesson. The students didn’t learn it either.
  57. They don’t go hiking. They don’t go camping.
  58. I didn’t enjoy the food. I didn’t enjoy the company either.
  59. The car wasn’t expensive. The car wasn’t cheap either.
  60. She didn’t bring her umbrella. She didn’t bring her coat.
  61. The shop didn’t sell shoes. The shop didn’t sell clothes either.
  62. I wasn’t angry. I wasn’t sad either.
  63. The singer didn’t perform. The dancers didn’t perform either.
  64. He doesn’t play football. He doesn’t play basketball.
  65. The plan wasn’t approved. The proposal wasn’t accepted either.
  66. I didn’t find my keys. I didn’t find my wallet.
  67. The flight wasn’t delayed. The flight wasn’t canceled either.
  68. She didn’t bring her ID. She didn’t bring her passport.
  69. The event wasn’t successful. The event wasn’t a failure either.
  70. They didn’t go to the beach. They didn’t go to the mountains.
  71. The book wasn’t interesting. The movie wasn’t interesting either.
  72. I didn’t clean the kitchen. I didn’t vacuum the living room.
  73. She doesn’t wear skirts. She doesn’t wear dresses.
  74. The movie wasn’t exciting. The book wasn’t exciting either.
  75. I didn’t hear the alarm. I didn’t hear my phone ring either.
  76. The cake wasn’t sweet. The coffee wasn’t sweet either.
  77. He didn’t fix the car. He didn’t fix the bike either.
  78. The music wasn’t too loud. The music wasn’t too soft either.
  79. She didn’t visit Paris. She didn’t visit London.
  80. They weren’t tired. They weren’t hungry either.
  81. I didn’t buy a jacket. I didn’t buy a hat.
  82. The homework wasn’t difficult. The test wasn’t difficult either.
  83. She doesn’t like seafood. She doesn’t like meat either.
  84. We didn’t finish early. We didn’t finish late either.
  85. I don’t have a bike. I don’t have a car either.
  86. The child wasn’t crying. The child wasn’t laughing either.
  87. She didn’t write a letter. She didn’t send a message either.
  88. The flowers didn’t bloom. The trees didn’t bloom either.
  89. He wasn’t honest. He wasn’t kind either.
  90. We didn’t go to the concert. We didn’t go to the play either.
  91. The team didn’t practice. The coach didn’t prepare either.
  92. She doesn’t drive a car. She doesn’t ride a bike.
  93. They didn’t build a house. They didn’t buy a house either.
  94. I don’t drink milk. I don’t drink coffee either.
  95. The store wasn’t busy. The restaurant wasn’t busy either.
  96. He doesn’t read newspapers. He doesn’t watch the news.
  97. The project wasn’t completed. The plan wasn’t finalized either.
  98. She didn’t go shopping. She didn’t go to the cinema either.
  99. The room wasn’t clean. The hallway wasn’t clean either.
  100. I don’t know Spanish. I don’t know French either.

Đáp án cấu trúc “neither… nor…”

  1. She likes neither coffee nor tea.
  2. Neither John nor his brother was at home.
  3. They neither called me nor sent an email.
  4. I play neither the guitar nor the piano.
  5. Neither the manager nor the assistant attended the meeting.
  6. He neither finished his homework nor did his project.
  7. Neither Sarah nor Tom is coming to the party.
  8. She likes neither reading nor writing.
  9. Neither did the teacher explain the lesson nor did the students understand.
  10. Neither my mother nor my father speaks French.
  11. He was neither excited nor nervous about the trip.
  12. I want neither pizza nor pasta.
  13. She neither opened the door nor answered the phone.
  14. We have neither time to go shopping nor to cook.
  15. He neither saw the accident nor heard the noise.
  16. Neither the cat nor the dog ate.
  17. I like neither swimming nor running.
  18. Neither were they interested in the movie nor the book.
  19. Neither did the car start nor did the bike work.
  20. She wants neither to go out nor to stay home.
  21. We need neither help nor money.
  22. I have been to neither New York nor Los Angeles.
  23. He neither bought a ticket nor made a reservation.
  24. Neither the house nor the yard was clean.
  25. She wears neither makeup nor jewelry.
  26. Neither did the teacher explain the rules nor did the students ask questions.
  27. I can neither sing nor dance.
  28. He eats neither vegetables nor fruit.
  29. Neither the meeting nor the presentation started on time.
  30. We were neither surprised nor disappointed by the result.
  31. Neither the singer nor the band performed well.
  32. She can neither cook nor sew.
  33. Neither was the child tired nor hungry.
  34. I neither saw the movie nor read the book.
  35. We neither visited the museum nor went to the park.
  36. He likes neither cats nor dogs.
  37. She was neither late for work nor absent.
  38. They traveled to neither Europe nor Asia.
  39. I have neither a pen nor a notebook.
  40. Neither the restaurant nor the hotel served breakfast.
  41. The weather was neither cold nor hot.
  42. He drinks neither soda nor juice.
  43. Neither the bus nor the train was crowded.
  44. She likes neither horror movies nor action movies.
  45. I was feeling neither well nor in a good mood.
  46. They neither visited us nor called us.
  47. Neither the shop nor the bank opened on time.
  48. Neither did the students study nor did the teacher prepare.
  49. She neither answered the phone nor replied to the email.
  50. Neither the computer nor the printer was working.
  51. The team neither won nor lost.
  52. We neither heard the announcement nor saw the sign.
  53. He came on neither Monday nor Tuesday.
  54. I want to buy neither this dress nor that one.
  55. She neither forgot her homework nor her books.
  56. Neither did the teacher teach the lesson nor did the students learn it.
  57. They neither go hiking nor camping.
  58. I enjoyed neither the food nor the company.
  59. The car was neither expensive nor cheap.
  60. She neither brought her umbrella nor her coat.
  61. The shop sold neither shoes nor clothes.
  62. I was neither angry nor sad.
  63. Neither the singer nor the dancers performed.
  64. He plays neither football nor basketball.
  65. Neither was the plan approved nor the proposal accepted.
  66. I found neither my keys nor my wallet.
  67. The flight was neither delayed nor canceled.
  68. She brought neither her ID nor her passport.
  69. The event was neither successful nor a failure.
  70. They went to neither the beach nor the mountains.
  71. The book was neither interesting nor was the movie.
  72. I neither cleaned the kitchen nor vacuumed the living room.
  73. She wears neither skirts nor dresses.
  74. The movie was neither exciting nor the book.
  75. I heard neither the alarm nor my phone ring.
  76. Neither the cake nor the coffee was sweet.
  77. He fixed neither the car nor the bike.
  78. The music was neither too loud nor too soft.
  79. She visited neither Paris nor London.
  80. Neither were they tired nor hungry.
  81. I bought neither a jacket nor a hat.
  82. Neither the homework nor the test was difficult.
  83. She likes neither seafood nor meat.
  84. We finished neither early nor late.
  85. I have neither a bike nor a car.
  86. The child was neither crying nor laughing.
  87. She neither wrote a letter nor sent a message.
  88. Neither did the flowers bloom nor the trees.
  89. He was neither honest nor kind.
  90. We went to neither the concert nor the play.
  91. Neither did the team practice nor did the coach prepare.
  92. She drives neither a car nor rides a bike.
  93. They neither built a house nor bought one.
  94. I drink neither milk nor coffee.
  95. Neither the store nor the restaurant was busy.
  96. He reads neither newspapers nor watches the news.
  97. Neither was the project completed nor the plan finalized.
  98. She went neither shopping nor to the cinema.
  99. Neither the room nor the hallway was clean.
  100. I know neither Spanish nor French.

Học thêm nhiều bài khác: 100 bài tập dạng viết lại câu.

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