100 bài tập viết lại câu chuyển đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp

100 bài tập viết lại câu chuyển đổi từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp

Chuyển đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp là một dạng bài tập viết lại câu trong các bài tập thi tiếng Anh đồng thời luyện tập nhiều hơn để nắm chắc ngữ pháp.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Chuyển đổi câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp là một dạng bài tập viết lại câu trong các bài tập thi tiếng Anh đồng thời luyện tập nhiều hơn để nắm chắc ngữ pháp. Bài viết này soạn 100 câu bài tập để các bạn luyện tập cho thành thạo hơn việc chuyển đổi từ trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp.

Làm thêm nhiều bài khác tại: 100 bài tập dạng viết lại câu.

Viết lại câu từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp

  1. “I am going to the market,” said John.
  2. “Do you like coffee?” she asked.
  3. “We have finished our homework,” they said.
  4. “Please open the window,” the teacher said.
  5. “I will call you tomorrow,” he promised.
  6. “Where are you going?” Mary asked.
  7. “Don’t touch that!” the mother warned.
  8. “I can’t find my keys,” he said.
  9. “She is singing beautifully,” they noted.
  10. “Is it raining?” he wondered.
  11. “I am tired,” said Tom.
  12. “We are going on vacation next week,” they announced.
  13. “Have you seen my book?” Sarah asked.
  14. “Don’t be late,” the manager reminded.
  15. “I need help with this problem,” he admitted.
  16. “Why did you do that?” she inquired.
  17. “Can you speak French?” he asked.
  18. “Please don’t tell anyone,” she whispered.
  19. “I have never been to Paris,” he said.
  20. “She will arrive at noon,” they informed.
  21. “What time is it?” John asked.
  22. “I love this song,” she exclaimed.
  23. “Close the door, please,” the instructor requested.
  24. “They are playing football,” he observed.
  25. “Do your homework,” the mother instructed.
  26. “I must leave now,” he stated.
  27. “Where have you been?” she questioned.
  28. “I can swim,” the child boasted.
  29. “We might come later,” they said.
  30. “Is this your pen?” the teacher asked.
  31. “Don’t forget to buy milk,” he reminded.
  32. “I will help you,” she offered.
  33. “What are you doing?” he asked.
  34. “I can’t hear you,” she shouted.
  35. “He has left the building,” they announced.
  36. “Are you coming with us?” they invited.
  37. “Please sit down,” the doctor said.
  38. “I didn’t do it,” he denied.
  39. “It’s too hot today,” she complained.
  40. “We should go now,” they suggested.
  41. “Watch out!” he warned.
  42. “Can I borrow your phone?” she asked.
  43. “He is sleeping,” they whispered.
  44. “I will never forget you,” he promised.
  45. “Do you need anything?” she inquired.
  46. “Don’t worry,” he comforted.
  47. “I have lost my wallet,” she lamented.
  48. “Let’s start the meeting,” the manager proposed.
  49. “Are you hungry?” he asked.
  50. “I enjoy reading books,” she stated.
  51. “We can meet tomorrow,” they suggested.
  52. “Please be quiet,” the librarian requested.
  53. “I saw a movie yesterday,” he said.
  54. “She is my best friend,” Mary declared.
  55. “Open your books to page ten,” the teacher instructed.
  56. “Did you finish the project?” he asked.
  57. “I don’t understand this,” she confessed.
  58. “They will arrive soon,” he noted.
  59. “Call me when you get home,” she told him.
  60. “Why are you laughing?” he asked.
  61. “Don’t touch the stove,” the mother warned.
  62. “I can help you with that,” she offered.
  63. “Where is the nearest bank?” he asked.
  64. “It’s raining cats and dogs,” she exclaimed.
  65. “We have been waiting for an hour,” they complained.
  66. “Do you want some coffee?” he offered.
  67. “He works at a bank,” she mentioned.
  68. “Turn off the lights when you leave,” he instructed.
  69. “I need to talk to you,” she said.
  70. “Are you ready to go?” he asked.
  71. “I didn’t see anything,” the witness claimed.
  72. “Please pass the salt,” he requested.
  73. “I will think about it,” she responded.
  74. “They are arriving tonight,” he informed.
  75. “Could you help me move this table?” she asked.
  76. “I forgot my password,” he admitted.
  77. “Don’t eat too much sugar,” the doctor advised.
  78. “We can do it together,” they proposed.
  79. “Is this seat taken?” he inquired.
  80. “She dances gracefully,” they observed.
  81. “I need a vacation,” she sighed.
  82. “Let’s go to the park,” he suggested.
  83. “What did you say?” she asked.
  84. “I don’t like this movie,” he complained.
  85. “Bring me the report,” the boss demanded.
  86. “They have sold their house,” he reported.
  87. “Can you fix this?” she asked.
  88. “I am allergic to nuts,” he warned.
  89. “You should see a doctor,” she advised.
  90. “We will win the game,” they cheered.
  91. “Don’t make noise,” the father instructed.
  92. “I have to go now,” she said.
  93. “Did you call your mom?” he reminded.
  94. “She is cooking dinner,” he mentioned.
  95. “Why are you late?” the teacher asked.
  96. “Let’s celebrate,” they exclaimed.
  97. “I can’t come to the party,” she apologized.
  98. “Watch where you’re going,” he cautioned.
  99. “I believe in you,” she encouraged.
  100. “He is reading a book,” they observed.

Đáp án viết lại câu từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp

  1. John said that he was going to the market.
  2. She asked if I liked coffee.
  3. They said that they had finished their homework.
  4. The teacher asked us to open the window.
  5. He promised that he would call me the next day.
  6. Mary asked where I was going.
  7. The mother warned us not to touch that.
  8. He said that he couldn’t find his keys.
  9. They noted that she was singing beautifully.
  10. He wondered if it was raining.
  11. Tom said that he was tired.
  12. They announced that they were going on vacation the following week.
  13. Sarah asked if I had seen her book.
  14. The manager reminded us not to be late.
  15. He admitted that he needed help with that problem.
  16. She inquired why I had done that.
  17. He asked if I could speak French.
  18. She whispered not to tell anyone.
  19. He said that he had never been to Paris.
  20. They informed that she would arrive at noon.
  21. John asked what time it was.
  22. She exclaimed that she loved that song.
  23. The instructor requested us to close the door.
  24. He observed that they were playing football.
  25. The mother instructed me to do my homework.
  26. He stated that he had to leave then.
  27. She questioned where I had been.
  28. The child boasted that he could swim.
  29. They said that they might come later.
  30. The teacher asked if that was my pen.
  31. He reminded me not to forget to buy milk.
  32. She offered to help me.
  33. He asked what I was doing.
  34. She shouted that she couldn’t hear me.
  35. They announced that he had left the building.
  36. They invited me to come with them.
  37. The doctor asked me to sit down.
  38. He denied doing it.
  39. She complained that it was too hot that day.
  40. They suggested that we should go then.
  41. He warned me to watch out.
  42. She asked if she could borrow my phone.
  43. They whispered that he was sleeping.
  44. He promised that he would never forget me.
  45. She inquired if I needed anything.
  46. He comforted me not to worry.
  47. She lamented that she had lost her wallet.
  48. The manager proposed that we start the meeting.
  49. He asked if I was hungry.
  50. She stated that she enjoyed reading books.
  51. They suggested that we could meet the next day.
  52. The librarian requested us to be quiet.
  53. He said that he had seen a movie the day before.
  54. Mary declared that she was her best friend.
  55. The teacher instructed us to open our books to page ten.
  56. He asked if I had finished the project.
  57. She confessed that she didn’t understand that.
  58. He noted that they would arrive soon.
  59. She told him to call her when he got home.
  60. He asked why I was laughing.
  61. The mother warned me not to touch the stove.
  62. She offered to help me with that.
  63. He asked where the nearest bank was.
  64. She exclaimed that it was raining cats and dogs.
  65. They complained that they had been waiting for an hour.
  66. He offered me some coffee.
  67. She mentioned that he worked at a bank.
  68. He instructed me to turn off the lights when I left.
  69. She said that she needed to talk to me.
  70. He asked if I was ready to go.
  71. The witness claimed that he hadn’t seen anything.
  72. He requested me to pass the salt.
  73. She responded that she would think about it.
  74. He informed that they were arriving that night.
  75. She asked if I could help her move that table.
  76. He admitted that he had forgotten his password.
  77. The doctor advised me not to eat too much sugar.
  78. They proposed that we could do it together.
  79. He inquired if that seat was taken.
  80. They observed that she danced gracefully.
  81. She sighed that she needed a vacation.
  82. He suggested that we go to the park.
  83. She asked what I had said.
  84. He complained that he didn’t like that movie.
  85. The boss demanded that I bring him the report.
  86. He reported that they had sold their house.
  87. She asked if I could fix that.
  88. He warned that he was allergic to nuts.
  89. She advised me to see a doctor.
  90. They cheered that they would win the game.
  91. The father instructed us not to make noise.
  92. She said that she had to go then.
  93. He reminded me to call my mom.
  94. He mentioned that she was cooking dinner.
  95. The teacher asked why I was late.
  96. They exclaimed that we should celebrate.
  97. She apologized that she couldn’t come to the party.
  98. He cautioned me to watch where I was going.
  99. She encouraged me by saying that she believed in me.
  100. They observed that he was reading a book.

Học lại bài cũ cũng là một ý kiến hay: 100 bài tập viết lại câu chuyển đổi câu gián tiếp sang câu trực tiếp.

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