IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part social media

IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part social media

Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part social media

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Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part social media

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

More people are relying on social media for news and information rather than traditional media. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu đề luyện thi IELTS Writing

In recent years, social media has increasingly become a primary source of news and information for many people, overtaking traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television. This shift can be attributed to several factors, including the accessibility, immediacy, and diversity of content available on social media platforms. However, while social media offers advantages, it also poses challenges regarding the reliability and accuracy of information. Therefore, it is essential to explore why this change is happening and how individuals can effectively research and verify the news they consume.

One of the primary reasons people turn to social media for news is its accessibility. With the widespread use of smartphones and internet access, individuals can instantly access news from various sources anytime and anywhere. This contrasts with traditional media, which may require purchasing a newspaper or waiting for a scheduled television broadcast. Social media platforms also provide real-time updates, allowing users to stay informed about events as they happen. This immediacy is particularly appealing in a fast-paced world where people seek instant information.

Furthermore, social media offers a diverse range of perspectives and content, often not found in traditional media. Users can follow multiple news outlets, independent journalists, and even eyewitnesses, giving them a broader understanding of events. This variety allows for a more nuanced view of the news, catering to different interests and preferences. However, this diversity also means that not all sources are trustworthy, which raises concerns about misinformation and biased reporting.

To ensure the accuracy of the information they consume on social media, individuals need to adopt critical research methods. Firstly, they should cross-reference news from multiple reputable sources to verify its authenticity. Checking the credibility of the source, the author’s background, and the publication date are also essential steps. Additionally, using fact-checking websites can help debunk false information and confirm the truthfulness of a story. People should also be wary of sensational headlines and ensure they read the full article before forming an opinion.

In conclusion, while the shift towards social media for news is understandable due to its convenience and variety, it is crucial for users to remain vigilant about the quality of information they consume. By adopting effective research methods, people can better navigate the complexities of social media and make informed decisions about the news they rely on. I partially agree with this trend, as long as users remain critical and discerning about the sources they trust.

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và ngữ pháp

  1. Câu phức (Complex sentences):
    • “In recent years, social media has increasingly become a primary source of news and information for many people, overtaking traditional media outlets such as newspapers and television.”
    • “This shift can be attributed to several factors, including the accessibility, immediacy, and diversity of content available on social media platforms.”
    • “However, while social media offers advantages, it also poses challenges regarding the reliability and accuracy of information.”
    • “Furthermore, social media offers a diverse range of perspectives and content, often not found in traditional media.”
    • “Users can follow multiple news outlets, independent journalists, and even eyewitnesses, giving them a broader understanding of events.”
    • “However, this diversity also means that not all sources are trustworthy, which raises concerns about misinformation and biased reporting.”
    • “Firstly, they should cross-reference news from multiple reputable sources to verify its authenticity.”
    • “By adopting effective research methods, people can better navigate the complexities of social media and make informed decisions about the news they rely on.”
  2. Câu ghép (Compound sentences):
    • “With the widespread use of smartphones and internet access, individuals can instantly access news from various sources anytime and anywhere.”
    • “This variety allows for a more nuanced view of the news, catering to different interests and preferences.”
    • “Checking the credibility of the source, the author’s background, and the publication date are also essential steps.”
  3. Câu đơn (Simple sentences):
    • “This contrasts with traditional media, which may require purchasing a newspaper or waiting for a scheduled television broadcast.”
    • “Social media platforms also provide real-time updates, allowing users to stay informed about events as they happen.”
    • “This immediacy is particularly appealing in a fast-paced world where people seek instant information.”
    • “To ensure the accuracy of the information they consume on social media, individuals need to adopt critical research methods.”
    • “Additionally, using fact-checking websites can help debunk false information and confirm the truthfulness of a story.”
    • “People should also be wary of sensational headlines and ensure they read the full article before forming an opinion.”
    • “I partially agree with this trend, as long as users remain critical and discerning about the sources they trust.”

Thống kê các từ nối

  1. Nối các câu trong đoạn:
    • In recent years: Dùng để chỉ thời gian gần đây, mở đầu câu nói về xu hướng hiện tại.
    • This shift: Dùng để nối ý từ câu trước, giải thích lý do cho sự thay đổi được nêu ra.
    • However: Dùng để nối hai ý tương phản, thường bắt đầu một câu phản biện hoặc một khía cạnh khác.
    • Furthermore: Dùng để thêm thông tin, mở rộng ý từ câu trước.
    • Firstly: Dùng để liệt kê bước đầu tiên trong một chuỗi hành động hoặc lý do.
    • Additionally: Dùng để thêm vào một điểm khác liên quan đến ý chính.
    • In conclusion: Dùng để mở đầu phần kết luận, tổng hợp lại ý kiến đã nêu.
    • As long as: Dùng để chỉ điều kiện cho một kết luận hoặc quan điểm được chấp nhận.
  2. Nối các đoạn:
    • One of the primary reasons: Dùng để bắt đầu một đoạn mới với một lý do chính cho vấn đề đang được thảo luận.
    • Furthermore: Dùng để nối các đoạn hoặc ý bổ sung, tiếp tục phát triển luận điểm.
    • To ensure the accuracy: Dùng để mở đầu đoạn văn chỉ ra các bước cần thực hiện để xác thực thông tin.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Accessibility – Sự tiếp cận
  2. Immediacy – Tính tức thời
  3. Diversity – Sự đa dạng
  4. Content – Nội dung
  5. Platforms – Các nền tảng
  6. Instantly – Ngay lập tức
  7. Real-time updates – Các cập nhật theo thời gian thực
  8. Perspectives – Quan điểm
  9. Independent journalists – Các nhà báo độc lập
  10. Eyewitnesses – Nhân chứng
  11. Nuanced – Tinh tế, có sắc thái khác nhau
  12. Misinformation – Thông tin sai lệch
  13. Biased reporting – Báo cáo thiên vị
  14. Cross-reference – Đối chiếu chéo
  15. Authenticity – Tính xác thực
  16. Credibility – Sự uy tín
  17. Publication date – Ngày xuất bản
  18. Fact-checking websites – Các trang web kiểm tra thực tế
  19. Debunk – Lật tẩy, làm sáng tỏ
  20. Sensational headlines – Tiêu đề giật gân
  21. Vigilant – Cảnh giác
  22. Informed decisions – Các quyết định thông minh
  23. Critical – Phê phán, quan trọng
  24. Discerning – Nhận thức rõ, phân biệt

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