100 bài tập viết lại câu giữ nguyên ý part 6

100 bài tập viết lại câu giữ nguyên ý part 6

"100 bài tập viết lại câu giữ nguyên ý" phần 6 sử dụng để học tập các cấu trúc đồng nghĩa và các từ vựng đồng nghĩa.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


“100 bài tập viết lại câu giữ nguyên ý” phần 6 sử dụng để học tập các cấu trúc đồng nghĩa và các từ vựng đồng nghĩa.

Học lại bài cũ: 100 bài tập viết lại câu giữ nguyên ý part 5.

Lý thuyết trước khi làm bài

Từ đồng nghĩa cho “developed countries/world”

  1. Wealthy nations – Các quốc gia giàu có
  2. Economically advanced countries/regions – Các quốc gia/vùng kinh tế phát triển
  3. Affluent nations/regions – Các quốc gia/vùng thịnh vượng
  4. Modernized regions – Các khu vực hiện đại hóa
  5. Prosperous nations/regions – Các quốc gia/vùng thịnh vượng
  6. Industrialized nations/regions – Các quốc gia/khu vực công nghiệp hóa
  7. Financially stable regions – Các khu vực ổn định về tài chính
  8. Successful economies – Các nền kinh tế thành công
  9. Well-off countries/regions – Các quốc gia/khu vực giàu có
  10. Advanced regions/areas – Các khu vực phát triển
  11. Economically prosperous nations – Các quốc gia thịnh vượng về kinh tế
  12. Rich nations/regions – Các quốc gia/vùng giàu có
  13. Economically thriving nations – Các quốc gia phát triển mạnh về kinh tế
  14. Economically successful regions – Các khu vực thành công về kinh tế
  15. Affluent economies – Nền kinh tế giàu có
  16. Financially sound areas – Các khu vực tài chính ổn định
  17. Advanced economies – Các nền kinh tế phát triển
  18. Prosperous economies – Nền kinh tế thịnh vượng
  19. Economically strong nations – Các quốc gia kinh tế mạnh
  20. Modern economies – Nền kinh tế hiện đại

Từ đồng nghĩa cho “average life expectancy”

  1. Average lifespan – Tuổi thọ trung bình
  2. Typical life expectancy – Tuổi thọ điển hình
  3. Average years lived – Số năm sống trung bình
  4. Average duration of life – Thời gian sống trung bình
  5. Average years of life – Số năm sống trung bình
  6. Average life span – Tuổi thọ trung bình
  7. Life duration – Thời gian sống
  8. Life expectancy rates – Tỷ lệ tuổi thọ
  9. Typical lifespan – Tuổi thọ điển hình
  10. Life span – Tuổi thọ
  11. Lifespan – Tuổi thọ
  12. Expected life duration – Tuổi thọ dự kiến
  13. Expected lifespan – Tuổi thọ dự kiến
  14. Years lived – Số năm sống
  15. Average age people live to – Độ tuổi trung bình con người sống đến
  16. Age at death – Độ tuổi khi qua đời

Cấu trúc đồng nghĩa cho “is increasing”

  1. Is getting longer – Đang kéo dài ra
  2. Is rising – Đang tăng
  3. Is extending – Đang mở rộng
  4. Is going up – Đang đi lên
  5. Is lengthening – Đang dài ra
  6. Is climbing – Đang leo lên (tăng lên)
  7. Is improving – Đang cải thiện
  8. Is growing – Đang phát triển
  9. Is trending upward – Đang có xu hướng tăng
  10. Is on the rise – Đang trên đà tăng
  11. Is trending higher – Đang có xu hướng cao hơn
  12. Is continuing to grow – Tiếp tục tăng trưởng
  13. Is on an upward trend – Đang trong xu hướng tăng
  14. Keeps increasing – Tiếp tục tăng
  15. Is going up – Đang tăng lên
  16. Is expanding – Đang mở rộng
  17. Is getting higher – Đang trở nên cao hơn
  18. Is longer – Đang dài hơn
  19. Is witnessing a rise – Đang chứng kiến sự gia tăng
  20. Is on the rise – Đang trên đà tăng

100 bài tập viết lại câu giữ nguyên ý

  1. In wealthy nations, the average lifespan is getting longer.
  2. In economically advanced countries, people are living longer.
  3. The typical life expectancy in developed nations is rising.
  4. In developed economies, the average age people reach is increasing.
  5. In the affluent world, the average lifespan is going up.
  6. In modernized regions, the expected life duration is extending.
  7. Life expectancy continues to grow in the economically strong world.
  8. In progressive regions, the average years people live are rising.
  9. Average longevity is improving in industrialized nations.
  10. In well-off countries, people are expected to live longer.
  11. The typical lifespan is extending in prosperous regions.
  12. People in wealthy areas are enjoying a longer life expectancy.
  13. Life expectancy is lengthening in areas with advanced economies.
  14. In economically prosperous nations, people’s lifespan is increasing.
  15. In countries with strong economies, people tend to live longer.
  16. Average life duration is rising in developed countries.
  17. In developed regions, people’s life expectancy is going up.
  18. The average age at death is getting higher in industrialized nations.
  19. People are living longer in economically developed countries.
  20. In the industrialized world, life expectancy is on the rise.
  21. In advanced regions, the expected age of death is higher.
  22. The expected lifespan in advanced countries is improving.
  23. Average years lived are increasing in the economically successful world.
  24. In prosperous nations, the lifespan of citizens is extending.
  25. Lifespan is increasing in financially stable regions.
  26. In affluent areas, people’s life expectancy is growing.
  27. Life duration is extending in nations with developed economies.
  28. People in modern economies live longer on average.
  29. In wealthy countries, life spans are getting longer.
  30. In rich nations, life expectancy is trending upwards.
  31. The life expectancy in affluent nations is increasing.
  32. In economically advanced countries, average lifespan is rising.
  33. Average life duration is climbing in developed regions.
  34. People in developed economies are reaching higher ages.
  35. The typical age people live to is getting higher in affluent areas.
  36. In wealthy regions, life expectancy continues to grow.
  37. The average years of life in modern nations are extending.
  38. Life expectancy rates are increasing in developed countries.
  39. In industrialized economies, people’s lives are getting longer.
  40. The average life span in affluent areas is on the rise.
  41. In progressive nations, the life expectancy is climbing.
  42. In financially secure countries, people live longer lives.
  43. Life expectancy in prosperous regions is improving.
  44. In economically well-off nations, life duration is increasing.
  45. Average lifespan is getting longer in successful economies.
  46. In the rich world, people tend to live longer on average.
  47. In the industrialized world, average lifespan is climbing.
  48. In wealthy economies, life expectancy is trending upward.
  49. The average age of life is lengthening in modern regions.
  50. In economically thriving nations, people’s life expectancy rises.
  51. Life expectancy rises in the economically advanced world.
  52. People in developed countries are experiencing longer lives.
  53. Average years of life increase in affluent areas.
  54. In industrialized regions, people live longer now.
  55. Lifespan extends in economically developed nations.
  56. In modernized areas, people’s life expectancy goes up.
  57. Average age of death rises in advanced economies.
  58. Life expectancy is on an upward trend in the rich world.
  59. In affluent regions, the average age people reach is higher.
  60. The life duration in wealthy countries is expanding.
  61. In prosperous areas, people’s average years are increasing.
  62. In the advanced world, typical life spans are rising.
  63. In the developed world, average longevity is growing.
  64. Economically successful regions see increased life expectancy.
  65. Wealthy countries are witnessing a rise in lifespan.
  66. Life expectancy is trending higher in developed economies.
  67. In industrialized regions, average lifespan is extending.
  68. In financially sound areas, people live longer lives.
  69. Life expectancy keeps increasing in the advanced world.
  70. The average duration of life is longer in affluent regions.
  71. In prosperous nations, average lifespan is growing.
  72. In advanced areas, people’s life expectancy is on the rise.
  73. Economically wealthy regions see longer life spans.
  74. In the rich world, people’s average age is increasing.
  75. Life duration rises in industrialized nations.
  76. Life expectancy in prosperous countries is improving.
  77. The typical lifespan in developed regions is going up.
  78. In economically developed areas, people live longer.
  79. People live to older ages in industrialized countries.
  80. The average life span grows in advanced economies.
  81. In wealthy economies, people are living longer lives.
  82. In developed nations, life expectancy rates rise.
  83. People in financially strong nations tend to live longer.
  84. Life duration is higher in economically advanced areas.
  85. Life expectancy rises in prosperous economies.
  86. People in the advanced world enjoy longer lives.
  87. In successful economies, people’s lifespan is lengthening.
  88. The average age at death is higher in rich countries.
  89. Life spans are getting longer in affluent economies.
  90. People live longer on average in the industrialized world.
  91. In advanced nations, average years lived are extending.
  92. Life expectancy improves in financially secure regions.
  93. The average life span increases in affluent regions.
  94. In modern economies, people live longer than before.
  95. The typical duration of life rises in advanced regions.
  96. Average age at death in the rich world is higher.
  97. Lifespan is increasing in regions with prosperous economies.
  98. Economically strong nations see higher life expectancy.
  99. In well-off regions, life spans are lengthening.
  100. The average years of life are longer in developed countries.

Đáp án

  1. In wealthy nations, the average lifespan is getting longer.
  2. In economically advanced countries, people are living longer.
  3. The typical life expectancy in developed nations is rising.
  4. In developed economies, the average age people reach is increasing.
  5. In the affluent world, the average lifespan is going up.
  6. In modernized regions, the expected life duration is extending.
  7. Life expectancy continues to grow in the economically strong world.
  8. In progressive regions, the average years people live are rising.
  9. Average longevity is improving in industrialized nations.
  10. In well-off countries, people are expected to live longer.
  11. The typical lifespan is extending in prosperous regions.
  12. People in wealthy areas are enjoying a longer life expectancy.
  13. Life expectancy is lengthening in areas with advanced economies.
  14. In economically prosperous nations, people’s lifespan is increasing.
  15. In countries with strong economies, people tend to live longer.
  16. Average life duration is rising in developed countries.
  17. In developed regions, people’s life expectancy is going up.
  18. The average age at death is getting higher in industrialized nations.
  19. People are living longer in economically developed countries.
  20. In the industrialized world, life expectancy is on the rise.
  21. In advanced regions, the expected age of death is higher.
  22. The expected lifespan in advanced countries is improving.
  23. Average years lived are increasing in the economically successful world.
  24. In prosperous nations, the lifespan of citizens is extending.
  25. Lifespan is increasing in financially stable regions.
  26. In affluent areas, people’s life expectancy is growing.
  27. Life duration is extending in nations with developed economies.
  28. People in modern economies live longer on average.
  29. In wealthy countries, life spans are getting longer.
  30. In rich nations, life expectancy is trending upwards.
  31. The life expectancy in affluent nations is increasing.
  32. In economically advanced countries, average lifespan is rising.
  33. Average life duration is climbing in developed regions.
  34. People in developed economies are reaching higher ages.
  35. The typical age people live to is getting higher in affluent areas.
  36. In wealthy regions, life expectancy continues to grow.
  37. The average years of life in modern nations are extending.
  38. Life expectancy rates are increasing in developed countries.
  39. In industrialized economies, people’s lives are getting longer.
  40. The average life span in affluent areas is on the rise.
  41. In progressive nations, the life expectancy is climbing.
  42. In financially secure countries, people live longer lives.
  43. Life expectancy in prosperous regions is improving.
  44. In economically well-off nations, life duration is increasing.
  45. Average lifespan is getting longer in successful economies.
  46. In the rich world, people tend to live longer on average.
  47. In the industrialized world, average lifespan is climbing.
  48. In wealthy economies, life expectancy is trending upward.
  49. The average age of life is lengthening in modern regions.
  50. In economically thriving nations, people’s life expectancy rises.
  51. Life expectancy rises in the economically advanced world.
  52. People in developed countries are experiencing longer lives.
  53. Average years of life increase in affluent areas.
  54. In industrialized regions, people live longer now.
  55. Lifespan extends in economically developed nations.
  56. In modernized areas, people’s life expectancy goes up.
  57. Average age of death rises in advanced economies.
  58. Life expectancy is on an upward trend in the rich world.
  59. In affluent regions, the average age people reach is higher.
  60. The life duration in wealthy countries is expanding.
  61. In prosperous areas, people’s average years are increasing.
  62. In the advanced world, typical life spans are rising.
  63. In the developed world, average longevity is growing.
  64. Economically successful regions see increased life expectancy.
  65. Wealthy countries are witnessing a rise in lifespan.
  66. Life expectancy is trending higher in developed economies.
  67. In industrialized regions, average lifespan is extending.
  68. In financially sound areas, people live longer lives.
  69. Life expectancy keeps increasing in the advanced world.
  70. The average duration of life is longer in affluent regions.
  71. In prosperous nations, average lifespan is growing.
  72. In advanced areas, people’s life expectancy is on the rise.
  73. Economically wealthy regions see longer life spans.
  74. In the rich world, people’s average age is increasing.
  75. Life duration rises in industrialized nations.
  76. Life expectancy in prosperous countries is improving.
  77. The typical lifespan in developed regions is going up.
  78. In economically developed areas, people live longer.
  79. People live to older ages in industrialized countries.
  80. The average life span grows in advanced economies.
  81. In wealthy economies, people are living longer lives.
  82. In developed nations, life expectancy rates rise.
  83. People in financially strong nations tend to live longer.
  84. Life duration is higher in economically advanced areas.
  85. Life expectancy rises in prosperous economies.
  86. People in the advanced world enjoy longer lives.
  87. In successful economies, people’s lifespan is lengthening.
  88. The average age at death is higher in rich countries.
  89. Life spans are getting longer in affluent economies.
  90. People live longer on average in the industrialized world.
  91. In advanced nations, average years lived are extending.
  92. Life expectancy improves in financially secure regions.
  93. The average life span increases in affluent regions.
  94. In modern economies, people live longer than before.
  95. The typical duration of life rises in advanced regions.
  96. Average age at death in the rich world is higher.
  97. Lifespan is increasing in regions with prosperous economies.
  98. Economically strong nations see higher life expectancy.
  99. In well-off regions, life spans are lengthening.
  100. The average years of life are longer in developed countries.
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