Luyện tập IELTS Reading ngày 7 có chủ đề: Genetically Modified Organisms: Pros and Cons. Bài này thuộc chuỗi IELTS Reading: 30 chủ đề luyện tập. Mỗi bài này luyện tập khoảng 30 phút.
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Đọc bài IELTS Reading và trả lời câu hỏi ở bên dưới
Section A: What are GMOs?
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are living organisms whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques. The goal of genetic modification is often to enhance certain desirable traits such as increased resistance to pests, improved nutritional content, or a longer shelf life. GMOs are found in a variety of products, from crops like corn and soybeans to animals like salmon, and even microorganisms used in the production of medicines.
The genetic modification process involves isolating a specific gene from one organism and inserting it into another, granting the recipient organism new abilities. For example, certain crops have been genetically engineered to produce their own pesticide, reducing the need for chemical treatments.
Section B: Advantages of GMOs
There are several advantages to using GMOs in agriculture. One major benefit is the increased crop yield. Genetic modifications allow plants to grow faster, resist diseases, and tolerate adverse conditions such as drought or poor soil. This can lead to a more efficient food production system, which is essential in feeding the world’s growing population.
Another advantage is the potential for improved nutritional content. For instance, scientists have developed a type of rice enriched with beta-carotene, called “Golden Rice,” which aims to reduce Vitamin A deficiency in developing countries. This could have significant health benefits for millions of people who suffer from malnutrition.
Furthermore, GMOs can also be beneficial for the environment. Crops that are engineered to resist pests require fewer pesticide applications, which can reduce the amount of harmful chemicals released into the environment. Similarly, plants that are drought-resistant can help reduce the need for irrigation, conserving water resources.
Section C: Concerns and Criticisms of GMOs
Despite the advantages, GMOs are not without their critics. One of the primary concerns is their potential impact on human health. Some people worry that consuming genetically modified foods may lead to unforeseen health problems, such as allergies or long-term effects that are not yet understood. Although most research suggests that GMOs are safe for human consumption, these concerns persist.
Another criticism is the environmental risks associated with GMOs. While genetically modified crops may reduce the need for pesticides, there is a risk that they could crossbreed with wild plants, leading to unintended ecological consequences. For example, a genetically modified crop that is resistant to herbicides could cross-pollinate with wild weeds, potentially creating “superweeds” that are resistant to herbicide treatments, making them harder to control.
Additionally, the dominance of large biotech companies in the GMO industry raises ethical and economic concerns. These companies often patent genetically modified seeds, giving them control over the distribution and price of essential crops. This can put small farmers at a disadvantage, particularly in developing countries where access to such technology is limited.
Section D: The Future of GMOs
The debate over GMOs continues as researchers and policymakers weigh the potential benefits against the possible risks. Some believe that with proper regulation and testing, GMOs could play a crucial role in ensuring food security for future generations, particularly in the face of climate change. However, others argue that more research is needed to fully understand the long-term impacts of GMOs on health and the environment.
As the use of GMOs expands, it will be important to monitor their effects closely and to implement safeguards that address both scientific and ethical concerns. Ultimately, the future of GMOs will likely depend on finding a balance between innovation and caution, ensuring that technological advances are used responsibly and for the benefit of all.
Từ vựng
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) – Sinh vật biến đổi gen (GMOs)
- Genetic material – Vật liệu di truyền
- Genetic engineering – Kỹ thuật di truyền
- Desirable traits – Đặc điểm mong muốn
- Resistance – Sự kháng cự, khả năng chống lại
- Nutritional content – Hàm lượng dinh dưỡng
- Shelf life – Thời hạn sử dụng
- Microorganisms – Vi sinh vật
- Genetic modification – Sự biến đổi gen
- Pesticide – Thuốc trừ sâu
- Crop yield – Năng suất cây trồng
- Efficient – Hiệu quả
- Developing countries – Các nước đang phát triển
- Malnutrition – Suy dinh dưỡng
- Pesticide applications – Việc sử dụng thuốc trừ sâu
- Drought-resistant – Chống chịu hạn
- Human health – Sức khỏe con người
- Allergies – Dị ứng
- Crossbreed – Lai giống
- Ecological consequences – Hậu quả sinh thái
- Superweeds – Cỏ siêu kháng thuốc
- Herbicide treatments – Việc xử lý thuốc diệt cỏ
- Biotech companies – Các công ty công nghệ sinh học
- Patent – Bằng sáng chế
- Regulation – Quy định
- Policymakers – Những người làm chính sách
- Food security – An ninh lương thực
- Climate change – Biến đổi khí hậu
- Safeguards – Biện pháp bảo vệ
- Technological advances – Tiến bộ công nghệ
Câu hỏi IELTS Reading Genetically Modified Organisms: Pros and Cons
Questions 1-5: Matching Information
Match each section with the correct statement (A-E). Write the correct letter, A-E, in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
A. Possible health and environmental risks
B. Future perspectives on GMOs
C. Description of what GMOs are
D. Economic and ethical issues
E. Benefits of genetically modified crops
- Section A
- Section B
- Section C
- Section C
- Section D
Questions 6-10: True, False, Not Given
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the text? In boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet, write:
- TRUE if the statement agrees with the information
- FALSE if the statement contradicts the information
- NOT GIVEN if there is no information on this
- GMOs are used only in plants, not animals.
- Golden Rice was designed to combat a deficiency of Vitamin A.
- All research has proven that GMOs are safe for human consumption.
- GMOs could potentially lead to an increase in water usage in agriculture.
- Large biotech companies control the market for GMO seeds.
Questions 11-13: Short Answer Questions
Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage.
- What process is used to create genetically modified organisms?
- What type of crop was created to address malnutrition in developing countries?
- What term is used to describe plants that are difficult to eliminate due to genetic resistance to herbicides?
Đáp án IELTS Reading Genetically Modified Organisms: Pros and Cons
Questions 1-5: Matching Information
- Section A – C. Description of what GMOs are
- Section B – E. Benefits of genetically modified crops
- Section C – A. Possible health and environmental risks
- Section C – D. Economic and ethical issues
- Section D – B. Future perspectives on GMOs
Questions 6-10: True, False, Not Given
- FALSE (GMOs are used in both plants and animals)
- TRUE (Golden Rice was designed to combat Vitamin A deficiency)
- FALSE (Not all research has proven GMOs are safe; there are still concerns)
- FALSE (GMOs like drought-resistant crops aim to reduce water usage, not increase it)
- TRUE (Large biotech companies control the market for GMO seeds)
Questions 11-13: Short Answer Questions
- Genetic engineering
- Golden Rice
- Superweeds