Bài tập Listening 17: Globalization and Its Challenges

Bài tập Listening 17: Globalization and Its Challenges

Chủ đề bài Listening lần này là toàn cầu hóa và ảnh hưởng của nó là chủ đề đã được sử dụng ở các kỹ năng như Speaking, Writing và Reading trong website này rồi. Tuy nhiên đây là lần đầu chủ đề này được sử dụng cho một bài Listening.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Chủ đề bài Listening lần này là toàn cầu hóa và ảnh hưởng của nó là chủ đề đã được sử dụng ở các kỹ năng như Speaking, Writing và Reading trong website này rồi. Tuy nhiên đây là lần đầu chủ đề này được sử dụng cho một bài Listening.

Bài Listening


Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Globalization and Its Challenges

Introduction to Globalization

  • Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of countries through 31. _____________ and trade.
  • This phenomenon has accelerated due to advancements in technology and 32. _____________.

Positive Aspects of Globalization

  • Economic growth: Nations can benefit from increased 33. _____________ opportunities.
  • Access to resources: Countries can obtain goods and 34. _____________ more easily.
  • Cultural exchange: Exposure to diverse cultures and ideas, leading to a more 35. _____________ world view.

Challenges of Globalization

  • Economic Disparities:
    • Wealth gap: Increased income inequality between 36. _____________ and developing countries.
    • Job displacement: Many jobs in 37. _____________ countries are lost due to outsourcing.
  • Environmental Issues:
    • Pollution: Higher levels of industrial activity result in more 38. _____________ emissions.
    • Resource depletion: Overuse of natural resources due to 39. _____________ production.
  • Cultural Impact:
    • Homogenization: Local cultures may be overshadowed by dominant 40. _____________ influences.


  • Globalization presents both opportunities and challenges.
  • Effective policies and cooperation are needed to ensure equitable and sustainable development.

Bản Audio Script

Good morning, everyone. Today’s lecture will focus on globalization and its challenges. Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of countries through communication and trade. This phenomenon has accelerated due to advancements in technology and transportation, making the world more connected than ever before.

One of the positive aspects of globalization is economic growth. Nations can benefit from increased trade opportunities, which can lead to greater economic prosperity. Additionally, globalization allows countries to access resources that were previously out of reach, making goods and services more available worldwide. There is also a significant cultural exchange that occurs as a result of globalization. People are exposed to diverse cultures and ideas, which can lead to a more open and informed world view.

However, globalization also presents several challenges. One major issue is economic disparity. The wealth gap between developed and developing countries has widened, and many jobs in developed countries are lost due to outsourcing. This job displacement can lead to significant economic and social challenges within these nations.

Environmental issues are another major concern. The increased levels of industrial activity that accompany globalization often result in higher pollution emissions, contributing to climate change. Additionally, the demand for products can lead to the overuse and depletion of natural resources, threatening environmental sustainability.

Culturally, globalization can lead to homogenization. Local cultures and traditions may be overshadowed by dominant foreign influences, resulting in the loss of cultural diversity.

In conclusion, while globalization brings many opportunities for growth and cultural exchange, it also poses significant challenges that need to be addressed. Effective policies and international cooperation are crucial to ensuring that globalization benefits all countries and promotes sustainable development.

Đọc lại bài Listening cũ: Bài tập Listening 16: Mental Health Awareness.

Đáp án

Globalization and Its Challenges

Introduction to Globalization

  • Globalization refers to the increasing interconnectedness of countries through 31. communication and trade.
  • This phenomenon has accelerated due to advancements in technology and 32. transportation.

Positive Aspects of Globalization

  • Economic growth: Nations can benefit from increased 33. trade opportunities.
  • Access to resources: Countries can obtain goods and 34. services more easily.
  • Cultural exchange: Exposure to diverse cultures and ideas, leading to a more 35. open world view.

Challenges of Globalization

  • Economic Disparities:
    • Wealth gap: Increased income inequality between 36. developed and developing countries.
    • Job displacement: Many jobs in 37. developed countries are lost due to outsourcing.
  • Environmental Issues:
    • Pollution: Higher levels of industrial activity result in more 38. pollution emissions.
    • Resource depletion: Overuse of natural resources due to 39. increased production.
  • Cultural Impact:
    • Homogenization: Local cultures may be overshadowed by dominant 40. foreign influences.
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