Bài tập Listening 27: The Role of Women in Society

Bài tập Listening 27: The Role of Women in Society

Bài Listening về nữ quyền trong xã hội. Đây không chỉ là chủ đề hay được có trong kỳ thi mà còn là chủ đề được nhiều báo đài hiện nay đề cập nên hy vọng bài này sẽ dễ làm đối với các bạn.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Bài Listening về nữ quyền trong xã hội. Đây không chỉ là chủ đề hay được có trong kỳ thi mà còn là chủ đề được nhiều báo đài hiện nay đề cập nên hy vọng bài này sẽ dễ làm đối với các bạn. Sau đây là bài Listening các bạn nên nghe đi nghe lại nhiều lần.

Bài Listening

Listening Practice: The Role of Women in Society


Please answer the following questions based on the audio clip.

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. What was the primary role of women in the early 1900s?
    • A) Political leaders
    • B) Business executives
    • C) Household chores and childcare
    • D) Academic scholars
  2. Which movement was pivotal in granting women the right to vote?
    • A) Civil Rights Movement
    • B) Women’s Suffrage Movement
    • C) Environmental Movement
    • D) Labor Movement
  3. Which decades are associated with the feminist movements that challenged traditional norms?
    • A) 1940s and 1950s
    • B) 1980s and 1990s
    • C) 1960s and 1970s
    • D) 2000s and 2010s
  4. What are some of the current issues affecting women’s experiences and opportunities mentioned in the audio?
    • A) Technological barriers
    • B) Gender pay gap and underrepresentation in leadership roles
    • C) Lack of educational opportunities
    • D) Environmental challenges

Short Answer Questions:

  1. How has the role of women in society changed over the past century?
  2. What are some sectors where women occupy positions of power and influence today?
  3. Why is it important to continue addressing gender inequality issues according to the audio?

True/False Questions:

  1. Women gained the right to vote in the early 1900s primarily due to the Environmental Movement.
    • True
    • False
  2. Despite significant progress, the journey towards full gender equality is considered complete according to the audio.
    • True
    • False
  3. The feminist movements of the 1960s and 1970s only focused on women’s rights in education.
    • True
    • False

Answer Key:

Multiple Choice Questions:

  1. C
  2. B
  3. C
  4. B

Short Answer Questions: 5. The role of women in society has evolved from being primarily responsible for household chores and childcare to entering the workforce and occupying positions of power and influence in various sectors. 6. Women today occupy positions of power and influence in business, politics, and academia. 7. It is important to continue addressing gender inequality issues to create a more equitable society for all.

True/False Questions: 8. False 9. False 10. False

Audio Script

Please listen to the following audio clip about the role of women in society.

Audio Script:

“Over the past century, the role of women in society has undergone significant changes. In the early 1900s, women were primarily confined to the domestic sphere, responsible for household chores and childcare. However, as the decades progressed, women began to enter the workforce in increasing numbers, driven by economic necessity, social movements, and changing attitudes towards gender roles.

The women’s suffrage movement in the early 20th century was a pivotal moment, leading to women gaining the right to vote in many countries. This was followed by the feminist movements of the 1960s and 1970s, which challenged traditional norms and advocated for gender equality in all areas of life, including education, employment, and politics.

Today, women occupy positions of power and influence in various sectors, from business to politics to academia. Despite these advancements, gender inequality persists in many parts of the world. Issues such as the gender pay gap, underrepresentation in leadership roles, and societal expectations continue to affect women’s experiences and opportunities.

In conclusion, while significant progress has been made, the journey towards full gender equality is ongoing. It is essential to continue addressing these challenges to create a more equitable society for all.”

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