IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part freelance

IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part freelance

Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part freelance

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Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part freelance

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

A growing number of people are choosing to freelance instead of working for a company. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu đề luyện thi IELTS Writing

In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in the labor market, with an increasing number of individuals opting to freelance rather than work for a traditional company. This essay will explore the reasons behind this trend and how people can effectively research freelancing as a viable career option. I partly agree with the notion that freelancing is a preferable choice, as it offers certain advantages, but it also comes with challenges that must be considered.

One of the primary reasons why many people choose freelancing is the desire for greater flexibility. Freelancers have the autonomy to set their own schedules, choose their projects, and work from virtually anywhere. This freedom allows them to achieve a better work-life balance, which is particularly appealing to those who value personal time or have family commitments. Moreover, freelancing can potentially lead to higher income, as freelancers can take on multiple clients and negotiate their rates based on their skills and experience.

Another factor contributing to the rise of freelancing is the advancement of technology. With the proliferation of digital tools and platforms, it has become easier for individuals to connect with clients, manage projects, and receive payments online. The gig economy, supported by these technological developments, has made freelancing a more accessible and viable option for people across various industries.

However, freelancing is not without its challenges. Freelancers often face income instability, as their earnings depend on the availability of projects and the payment terms agreed upon with clients. They also lack the benefits that traditional employees enjoy, such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid leave. Additionally, freelancing requires self-discipline and effective time management skills, as there is no external structure or supervision.

To research freelancing effectively, individuals can start by exploring online resources, such as websites, blogs, and forums dedicated to freelance work. These platforms often provide valuable insights into the pros and cons of freelancing, as well as tips on how to get started. Additionally, networking with current freelancers can offer first-hand knowledge about the industry. It is also advisable to analyze market demand for specific skills and evaluate potential income streams before making the transition.

In conclusion, while freelancing offers numerous benefits, including flexibility and the potential for higher income, it also presents significant challenges that should not be overlooked. By thoroughly researching and understanding the realities of freelancing, individuals can make informed decisions about whether this career path is suitable for them. Thus, I agree with the growing trend towards freelancing, but with the caveat that it requires careful consideration and preparation.

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

1. Cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp được sử dụng:

  • Câu ghép (Compound sentences):
    • “This essay will explore the reasons behind this trend and how people can effectively research freelancing as a viable career option.”
    • “This freedom allows them to achieve a better work-life balance, which is particularly appealing to those who value personal time or have family commitments.”
    • “Moreover, freelancing can potentially lead to higher income, as freelancers can take on multiple clients and negotiate their rates based on their skills and experience.”
    • “With the proliferation of digital tools and platforms, it has become easier for individuals to connect with clients, manage projects, and receive payments online.”
  • Câu phức (Complex sentences):
    • “In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in the labor market, with an increasing number of individuals opting to freelance rather than work for a traditional company.”
    • “I partly agree with the notion that freelancing is a preferable choice, as it offers certain advantages, but it also comes with challenges that must be considered.”
    • “Another factor contributing to the rise of freelancing is the advancement of technology.”
    • “Freelancers often face income instability, as their earnings depend on the availability of projects and the payment terms agreed upon with clients.”
    • “By thoroughly researching and understanding the realities of freelancing, individuals can make informed decisions about whether this career path is suitable for them.”
  • Câu điều kiện (Conditional sentences):
    • “If you thoroughly research and understand the realities of freelancing, you can make informed decisions.” (Mặc dù câu này không xuất hiện nguyên bản trong bài, nhưng ý nghĩa tương tự có thể được rút ra từ đoạn cuối.)
  • Cấu trúc bị động (Passive voice):
    • “This essay will explore the reasons behind this trend and how people can effectively research freelancing as a viable career option.”
    • “These platforms often provide valuable insights into the pros and cons of freelancing, as well as tips on how to get started.”
  • Mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative clauses):
    • “This freedom allows them to achieve a better work-life balance, which is particularly appealing to those who value personal time or have family commitments.”
    • “I partly agree with the notion that freelancing is a preferable choice, as it offers certain advantages, but it also comes with challenges that must be considered.”

2. Các từ kết nối các câu và các đoạn:

  • In recent years: Mở đầu đoạn văn giới thiệu bối cảnh.
  • This: Được sử dụng để liên kết với ý trước đó.
  • One of the primary reasons: Dẫn dắt lý do chính.
  • Moreover: Liên kết và bổ sung thông tin cho lý do chính.
  • Another factor: Giới thiệu một yếu tố khác.
  • However: Đưa ra ý ngược lại hoặc khó khăn.
  • Additionally: Bổ sung thông tin.
  • To research freelancing effectively: Giới thiệu một cách nghiên cứu hiệu quả.
  • In conclusion: Dẫn dắt phần kết luận.
  • Thus: Tóm tắt và kết luận lại quan điểm.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. freelance: làm việc tự do
  2. traditional company: công ty truyền thống
  3. labor market: thị trường lao động
  4. flexibility: sự linh hoạt
  5. autonomy: sự tự chủ
  6. work-life balance: cân bằng giữa công việc và cuộc sống
  7. income: thu nhập
  8. clients: khách hàng
  9. negotiate: đàm phán
  10. advancement of technology: sự phát triển của công nghệ
  11. digital tools: công cụ kỹ thuật số
  12. gig economy: nền kinh tế tạm thời (nền kinh tế hợp đồng ngắn hạn)
  13. accessible: có thể tiếp cận được
  14. income instability: sự bất ổn về thu nhập
  15. payment terms: điều khoản thanh toán
  16. self-discipline: kỷ luật tự giác
  17. time management skills: kỹ năng quản lý thời gian
  18. external structure: cấu trúc bên ngoài
  19. supervision: sự giám sát
  20. online resources: nguồn tài nguyên trực tuyến
  21. insights: hiểu biết sâu sắc
  22. pros and cons: lợi và hại
  23. networking: kết nối, tạo mối quan hệ
  24. market demand: nhu cầu thị trường
  25. income streams: dòng thu nhập

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