IELTS Writing task 2 Positive or Negative new businesses

IELTS Writing task 2 Positive or Negative new businesses

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Positive or Negative new businesses

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Positive or Negative new businesses

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The trend of crowd-funding as a way to start new businesses. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu đề luyện thi IELTS Writing

In recent years, crowdfunding has emerged as a popular method for entrepreneurs to finance their new business ventures. This trend allows individuals to raise capital by appealing directly to a large number of potential backers through online platforms. While some argue that crowdfunding democratizes access to capital, others contend that it may introduce risks and uncertainties for both entrepreneurs and investors. In my view, the development of crowdfunding as a means to start new businesses has both positive and negative aspects, depending on how it is implemented.

On the positive side, crowdfunding offers a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs who might not have access to traditional funding sources such as bank loans or venture capital. By leveraging social media and online platforms, entrepreneurs can reach a global audience of potential investors, thus increasing their chances of raising the necessary funds. This democratization of funding is particularly beneficial for startups in niche markets or those with innovative ideas that might not appeal to conventional investors. Furthermore, crowdfunding allows entrepreneurs to validate their business ideas by gauging public interest and support before fully committing to their projects. This can reduce the risk of failure by ensuring that there is a market demand for the product or service.

However, there are also significant drawbacks to the trend of crowdfunding. One major concern is the lack of regulation and oversight in many crowdfunding platforms, which can lead to fraud and financial losses for investors. Unlike traditional funding methods, crowdfunding does not always require thorough due diligence, meaning that some projects may be overhyped or poorly planned. Additionally, the pressure to meet funding targets can lead entrepreneurs to make unrealistic promises or underestimate the challenges of bringing their ideas to fruition. This can result in disappointment for both the entrepreneurs and their backers if the project fails to deliver on its promises.

In conclusion, while crowdfunding has opened new doors for aspiring entrepreneurs, it also carries inherent risks that must be carefully managed. I believe that crowdfunding is a positive development when used responsibly, with adequate safeguards in place to protect both investors and entrepreneurs. However, without proper regulation and transparency, it could lead to negative outcomes that undermine its potential benefits. Therefore, the success of crowdfunding as a tool for starting new businesses depends on striking the right balance between innovation and accountability.

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

Cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp trong bài essay:

  1. Cấu trúc câu:
    • Câu đơn (Simple Sentence):
      • “This trend allows individuals to raise capital by appealing directly to a large number of potential backers through online platforms.”
      • “This can reduce the risk of failure by ensuring that there is a market demand for the product or service.”
    • Câu ghép (Compound Sentence):
      • “While some argue that crowdfunding democratizes access to capital, others contend that it may introduce risks and uncertainties for both entrepreneurs and investors.”
      • “By leveraging social media and online platforms, entrepreneurs can reach a global audience of potential investors, thus increasing their chances of raising the necessary funds.”
    • Câu phức (Complex Sentence):
      • “In my view, the development of crowdfunding as a means to start new businesses has both positive and negative aspects, depending on how it is implemented.”
      • “One major concern is the lack of regulation and oversight in many crowdfunding platforms, which can lead to fraud and financial losses for investors.”
    • Câu phức ghép (Compound-Complex Sentence):
      • “However, without proper regulation and transparency, it could lead to negative outcomes that undermine its potential benefits.”
  2. Cấu trúc ngữ pháp:
    • Cụm danh từ (Noun Phrases):
      • “a popular method for entrepreneurs”
      • “a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs”
      • “the development of crowdfunding”
    • Cụm động từ (Verb Phrases):
      • “has emerged as”
      • “allows individuals to raise”
      • “can lead to”
    • Mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative Clauses):
      • “which can lead to fraud and financial losses for investors”
      • “that undermine its potential benefits”
    • Cụm phân từ (Participial Phrases):
      • “depending on how it is implemented”
      • “leveraging social media and online platforms”
    • Cấu trúc đảo ngữ (Inversion):
      • “Not only does crowdfunding democratize access to capital, but it also enables entrepreneurs to validate their business ideas.”

Các từ kết nối câu và đoạn văn:

  1. Từ kết nối câu (Sentence Connectors):
    • “While” – Sử dụng để đối lập hai ý tưởng trong cùng một câu.
    • “However” – Dùng để chuyển sang một ý kiến đối lập hoặc bổ sung một ý khác.
    • “Furthermore” – Để bổ sung thêm thông tin hoặc lập luận.
    • “Additionally” – Dùng để thêm thông tin phụ vào một ý đã được nêu trước đó.
    • “Therefore” – Dùng để kết luận hoặc chỉ ra kết quả của một vấn đề.
  2. Từ kết nối đoạn văn (Paragraph Connectors):
    • “On the positive side,” – Mở đầu đoạn văn để trình bày các điểm tích cực.
    • “However,” – Bắt đầu đoạn văn để nêu các mặt tiêu cực hoặc đối lập với ý đã được nêu trước đó.
    • “In conclusion,” – Dùng để bắt đầu đoạn kết luận của bài viết.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Crowdfunding – Gây quỹ cộng đồng
  2. Entrepreneurs – Doanh nhân, người khởi nghiệp
  3. Finance – Tài trợ, cấp vốn
  4. Ventures – Dự án, công việc kinh doanh mới
  5. Capital – Vốn
  6. Backers – Người ủng hộ, nhà đầu tư
  7. Platforms – Nền tảng
  8. Democratizes – Dân chủ hóa, làm cho dễ tiếp cận hơn
  9. Access to capital – Tiếp cận vốn
  10. Conventional investors – Nhà đầu tư truyền thống
  11. Validate – Xác nhận, kiểm chứng
  12. Gauge – Đánh giá, đo lường
  13. Market demand – Nhu cầu thị trường
  14. Regulation – Quy định, sự điều chỉnh
  15. Oversight – Giám sát
  16. Fraud – Gian lận
  17. Due diligence – Thẩm định kỹ lưỡng
  18. Funding targets – Mục tiêu gây quỹ
  19. Unrealistic promises – Lời hứa không thực tế
  20. Challenges – Thách thức
  21. Transparency – Minh bạch
  22. Accountability – Trách nhiệm giải trình

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