IELTS Writing task 2 Positive or Negative urban areas

IELTS Writing task 2 Positive or Negative urban areas

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Positive or Negative urban areas

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Positive or Negative urban areas

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The increasing availability of fast food in urban areas. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

The proliferation of fast food outlets in urban areas has become a ubiquitous phenomenon in modern society. While some argue that this trend brings certain conveniences, I believe that the overall impact is largely negative, particularly in terms of health and social consequences.

On the one hand, the rise of fast food can be seen as a positive development due to the convenience it offers. In the fast-paced urban lifestyle, many individuals find it difficult to prepare meals at home, especially after long working hours. Fast food provides a quick and affordable option for those who need to eat on the go. Additionally, fast food chains often offer a variety of menu choices, catering to different tastes and dietary preferences. This accessibility can be beneficial for people with busy schedules who require a quick solution to their hunger.

However, despite these conveniences, the negative aspects of fast food are far more concerning. The most significant drawback is its impact on public health. Fast food is typically high in calories, saturated fats, sugars, and sodium, which can lead to serious health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. As urban populations increasingly rely on fast food for their daily nutrition, these health issues have become more prevalent, straining public health systems and reducing overall life quality.

Moreover, the increasing availability of fast food can undermine traditional culinary cultures. In many urban areas, local food practices are being overshadowed by the uniformity of fast food, leading to a loss of cultural diversity in food. This shift not only affects dietary habits but also erodes the social fabric that is often tied to communal dining and traditional food preparation methods.

In conclusion, while the availability of fast food in urban areas offers certain conveniences, I believe that the negative health and social consequences far outweigh the benefits. Therefore, this is largely a negative development that could have long-term adverse effects on society.

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

Cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

  1. Câu ghép (Compound sentences):
    • “The proliferation of fast food outlets in urban areas has become a ubiquitous phenomenon in modern society.”
    • “While some argue that this trend brings certain conveniences, I believe that the overall impact is largely negative, particularly in terms of health and social consequences.”
    • “In the fast-paced urban lifestyle, many individuals find it difficult to prepare meals at home, especially after long working hours.”
    • “Fast food is typically high in calories, saturated fats, sugars, and sodium, which can lead to serious health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.”
    • “As urban populations increasingly rely on fast food for their daily nutrition, these health issues have become more prevalent, straining public health systems and reducing overall life quality.”
  2. Câu phức (Complex sentences):
    • “On the one hand, the rise of fast food can be seen as a positive development due to the convenience it offers.”
    • “This accessibility can be beneficial for people with busy schedules who require a quick solution to their hunger.”
    • “However, despite these conveniences, the negative aspects of fast food are far more concerning.”
    • “Moreover, the increasing availability of fast food can undermine traditional culinary cultures.”
    • “This shift not only affects dietary habits but also erodes the social fabric that is often tied to communal dining and traditional food preparation methods.”
    • “In conclusion, while the availability of fast food in urban areas offers certain conveniences, I believe that the negative health and social consequences far outweigh the benefits.”
  3. Câu đơn (Simple sentences):
    • “Fast food provides a quick and affordable option for those who need to eat on the go.”
    • “Additionally, fast food chains often offer a variety of menu choices, catering to different tastes and dietary preferences.”
  4. Cấu trúc so sánh (Comparative structures):
    • “The negative aspects of fast food are far more concerning.”
    • “This is largely a negative development that could have long-term adverse effects on society.”
  5. Cấu trúc mệnh đề danh từ (Noun clauses):
    • “I believe that the overall impact is largely negative.”
    • “Some argue that this trend brings certain conveniences.”
    • “I believe that the negative health and social consequences far outweigh the benefits.”

Các từ kết nối (Connectors)

  1. Liên kết các câu (Sentence connectors):
    • “While” (mặc dù) – “While some argue that this trend brings certain conveniences…”
    • “However” (tuy nhiên) – “However, despite these conveniences, the negative aspects of fast food are far more concerning.”
    • “Moreover” (hơn nữa) – “Moreover, the increasing availability of fast food can undermine traditional culinary cultures.”
    • “Therefore” (do đó) – “Therefore, this is largely a negative development that could have long-term adverse effects on society.”
  2. Liên kết trong câu (Within sentence connectors):
    • “Particularly” (đặc biệt) – “…particularly in terms of health and social consequences.”
    • “Especially” (đặc biệt là) – “…especially after long working hours.”
    • “Due to” (vì) – “…due to the convenience it offers.”
    • “Such as” (chẳng hạn như) – “…can lead to serious health problems such as obesity, heart disease, and diabetes.”
    • “Not only… but also…” (không chỉ… mà còn) – “This shift not only affects dietary habits but also erodes the social fabric…”
    • “As” (khi mà) – “As urban populations increasingly rely on fast food…”
    • “While” (trong khi) – “While the availability of fast food in urban areas offers certain conveniences…”
  3. Liên kết các đoạn văn (Paragraph connectors):
    • “On the one hand” (một mặt) – Dùng để giới thiệu ý kiến tích cực.
    • “In conclusion” (kết luận) – Dùng để tổng kết các ý chính trong bài và đưa ra kết luận.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Proliferation: Sự gia tăng nhanh chóng
  2. Ubiquitous: Phổ biến khắp nơi
  3. Phenomenon: Hiện tượng
  4. Conveniences: Sự tiện lợi
  5. Impact: Ảnh hưởng
  6. Consequences: Hậu quả
  7. Convenience: Tiện lợi
  8. Fast-paced: Nhịp độ nhanh
  9. Affordable: Giá cả phải chăng
  10. Catering: Đáp ứng
  11. Menu choices: Lựa chọn trong thực đơn
  12. Dietary preferences: Sở thích ăn uống
  13. Public health: Sức khỏe cộng đồng
  14. Saturated fats: Chất béo bão hòa
  15. Diabetes: Bệnh tiểu đường
  16. Prevalent: Thường thấy, phổ biến
  17. Straining: Gây áp lực
  18. Life quality: Chất lượng cuộc sống
  19. Undermine: Làm suy yếu
  20. Culinary cultures: Văn hóa ẩm thực
  21. Uniformity: Sự đồng nhất
  22. Cultural diversity: Sự đa dạng văn hóa
  23. Communal dining: Ăn uống cộng đồng
  24. Adverse: Bất lợi

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