IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 73

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 73

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 72:

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 72:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The government should ban the sale of cigarettes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

The debate on whether the government should ban the sale of cigarettes has garnered significant attention. While some argue that such a ban is necessary to protect public health, others believe it infringes on personal freedom and choice. This essay will discuss both perspectives and explain why I partially agree with the idea of banning cigarette sales.

On one hand, banning the sale of cigarettes could lead to substantial public health benefits. Cigarettes are known to cause a multitude of health issues, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. By eliminating access to cigarettes, the government could significantly reduce the prevalence of these diseases. This would not only improve the quality of life for many individuals but also lessen the burden on healthcare systems. Additionally, a ban on cigarette sales could deter young people from picking up the habit, thereby preventing future generations from suffering the same health consequences.

On the other hand, there are significant challenges and drawbacks to implementing such a ban. Firstly, prohibiting the sale of cigarettes could lead to the emergence of a black market. This would make it difficult to regulate the quality of the cigarettes being sold, potentially exposing smokers to even greater health risks. Furthermore, a complete ban may be seen as an infringement on personal freedom. Adults should have the right to make their own choices, even if those choices are harmful to their health. Moreover, the tobacco industry is a significant source of revenue for many governments, and a ban could result in substantial economic losses, including job losses for those working in the industry.

Considering both sides, I partially agree with the idea of banning the sale of cigarettes. Instead of an outright ban, the government should implement stricter regulations on the production, marketing, and sale of cigarettes. This could include higher taxes on tobacco products, more prominent health warnings on packaging, and restrictions on advertising. Additionally, providing better support for smoking cessation programs would help smokers quit and reduce the overall demand for cigarettes.

In conclusion, while banning the sale of cigarettes could bring about considerable health benefits, it also poses significant challenges. A balanced approach, involving stricter regulations and support for smoking cessation, would be a more effective solution. This way, the government can protect public health without infringing on personal freedoms or causing economic disruption.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Sentence Structures and Grammar:

  1. The debate on whether the government should ban the sale of cigarettes has garnered significant attention.
    • Simple sentence with a noun clause as the subject.
  2. While some argue that such a ban is necessary to protect public health, others believe it infringes on personal freedom and choice.
    • Complex sentence with a concessive clause.
  3. This essay will discuss both perspectives and explain why I partially agree with the idea of banning cigarette sales.
    • Compound sentence with two independent clauses connected by “and.”
  4. On one hand, banning the sale of cigarettes could lead to substantial public health benefits.
    • Simple sentence with a participial phrase (“banning the sale of cigarettes”).
  5. Cigarettes are known to cause a multitude of health issues, including lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems.
    • Simple sentence with a participial phrase.
  6. By eliminating access to cigarettes, the government could significantly reduce the prevalence of these diseases.
    • Complex sentence with a participial phrase (“by eliminating access to cigarettes”).
  7. This would not only improve the quality of life for many individuals but also lessen the burden on healthcare systems.
    • Compound sentence with “not only… but also” structure.
  8. Additionally, a ban on cigarette sales could deter young people from picking up the habit, thereby preventing future generations from suffering the same health consequences.
    • Complex sentence with a participial phrase (“thereby preventing future generations…”).
  9. On the other hand, there are significant challenges and drawbacks to implementing such a ban.
    • Simple sentence with an introductory phrase (“On the other hand”).
  10. Firstly, prohibiting the sale of cigarettes could lead to the emergence of a black market.
    • Simple sentence with an introductory adverb (“Firstly”).
  11. This would make it difficult to regulate the quality of the cigarettes being sold, potentially exposing smokers to even greater health risks.
    • Compound-complex sentence with a participial phrase (“potentially exposing smokers…”).
  12. Furthermore, a complete ban may be seen as an infringement on personal freedom.
    • Simple sentence with an introductory adverb (“Furthermore”).
  13. Adults should have the right to make their own choices, even if those choices are harmful to their health.
    • Complex sentence with a conditional clause (“even if…”).
  14. Moreover, the tobacco industry is a significant source of revenue for many governments, and a ban could result in substantial economic losses, including job losses for those working in the industry.
    • Compound-complex sentence with an introductory adverb (“Moreover”) and a participial phrase (“including job losses…”).
  15. Considering both sides, I partially agree with the idea of banning the sale of cigarettes.
    • Complex sentence with a participial phrase (“Considering both sides”).
  16. Instead of an outright ban, the government should implement stricter regulations on the production, marketing, and sale of cigarettes.
    • Complex sentence with a prepositional phrase (“Instead of an outright ban”).
  17. This could include higher taxes on tobacco products, more prominent health warnings on packaging, and restrictions on advertising.
    • Simple sentence with a list.
  18. Additionally, providing better support for smoking cessation programs would help smokers quit and reduce the overall demand for cigarettes.
    • Complex sentence with a participial phrase (“providing better support…”).
  19. In conclusion, while banning the sale of cigarettes could bring about considerable health benefits, it also poses significant challenges.
    • Complex sentence with an introductory phrase (“In conclusion”) and a concessive clause (“while banning the sale…”).
  20. A balanced approach, involving stricter regulations and support for smoking cessation, would be a more effective solution.
    • Complex sentence with a participial phrase (“involving stricter regulations…”).
  21. This way, the government can protect public health without infringing on personal freedoms or causing economic disruption.
    • Complex sentence with a participial phrase (“without infringing… or causing…”).

Connecting Words and Phrases:

  • While
  • On one hand
  • By
  • Not only… but also
  • Additionally
  • Thereby
  • On the other hand
  • Firstly
  • Furthermore
  • Even if
  • Moreover
  • Considering
  • Instead of
  • In conclusion
  • While
  • This way
  • Without… or

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Ban – cấm
  2. Sale – bán
  3. Cigarettes – thuốc lá
  4. Public health – sức khỏe cộng đồng
  5. Infringes – vi phạm
  6. Personal freedom – tự do cá nhân
  7. Choice – lựa chọn
  8. Partially agree – đồng ý một phần
  9. Substantial – đáng kể
  10. Health issues – vấn đề sức khỏe
  11. Lung cancer – ung thư phổi
  12. Heart disease – bệnh tim
  13. Respiratory problems – vấn đề hô hấp
  14. Eliminating – loại bỏ
  15. Prevalence – tỉ lệ phổ biến
  16. Improve – cải thiện
  17. Quality of life – chất lượng cuộc sống
  18. Healthcare systems – hệ thống y tế
  19. Deter – ngăn cản
  20. Future generations – thế hệ tương lai
  21. Challenges – thách thức
  22. Drawbacks – hạn chế
  23. Implementing – thực hiện
  24. Emergence – sự xuất hiện
  25. Black market – thị trường chợ đen
  26. Regulate – điều tiết
  27. Quality – chất lượng
  28. Infringement – sự vi phạm
  29. Revenue – doanh thu
  30. Economic losses – tổn thất kinh tế
  31. Job losses – mất việc làm
  32. Stricter regulations – quy định nghiêm ngặt hơn
  33. Production – sản xuất
  34. Marketing – tiếp thị
  35. Higher taxes – thuế cao hơn
  36. Tobacco products – sản phẩm thuốc lá
  37. Prominent health warnings – cảnh báo sức khỏe nổi bật
  38. Packaging – bao bì
  39. Advertising – quảng cáo
  40. Support – hỗ trợ
  41. Smoking cessation programs – chương trình cai thuốc lá
  42. Demand – nhu cầu
  43. Balanced approach – phương pháp cân bằng
  44. Effective solution – giải pháp hiệu quả
  45. Protect – bảo vệ
  46. Economic disruption – sự gián đoạn kinh tế

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