Irregular Verbs (Động Từ Bất Quy Tắc) và 100 bài tập

Irregular Verbs (Động Từ Bất Quy Tắc) và 100 bài tập

Động từ bất quy tắc (irregular verbs) là những động từ không tuân theo quy tắc chung khi chuyển từ dạng nguyên thể (infinitive) sang dạng quá khứ (past tense) và quá khứ phân từ (past participle).

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Động từ bất quy tắc (irregular verbs) là những động từ không tuân theo quy tắc chung khi chuyển từ dạng nguyên thể (infinitive) sang dạng quá khứ (past tense) và quá khứ phân từ (past participle).

Một Số Irregular Verbs Động Từ Bất Quy Tắc Thông Dụng:

  1. be – was/were – been
  2. become – became – become
  3. begin – began – begun
  4. break – broke – broken
  5. bring – brought – brought
  6. build – built – built
  7. buy – bought – bought
  8. choose – chose – chosen
  9. come – came – come
  10. do – did – done
  11. drink – drank – drunk
  12. drive – drove – driven
  13. eat – ate – eaten
  14. fall – fell – fallen
  15. feel – felt – felt
  16. find – found – found
  17. forget – forgot – forgotten
  18. get – got – gotten
  19. give – gave – given
  20. go – went – gone
  21. have – had – had
  22. hear – heard – heard
  23. know – knew – known
  24. leave – left – left
  25. make – made – made
  26. read – read – read (cách đọc khác nhau)
  27. see – saw – seen
  28. take – took – taken
  29. teach – taught – taught
  30. write – wrote – written

Cách Học Động Từ Bất Quy Tắc:

  1. Học thuộc lòng: Không có cách nào khác ngoài việc học thuộc lòng vì các động từ này không tuân theo quy tắc nào cả.
  2. Sử dụng thường xuyên: Thực hành sử dụng các động từ này trong câu.
  3. Chơi trò chơi từ vựng: Sử dụng flashcards hoặc các ứng dụng học từ vựng.
  4. Đọc sách và nghe tiếng Anh: Tiếp xúc với các văn bản và hội thoại tiếng Anh giúp nhớ lâu hơn.

100 Câu Bài Tập Điền Khuyết về Động Từ Bất Quy Tắc

Điền dạng đúng của động từ bất quy tắc vào chỗ trống:

  1. Yesterday, I (go) ______ to the store.
  2. He (be) ______ a good student.
  3. She (begin) ______ to learn Spanish last month.
  4. We (buy) ______ a new car last week.
  5. They (come) ______ to our party last night.
  6. I (do) ______ my homework yesterday.
  7. She (drink) ______ all the milk.
  8. He (eat) ______ breakfast early this morning.
  9. We (find) ______ the keys under the sofa.
  10. She (give) ______ him a book for his birthday.
  11. They (go) ______ to Paris last summer.
  12. He (have) ______ a headache yesterday.
  13. She (hear) ______ a strange noise in the night.
  14. I (know) ______ the answer to the question.
  15. We (leave) ______ the house at 7 AM.
  16. She (make) ______ a cake for the party.
  17. He (read) ______ the book last night.
  18. They (see) ______ a movie on Saturday.
  19. She (take) ______ the bus to school.
  20. He (teach) ______ us English.
  21. I (write) ______ a letter to my friend.
  22. She (bring) ______ her own lunch.
  23. He (drive) ______ to the office.
  24. We (fall) ______ asleep during the movie.
  25. I (forget) ______ my keys at home.
  26. She (feel) ______ happy about the news.
  27. They (break) ______ the vase accidentally.
  28. He (build) ______ a sandcastle on the beach.
  29. We (choose) ______ the right answer.
  30. I (cut) ______ my finger while cooking.
  31. She (draw) ______ a beautiful picture.
  32. He (fly) ______ to New York last week.
  33. We (grow) ______ some vegetables in the garden.
  34. I (lose) ______ my wallet yesterday.
  35. She (pay) ______ the bill last night.
  36. They (sell) ______ their old car.
  37. He (send) ______ an email to his boss.
  38. We (sit) ______ in the front row.
  39. She (stand) ______ by the window.
  40. He (swim) ______ in the pool every morning.
  41. We (tell) ______ them the truth.
  42. I (think) ______ about the problem all night.
  43. She (wear) ______ a beautiful dress.
  44. He (win) ______ the game last week.
  45. We (write) ______ a report together.
  46. She (catch) ______ the ball easily.
  47. He (come) ______ home late last night.
  48. They (eat) ______ dinner at 7 PM.
  49. I (fall) ______ off my bike and hurt myself.
  50. She (give) ______ me a gift for my birthday.
  51. He (have) ______ a meeting with the boss.
  52. We (hear) ______ good news yesterday.
  53. I (know) ______ him from high school.
  54. She (leave) ______ the office at 6 PM.
  55. He (make) ______ a decision yesterday.
  56. They (read) ______ the instructions carefully.
  57. We (see) ______ a rainbow after the storm.
  58. She (take) ______ the medicine twice a day.
  59. He (teach) ______ mathematics at the university.
  60. I (write) ______ my name on the paper.
  61. She (bring) ______ her kids to the park.
  62. They (drive) ______ to the countryside last weekend.
  63. He (feel) ______ better after taking the medicine.
  64. We (find) ______ a solution to the problem.
  65. I (get) ______ a promotion at work.
  66. She (give) ______ me a compliment.
  67. He (go) ______ fishing with his friends.
  68. We (have) ______ a wonderful time at the beach.
  69. She (hear) ______ the alarm and woke up.
  70. I (know) ______ this song very well.
  71. They (leave) ______ the party early.
  72. He (make) ______ a lot of money last year.
  73. We (read) ______ about the event in the newspaper.
  74. She (see) ______ him at the concert.
  75. I (take) ______ a shower this morning.
  76. He (teach) ______ his dog a new trick.
  77. We (write) ______ essays for our assignment.
  78. She (bring) ______ her favorite book to class.
  79. They (drive) ______ across the country.
  80. He (feel) ______ cold in the room.
  81. We (find) ______ the answer in the textbook.
  82. I (get) ______ a new phone for my birthday.
  83. She (give) ______ up smoking.
  84. He (go) ______ hiking in the mountains.
  85. We (have) ______ dinner at a fancy restaurant.
  86. She (hear) ______ the news on the radio.
  87. I (know) ______ the way to the station.
  88. They (leave) ______ their bags in the car.
  89. He (make) ______ breakfast for everyone.
  90. We (read) ______ the novel in English class.
  91. She (see) ______ a bird outside the window.
  92. I (take) ______ a nap in the afternoon.
  93. He (teach) ______ history at the school.
  94. We (write) ______ a letter of recommendation.
  95. She (bring) ______ a cake to the office.
  96. They (drive) ______ in heavy traffic.
  97. He (feel) ______ tired after the trip.
  98. We (find) ______ the museum interesting.
  99. I (get) ______ lost on my way home.
  100. She (give) ______ her opinion during the meeting.

Đáp án 100 Câu Bài Tập Điền Khuyết về Động Từ Bất Quy Tắc

  1. Yesterday, I (go) went to the store.
  2. He (be) was a good student.
  3. She (begin) began to learn Spanish last month.
  4. We (buy) bought a new car last week.
  5. They (come) came to our party last night.
  6. I (do) did my homework yesterday.
  7. She (drink) drank all the milk.
  8. He (eat) ate breakfast early this morning.
  9. We (find) found the keys under the sofa.
  10. She (give) gave him a book for his birthday.
  11. They (go) went to Paris last summer.
  12. He (have) had a headache yesterday.
  13. She (hear) heard a strange noise in the night.
  14. I (know) knew the answer to the question.
  15. We (leave) left the house at 7 AM.
  16. She (make) made a cake for the party.
  17. He (read) read the book last night.
  18. They (see) saw a movie on Saturday.
  19. She (take) took the bus to school.
  20. He (teach) taught us English.
  21. I (write) wrote a letter to my friend.
  22. She (bring) brought her own lunch.
  23. He (drive) drove to the office.
  24. We (fall) fell asleep during the movie.
  25. I (forget) forgot my keys at home.
  26. She (feel) felt happy about the news.
  27. They (break) broke the vase accidentally.
  28. He (build) built a sandcastle on the beach.
  29. We (choose) chose the right answer.
  30. I (cut) cut my finger while cooking.
  31. She (draw) drew a beautiful picture.
  32. He (fly) flew to New York last week.
  33. We (grow) grew some vegetables in the garden.
  34. I (lose) lost my wallet yesterday.
  35. She (pay) paid the bill last night.
  36. They (sell) sold their old car.
  37. He (send) sent an email to his boss.
  38. We (sit) sat in the front row.
  39. She (stand) stood by the window.
  40. He (swim) swam in the pool every morning.
  41. We (tell) told them the truth.
  42. I (think) thought about the problem all night.
  43. She (wear) wore a beautiful dress.
  44. He (win) won the game last week.
  45. We (write) wrote a report together.
  46. She (catch) caught the ball easily.
  47. He (come) came home late last night.
  48. They (eat) ate dinner at 7 PM.
  49. I (fall) fell off my bike and hurt myself.
  50. She (give) gave me a gift for my birthday.
  51. He (have) had a meeting with the boss.
  52. We (hear) heard good news yesterday.
  53. I (know) knew him from high school.
  54. She (leave) left the office at 6 PM.
  55. He (make) made a decision yesterday.
  56. They (read) read the instructions carefully.
  57. We (see) saw a rainbow after the storm.
  58. She (take) took the medicine twice a day.
  59. He (teach) taught mathematics at the university.
  60. I (write) wrote my name on the paper.
  61. She (bring) brought her kids to the park.
  62. They (drive) drove to the countryside last weekend.
  63. He (feel) felt better after taking the medicine.
  64. We (find) found a solution to the problem.
  65. I (get) got a promotion at work.
  66. She (give) gave me a compliment.
  67. He (go) went fishing with his friends.
  68. We (have) had a wonderful time at the beach.
  69. She (hear) heard the alarm and woke up.
  70. I (know) knew this song very well.
  71. They (leave) left the party early.
  72. He (make) made a lot of money last year.
  73. We (read) read about the event in the newspaper.
  74. She (see) saw him at the concert.
  75. I (take) took a shower this morning.
  76. He (teach) taught his dog a new trick.
  77. We (write) wrote essays for our assignment.
  78. She (bring) brought her favorite book to class.
  79. They (drive) drove across the country.
  80. He (feel) felt cold in the room.
  81. We (find) found the answer in the textbook.
  82. I (get) got a new phone for my birthday.
  83. She (give) gave up smoking.
  84. He (go) went hiking in the mountains.
  85. We (have) had dinner at a fancy restaurant.
  86. She (hear) heard the news on the radio.
  87. I (know) knew the way to the station.
  88. They (leave) left their bags in the car.
  89. He (make) made breakfast for everyone.
  90. We (read) read the novel in English class.
  91. She (see) saw a bird outside the window.
  92. I (take) took a nap in the afternoon.
  93. He (teach) taught history at the school.
  94. We (write) wrote a letter of recommendation.
  95. She (bring) brought a cake to the office.
  96. They (drive) drove in heavy traffic.
  97. He (feel) felt tired after the trip.
  98. We (find) found the museum interesting.
  99. I (get) got lost on my way home.
  100. She (give) gave her opinion during the meeting.

Học lại bài cũ: 100 câu bài tập và lý thuyết về Question Tags (Câu hỏi đuôi).

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