Thì quá khứ đơn (Past Simple Tense) là một trong những thì cơ bản trong tiếng Anh, dùng để diễn tả hành động hoặc sự việc đã xảy ra và kết thúc trong quá khứ. Việc nắm vững thì này sẽ giúp bạn kể lại những câu chuyện, mô tả những sự kiện trong quá khứ một cách chính xác và rõ ràng hơn.
Các bài viết liên quan đến thì quá khứ:
7 cách sử dụng thì Quá khứ đơn (Past Simple).
100 câu bài tập tiếng Anh viết lại câu chuyển đổi câu từ thì hiện tại hoàn thành sang quá khứ đơn.
100 câu bài tập về thì quá khứ.
199 câu bài tập thì quá khứ (past tense).
Cấu Trúc Của Thì Quá Khứ Đơn
Câu Khẳng Định
- Công thức:
Chủ ngữ (Subject) + Động từ (Verb) dạng quá khứ (V-ed) + Tân ngữ (Object).Ví dụ:- I visited my grandparents yesterday. (Tôi đã thăm ông bà tôi ngày hôm qua.)
- She watched a movie last night. (Cô ấy đã xem một bộ phim tối qua.)
Lưu ý: Với động từ bất quy tắc, bạn cần học thuộc dạng quá khứ của chúng. Ví dụ:
- arise → arose → arisen
- awake → awoke → awoken
- be → was/were → been
- bear → bore → borne/born
- beat → beat → beaten
- become → became → become
- begin → began → begun
- bend → bent → bent
- bet → bet/betted → bet/betted
- bind → bound → bound
- bite → bit → bitten
- bleed → bled → bled
- blow → blew → blown
- break → broke → broken
- breed → bred → bred
- bring → brought → brought
- broadcast → broadcast → broadcast
- build → built → built
- burn → burned/burnt → burned/burnt
- burst → burst → burst
- buy → bought → bought
- catch → caught → caught
- choose → chose → chosen
- come → came → come
- cost → cost → cost
- cut → cut → cut
- deal → dealt → dealt
- dig → dug → dug
- dive → dove/dived → dived
- do → did → done
- draw → drew → drawn
- dream → dreamed/dreamt → dreamed/dreamt
- drink → drank → drunk
- drive → drove → driven
- eat → ate → eaten
- fall → fell → fallen
- feed → fed → fed
- feel → felt → felt
- fight → fought → fought
- find → found → found
- fit → fitted/fit → fitted/fit
- fly → flew → flown
- forbid → forbade → forbidden
- forget → forgot → forgotten
- forgive → forgave → forgiven
- freeze → froze → frozen
- get → got → gotten/got
- give → gave → given
- go → went → gone
- grow → grew → grown
- hang → hung/hanged → hung/hanged
- have → had → had
- hear → heard → heard
- hide → hid → hidden
- hit → hit → hit
- hold → held → held
- hurt → hurt → hurt
- keep → kept → kept
- kneel → knelt/kneeled → knelt/kneeled
- know → knew → known
- lay → laid → laid
- lead → led → led
- lean → leaned/leant → leaned/leant
- leap → leaped/leapt → leaped/leapt
- learn → learned/learnt → learned/learnt
- leave → left → left
- lend → lent → lent
- let → let → let
- lie → lay → lain
- light → lit/lighted → lit/lighted
- lose → lost → lost
- make → made → made
- mean → meant → meant
- meet → met → met
- mow → mowed → mowed/mown
- pay → paid → paid
- put → put → put
- quit → quit → quit
- read → read → read
- ride → rode → ridden
- ring → rang → rung
- rise → rose → risen
- run → ran → run
- say → said → said
- see → saw → seen
- seek → sought → sought
- sell → sold → sold
- send → sent → sent
- set → set → set
- shake → shook → shaken
- shine → shone → shone
- shoot → shot → shot
- show → showed → shown/showed
- shrink → shrank/shrunk → shrunk
- shut → shut → shut
- sing → sang → sung
- sink → sank/sunk → sunk
- sit → sat → sat
- sleep → slept → slept
- slide → slid → slid
- smell → smelled/smelt → smelled/smelt
- speak → spoke → spoken
- speed → sped/speeded → sped/speeded
- spell → spelled/spelt → spelled/spelt
- spend → spent → spent
- spill → spilled/spilt → spilled/spilt
- spin → spun → spun
- spit → spat → spat
- split → split → split
- spoil → spoiled/spoilt → spoiled/spoilt
- spread → spread → spread
- stand → stood → stood
- steal → stole → stolen
- stick → stuck → stuck
- sting → stung → stung
- stink → stank/stunk → stunk
- strike → struck → struck
- swear → swore → sworn
- sweep → swept → swept
- swim → swam → swum
- swing → swung → swung
- take → took → taken
- teach → taught → taught
- tear → tore → torn
- tell → told → told
- think → thought → thought
- throw → threw → thrown
- understand → understood → understood
- wake → woke/waked → woken/waked
- wear → wore → worn
- weave → wove → woven
- weep → wept → wept
- win → won → won
- wind → wound → wound
- write → wrote → written
- abide → abode → abode
- arise → arose → arisen
- backslide → backslid → backslid
- befall → befell → befallen
- beget → begot/begat → begotten/begot
- begin → began → begun
- behold → beheld → beheld
- bereave → bereaved/bereft → bereaved/bereft
- beseech → besought → besought
- beset → beset → beset
- bespeak → bespoke → bespoken
- bestrew → bestrewed → bestrewed/bestrewn
- bestride → bestrode → bestridden
- betake → betook → betaken
- bethink → bethought → bethought
- bind → bound → bound
- bite → bit → bitten
- blow → blew → blown
- break → broke → broken
- breed → bred → bred
- browbeat → browbeat → browbeaten/browbeat
- burst → burst → burst
- bust → bust → bust
- can → could → been able to
- cast → cast → cast
- chide → chided/chid → chided/chidden
- cleave → clove/cleft → cloven/cleft
- cling → clung → clung
- clothe → clad/clothed → clad/clothed
- crow → crowed/crew → crowed
- dare → dared/durst → dared
- daydream → daydreamed/daydreamt → daydreamed/daydreamt
- dig → dug → dug
- disprove → disproved → disproved/disproven
- dive → dived/dove → dived
- draw → drew → drawn
- dream → dreamed/dreamt → dreamed/dreamt
- dwell → dwelled/dwelt → dwelled/dwelt
- eat → ate → eaten
- electrocute → electrocuted → electrocuted
- fall → fell → fallen
- fell → felled → felled
- fight → fought → fought
- find → found → found
- fit → fit/fitted → fit/fitted
- flee → fled → fled
- fling → flung → flung
- fly → flew → flown
- forbear → forbore → forborne
- forego → forewent → foregone
- foreknow → foreknew → foreknown
- forerun → foreran → forerun
- foretell → foretold → foretold
- forsake → forsook → forsaken
- freeze → froze → frozen
- gainsay → gainsaid → gainsaid
- geld → gelded/gelt → gelded/gelt
- get → got → gotten/got
- gild → gilded/gilt → gilded/gilt
- gird → girded/girt → girded/girt
- give → gave → given
- go → went → gone
- grind → ground → ground
- grow → grew → grown
- hamstring → hamstrung → hamstrung
- hand-feed → hand-fed → hand-fed
- handwrite → handwrote → handwritten
- hang → hung/hanged → hung/hanged
- have → had → had
- hear → heard → heard
- heave → heaved/hove → heaved/hove
- hide → hid → hidden
- hit → hit → hit
- hold → held → held
- hurt → hurt → hurt
- inbreed → inbred → inbred
- inlay → inlaid → inlaid
- input → input → input
- interbreed → interbred → interbred
- interlay → interlaid → interlaid
- interweave → interwove → interwoven
- interwind → interwound → interwound
- kneel → knelt/kneeled → knelt/kneeled
- knit → knitted/knit → knitted/knit
- know → knew → known
- lay → laid → laid
- lead → led → led
- lean → leant/leaned → leant/leaned
- leap → leapt/leaped → leapt/leaped
- learn → learnt/learned → learnt/learned
- leave → left → left
- lend → lent → lent
- let → let → let
- lie → lay → lain
- light → lit/lighted → lit/lighted
- lose → lost → lost
- make → made → made
- mean → meant → meant
- meet → met → met
- mislead → misled → misled
- mistake → mistook → mistaken
- misunderstand → misunderstood → misunderstood
- mow → mowed → mowed/mown
- outbid → outbid → outbid
- outdo → outdid → outdone
- outdraw → outdrew → outdrawn
- outdrink → outdrank → outdrunk
- outdrive → outdrove → outdriven
- outfight → outfought → outfought
- outfly → outflew → outflown
- outgrow → outgrew → outgrown
- outleap → outleapt/outleaped → outleapt/outleaped
- outlie → outlied → outlied
- outshine → outshone/outshined → outshone/outshined
- outshoot → outshot → outshot
- outsleep → outslept → outslept
- outspeak → outspoke → outspoken
- outspeed → outsped → outsped
- outspend → outspent → outspent
- outswear → outswore → outsworn
- outswim → outswam → outswum
- outthink → outthought → outthought
- outwrite → outwrote → outwritten
- overbid → overbid → overbid
- overbreed → overbred → overbred
- overbuild → overbuilt → overbuilt
- overbuy → overbought → overbought
- overdo → overdid → overdone
- overdraw → overdrew → overdrawn
- overdrink → overdrank → overdrunk
- overeat → overate → overeaten
- overfeed → overfed → overfed
- overhang → overhung → overhung
- overhear → overheard → overheard
- overlay → overlaid → overlaid
- overleap → overleaped/overleapt → overleaped/overleapt
- overlie → overlay → overlain
- overpay → overpaid → overpaid
- overrun → overran → overrun
- oversee → oversaw → overseen
- overshoot → overshot → overshot
- oversleep → overslept → overslept
- overspend → overspent → overspent
- overspill → overspilled/overspilt → overspilled/overspilt
- overtake → overtook → overtaken
- overthrow → overthrew → overthrown
- overwrite → overwrote → overwritten
- partake → partook → partaken
- pay → paid → paid
- plead → pled/pleaded → pled/pleaded
- prepay → prepaid → prepaid
- prove → proved → proved/proven
- put → put → put
- quit → quit → quit
- reawake → reawoke → reawoken
- rebid → rebid → rebid
- rebuild → rebuilt → rebuilt
- recast → recast → recast
- redo → redid → redone
- remake → remade → remade
- rend → rent → rent
- repay → repaid → repaid
- reread → reread → reread
- resell → resold → resold
- reset → reset → reset
- retake → retook → retaken
- rewrite → rewrote → rewritten
- rid → rid → rid
- ride → rode → ridden
- ring → rang → rung
- rise → rose → risen
- roughcast → roughcast → roughcast
- run → ran → run
- sand-cast → sand-cast → sand-cast
- saw → sawed → sawed/sawn
- say → said → said
- see → saw → seen
- seek → sought → sought
- sell → sold → sold
- send → sent → sent
- set → set → set
- sew → sewed → sewed/sewn
- shake → shook → shaken
- shave → shaved → shaved/shaven
- shear → sheared → sheared/shorn
- shed → shed → shed
- shine → shone → shone
- shit → shat/shit/shitted → shat/shit/shitted
- shoe → shod → shod
- shoot → shot → shot
- show → showed → shown/showed
- shrink → shrank/shrunk → shrunk
- shut → shut → shut
- sing → sang → sung
- sink → sank/sunk → sunk
- sit → sat → sat
- sleep → slept → slept
- slide → slid → slid
- sling → slung → slung
- slink → slunk → slunk
- slit → slit → slit
- smell → smelled/smelt → smelled/smelt
- sneak → sneaked/snuck → sneaked/snuck
- speak → spoke → spoken
- speed → sped/speeded → sped/speeded
- spell → spelled/spelt → spelled/spelt
- spend → spent → spent
- spill → spilled/spilt → spilled/spilt
- spin → spun/span → spun
- spit → spat/spit → spat/spit
- split → split → split
- spoil → spoiled/spoilt → spoiled/spoilt
- spoon-feed → spoon-fed → spoon-fed
- spread → spread → spread
- spring → sprang/sprung → sprung
- stand → stood → stood
- steal → stole → stolen
- stick → stuck → stuck
- sting → stung → stung
- stink → stank/stunk → stunk
- stride → strode → stridden
- strike → struck → struck
- string → strung → strung
- strip → stripped/stript → stripped/stript
- strive → strove/strived → striven/strived
Câu Phủ Định
- Công thức:
Chủ ngữ (Subject) + did not (didn’t) + Động từ nguyên mẫu (Verb) + Tân ngữ (Object).Ví dụ:- I didn’t visit my grandparents yesterday. (Tôi đã không thăm ông bà tôi ngày hôm qua.)
- She didn’t watch a movie last night. (Cô ấy đã không xem phim tối qua.)
Câu Nghi Vấn
- Công thức:
Did + Chủ ngữ (Subject) + Động từ nguyên mẫu (Verb) + Tân ngữ (Object)?Ví dụ:- Did you visit your grandparents yesterday? (Bạn đã thăm ông bà bạn ngày hôm qua phải không?)
- Did she watch a movie last night? (Cô ấy đã xem phim tối qua phải không?)
Câu trả lời ngắn gọn:
- Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.
- Yes, she did. / No, she didn’t.
Cách Dùng Thì Quá Khứ Đơn
Thì quá khứ đơn được sử dụng trong các trường hợp sau:
Diễn Tả Hành Động Đã Xảy Ra và Kết Thúc Trong Quá Khứ
- Ví dụ:
- They went to Paris last summer. (Họ đã đi Paris mùa hè năm ngoái.)
- She visited her uncle two days ago. (Cô ấy đã thăm chú của mình hai ngày trước.)
Diễn Tả Một Chuỗi Hành Động Xảy Ra Liên Tiếp Trong Quá Khứ
- Ví dụ:
- He came home, cooked dinner, and then watched TV. (Anh ấy về nhà, nấu bữa tối, rồi xem TV.)
Diễn Tả Thói Quen Trong Quá Khứ
- Ví dụ:
- I often played football when I was a child. (Tôi thường chơi bóng đá khi còn nhỏ.)

Dấu Hiệu Nhận Biết Thì Quá Khứ Đơn
Thì quá khứ đơn thường đi kèm với các trạng từ chỉ thời gian quá khứ như:
- Yesterday (hôm qua)
- Last week/month/year (tuần/tháng/năm trước)
- In 1990 (vào năm 1990)
- Ago (trước đây)
Ví dụ:
- I met him two days ago. (Tôi đã gặp anh ấy hai ngày trước.)
- They moved to New York last year. (Họ đã chuyển đến New York năm ngoái.)

Bài Tập Về Thì Quá Khứ Đơn
Chia động từ tại thì quá khứ đơn:
- She (go) _________ to the park yesterday.
- They (not/see) _________ the movie last night.
- (You/enjoy) _________ your trip to the beach?
- I (visit) _________ my grandparents last weekend.
- He (not/eat) _________ dinner last night.
- (She/call) _________ you yesterday?
- We (play) _________ football after school.
- They (not/buy) _________ a new car last month.
- (He/read) _________ the book you gave him?
- I (lose) _________ my keys two days ago.
- She (not/finish) _________ her homework.
- (They/come) _________ to the party last Saturday?
- He (travel) _________ to Japan last year.
- We (not/see) _________ him at the meeting.
- (You/write) _________ a letter to her?
- I (meet) _________ him in Paris last summer.
- She (not/tell) _________ me the truth.
- (They/go) _________ to the museum last weekend?
- He (make) _________ a cake for his mother’s birthday.
- I (not/understand) _________ the question.
- (You/like) _________ the movie?
- She (find) _________ a wallet on the street.
- They (not/know) _________ the answer.
- (He/play) _________ tennis yesterday?
- We (have) _________ a wonderful time in Italy.
- I (not/remember) _________ his name.
- (She/take) _________ the medicine last night?
- He (learn) _________ to swim when he was young.
- We (not/leave) _________ the house until 9 p.m.
- (They/watch) _________ TV last night?
- I (buy) _________ a new laptop last month.
- She (not/win) _________ the competition.
- (He/speak) _________ to you about the problem?
- They (build) _________ a new house last year.
- I (not/drink) _________ coffee this morning.
- (You/see) _________ the news yesterday?
- He (sell) _________ his car last week.
- We (not/find) _________ the address.
- (She/work) _________ late last night?
- I (fall) _________ off my bike yesterday.
- He (not/agree) _________ with the decision.
- (They/bring) _________ their own food?
- She (wear) _________ a beautiful dress to the party.
- I (not/expect) _________ to see you here.
- (He/help) _________ you with the homework?
- They (catch) _________ the last train home.
- We (not/plan) _________ our vacation in time.
- (You/visit) _________ the new museum yet?
- She (forget) _________ to send the email.
- I (not/hear) _________ the news.
- (They/enjoy) _________ the performance?
- He (break) _________ his leg last winter.
- We (not/choose) _________ the best option.
- (You/receive) _________ my message?
- She (sing) _________ beautifully at the concert.
- I (not/believe) _________ what he said.
- (They/travel) _________ to New York last month?
- He (paint) _________ the house last summer.
- We (not/attend) _________ the conference.
- (You/send) _________ the documents to him?
- She (win) _________ the first prize in the contest.
- I (not/take) _________ any photos during the trip.
- (He/invite) _________ you to the wedding?
- They (visit) _________ us last Christmas.
- I (not/know) _________ she was coming.
- (You/learn) _________ French in high school?
- She (lose) _________ her wallet in the mall.
- We (not/go) _________ to the party last night.
- (He/work) _________ here before moving abroad?
- I (bring) _________ a gift for the host.
- She (not/feel) _________ well yesterday.
- (They/pay) _________ the bill already?
- He (run) _________ a marathon last year.
- We (not/want) _________ to leave early.
- (You/meet) _________ the new manager?
- She (drive) _________ all the way from New York.
- I (not/tell) _________ anyone your secret.
- (They/send) _________ you the invitation?
- He (teach) _________ English for five years.
- We (not/agree) _________ on the terms.
- (You/read) _________ the article I sent?
- She (swim) _________ in the ocean last summer.
- I (not/buy) _________ any souvenirs.
- (He/play) _________ the piano at the concert?
- They (fix) _________ the car yesterday.
- We (not/finish) _________ the project on time.
- (You/ask) _________ her about the job?
- He (forget) _________ his phone at home.
- I (not/see) _________ her at the party.
- (She/arrive) _________ in London yesterday?
- They (choose) _________ the red car.
- We (not/find) _________ a good restaurant.
- (You/hear) _________ the news?
- He (give) _________ her a beautiful ring.
- I (not/understand) _________ the instructions.
- (They/go) _________ skiing last winter?
- She (speak) _________ at the conference.
- We (not/believe) _________ his story.
- (You/try) _________ the new restaurant?
- He (sell) _________ his house last summer.
Đáp án
đáp án của 100 câu bài tập:
- She (go) went to the park yesterday.
- They (not/see) didn’t see the movie last night.
- (You/enjoy) Did you enjoy your trip to the beach?
- I (visit) visited my grandparents last weekend.
- He (not/eat) didn’t eat dinner last night.
- (She/call) Did she call you yesterday?
- We (play) played football after school.
- They (not/buy) didn’t buy a new car last month.
- (He/read) Did he read the book you gave him?
- I (lose) lost my keys two days ago.
- She (not/finish) didn’t finish her homework.
- (They/come) Did they come to the party last Saturday?
- He (travel) traveled to Japan last year.
- We (not/see) didn’t see him at the meeting.
- (You/write) Did you write a letter to her?
- I (meet) met him in Paris last summer.
- She (not/tell) didn’t tell me the truth.
- (They/go) Did they go to the museum last weekend?
- He (make) made a cake for his mother’s birthday.
- I (not/understand) didn’t understand the question.
- (You/like) Did you like the movie?
- She (find) found a wallet on the street.
- They (not/know) didn’t know the answer.
- (He/play) Did he play tennis yesterday?
- We (have) had a wonderful time in Italy.
- I (not/remember) didn’t remember his name.
- (She/take) Did she take the medicine last night?
- He (learn) learned to swim when he was young.
- We (not/leave) didn’t leave the house until 9 p.m.
- (They/watch) Did they watch TV last night?
- I (buy) bought a new laptop last month.
- She (not/win) didn’t win the competition.
- (He/speak) Did he speak to you about the problem?
- They (build) built a new house last year.
- I (not/drink) didn’t drink coffee this morning.
- (You/see) Did you see the news yesterday?
- He (sell) sold his car last week.
- We (not/find) didn’t find the address.
- (She/work) Did she work late last night?
- I (fall) fell off my bike yesterday.
- He (not/agree) didn’t agree with the decision.
- (They/bring) Did they bring their own food?
- She (wear) wore a beautiful dress to the party.
- I (not/expect) didn’t expect to see you here.
- (He/help) Did he help you with the homework?
- They (catch) caught the last train home.
- We (not/plan) didn’t plan our vacation in time.
- (You/visit) Did you visit the new museum yet?
- She (forget) forgot to send the email.
- I (not/hear) didn’t hear the news.
- (They/enjoy) Did they enjoy the performance?
- He (break) broke his leg last winter.
- We (not/choose) didn’t choose the best option.
- (You/receive) Did you receive my message?
- She (sing) sang beautifully at the concert.
- I (not/believe) didn’t believe what he said.
- (They/travel) Did they travel to New York last month?
- He (paint) painted the house last summer.
- We (not/attend) didn’t attend the conference.
- (You/send) Did you send the documents to him?
- She (win) won the first prize in the contest.
- I (not/take) didn’t take any photos during the trip.
- (He/invite) Did he invite you to the wedding?
- They (visit) visited us last Christmas.
- I (not/know) didn’t know she was coming.
- (You/learn) Did you learn French in high school?
- She (lose) lost her wallet in the mall.
- We (not/go) didn’t go to the party last night.
- (He/work) Did he work here before moving abroad?
- I (bring) brought a gift for the host.
- She (not/feel) didn’t feel well yesterday.
- (They/pay) Did they pay the bill already?
- He (run) ran a marathon last year.
- We (not/want) didn’t want to leave early.
- (You/meet) Did you meet the new manager?
- She (drive) drove all the way from New York.
- I (not/tell) didn’t tell anyone your secret.
- (They/send) Did they send you the invitation?
- He (teach) taught English for five years.
- We (not/agree) didn’t agree on the terms.
- (You/read) Did you read the article I sent?
- She (swim) swam in the ocean last summer.
- I (not/buy) didn’t buy any souvenirs.
- (He/play) Did he play the piano at the concert?
- They (fix) fixed the car yesterday.
- We (not/finish) didn’t finish the project on time.
- (You/ask) Did you ask her about the job?
- He (forget) forgot his phone at home.
- I (not/see) didn’t see her at the party.
- (She/arrive) Did she arrive in London yesterday?
- They (choose) chose the red car.
- We (not/find) didn’t find a good restaurant.
- (You/hear) Did you hear the news?
- He (give) gave her a beautiful ring.
- I (not/understand) didn’t understand the instructions.
- (They/go) Did they go skiing last winter?
- She (speak) spoke at the conference.
- We (not/believe) didn’t believe his story.
- (You/try) Did you try the new restaurant?
- He (sell) sold his house last summer.