100 bài tập Reported Speech – câu gián tiếp trong tiếng Anh

100 bài tập Reported Speech – câu gián tiếp trong tiếng Anh

Reported Speech Practice là một loại bài tập trong việc học tiếng Anh, tập trung vào việc chuyển đổi câu nói trực tiếp (direct speech) sang câu nói gián tiếp (reported speech).

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Reported Speech Practice là một loại bài tập trong việc học tiếng Anh, tập trung vào việc chuyển đổi câu nói trực tiếp (direct speech) sang câu nói gián tiếp (reported speech). Điều này rất quan trọng trong việc giao tiếp và viết lách vì nó giúp người học hiểu cách báo cáo lại lời nói của người khác một cách chính xác và tự nhiên.

Lý thuyết Reported Speech

  1. Chuyển đổi thời thì của động từ: Khi chuyển từ câu trực tiếp sang câu gián tiếp, thời thì của động từ thường thay đổi về quá khứ. Ví dụ:
    • Direct speech: She says, “I am learning English.”
    • Reported speech: She said (that) she was learning English.
  2. Thay đổi đại từ và tính từ sở hữu: Phải điều chỉnh các đại từ và tính từ sở hữu để phù hợp với ngữ cảnh mới.
    • Direct speech: He said, “My car is red.”
    • Reported speech: He said (that) his car was red.
  3. Thay đổi trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn: Một số trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn cũng cần phải thay đổi.
    • Direct speech: She said, “I will meet you here tomorrow.”
    • Reported speech: She said (that) she would meet me there the next day.
  4. Sử dụng liên từ phù hợp: Thường sử dụng từ “that” để liên kết các mệnh đề, mặc dù nó có thể bị lược bỏ trong văn nói hoặc văn viết thân mật.
    • Direct speech: He said, “I am tired.”
    • Reported speech: He said (that) he was tired.

Một số dạng bài tập phổ biến trong Reported Speech Practice bao gồm:

  • Chuyển đổi câu trần thuật: Ví dụ, chuyển từ câu “She says, ‘I am happy'” sang “She says that she is happy.”
  • Chuyển đổi câu hỏi: Câu hỏi có thể là yes/no questions hoặc wh-questions.
    • Yes/no question: “Are you coming?” -> He asked if I was coming.
    • Wh-question: “Where do you live?” -> She asked where I lived.
  • Chuyển đổi câu mệnh lệnh: Thường sử dụng “tell” hoặc “ask” cộng với động từ nguyên thể.
    • Direct command: “Close the door!” -> He told me to close the door.

Luyện tập dạng bài này giúp người học cải thiện kỹ năng ngữ pháp và khả năng sử dụng tiếng Anh trong các tình huống giao tiếp thực tế.

Reported Speech Practice


  1. Direct: “I am going to the store,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “We have finished our homework,” the students said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “He doesn’t like chocolate,” Susan said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “They will arrive at noon,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “I can speak four languages,” John said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “You should see a doctor,” he advised. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “I’m studying French,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “They are playing in the garden,” Mary said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “I saw the movie last week,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “We have lived here for ten years,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________


  1. Direct: “Are you coming to the party?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “Where do you live?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “Did you finish the project?” the manager asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “How is your brother?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “Why are you late?” the teacher asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “Will you be at the meeting?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “Can you help me with this?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “What time does the train leave?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “Is it going to rain tomorrow?” they asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “Who is your favorite author?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________


  1. Direct: “Close the door,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “Please, sit down,” the teacher said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “Don’t touch that,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “Finish your homework,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “Be quiet,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “Open your books,” the instructor said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “Don’t be late,” he told them. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “Please, wait here,” the nurse said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “Take out the trash,” his mom said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “Read this book,” she told me. Reported: _______________________________________________________

Mixed Sentences

  1. Direct: “I am hungry,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “Are you coming with us?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “Don’t forget to lock the door,” she told me. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “I can meet you at 5 PM,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “Where is the nearest bank?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “They are planning a surprise party,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “Did you call your mother?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “Please, turn off the lights,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “She has never been to Paris,” they said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “Who ate the last cookie?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________

Time Expressions

  1. Direct: “I saw her yesterday,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “We will go tomorrow,” they said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “I am meeting him now,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “I finished my work two hours ago,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “She is leaving tonight,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “I will see you next week,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “We have been here for a week,” they said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “He was there last month,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “They will call you this evening,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “I can meet you at noon,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________

Various Tenses

  1. Direct: “I have a headache,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “She is reading a book,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “They were playing football,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “I had already left,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “She will be arriving soon,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “They might come to the party,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “He could swim when he was five,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “I must finish this report,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “You need to be careful,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “We should go now,” they said. Reported: _______________________________________________________

Modal Verbs

  1. Direct: “I can help you,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “She might be at home,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “You must do your best,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “They could come tomorrow,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “He should see a doctor,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “You may leave early,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “I would like some coffee,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “He ought to apologize,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “I shall return soon,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “They used to live here,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________

Mixed Reporting Verbs

  1. Direct: “I think it’s a great idea,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “I promise I will help you,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “We agree to the terms,” they said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “I apologize for the mistake,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “I insist that you come,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “I warn you, it’s dangerous,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “I suggest you take a break,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “I hope you can come,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “I recommend the new restaurant,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “I advise you to be careful,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________

Indirect Questions

  1. Direct: “What is your name?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “Where are you going?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “How old are you?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “When did you arrive?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “Why are you crying?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “What time is it?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “Who is coming to the party?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “Which book do you prefer?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “How did you solve the problem?” he asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “What happened last night?” she asked. Reported: _______________________________________________________

Special Cases

  1. Direct: “Let’s go to the beach,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  2. Direct: “Don’t let’s argue,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  3. Direct: “Please, don’t smoke here,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  4. Direct: “I’d rather stay at home,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  5. Direct: “It’s time to go,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  6. Direct: “I prefer coffee to tea,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  7. Direct: “I don’t mind waiting,” she said. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  8. Direct: “It was a mistake,” he admitted. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  9. Direct: “You are right,” she agreed. Reported: _______________________________________________________
  10. Direct: “I’m not sure,” he said. Reported: _______________________________________________________


  1. She said that she was going to the store.
  2. The students said that they had finished their homework.
  3. Susan said that he didn’t like chocolate.
  4. He said that they would arrive at noon.
  5. John said that he could speak four languages.
  6. He advised me to see a doctor.
  7. She said that she was studying French.
  8. Mary said that they were playing in the garden.
  9. He said that he had seen the movie the previous week.
  10. She said that they had lived there for ten years.
  11. He asked if I was coming to the party.
  12. She asked where I lived.
  13. The manager asked if I had finished the project.
  14. He asked how my brother was.
  15. The teacher asked why I was late.
  16. She asked if I would be at the meeting.
  17. He asked if I could help him with that.
  18. She asked what time the train left.
  19. They asked if it was going to rain the next day.
  20. She asked who my favorite author was.
  21. He told me to close the door.
  22. The teacher asked us to sit down.
  23. She told me not to touch that.
  24. He told me to finish my homework.
  25. She told me to be quiet.
  26. The instructor told us to open our books.
  27. He told them not to be late.
  28. The nurse asked us to wait there.
  29. His mom told him to take out the trash.
  30. She told me to read that book.
  31. She said that she was hungry.
  32. He asked if I was coming with them.
  33. She told me not to forget to lock the door.
  34. He said that he could meet me at 5 PM.
  35. She asked where the nearest bank was.
  36. He said that they were planning a surprise party.
  37. She asked if I had called my mother.
  38. He asked me to turn off the lights.
  39. They said that she had never been to Paris.
  40. He asked who had eaten the last cookie.
  41. He said that he had seen her the previous day.
  42. They said that they would go the next day.
  43. She said that she was meeting him then.
  44. He said that he had finished his work two hours before.
  45. He said that she was leaving that night.
  46. She said that she would see me the following week.
  47. They said that they had been there for a week.
  48. She said that he had been there the previous month.
  49. He said that they would call me that evening.
  50. She said that she could meet me at noon.
  51. He said that he had a headache.
  52. He said that she was reading a book.
  53. She said that they had been playing football.
  54. He said that he had already left.
  55. He said that she would be arriving soon.
  56. She said that they might come to the party.
  57. She said that he could swim when he was five.
  58. He said that he had to finish that report.
  59. She said that I needed to be careful.
  60. They said that we should go then.
  61. He said that he could help me.
  62. He said that she might be at home.
  63. She said that I had to do my best.
  64. He said that they could come the next day.
  65. She said that he should see a doctor.
  66. He said that I might leave early.
  67. She said that she would like some coffee.
  68. She said that he ought to apologize.
  69. He said that he would return soon.
  70. She said that they used to live there.
  71. He said that he thought it was a great idea.
  72. She promised that she would help me.
  73. They said that they agreed to the terms.
  74. He apologized for the mistake.
  75. She insisted that I come.
  76. He warned me that it was dangerous.
  77. She suggested that I take a break.
  78. He said that he hoped I could come.
  79. She recommended the new restaurant.
  80. He advised me to be careful.
  81. He asked what my name was.
  82. She asked where I was going.
  83. He asked how old I was.
  84. She asked when I had arrived.
  85. He asked why I was crying.
  86. She asked what time it was.
  87. He asked who was coming to the party.
  88. She asked which book I preferred.
  89. He asked how I had solved the problem.
  90. She asked what had happened the previous night.
  91. She suggested that we go to the beach.
  92. He suggested that we not argue.
  93. She asked me not to smoke there.
  94. He said that he would rather stay at home.
  95. She said that it was time to go.
  96. He said that he preferred coffee to tea.
  97. She said that she didn’t mind waiting.
  98. He admitted that it had been a mistake.
  99. She agreed that I was right.
  100. He said that he was not sure.

Đọc lại bài viết cũ: 100 bài tập về Relative Clauses.

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