Ly hôn là chủ đề hay được các bài báo đề cập đến, nếu biết nhiều từ vựng về vấn đề này các bạn có thể dễ dàng đọc được các bài viết về chủ đề này.
100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng về sự ly hôn
- Divorce – Ly hôn
- Separation – Sự ly thân
- Custody – Quyền nuôi con
- Alimony – Trợ cấp sau ly hôn
- Child support – Trợ cấp nuôi con
- Irreconcilable differences – Những khác biệt không thể hòa giải
- Divorce decree – Phán quyết ly hôn
- Marital assets – Tài sản hôn nhân
- Divorce lawyer – Luật sư ly hôn
- Mediation – Hòa giải
- Prenuptial agreement – Hợp đồng tiền hôn nhân
- Settlement – Giải quyết
- Joint custody – Quyền nuôi con chung
- Sole custody – Quyền nuôi con riêng
- Visitation rights – Quyền thăm nom con cái
- Spousal support – Trợ cấp vợ/chồng
- Divorce petition – Đơn ly hôn
- No-fault divorce – Ly hôn không lỗi
- Adultery – Ngoại tình
- Domestic violence – Bạo lực gia đình
- Irretrievable breakdown – Sự tan vỡ không thể hàn gắn
- Legal separation – Ly thân hợp pháp
- Annulment – Sự hủy hôn
- Parenting plan – Kế hoạch nuôi con
- Property division – Phân chia tài sản
- Divorce settlement agreement – Thỏa thuận ly hôn
- Maintenance – Trợ cấp
- Family court – Tòa án gia đình
- Child custody battle – Tranh chấp quyền nuôi con
- Grounds for divorce – Lý do ly hôn
- Reconciliation – Hòa giải
- Divorce proceedings – Quá trình ly hôn
- Contested divorce – Ly hôn có tranh chấp
- Uncontested divorce – Ly hôn không tranh chấp
- Marital home – Nhà chung của vợ chồng
- Divorce certificate – Giấy chứng nhận ly hôn
- Legal representation – Đại diện pháp lý
- Postnuptial agreement – Hợp đồng sau hôn nhân
- Divorce rate – Tỷ lệ ly hôn
- Child custody agreement – Thỏa thuận quyền nuôi con
- Marital debt – Nợ hôn nhân
- Spousal abuse – Bạo hành vợ/chồng
- Divorce mediation – Hòa giải ly hôn
- Cohabitation – Sống chung
- Family mediation – Hòa giải gia đình
- Collaborative divorce – Ly hôn hợp tác
- Legal advice – Tư vấn pháp lý
- Divorce lawyer fees – Phí luật sư ly hôn
- Divorce proceedings costs – Chi phí quá trình ly hôn
- Divorce settlement – Thỏa thuận ly hôn
- Child custody evaluation – Đánh giá quyền nuôi con
- Divorce court – Tòa án ly hôn
- Separation agreement – Thỏa thuận ly thân
- Temporary custody – Quyền nuôi con tạm thời
- Shared custody – Quyền nuôi con chia sẻ
- Financial disclosure – Tiết lộ tài chính
- Divorce process – Quá trình ly hôn
- Mutual consent divorce – Ly hôn đồng thuận
- Divorce certificate application – Đơn xin giấy chứng nhận ly hôn
- Emotional support – Hỗ trợ tinh thần
- Division of assets – Chia tài sản
- Parenting time – Thời gian nuôi con
- Divorce judgment – Phán quyết ly hôn
- Legal custody – Quyền giám hộ hợp pháp
- Parental rights – Quyền cha mẹ
- Divorce impact – Ảnh hưởng của ly hôn
- Counseling – Tư vấn
- Divorce records – Hồ sơ ly hôn
- Marital status – Tình trạng hôn nhân
- Family law – Luật gia đình
- Divorce filing – Nộp đơn ly hôn
- Child custody order – Lệnh quyền nuôi con
- Financial settlement – Giải quyết tài chính
- Prenuptial agreement validity – Hiệu lực hợp đồng tiền hôn nhân
- Court order – Lệnh tòa
- Divorce mediator – Người hòa giải ly hôn
- Parental alienation – Sự xa lánh của cha mẹ
- Legal guardian – Người giám hộ hợp pháp
- Divorce statistics – Thống kê ly hôn
- Child welfare – Phúc lợi trẻ em
- Family therapist – Nhà trị liệu gia đình
- Spousal maintenance – Trợ cấp vợ/chồng
- Divorce counseling – Tư vấn ly hôn
- Divorce laws – Luật ly hôn
- Child custody hearing – Phiên tòa quyền nuôi con
- Equitable distribution – Phân chia công bằng
- Visitation schedule – Lịch thăm nom
- Marital agreement – Thỏa thuận hôn nhân
- Custodial parent – Cha mẹ nuôi con
- Non-custodial parent – Cha mẹ không nuôi con
- Divorce petition filing – Nộp đơn ly hôn
- Divorce decree absolute – Phán quyết ly hôn hoàn toàn
- Legal separation agreement – Thỏa thuận ly thân hợp pháp
- Post-divorce – Sau ly hôn
- Divorce impact on children – Ảnh hưởng của ly hôn đối với trẻ em
- Amicable divorce – Ly hôn trong hòa bình
- Divorce proceedings timeline – Lịch trình quá trình ly hôn
- Joint legal custody – Quyền giám hộ hợp pháp chung
- Divorce and remarriage – Ly hôn và tái hôn
- Family dynamics – Động lực gia đình
Đặt câu với các từ vựng và cụm từ vựng
- Divorce: They decided to get a divorce after ten years of marriage.
- Separation: The couple’s separation was hard on their children.
- Custody: She was granted sole custody of the children.
- Alimony: He has to pay alimony to his ex-wife every month.
- Child support: The father was ordered to provide child support for his two kids.
- Irreconcilable differences: They cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for their divorce.
- Divorce decree: The divorce decree was finalized last week.
- Marital assets: They had to divide their marital assets equally.
- Divorce lawyer: She hired a divorce lawyer to help with the legal proceedings.
- Mediation: They went through mediation to avoid a lengthy court battle.
- Prenuptial agreement: They signed a prenuptial agreement before getting married.
- Settlement: They reached a settlement regarding their property and finances.
- Joint custody: The parents agreed to joint custody of their children.
- Sole custody: The mother was awarded sole custody of the kids.
- Visitation rights: He was given visitation rights to see his children on weekends.
- Spousal support: She receives spousal support as part of their divorce agreement.
- Divorce petition: He filed a divorce petition due to her infidelity.
- No-fault divorce: They opted for a no-fault divorce to avoid blaming each other.
- Adultery: Her adultery was one of the main reasons for the divorce.
- Domestic violence: He filed for divorce because of domestic violence.
- Irretrievable breakdown: The marriage ended due to the irretrievable breakdown of their relationship.
- Legal separation: They are in a legal separation while they decide whether to divorce.
- Annulment: They sought an annulment instead of a divorce due to religious reasons.
- Parenting plan: They created a detailed parenting plan for their children.
- Property division: Property division was the most contentious part of their divorce.
- Divorce settlement agreement: They signed a divorce settlement agreement without going to court.
- Maintenance: He provides maintenance payments to his ex-wife.
- Family court: The case was heard in family court.
- Child custody battle: They are in the midst of a bitter child custody battle.
- Grounds for divorce: Infidelity and abuse were cited as grounds for divorce.
- Reconciliation: They attempted reconciliation before deciding to divorce.
- Divorce proceedings: The divorce proceedings took nearly a year to complete.
- Contested divorce: Their contested divorce involved many heated arguments.
- Uncontested divorce: They had an uncontested divorce, which was finalized quickly.
- Marital home: They decided to sell the marital home and split the proceeds.
- Divorce certificate: She received her divorce certificate in the mail.
- Legal representation: Both parties had legal representation during the divorce.
- Postnuptial agreement: They signed a postnuptial agreement after several years of marriage.
- Divorce rate: The divorce rate in their country has been steadily increasing.
- Child custody agreement: They reached a child custody agreement outside of court.
- Marital debt: They had to decide how to split their marital debt.
- Spousal abuse: The divorce was due to years of spousal abuse.
- Divorce mediation: They attended divorce mediation to resolve their issues amicably.
- Cohabitation: After their separation, they continued cohabitation for the sake of their children.
- Family mediation: Family mediation helped them communicate better during the divorce.
- Collaborative divorce: They chose a collaborative divorce to avoid a courtroom battle.
- Legal advice: She sought legal advice before filing for divorce.
- Divorce lawyer fees: The divorce lawyer fees were quite expensive.
- Divorce proceedings costs: The costs of the divorce proceedings were substantial.
- Divorce settlement: They finally reached a divorce settlement after months of negotiation.
- Child custody evaluation: The court ordered a child custody evaluation.
- Divorce court: Their case was scheduled to be heard in divorce court.
- Separation agreement: They drafted a separation agreement to outline their responsibilities.
- Temporary custody: She was granted temporary custody of the children during the proceedings.
- Shared custody: They agreed on shared custody to keep the children’s routine stable.
- Financial disclosure: Financial disclosure was required by the court.
- Divorce process: The divorce process was emotionally draining for both of them.
- Mutual consent divorce: They opted for a mutual consent divorce to avoid a legal battle.
- Divorce certificate application: He submitted the divorce certificate application online.
- Emotional support: She relied on her friends for emotional support during the divorce.
- Division of assets: The division of assets was complicated by their joint investments.
- Parenting time: They scheduled their parenting time to ensure both parents remained involved.
- Divorce judgment: The divorce judgment was issued after their final hearing.
- Legal custody: She was awarded legal custody of their children.
- Parental rights: His parental rights were protected in the custody agreement.
- Divorce impact: The divorce impact on their children was significant.
- Counseling: They attended counseling sessions to try to save their marriage.
- Divorce records: The divorce records were kept confidential.
- Marital status: His marital status changed from married to divorced.
- Family law: She specialized in family law, particularly in divorce cases.
- Divorce filing: He completed the divorce filing at the county courthouse.
- Child custody order: The judge issued a child custody order in favor of the mother.
- Financial settlement: The financial settlement was agreed upon outside of court.
- Prenuptial agreement validity: The validity of their prenuptial agreement was challenged in court.
- Court order: The court order required him to pay child support.
- Divorce mediator: The divorce mediator helped them reach an amicable agreement.
- Parental alienation: Parental alienation was a concern during the custody battle.
- Legal guardian: She was appointed as the legal guardian of their children.
- Divorce statistics: Divorce statistics show an increase in separations during the pandemic.
- Child welfare: Child welfare was a top priority during the divorce negotiations.
- Family therapist: A family therapist helped them navigate their issues.
- Spousal maintenance: He was ordered to pay spousal maintenance as part of the settlement.
- Divorce counseling: They attended divorce counseling to help their children cope.
- Divorce laws: Divorce laws vary from state to state.
- Child custody hearing: The child custody hearing was scheduled for next month.
- Equitable distribution: Equitable distribution of their assets was achieved after much discussion.
- Visitation schedule: They agreed on a visitation schedule for the holidays.
- Marital agreement: They signed a marital agreement to protect their assets.
- Custodial parent: The custodial parent has primary responsibility for the children.
- Non-custodial parent: The non-custodial parent pays child support.
- Divorce petition filing: The divorce petition filing initiated the legal process.
- Divorce decree absolute: The divorce decree absolute marked the official end of their marriage.
- Legal separation agreement: They had a legal separation agreement in place before the divorce.
- Post-divorce: Post-divorce, they both focused on rebuilding their lives.
- Divorce impact on children: The divorce impact on children can be long-lasting and profound.
- Amicable divorce: They had an amicable divorce and remained friends.
- Divorce proceedings timeline: The divorce proceedings timeline can vary depending on the case.
- Joint legal custody: They shared joint legal custody of their children.
- Divorce and remarriage: He moved on quickly, with divorce and remarriage happening within a year.
- Family dynamics: The family dynamics changed significantly after the divorce.
Bài tập sử dụng từ vựng và cụm từ vựng
- They decided to get a __________ after ten years of marriage.
- The couple’s __________ was hard on their children.
- She was granted sole __________ of the children.
- He has to pay __________ to his ex-wife every month.
- The father was ordered to provide __________ for his two kids.
- They cited __________ as the reason for their divorce.
- The __________ was finalized last week.
- They had to divide their __________ equally.
- She hired a __________ to help with the legal proceedings.
- They went through __________ to avoid a lengthy court battle.
- They signed a __________ before getting married.
- They reached a __________ regarding their property and finances.
- The parents agreed to __________ of their children.
- The mother was awarded __________ of the kids.
- He was given __________ to see his children on weekends.
- She receives __________ as part of their divorce agreement.
- He filed a __________ due to her infidelity.
- They opted for a __________ to avoid blaming each other.
- Her __________ was one of the main reasons for the divorce.
- He filed for divorce because of __________.
- The marriage ended due to the __________ of their relationship.
- They are in a __________ while they decide whether to divorce.
- They sought an __________ instead of a divorce due to religious reasons.
- They created a detailed __________ for their children.
- Property __________ was the most contentious part of their divorce.
- They signed a __________ without going to court.
- He provides __________ payments to his ex-wife.
- The case was heard in __________.
- They are in the midst of a bitter __________.
- Infidelity and abuse were cited as __________ for divorce.
- They attempted __________ before deciding to divorce.
- The __________ took nearly a year to complete.
- Their __________ involved many heated arguments.
- They had an __________, which was finalized quickly.
- They decided to sell the __________ and split the proceeds.
- She received her __________ in the mail.
- Both parties had __________ during the divorce.
- They signed a __________ after several years of marriage.
- The __________ in their country has been steadily increasing.
- They reached a __________ outside of court.
- They had to decide how to split their __________.
- The divorce was due to years of __________.
- They attended __________ to resolve their issues amicably.
- After their separation, they continued __________ for the sake of their children.
- __________ helped them communicate better during the divorce.
- They chose a __________ to avoid a courtroom battle.
- She sought __________ before filing for divorce.
- The __________ were quite expensive.
- The __________ were substantial.
- They finally reached a __________ after months of negotiation.
- The court ordered a __________.
- Their case was scheduled to be heard in __________.
- They drafted a __________ to outline their responsibilities.
- She was granted __________ of the children during the proceedings.
- They agreed on __________ to keep the children’s routine stable.
- __________ was required by the court.
- The __________ was emotionally draining for both of them.
- They opted for a __________ to avoid a legal battle.
- He submitted the __________ online.
- She relied on her friends for __________ during the divorce.
- The __________ was complicated by their joint investments.
- They scheduled their __________ to ensure both parents remained involved.
- The __________ was issued after their final hearing.
- She was awarded __________ of their children.
- His __________ were protected in the custody agreement.
- The __________ on their children was significant.
- They attended __________ sessions to try to save their marriage.
- The __________ were kept confidential.
- His __________ changed from married to divorced.
- She specialized in __________, particularly in divorce cases.
- He completed the __________ at the county courthouse.
- The judge issued a __________ in favor of the mother.
- The __________ was agreed upon outside of court.
- The __________ of their prenuptial agreement was challenged in court.
- The __________ required him to pay child support.
- The __________ helped them reach an amicable agreement.
- __________ was a concern during the custody battle.
- She was appointed as the __________ of their children.
- __________ show an increase in separations during the pandemic.
- __________ was a top priority during the divorce negotiations.
- A __________ helped them navigate their issues.
- He was ordered to pay __________ as part of the settlement.
- They attended __________ to help their children cope.
- __________ vary from state to state.
- The __________ was scheduled for next month.
- __________ of their assets was achieved after much discussion.
- They agreed on a __________ for the holidays.
- They signed a __________ to protect their assets.
- The __________ has primary responsibility for the children.
- The __________ pays child support.
- The __________ initiated the legal process.
- The __________ marked the official end of their marriage.
- They had a __________ in place before the divorce.
- __________, they both focused on rebuilding their lives.
- The __________ can be long-lasting and profound.
- They had an __________ and remained friends.
- The __________ can vary depending on the case.
- They shared __________ of their children.
- He moved on quickly, with __________ happening within a year.
- The __________ changed significantly after the divorce.
Đáp án của bài tập
- They decided to get a divorce after ten years of marriage.
- The couple’s separation was hard on their children.
- She was granted sole custody of the children.
- He has to pay alimony to his ex-wife every month.
- The father was ordered to provide child support for his two kids.
- They cited irreconcilable differences as the reason for their divorce.
- The divorce decree was finalized last week.
- They had to divide their marital assets equally.
- She hired a divorce lawyer to help with the legal proceedings.
- They went through mediation to avoid a lengthy court battle.
- They signed a prenuptial agreement before getting married.
- They reached a settlement regarding their property and finances.
- The parents agreed to joint custody of their children.
- The mother was awarded sole custody of the kids.
- He was given visitation rights to see his children on weekends.
- She receives spousal support as part of their divorce agreement.
- He filed a divorce petition due to her infidelity.
- They opted for a no-fault divorce to avoid blaming each other.
- Her adultery was one of the main reasons for the divorce.
- He filed for divorce because of domestic violence.
- The marriage ended due to the irretrievable breakdown of their relationship.
- They are in a legal separation while they decide whether to divorce.
- They sought an annulment instead of a divorce due to religious reasons.
- They created a detailed parenting plan for their children.
- Property division was the most contentious part of their divorce.
- They signed a divorce settlement agreement without going to court.
- He provides maintenance payments to his ex-wife.
- The case was heard in family court.
- They are in the midst of a bitter child custody battle.
- Infidelity and abuse were cited as grounds for divorce.
- They attempted reconciliation before deciding to divorce.
- The divorce proceedings took nearly a year to complete.
- Their contested divorce involved many heated arguments.
- They had an uncontested divorce, which was finalized quickly.
- They decided to sell the marital home and split the proceeds.
- She received her divorce certificate in the mail.
- Both parties had legal representation during the divorce.
- They signed a postnuptial agreement after several years of marriage.
- The divorce rate in their country has been steadily increasing.
- They reached a child custody agreement outside of court.
- They had to decide how to split their marital debt.
- The divorce was due to years of spousal abuse.
- They attended divorce mediation to resolve their issues amicably.
- After their separation, they continued cohabitation for the sake of their children.
- Family mediation helped them communicate better during the divorce.
- They chose a collaborative divorce to avoid a courtroom battle.
- She sought legal advice before filing for divorce.
- The divorce lawyer fees were quite expensive.
- The divorce proceedings costs were substantial.
- They finally reached a divorce settlement after months of negotiation.
- The court ordered a child custody evaluation.
- Their case was scheduled to be heard in divorce court.
- They drafted a separation agreement to outline their responsibilities.
- She was granted temporary custody of the children during the proceedings.
- They agreed on shared custody to keep the children’s routine stable.
- Financial disclosure was required by the court.
- The divorce process was emotionally draining for both of them.
- They opted for a mutual consent divorce to avoid a legal battle.
- He submitted the divorce certificate application online.
- She relied on her friends for emotional support during the divorce.
- The division of assets was complicated by their joint investments.
- They scheduled their parenting time to ensure both parents remained involved.
- The divorce judgment was issued after their final hearing.
- She was awarded legal custody of their children.
- His parental rights were protected in the custody agreement.
- The divorce impact on their children was significant.
- They attended counseling sessions to try to save their marriage.
- The divorce records were kept confidential.
- His marital status changed from married to divorced.
- She specialized in family law, particularly in divorce cases.
- He completed the divorce filing at the county courthouse.
- The judge issued a child custody order in favor of the mother.
- The financial settlement was agreed upon outside of court.
- The validity of their prenuptial agreement was challenged in court.
- The court order required him to pay child support.
- The divorce mediator helped them reach an amicable agreement.
- Parental alienation was a concern during the custody battle.
- She was appointed as the legal guardian of their children.
- Divorce statistics show an increase in separations during the pandemic.
- Child welfare was a top priority during the divorce negotiations.
- A family therapist helped them navigate their issues.
- He was ordered to pay spousal maintenance as part of the settlement.
- They attended divorce counseling to help their children cope.
- Divorce laws vary from state to state.
- The child custody hearing was scheduled for next month.
- Equitable distribution of their assets was achieved after much discussion.
- They agreed on a visitation schedule for the holidays.
- They signed a marital agreement to protect their assets.
- The custodial parent has primary responsibility for the children.
- The non-custodial parent pays child support.
- The divorce petition filing initiated the legal process.
- The divorce decree absolute marked the official end of their marriage.
- They had a legal separation agreement in place before the divorce.
- Post-divorce, they both focused on rebuilding their lives.
- The divorce impact on children can be long-lasting and profound.
- They had an amicable divorce and remained friends.
- The divorce proceedings timeline can vary depending on the case.
- They shared joint legal custody of their children.
- He moved on quickly, with divorce and remarriage happening within a year.
- The family dynamics changed significantly after the divorce.
Học lại bài cũ: 100 câu luyện tập idioms tiếng Anh Part 1.