100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ

100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ

Bài viết này giới thiệu 100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ trong tiếng Anh.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Bài viết này giới thiệu 100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ trong tiếng Anh. Cấu trúc đảo ngữ giúp câu văn trở nên phong phú, nhấn mạnh ý chính và tạo ấn tượng mạnh hơn. Đây là tài liệu hữu ích cho người học muốn nâng cao kỹ năng viết và sử dụng tiếng Anh linh hoạt hơn.

Học thêm nhiều bài cũ khác tại: 100 bài tập dạng viết lại câu.

Đề bài 100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ

  1. You should never speak to him again.
  2. They seldom go to the cinema.
  3. She had no sooner finished the meal than the doorbell rang.
  4. The teacher is rarely late for class.
  5. He will only understand the truth when he sees it for himself.
  6. They had hardly started their journey when it began to rain.
  7. She never realized how much he meant to her until he was gone.
  8. I have never seen such a beautiful sunset.
  9. They rarely eat out.
  10. The train had hardly left the station when it started to snow.
  11. We will never surrender.
  12. The dog had barely barked when the door opened.
  13. She should never have trusted him.
  14. He had no sooner left the office than he got a phone call.
  15. I will never forget this day.
  16. We seldom see such dedication in students.
  17. He only realized his mistake after he made it.
  18. They can hardly believe the news.
  19. He had never felt so proud in his life.
  20. I had hardly opened the door when the phone rang.
  21. She seldom speaks to strangers.
  22. They had scarcely finished their homework when the power went out.
  23. You should never underestimate your opponents.
  24. He will never be able to complete the task alone.
  25. She had hardly arrived when the meeting started.
  26. They rarely go to the beach in winter.
  27. He would never have believed it if he hadn’t seen it himself.
  28. She hardly ever speaks in public.
  29. We had no sooner left the house than it started to rain.
  30. You should rarely rely on others for help.
  31. She will never admit her mistakes.
  32. The team had scarcely won the match when they started celebrating.
  33. They seldom play tennis in the afternoon.
  34. He had hardly begun his presentation when he was interrupted.
  35. You should rarely doubt your abilities.
  36. We can hardly wait for the holiday to start.
  37. She has never been more determined to succeed.
  38. They rarely travel abroad for work.
  39. He had no sooner hung up the phone than it rang again.
  40. You will hardly find a better opportunity than this.
  41. She should seldom raise her voice.
  42. They had hardly stepped outside when it started raining.
  43. I will never forget the day we met.
  44. He should never doubt his potential.
  45. We had barely finished eating when the lights went out.
  46. They can hardly believe their luck.
  47. She seldom talks about her past.
  48. We had no sooner arrived than the party was over.
  49. He would rarely miss a deadline.
  50. She had hardly slept when the alarm went off.
  51. They had scarcely left the house when it started snowing.
  52. You should never ignore a warning.
  53. We will seldom find such a good opportunity again.
  54. They can hardly remember the details of the event.
  55. He had barely sat down when the meeting began.
  56. She seldom goes to concerts.
  57. We had no sooner finished packing than the taxi arrived.
  58. He would never have guessed the answer.
  59. They will rarely agree to such terms.
  60. She had hardly eaten anything when she started feeling unwell.
  61. They rarely go to the countryside in summer.
  62. He had no sooner closed his eyes than he fell asleep.
  63. You should never take things for granted.
  64. He will seldom admit his faults.
  65. We had barely begun our journey when the car broke down.
  66. They can hardly believe the situation.
  67. She seldom leaves the house at night.
  68. We had no sooner sat down than the performance started.
  69. He would rarely ask for help.
  70. She had hardly spoken when they interrupted her.
  71. They had scarcely finished their meal when the fire alarm went off.
  72. You should never ignore your instincts.
  73. He will seldom find someone as loyal as her.
  74. They can hardly recognize the city after so many changes.
  75. She had barely finished her speech when the audience applauded.
  76. He seldom visits his hometown.
  77. We had no sooner boarded the plane than it took off.
  78. He would never have considered leaving the company.
  79. They rarely discuss their personal lives.
  80. She had hardly started her new job when she was promoted.
  81. You should seldom question your decisions.
  82. He will rarely back down from a challenge.
  83. We had barely sat down when the show began.
  84. They can hardly contain their excitement.
  85. She seldom goes to bed early.
  86. We had no sooner left the office than the fire alarm went off.
  87. He would rarely turn down an invitation.
  88. She had hardly opened her mouth when he interrupted her.
  89. They had scarcely reached the station when the train departed.
  90. You should never abandon your dreams.
  91. He will seldom speak in public.
  92. We had barely crossed the street when the traffic light turned red.
  93. They can hardly believe what they heard.
  94. She seldom makes the same mistake twice.
  95. We had no sooner reached the top of the hill than it started raining.
  96. He would rarely speak to strangers.
  97. She had hardly written the letter when she regretted it.
  98. They had scarcely finished the movie when the power went out.
  99. You should never ignore your responsibilities.
  100. He will rarely take advice from others.

Bài tập cũ: 100 bài tập viết lại câu với cấu trúc “It’s (high/about) time….

Đáp án 100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ

  1. Never should you speak to him again.
  2. Seldom do they go to the cinema.
  3. No sooner had she finished the meal than the doorbell rang.
  4. Rarely is the teacher late for class.
  5. Only when he sees it for himself will he understand the truth.
  6. Hardly had they started their journey when it began to rain.
  7. Never did she realize how much he meant to her until he was gone.
  8. Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.
  9. Rarely do they eat out.
  10. Hardly had the train left the station when it started to snow.
  11. Never will we surrender.
  12. Barely had the dog barked when the door opened.
  13. Never should she have trusted him.
  14. No sooner had he left the office than he got a phone call.
  15. Never will I forget this day.
  16. Seldom do we see such dedication in students.
  17. Only after he made it did he realize his mistake.
  18. Hardly can they believe the news.
  19. Never had he felt so proud in his life.
  20. Hardly had I opened the door when the phone rang.
  21. Seldom does she speak to strangers.
  22. Scarcely had they finished their homework when the power went out.
  23. Never should you underestimate your opponents.
  24. Never will he be able to complete the task alone.
  25. Hardly had she arrived when the meeting started.
  26. Rarely do they go to the beach in winter.
  27. Never would he have believed it if he hadn’t seen it himself.
  28. Hardly ever does she speak in public.
  29. No sooner had we left the house than it started to rain.
  30. Rarely should you rely on others for help.
  31. Never will she admit her mistakes.
  32. Scarcely had the team won the match when they started celebrating.
  33. Seldom do they play tennis in the afternoon.
  34. Hardly had he begun his presentation when he was interrupted.
  35. Rarely should you doubt your abilities.
  36. Hardly can we wait for the holiday to start.
  37. Never has she been more determined to succeed.
  38. Rarely do they travel abroad for work.
  39. No sooner had he hung up the phone than it rang again.
  40. Hardly will you find a better opportunity than this.
  41. Seldom should she raise her voice.
  42. Hardly had they stepped outside when it started raining.
  43. Never will I forget the day we met.
  44. Never should he doubt his potential.
  45. Barely had we finished eating when the lights went out.
  46. Hardly can they believe their luck.
  47. Seldom does she talk about her past.
  48. No sooner had we arrived than the party was over.
  49. Rarely would he miss a deadline.
  50. Hardly had she slept when the alarm went off.
  51. Scarcely had they left the house when it started snowing.
  52. Never should you ignore a warning.
  53. Seldom will we find such a good opportunity again.
  54. Hardly can they remember the details of the event.
  55. Barely had he sat down when the meeting began.
  56. Seldom does she go to concerts.
  57. No sooner had we finished packing than the taxi arrived.
  58. Never would he have guessed the answer.
  59. Rarely will they agree to such terms.
  60. Hardly had she eaten anything when she started feeling unwell.
  61. Rarely do they go to the countryside in summer.
  62. No sooner had he closed his eyes than he fell asleep.
  63. Never should you take things for granted.
  64. Seldom will he admit his faults.
  65. Barely had we begun our journey when the car broke down.
  66. Hardly can they believe the situation.
  67. Seldom does she leave the house at night.
  68. No sooner had we sat down than the performance started.
  69. Rarely would he ask for help.
  70. Hardly had she spoken when they interrupted her.
  71. Scarcely had they finished their meal when the fire alarm went off.
  72. Never should you ignore your instincts.
  73. Seldom will he find someone as loyal as her.
  74. Hardly can they recognize the city after so many changes.
  75. Barely had she finished her speech when the audience applauded.
  76. Seldom does he visit his hometown.
  77. No sooner had we boarded the plane than it took off.
  78. Never would he have considered leaving the company.
  79. Rarely do they discuss their personal lives.
  80. Hardly had she started her new job when she was promoted.
  81. Seldom should you question your decisions.
  82. Rarely will he back down from a challenge.
  83. Barely had we sat down when the show began.
  84. Hardly can they contain their excitement.
  85. Seldom does she go to bed early.
  86. No sooner had we left the office than the fire alarm went off.
  87. Rarely would he turn down an invitation.
  88. Hardly had she opened her mouth when he interrupted her.
  89. Scarcely had they reached the station when the train departed.
  90. Never should you abandon your dreams.
  91. Seldom will he speak in public.
  92. Barely had we crossed the street when the traffic light turned red.
  93. Hardly can they believe what they heard.
  94. Seldom does she make the same mistake twice.
  95. No sooner had we reached the top of the hill than it started raining.
  96. Rarely would he speak to strangers.
  97. Hardly had she written the letter when she regretted it.
  98. Scarcely had they finished the movie when the power went out.
  99. Never should you ignore your responsibilities.
  100. Rarely will he take advice from others.
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Đặt lịch Tư vấn 1-1 với Cố vấn học tập tại The Real IELTS để được học sâu hơn về Lộ trình học IELTS và Phương pháp học Phù hợp. Thời gian linh hoạt và học phí theo buổi