100 câu bài tập viết lại câu Sử dụng “make” và “let”

100 câu bài tập viết lại câu Sử dụng “make” và “let”

Bài viết này giới thiệu 100 câu bài tập tiếng Anh về dạng viết lại câu, sử dụng hai động từ "make" và "let".

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Bài viết này giới thiệu 100 câu bài tập tiếng Anh về dạng viết lại câu, sử dụng hai động từ “make” và “let”. Các bài tập sẽ giúp người học nắm vững cách dùng “make” để diễn tả sự bắt buộc và “let” để diễn tả sự cho phép, nâng cao kỹ năng viết câu trong tiếng Anh.

Học lại bài cũ: 100 câu bài tập tiếng anh dạng bài viết lại câu chuyển đổi câu điều kiện loại 1 thành câu điều kiện loại 0

Đề bài viết lại câu sử dụng “make” và “let”

  1. The teacher allowed the students to go home early.
  2. His parents forced him to apologize for his mistake.
  3. She permitted me to use her computer for the project.
  4. My mother insisted that I clean my room before going out.
  5. The manager told the employees to work overtime.
  6. The coach demanded that the players practice harder.
  7. My friend encouraged me to try the new restaurant.
  8. The boss required them to submit the report by Friday.
  9. The police officer ordered him to pull over immediately.
  10. They allowed the kids to play in the garden.
  11. The teacher asked us to complete the assignment by tomorrow.
  12. She made her brother do the dishes after dinner.
  13. The parents asked the children to clean up their toys.
  14. He asked his assistant to reschedule the meeting.
  15. The company allowed employees to work from home.
  16. The coach wanted the team to run extra laps.
  17. My mom insisted that I take an umbrella because it was raining.
  18. The school required students to wear uniforms.
  19. His parents let him borrow the car for the weekend.
  20. She asked her friend to help her with the project.
  21. They allowed the guests to stay overnight.
  22. The officer told them to wait outside.
  23. My boss forced me to work on the weekend.
  24. The teacher required the students to turn in their homework.
  25. Her parents let her stay out until midnight.
  26. The coach demanded that the players practice more.
  27. His mother forced him to finish his homework.
  28. They allowed the children to stay up late.
  29. The professor asked the students to prepare for the exam.
  30. The company required employees to attend the training session.
  31. My father let me drive the car for the first time.
  32. She made her son clean his room every week.
  33. The school allowed the students to use the library after hours.
  34. The teacher asked the students to be quiet during the test.
  35. They allowed the dog to run in the park.
  36. His mother told him to turn off the TV.
  37. The coach wanted the players to practice harder.
  38. Her parents forced her to break up with her boyfriend.
  39. The teacher required students to bring their textbooks to class.
  40. The manager let the employees leave early.
  41. She made her assistant finish the report by noon.
  42. My friend encouraged me to take the job offer.
  43. The company let their workers take a longer lunch break.
  44. His father told him to mow the lawn on Saturday.
  45. The teacher made us rewrite the essay.
  46. The boss asked them to arrive at the office early.
  47. The principal required students to wear their ID badges.
  48. My parents let me travel with my friends.
  49. The doctor told him to take the medicine three times a day.
  50. The teacher asked the class to listen carefully.
  51. The company made the employees sign a confidentiality agreement.
  52. The professor let us choose our own research topics.
  53. His mother made him wash the car before going out.
  54. The police officer ordered them to stay inside.
  55. My parents allowed me to stay at my friend’s house.
  56. The teacher required the students to participate in the activity.
  57. His father let him drive the family car to the party.
  58. The manager forced the workers to work on the weekend.
  59. The coach allowed the players to take a day off.
  60. His parents made him finish his dinner.
  61. The boss allowed them to leave the office early.
  62. The school required the students to attend the ceremony.
  63. His mother let him stay up late to watch the movie.
  64. The manager made them complete the project by Monday.
  65. The teacher let the students use their notes during the test.
  66. His parents let him have a party at home.
  67. The coach forced the team to practice even in the rain.
  68. The manager allowed the team to work remotely.
  69. The parents let their children play outside.
  70. The principal required the students to follow the rules strictly.
  71. The boss made his employees meet the deadline.
  72. His parents made him return the stolen item.
  73. The teacher allowed the students to ask questions during the lecture.
  74. My mother let me take a day off from school.
  75. The coach asked the players to give their best effort.
  76. The teacher forced the students to rewrite their essays.
  77. His parents let him go on the school trip.
  78. The boss allowed the team to use the conference room.
  79. The professor required the students to complete the project in groups.
  80. The manager asked the staff to prepare for the meeting.
  81. His parents let him play video games for an hour.
  82. The teacher required students to submit their assignments online.
  83. His mother forced him to apologize for being rude.
  84. The boss allowed employees to take a longer lunch break.
  85. The teacher let the students choose their own partners.
  86. The principal required students to attend the assembly.
  87. His parents made him study for his exams.
  88. The company let the workers take a day off.
  89. The professor made the students redo their presentations.
  90. The coach allowed the players to skip practice.
  91. His parents let him stay home from school.
  92. The manager made the team finish the report by the end of the day.
  93. The teacher asked the students to complete their homework on time.
  94. His parents let him have his friends over.
  95. The professor required the students to hand in their research papers.
  96. The coach made the team practice even harder.
  97. The teacher allowed the students to take breaks between classes.
  98. His parents let him drive the car to school.
  99. The manager asked the employees to attend the meeting.
  100. His mother made him apologize for being late.

Học thêm nhiều bài cũ khác tại: 100 bài tập dạng viết lại câu.

Đáp án cho các câu bài tập sử dụng “make” và “let”

  1. The teacher let the students go home early.
  2. His parents made him apologize for his mistake.
  3. She let me use her computer for the project.
  4. My mother made me clean my room before going out.
  5. The manager made the employees work overtime.
  6. The coach made the players practice harder.
  7. My friend let me try the new restaurant.
  8. The boss made them submit the report by Friday.
  9. The police officer made him pull over immediately.
  10. They let the kids play in the garden.
  11. The teacher made us complete the assignment by tomorrow.
  12. She made her brother do the dishes after dinner.
  13. The parents made the children clean up their toys.
  14. He made his assistant reschedule the meeting.
  15. The company let employees work from home.
  16. The coach made the team run extra laps.
  17. My mom made me take an umbrella because it was raining.
  18. The school made students wear uniforms.
  19. His parents let him borrow the car for the weekend.
  20. She made her friend help her with the project.
  21. They let the guests stay overnight.
  22. The officer made them wait outside.
  23. My boss made me work on the weekend.
  24. The teacher made the students turn in their homework.
  25. Her parents let her stay out until midnight.
  26. The coach made the players practice more.
  27. His mother made him finish his homework.
  28. They let the children stay up late.
  29. The professor made the students prepare for the exam.
  30. The company made employees attend the training session.
  31. My father let me drive the car for the first time.
  32. She made her son clean his room every week.
  33. The school let the students use the library after hours.
  34. The teacher made the students be quiet during the test.
  35. They let the dog run in the park.
  36. His mother made him turn off the TV.
  37. The coach made the players practice harder.
  38. Her parents made her break up with her boyfriend.
  39. The teacher made students bring their textbooks to class.
  40. The manager let the employees leave early.
  41. She made her assistant finish the report by noon.
  42. My friend made me take the job offer.
  43. The company let their workers take a longer lunch break.
  44. His father made him mow the lawn on Saturday.
  45. The teacher made us rewrite the essay.
  46. The boss made them arrive at the office early.
  47. The principal made students wear their ID badges.
  48. My parents let me travel with my friends.
  49. The doctor made him take the medicine three times a day.
  50. The teacher made the class listen carefully.
  51. The company made the employees sign a confidentiality agreement.
  52. The professor let us choose our own research topics.
  53. His mother made him wash the car before going out.
  54. The police officer made them stay inside.
  55. My parents let me stay at my friend’s house.
  56. The teacher made the students participate in the activity.
  57. His father let him drive the family car to the party.
  58. The manager made the workers work on the weekend.
  59. The coach let the players take a day off.
  60. His parents made him finish his dinner.
  61. The boss let them leave the office early.
  62. The school made the students attend the ceremony.
  63. His mother let him stay up late to watch the movie.
  64. The manager made them complete the project by Monday.
  65. The teacher let the students use their notes during the test.
  66. His parents let him have a party at home.
  67. The coach made the team practice even in the rain.
  68. The manager let the team work remotely.
  69. The parents let their children play outside.
  70. The principal made the students follow the rules strictly.
  71. The boss made his employees meet the deadline.
  72. His parents made him return the stolen item.
  73. The teacher let the students ask questions during the lecture.
  74. My mother let me take a day off from school.
  75. The coach made the players give their best effort.
  76. The teacher made the students rewrite their essays.
  77. His parents let him go on the school trip.
  78. The boss let the team use the conference room.
  79. The professor made the students complete the project in groups.
  80. The manager made the staff prepare for the meeting.
  81. His parents let him play video games for an hour.
  82. The teacher made students submit their assignments online.
  83. His mother made him apologize for being rude.
  84. The boss let employees take a longer lunch break.
  85. The teacher let the students choose their own partners.
  86. The principal made students attend the assembly.
  87. His parents made him study for his exams.
  88. The company let the workers take a day off.
  89. The professor made the students redo their presentations.
  90. The coach let the players skip practice.
  91. His parents let him stay home from school.
  92. The manager made the team finish the report by the end of the day.
  93. The teacher made the students complete their homework on time.
  94. His parents let him have his friends over.
  95. The professor made the students hand in their research papers.
  96. The coach made the team practice even harder.
  97. The teacher let the students take breaks between classes.
  98. His parents let him drive the car to school.
  99. The manager made the employees attend the meeting.
  100. His mother made him apologize for being late.
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