Các bài tập luyện tập tiếng Anh thường rất nhiều. Bài viết này đề cập tới 8 dạng bài tập luyện tập thì hiện tại đơn. Trong các bài tập này, bạn vẫn phải phân biệt giữa các thì ngữ pháp khác như hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành.

Dạng bài tập hoàn thành câu

  1. She ______________ (work) as a teacher.
  2. They ______________ (not, eat) meat.
  3. ______________ he ______________ (speak) Spanish fluently?
  4. We ______________ (go) to the park every Sunday.
  5. My parents ______________ (live) in a big house.
  6. Sarah ______________ (not, drink) coffee in the morning.
  7. ______________ they ______________ (play) football on Saturdays?
  8. It ______________ (rain) a lot in this season.
  9. I usually ______________ (read) before going to bed.
  10. Cats ______________ (like) to chase mice.
  11. He ______________ (not, smoke) cigarettes.
  12. ______________ she ______________ (go) to the gym regularly?
  13. Dogs ______________ (bark) when they see strangers.
  14. We ______________ (study) English at the moment.
  15. She ______________ (wear) glasses because she has poor eyesight.
  16. ______________ you ______________ (enjoy) hiking in the mountains?
  17. It ______________ (take) about an hour to get to work by car.
  18. The sun ______________ (shine) brightly in the sky.
  19. My sister ______________ (play) the piano beautifully.
  20. ______________ they ______________ (visit) their grandparents every weekend?

Đáp án

  1. works
  2. do not eat
  3. Does, speak
  4. go
  5. live
  6. does not drink
  7. Do, play
  8. rains
  9. read
  10. like
  11. does not smoke
  12. Does, go
  13. bark
  14. are studying
  15. wears
  16. Do, enjoy
  17. takes
  18. shines
  19. plays
  20. Do, visit

Dạng bài tập điền đúng dạng động từ

  1. My cat ______________ (sleep) on the sofa right now.
  2. They usually ______________ (play) basketball in the afternoon.
  3. Sarah ______________ (not, like) spicy food.
  4. The sun ______________ (shine) brightly every morning.
  5. Tom and Jerry ______________ (be) good friends since childhood.
  6. We always ______________ (enjoy) going to the beach on weekends.
  7. My mother ______________ (cook) delicious meals for dinner every day.
  8. He ______________ (not, drink) coffee in the evening because it keeps him awake.
  9. Jenny ______________ (read) a book at the moment.
  10. The train ______________ (leave) at 9 o’clock every morning.
  11. Dogs ______________ (bark) when they see strangers.
  12. We usually ______________ (go) to the gym on Mondays and Thursdays.
  13. My father ______________ (work) as a teacher.
  14. It ______________ (rain) a lot in the rainy season.
  15. She ______________ (not, eat) meat because she is a vegetarian.
  16. The birds ______________ (sing) beautifully in the morning.
  17. Maria ______________ (teach) English at the local school.
  18. The children ______________ (play) in the park now.
  19. I ______________ (not, speak) Spanish fluently, but I’m learning.
  20. The computer ______________ (not, work) properly.

Đáp án

  1. sleeps
  2. play
  3. doesn’t like
  4. shines
  5. have been
  6. enjoy
  7. cooks
  8. doesn’t drink
  9. is reading
  10. leaves
  11. bark
  12. go
  13. works
  14. rains
  15. doesn’t eat
  16. sing
  17. teaches
  18. are playing
  19. don’t speak
  20. isn’t working

Dạng bài tập viết câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn:

Đổi các câu phủ định sau thành câu nghĩ vấn:

  1. She reads books every morning.
  2. They play basketball after school.
  3. He eats pizza for dinner.
  4. The cat sleeps on the sofa.
  5. We go swimming on weekends.
  6. Mary drinks coffee in the afternoon.
  7. Tom watches TV in the evening.
  8. Birds sing in the morning.
  9. He goes to the gym twice a week.
  10. She practices piano every day.
  11. They visit their grandparents every month.
  12. The bus arrives at 7 o’clock.
  13. My parents work in the office.
  14. The dog barks at strangers.
  15. Children play in the park.
  16. Sarah studies English in the evening.
  17. The sun rises in the east.
  18. We listen to music before bedtime.
  19. He speaks French fluently.
  20. It rains a lot in the summer.

Đáp án:

  1. Does she read books every morning?
  2. Do they play basketball after school?
  3. Does he eat pizza for dinner?
  4. Does the cat sleep on the sofa?
  5. Do we go swimming on weekends?
  6. Does Mary drink coffee in the afternoon?
  7. Does Tom watch TV in the evening?
  8. Do birds sing in the morning?
  9. How often does he go to the gym?
  10. Does she practice piano every day?
  11. How often do they visit their grandparents?
  12. What time does the bus arrive?
  13. Where do your parents work?
  14. Does the dog bark at strangers?
  15. What do children play in the park?
  16. What does Sarah study in the evening?
  17. Where does the sun rise?
  18. What do we listen to before bedtime?
  19. Does he speak French fluently?
  20. Does it rain a lot in the summer?

Dạng bài tập sắp xếp từ và tạo câu hoàn chỉnh:

Đáp án:

  1. She usually goes to bed at 10 PM.
  2. He always does his homework in his room.
  3. I go to the gym on Mondays.
  4. Her brother often texts her.
  5. She walks to school every day.
  6. They usually watch TV in the evening.
  7. He plays soccer with his friends every Saturday.
  8. She always drinks coffee in the morning.
  9. She makes breakfast for her family every morning.
  10. He takes his dog for a walk every evening.
  11. They go to church every Sunday.
  12. He usually walks in the park in the afternoon.
  13. She takes the bus to work.
  14. They usually watch movies on Friday.
  15. He plays guitar every afternoon.
  16. She often helps her sister with homework.
  17. They go to the cafeteria every day for lunch.
  18. He reads a bedtime book every night before bed.
  19. I walk to school every morning.
  20. I drink my coffee every morning.

Dạng bài tập viết câu sử dụng trạng từ chỉ tần suất:

  1. My sister ____________ goes to the gym on weekends.
  2. We ____________ eat pizza on Fridays.
  3. He ____________ plays basketball with his friends.
  4. They ____________ visit their grandparents twice a month.
  5. Sarah ____________ listens to music before going to bed.
  6. The bus ____________ arrives late in the morning.
  7. I ____________ go swimming in the summer.
  8. Tom and Jerry ____________ watch cartoons on Saturday mornings.
  9. Mary ____________ reads books in her free time.
  10. The students ____________ practice English speaking every Monday.
  11. The cat ____________ sleeps in the sun.
  12. We ____________ have a barbecue in the backyard.
  13. She ____________ goes shopping on Saturdays.
  14. Jack ____________ visits his parents once a week.
  15. My parents ____________ go for a walk after dinner.
  16. They ____________ go on vacation every year.
  17. The teacher ____________ gives homework on weekdays.
  18. The birds ____________ sing in the morning.
  19. We ____________ clean the house on Sundays.
  20. Sarah’s dog ____________ barks at strangers.

Đáp án

  1. always
  2. usually
  3. often
  4. sometimes
  5. always
  6. often
  7. usually
  8. always
  9. often
  10. regularly
  11. always
  12. often
  13. usually
  14. regularly
  15. always
  16. annually
  17. regularly
  18. always
  19. usually
  20. always

Dạng bài tập Chọn từ đúng:

  1. She ______________ (is/are) a doctor.
  2. They ______________ (has/have) breakfast at 7 o’clock.
  3. Peter ______________ (don’t/doesn’t) like spicy food.
  4. My parents ______________ (is/are) from Canada.
  5. The cat ______________ (is/are) sleeping on the sofa.
  6. We ______________ (am/are) going to the beach this weekend.
  7. She ______________ (is/are) a teacher at the local school.
  8. He ______________ (don’t/doesn’t) drink coffee in the morning.
  9. It ______________ (is/are) raining outside.
  10. They ______________ (is/are) good friends.
  11. She ______________ (is/are) playing tennis right now.
  12. The dog ______________ (is/are) barking loudly.
  13. We ______________ (is/are) studying English at the moment.
  14. My sister ______________ (is/are) a lawyer.
  15. He ______________ (don’t/doesn’t) like to eat vegetables.
  16. The students ______________ (is/are) listening to the teacher attentively.
  17. It ______________ (is/are) important to exercise regularly.
  18. John ______________ (is/are) going to the party tonight.
  19. My brother ______________ (don’t/doesn’t) have a car.
  20. The flowers in the garden ______________ (is/are) beautiful.

Đáp án

  1. She is a doctor.
  2. They have breakfast at 7 o’clock.
  3. Peter doesn’t like spicy food.
  4. My parents are from Canada.
  5. The cat is sleeping on the sofa.
  6. We are going to the beach this weekend.
  7. She is a teacher at the local school.
  8. He doesn’t drink coffee in the morning.
  9. It is raining outside.
  10. They are good friends.
  11. She is playing tennis right now.
  12. The dog is barking loudly.
  13. We are studying English at the moment.
  14. My sister is a lawyer.
  15. He doesn’t like to eat vegetables.
  16. The students are listening to the teacher attentively.
  17. It is important to exercise regularly.
  18. John is going to the party tonight.
  19. My brother doesn’t have a car.
  20. The flowers in the garden are beautiful.

Dạng bài tập Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi:

  1. Text: Sarah is a teacher. She works at a primary school. She loves teaching children.
    • What is Sarah’s profession?
    • Where does she work?
    • What does she enjoy doing?
  2. Text: Mark and Lisa are siblings. They live in a small town. They often go for walks in the park together.
    • Are Mark and Lisa related?
    • Where do they live?
    • What do they often do together?
  3. Text: John has a pet cat named Whiskers. Whiskers is very playful and loves chasing after toys.
    • What is the name of John’s pet?
    • What kind of animal is Whiskers?
    • What does Whiskers love doing?
  4. Text: Emily is studying for her exams. She spends most of her time in the library.
    • What is Emily doing?
    • Where does she spend most of her time?
    • Why is she spending so much time there?
  5. Text: Peter is a chef at a famous restaurant. He specializes in Italian cuisine.
    • What is Peter’s profession?
    • Where does he work?
    • What type of cuisine does he specialize in?
  6. Text: The Smith family is planning a vacation to Europe. They are excited to explore new cultures.
    • Who is planning a vacation?
    • Where are they planning to go?
    • What are they excited about?
  7. Text: Amy has a hobby of gardening. She enjoys growing various flowers and vegetables in her backyard.
    • What is Amy’s hobby?
    • What does she enjoy growing?
    • Where does she do her gardening?
  8. Text: David and Maria are best friends. They often go hiking together on weekends.
    • Who are best friends?
    • What do they enjoy doing together?
    • When do they usually go hiking?
  9. Text: The Johnsons have a big family gathering every Sunday. They share a meal and catch up with each other.
    • What do the Johnsons do every Sunday?
    • Who participates in the gathering?
    • What do they do during the gathering?
  10. Text: Tim has a part-time job at a local café. He works there on weekends to earn some extra money.
  1. Text: Sarah volunteers at an animal shelter every Saturday. She helps take care of the dogs and cats there.
  1. Text: Mike is learning to play the guitar. He practices for an hour every day.
  1. Text: The Smiths are going to celebrate their anniversary next week. They plan to have a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant.
  1. Text: Lucy is a talented artist. She enjoys painting landscapes and portraits in her free time.
  1. Text: Jack is an avid reader. He reads at least one book every week.
  1. Text: Karen is passionate about photography. She often goes on nature walks to capture stunning shots.
  1. Text: Tom is a firefighter. He risks his life to save others from fires and accidents.
  1. Text: Mary loves to travel. She has visited over ten countries in the past year.
  1. Text: James is a soccer player. He practices with his team every afternoon.
  1. Text: The Johnsons are throwing a birthday party for their son next weekend. They are inviting all his friends and classmates.

Đáp án

  1. Text: Sarah is a teacher. She works at a primary school. She loves teaching children.
    • Đáp án:
      • Sarah is a teacher.
      • She works at a primary school.
      • She loves teaching children.
  2. Text: Mark and Lisa are siblings. They live in a small town. They often go for walks in the park together.
    • Đáp án:
      • Yes, they are.
      • They live in a small town.
      • They often go for walks in the park together.
  3. Text: John has a pet cat named Whiskers. Whiskers is very playful and loves chasing after toys.
    • Đáp án:
      • His pet’s name is Whiskers.
      • Whiskers is a cat.
      • Whiskers loves chasing after toys.
  4. Text: Emily is studying for her exams. She spends most of her time in the library.
    • Đáp án:
      • Emily is studying for her exams.
      • She spends most of her time in the library.
      • She is spending so much time there to prepare for her exams.
  5. Text: Peter is a chef at a famous restaurant. He specializes in Italian cuisine.
    • Đáp án:
      • Peter is a chef.
      • He works at a famous restaurant.
      • He specializes in Italian cuisine.
  6. Text: The Smith family is planning a vacation to Europe. They are excited to explore new cultures.
    • Đáp án:
      • The Smith family is planning a vacation to Europe.
      • They are planning to go to Europe.
      • They are excited about exploring new cultures.
  7. Text: Amy has a hobby of gardening. She enjoys growing various flowers and vegetables in her backyard.
    • Đáp án:
      • Amy’s hobby is gardening.
      • She enjoys growing various flowers and vegetables.
      • She does her gardening in her backyard.
  8. Text: David and Maria are best friends. They often go hiking together on weekends.
    • Đáp án:
      • David and Maria are best friends.
      • They enjoy going hiking together.
      • They usually go hiking on weekends.
  9. Text: The Johnsons have a big family gathering every Sunday. They share a meal and catch up with each other.
    • Đáp án:
      • The Johnsons have a big family gathering every Sunday.
      • The Johnson family participates in the gathering.
      • During the gathering, they share a meal and catch up with each other.
  10. Text: Tim has a part-time job at a local café. He works there on weekends to earn some extra money.
  1. Text: Sarah volunteers at an animal shelter every Saturday. She helps take care of the dogs and cats there.
  1. Text: Mike is learning to play the guitar. He practices for an hour every day.
  1. Text: The Smiths are going to celebrate their anniversary next week. They plan to have a romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant.
  1. Text: Lucy is a talented artist. She enjoys painting landscapes and portraits in her free time.
  1. Text: Jack is an avid reader. He reads at least one book every week.
  1. Text: Karen is passionate about photography. She often goes on nature walks to capture stunning shots.
  1. Text: Tom is a firefighter. He risks his life to save others from fires and accidents.
  1. Text: Mary loves to travel. She has visited over ten countries in the past year.
  1. Text: James is a soccer player. He practices with his team every afternoon.
  1. Text: The Johnsons are throwing a birthday party for their son next weekend. They are inviting all his friends and classmates.

Dạng bài tập Viết câu tương đương:

  1. He doesn’t speak French. (Rewrite using ‘not’)
  2. She always arrives on time. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  3. They go to the beach in the summer. (Rewrite using ‘often’)
  4. We have dinner at 7 p.m. (Rewrite using ‘normally’)
  5. I don’t eat meat. (Rewrite using ‘rarely’)
  6. He plays basketball every Saturday. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  7. She reads a book before bed. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  8. They clean the house on weekends. (Rewrite using ‘often’)
  9. We watch movies on Fridays. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  10. The train arrives at 8 a.m. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  11. He walks to work every day. (Rewrite using ‘often’)
  12. She drinks coffee in the morning. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  13. They study English after school. (Rewrite using ‘often’)
  14. We listen to music while driving. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  15. He goes swimming in the summer. (Rewrite using ‘often’)
  16. She exercises in the evening. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  17. They visit their grandparents on Sundays. (Rewrite using ‘often’)
  18. I eat breakfast at 8 a.m. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  19. He checks his email before work. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  20. She takes a walk after dinner. (Rewrite using ‘often’)

Đáp án

  1. He speaks French not.
  2. She usually arrives on time.
  3. They often go to the beach in the summer.
  4. We normally have dinner at 7 p.m.
  5. I rarely eat meat.
  6. He usually plays basketball every Saturday.
  7. She usually reads a book before bed.
  8. They often clean the house on weekends.
  9. We usually watch movies on Fridays.
  10. The train usually arrives at 8 a.m.
  11. He often walks to work every day.
  12. She usually drinks coffee in the morning.
  13. They often study English after school.
  14. We usually listen to music while driving.
  15. He often goes swimming in the summer.
  16. She usually exercises in the evening.
  17. They often visit their grandparents on Sundays.
  18. I usually eat breakfast at 8 a.m.
  19. He usually checks his email before work.
  20. She often takes a walk after dinner.

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