Đây là bài kiểm tra kiến thức về thì hiện tại hoàn thành, hiện tại đơn và thể bị động. Các bạn có thể làm bài này trong 100 phút. Nếu đúng hơn 80% là bạn đã nắm khác chắc kiến thức về phần ngữ pháp này.

Bài kiểm tra bao gồm các thì ngữ pháp Hiện tại hoàn thành, Hiện tại đơn và thể bị động

I. Hoàn thành câu (25 câu)

  1. She _____________ (study) English for two hours.
  2. They _____________ (not, finish) their homework yet.
  3. _____________ they _____________ (travel) to Paris last year?
  4. By the time he arrives, we _____________ (already, leave).
  5. How long _____________ you _____________ (learn) Spanish?
  6. She _____________ (never, visit) New York City.
  7. Peter _____________ (not, eat) seafood.
  8. We _____________ (live) in this house since 2010.
  9. _____________ this book _____________ (read) by many people?
  10. By next summer, they _____________ (build) a new bridge.
  11. He _____________ (just, finish) his breakfast.
  12. I _____________ (not, see) him for ages.
  13. _____________ you ever _____________ (ride) a camel?
  14. The meeting _____________ (start) in ten minutes.
  15. They _____________ (not, play) tennis before.
  16. How many times _____________ you _____________ (visit) London?
  17. This house _____________ (not, clean) yet.
  18. By the time you get there, the show _____________ (already, begin).
  19. We _____________ (wait) for him for over an hour.
  20. Sarah _____________ (not, finish) her work yet.
  21. _____________ these cookies _____________ (bake) by you?
  22. The movie _____________ (not, start) yet.
  23. She _____________ (travel) to many countries.
  24. How often _____________ she _____________ (visit) her grandparents?
  25. The cake _____________ (just, bake).

II. Điền đúng dạng động từ (25 câu)

  1. My sister _____________ (go) to the gym every morning.
  2. English _____________ (speak) in many countries around the world.
  3. The package _____________ (deliver) to our house yesterday.
  4. Tom usually _____________ (drive) to work, but today he _____________ (take) the bus.
  5. They _____________ (not, play) football last weekend because it _____________ (rain).
  6. She _____________ (study) French for two years now.
  7. My grandparents _____________ (live) in that house for over fifty years.
  8. How often _____________ your parents _____________ (travel) abroad?
  9. The keys _____________ (not, find) yet. They _____________ (still, look) for them.
  10. Peter often _____________ (go) fishing on Sundays.
  11. The new movie _____________ (release) next month.
  12. The letter _____________ (post) yesterday.
  13. Sarah _____________ (not, like) spicy food.
  14. How many languages _____________ you _____________ (speak)?
  15. They _____________ (not, go) to the cinema last night.
  16. The report _____________ (send) to the manager already.
  17. _____________ the dishes _____________ (wash) by you yet?
  18. He _____________ (not, eat) sushi before.
  19. My parents _____________ (not, allow) me to stay out late on weekdays.
  20. The flowers _____________ (water) every morning.

III. Viết câu phủ định và câu nghi vấn (25 câu)

  1. She loves chocolate. (phủ định)
  2. They speak Spanish fluently. (câu nghi vấn)
  3. He has visited London many times. (phủ định)
  4. You drink coffee every morning. (câu nghi vấn)
  5. I have seen that movie before. (phủ định)
  6. We enjoy hiking in the mountains. (câu nghi vấn)
  7. They live in Australia. (phủ định)
  8. She has finished her homework. (câu nghi vấn)
  9. He eats sushi regularly. (phủ định)
  10. We have been to Italy twice. (câu nghi vấn)
  11. Mary speaks French fluently. (phủ định)
  12. They have watched that TV show. (câu nghi vấn)
  13. He owns a red car. (phủ định)
  14. She has bought a new dress. (câu nghi vấn)
  15. They work at the hospital. (phủ định)
  16. You have finished your work. (câu nghi vấn)
  17. Tom and Jerry are best friends. (phủ định)
  18. She has visited Paris. (câu nghi vấn)
  19. The cat catches mice. (phủ định)
  20. We have booked tickets for the concert. (câu nghi vấn)

IV. Sắp xếp từ và tạo câu hoàn chỉnh (15 câu)

  1. play / she / guitar / every / evening.
  2. Italian / learn / we / every / day.
  3. football / watch / they / on / weekends.
  4. music / listen / they / to / often.
  5. school / go / children / to / usually.
  6. cleaned / the / already / been / has / house.
  7. book / read / never / she / that.
  8. seen / have / this / you / movie?
  9. cake / have / the / eaten / they / already.
  10. been / has / painted / fence / the / already.

V. Viết câu sử dụng trạng từ chỉ tần suất (5 câu)

  1. They go to the gym. (always)
  2. She reads books. (often)
  3. He watches TV. (rarely)
  4. They play basketball. (sometimes)
  5. She eats out. (never)

VI. Chọn từ đúng (5 câu)

  1. She _____________ (go/goes) to school by bus.
  2. We _____________ (doesn’t/don’t) like coffee.
  3. He _____________ (not, finish) his homework yet.
  4. They _____________ (usually/always) play soccer on Saturdays.
  5. This book _____________ (write/writes) by a famous author.

VII. Đọc và trả lời câu hỏi (5 câu)

  1. Text: Tom is a student. He goes to school every day. He likes playing football with his friends.
  1. Text: Mary has just finished her exams. She feels relieved.
  1. Text: Peter and Lucy are planning a trip to France next month. They have already booked their flights.
  1. Text: Sarah is a doctor. She works at the hospital.
  1. Text: John is at the airport. He is waiting for his flight.

VIII. Viết câu tương đương (5 câu)

  1. My brother watches TV every evening. (Rewrite using ‘usually’)
  2. They have lunch at noon. (Rewrite using ‘normally’)
  3. She has visited London twice. (Rewrite using ‘How many times’)
  4. We drink coffee every morning. (Rewrite using ‘often’)
  5. He goes to the gym three times a week. (Rewrite using ‘regularly’)

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