IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 51

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 51

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 51:

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 51:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Genetic modification of food is beneficial. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

Genetic modification of food has sparked considerable debate over the past few decades. Proponents argue that it holds the potential to address global food security challenges, while opponents raise concerns about its safety and ethical implications. In this essay, I will discuss the extent to which I agree that genetic modification of food is beneficial, acknowledging both its advantages and the concerns it raises.

On one hand, the benefits of genetically modified (GM) food are substantial. First and foremost, GM crops can be engineered to increase yield, which is crucial in addressing the food demands of a growing global population. For example, crops can be modified to resist pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and thereby lowering production costs and environmental impact. Additionally, genetic modification can enhance the nutritional content of food, such as rice enriched with vitamin A, which helps combat malnutrition in developing countries.

Moreover, GM food can be tailored to withstand harsh environmental conditions, such as drought or extreme temperatures. This resilience is particularly beneficial for regions affected by climate change, where traditional crops may fail. By ensuring a stable food supply, GM crops can contribute to food security and reduce dependency on food imports.

However, despite these advantages, there are significant concerns associated with genetic modification of food. One major issue is the long-term health effects of consuming GM food, which remain uncertain due to insufficient long-term studies. Critics argue that GM food could introduce new allergens or toxins, posing health risks to consumers.

Another concern is the potential environmental impact. The widespread cultivation of GM crops can lead to a reduction in biodiversity, as modified crops may outcompete and displace traditional varieties. Furthermore, there is the risk of cross-contamination between GM and non-GM crops, which can have unintended consequences on ecosystems and traditional farming practices.

Ethical considerations also play a role in the debate over GM food. The dominance of a few multinational corporations in the biotechnology industry raises questions about food sovereignty and the control of food supplies. Farmers in developing countries may become dependent on expensive GM seeds, exacerbating economic inequalities and reducing agricultural independence.

In conclusion, while the genetic modification of food offers significant benefits in terms of increased yield, enhanced nutrition, and resilience to environmental stress, it is also accompanied by considerable health, environmental, and ethical concerns. Therefore, I partially agree that GM food is beneficial, but I believe that these benefits should be carefully weighed against the potential risks. Rigorous long-term studies, transparent regulatory frameworks, and ethical considerations are essential to ensure that the advantages of GM food are realized without compromising human health, environmental sustainability, and social equity.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp được sử dụng trong bài:

  1. Câu đơn (Simple sentences):
    • Genetic modification of food has sparked considerable debate over the past few decades.
    • Critics argue that GM food could introduce new allergens or toxins, posing health risks to consumers.
  2. Câu phức (Complex sentences):
    • Proponents argue that it holds the potential to address global food security challenges, while opponents raise concerns about its safety and ethical implications.
    • For example, crops can be modified to resist pests and diseases, reducing the need for chemical pesticides and thereby lowering production costs and environmental impact.
  3. Câu ghép (Compound sentences):
    • By ensuring a stable food supply, GM crops can contribute to food security and reduce dependency on food imports.
    • The widespread cultivation of GM crops can lead to a reduction in biodiversity, as modified crops may outcompete and displace traditional varieties.
  4. Câu ghép phức (Compound-complex sentences):
    • The dominance of a few multinational corporations in the biotechnology industry raises questions about food sovereignty and the control of food supplies.

Các từ kết nối các câu và các đoạn:

  1. Liên từ phụ thuộc (Subordinating conjunctions):
    • While (while the genetic modification of food offers significant benefits)
    • As (as modified crops may outcompete and displace traditional varieties)
  2. Liên từ kết hợp (Coordinating conjunctions):
    • And (and ethical implications, and social equity)
    • But (but I believe that these benefits should be carefully weighed against the potential risks)
    • Or (or toxins, posing health risks to consumers)
  3. Từ nối (Transition words):
    • On one hand (introduces the first point of view)
    • Moreover (adds additional information)
    • However (introduces a contrasting point)
    • Furthermore (adds additional information)
    • In conclusion (summarizes the essay)

Ví dụ về cách các từ nối kết hợp các câu và đoạn:

In conclusion, while the genetic modification of food offers significant benefits in terms of increased yield, enhanced nutrition, and resilience to environmental stress, it is also accompanied by considerable health, environmental, and ethical concerns.aintains a clear and coherent flow of ideas while effectively addressing the topic.

On one hand, the benefits of genetically modified (GM) food are substantial.

For example, crops can be modified to resist pests and diseases.

Moreover, GM food can be tailored to withstand harsh environmental conditions.

However, despite these advantages, there are significant concerns associated with genetic modification of food.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Genetic modification – Biến đổi gen
  2. Food security – An ninh lương thực
  3. Proponents – Người ủng hộ
  4. Opponents – Người phản đối
  5. Advantages – Lợi ích
  6. Concerns – Mối quan ngại
  7. Genetically modified (GM) food – Thực phẩm biến đổi gen
  8. Yield – Sản lượng
  9. Pests – Sâu bệnh
  10. Diseases – Dịch bệnh
  11. Chemical pesticides – Thuốc trừ sâu hóa học
  12. Nutritional content – Hàm lượng dinh dưỡng
  13. Malnutrition – Suy dinh dưỡng
  14. Harsh environmental conditions – Điều kiện môi trường khắc nghiệt
  15. Climate change – Biến đổi khí hậu
  16. Food supply – Nguồn cung cấp thực phẩm
  17. Health effects – Tác động đến sức khỏe
  18. Long-term studies – Nghiên cứu dài hạn
  19. Allergens – Chất gây dị ứng
  20. Toxins – Độc tố
  21. Environmental impact – Tác động môi trường
  22. Biodiversity – Đa dạng sinh học
  23. Cross-contamination – Sự lây nhiễm chéo
  24. Ecosystems – Hệ sinh thái
  25. Ethical considerations – Cân nhắc đạo đức
  26. Multinational corporations – Các tập đoàn đa quốc gia
  27. Food sovereignty – Chủ quyền lương thực
  28. Economic inequalities – Bất bình đẳng kinh tế
  29. Agricultural independence – Độc lập nông nghiệp
  30. Environmental sustainability – Sự bền vững môi trường
  31. Social equity – Công bằng xã hội

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