IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part organic food

IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part organic food

Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part organic food

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Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part organic food

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The demand for organic food is rising in many parts of the world. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu đề luyện thi IELTS Writing

In recent years, the demand for organic food has surged across many parts of the world. This trend is driven by various factors, including concerns about health, environmental sustainability, and the desire for high-quality food products. While I agree that these are significant reasons for the growing popularity of organic food, I also believe that accessibility and awareness play crucial roles. Additionally, research into this phenomenon is essential to understand its full implications and to guide consumers in making informed choices.

One of the primary reasons for the increased demand for organic food is the rising awareness of health issues. Many consumers perceive organic food as a healthier alternative to conventionally grown products because it is free from synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. This belief is further supported by studies suggesting that organic foods may have higher levels of certain nutrients and antioxidants. As people become more health-conscious, they are willing to pay a premium for products they believe will contribute to their overall well-being.

Environmental concerns are another driving force behind the demand for organic food. Organic farming practices are often viewed as more sustainable and environmentally friendly because they typically involve crop rotation, reduced chemical use, and better soil management. These practices not only promote biodiversity but also reduce pollution and carbon emissions. As climate change and environmental degradation become more pressing global issues, consumers are increasingly choosing products that align with their values.

In addition to health and environmental factors, the quality of organic food is a significant consideration for many consumers. Organic products are often fresher and are perceived to have better taste and texture compared to their non-organic counterparts. This perception of superior quality, combined with the desire to support local farmers and ethical farming practices, contributes to the rising demand for organic food.

To research the reasons behind the rising demand for organic food, people can start by conducting surveys and interviews with consumers to gather firsthand insights into their motivations and preferences. Academic studies and market reports can also provide valuable data on consumption patterns and trends. Additionally, consumers can access online resources, such as articles and videos, that explain the benefits of organic food and its impact on health and the environment. Engaging in community discussions or attending workshops on organic farming can also deepen one’s understanding of the topic.

In conclusion, the demand for organic food is increasing due to a combination of health concerns, environmental awareness, and the perception of higher quality. While these are valid reasons, it is essential for consumers to research and educate themselves about organic food to make informed choices. By doing so, they can better understand the benefits and limitations of organic products, ensuring that their decisions align with their values and lifestyle.

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

1. Cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp:

  1. Câu đơn (Simple Sentence):
    • “This trend is driven by various factors.”
    • “These practices not only promote biodiversity but also reduce pollution and carbon emissions.”
  2. Câu ghép (Compound Sentence):
    • “In recent years, the demand for organic food has surged across many parts of the world.”
    • “As climate change and environmental degradation become more pressing global issues, consumers are increasingly choosing products that align with their values.”
  3. Câu phức (Complex Sentence):
    • “While I agree that these are significant reasons for the growing popularity of organic food, I also believe that accessibility and awareness play crucial roles.”
    • “As people become more health-conscious, they are willing to pay a premium for products they believe will contribute to their overall well-being.”
  4. Câu phức ghép (Compound-Complex Sentence):
    • “In addition to health and environmental factors, the quality of organic food is a significant consideration for many consumers, and organic products are often fresher and are perceived to have better taste and texture compared to their non-organic counterparts.”
    • “In conclusion, the demand for organic food is increasing due to a combination of health concerns, environmental awareness, and the perception of higher quality.”

2. Từ kết nối (Connectors):

  1. Liên kết giữa các câu trong đoạn:
    • “This trend is driven by various factors, including concerns about health, environmental sustainability, and the desire for high-quality food products.”
    • “This belief is further supported by studies suggesting that organic foods may have higher levels of certain nutrients and antioxidants.”
    • “These practices not only promote biodiversity but also reduce pollution and carbon emissions.”
    • “This perception of superior quality, combined with the desire to support local farmers and ethical farming practices, contributes to the rising demand for organic food.”
  2. Liên kết giữa các đoạn văn:
    • One of the primary reasons: Mở đầu đoạn văn, giới thiệu lý do chính cho sự gia tăng nhu cầu.
    • Environmental concerns are another driving force: Chuyển sang lý do thứ hai liên quan đến môi trường.
    • In addition to health and environmental factors: Bổ sung thêm yếu tố về chất lượng sản phẩm.
    • To research the reasons behind the rising demand: Giới thiệu cách tiếp cận để nghiên cứu hiện tượng này.
    • In conclusion: Tổng kết lại nội dung và đưa ra nhận định cuối cùng.

3. Các từ nối (Linking Words):

  1. In recent years: Dùng để giới thiệu bối cảnh thời gian.
  2. Including: Dùng để liệt kê các yếu tố.
  3. While: Dùng để đưa ra hai ý tương phản trong cùng một câu.
  4. Additionally: Dùng để bổ sung thêm ý kiến hoặc thông tin.
  5. As: Dùng để đưa ra lý do hoặc diễn tả sự thay đổi.
  6. Another: Dùng để thêm một lý do hoặc điểm nữa.
  7. In addition to: Dùng để bổ sung thêm thông tin liên quan.
  8. To research: Dùng để giới thiệu các phương pháp hoặc cách tiếp cận.
  9. In conclusion: Dùng để kết luận và tổng kết nội dung bài viết.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Demand – Nhu cầu
  2. Organic food – Thực phẩm hữu cơ
  3. Surged – Tăng vọt
  4. Health issues – Các vấn đề sức khỏe
  5. Perceive – Nhận thức
  6. Synthetic pesticides – Thuốc trừ sâu tổng hợp
  7. Fertilizers – Phân bón
  8. Nutrients – Dinh dưỡng
  9. Antioxidants – Chất chống oxy hóa
  10. Health-conscious – Quan tâm đến sức khỏe
  11. Environmental concerns – Mối quan tâm về môi trường
  12. Sustainable – Bền vững
  13. Biodiversity – Đa dạng sinh học
  14. Pollution – Ô nhiễm
  15. Carbon emissions – Khí thải carbon
  16. Global issues – Các vấn đề toàn cầu
  17. Perception – Nhận thức
  18. Quality – Chất lượng
  19. Local farmers – Nông dân địa phương
  20. Ethical farming practices – Các thực hành nông nghiệp đạo đức
  21. Surveys – Khảo sát
  22. Interviews – Phỏng vấn
  23. Motivations – Động lực
  24. Preferences – Sở thích
  25. Consumption patterns – Mô hình tiêu dùng
  26. Resources – Tài nguyên
  27. Community discussions – Thảo luận cộng đồng
  28. Workshops – Hội thảo
  29. Informed choices – Lựa chọn sáng suốt
  30. Benefits – Lợi ích
  31. Limitations – Giới hạn

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