IELTS Writing task 2 Positive or Negative environment

IELTS Writing task 2 Positive or Negative environment

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Positive or Negative environment

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Positive or Negative environment

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The growing trend of urbanization and its impact on the environment. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu đề luyện thi IELTS Writing

The rapid urbanization occurring globally has brought about significant changes, particularly in terms of economic development and lifestyle improvements. However, this trend has also led to considerable environmental challenges. This essay will argue that while urbanization has its benefits, its negative impact on the environment makes it a development that should be approached with caution.

On the positive side, urbanization has undeniably fueled economic growth. The concentration of industries, businesses, and services in urban areas has created job opportunities, enhanced infrastructure, and improved living standards for many people. Moreover, urban areas tend to be hubs of innovation, where technological advancements and improved public services can be more easily implemented. These developments have led to a better quality of life for urban residents, with access to education, healthcare, and entertainment.

However, the environmental consequences of urbanization are profound and far-reaching. The expansion of cities often leads to deforestation and loss of natural habitats, which disrupts ecosystems and contributes to biodiversity loss. Additionally, urban areas are major contributors to pollution, including air, water, and soil pollution. The increase in vehicular traffic and industrial activities in cities results in higher carbon emissions, which exacerbates climate change. Furthermore, the high concentration of people in cities puts immense pressure on resources like water and energy, leading to their over-exploitation and depletion.

While some may argue that urbanization can lead to more efficient use of resources through centralized systems, the reality is that the environmental degradation it causes often outweighs these benefits. The strain on infrastructure in rapidly growing cities can also result in inadequate waste management and sanitation issues, further harming the environment and public health.

In conclusion, although urbanization brings economic and social benefits, its detrimental impact on the environment makes it a development that should be managed carefully. Policies that promote sustainable urban growth, such as green building practices, efficient public transportation systems, and the preservation of green spaces, are crucial in mitigating the negative environmental effects of urbanization. Therefore, while urbanization is not entirely negative, its positive aspects must be balanced with strong environmental safeguards to ensure a sustainable future.

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

Cấu trúc câu:

  1. Simple Sentence (Câu đơn):
    • Urbanization has undeniably fueled economic growth.
    • Urban areas are major contributors to pollution.
  2. Compound Sentence (Câu ghép):
    • The rapid urbanization occurring globally has brought about significant changes, particularly in terms of economic development and lifestyle improvements.
    • Urbanization has undeniably fueled economic growth, and improved living standards for many people.
  3. Complex Sentence (Câu phức):
    • While urbanization has its benefits, its negative impact on the environment makes it a development that should be approached with caution.
    • The expansion of cities often leads to deforestation and loss of natural habitats, which disrupts ecosystems and contributes to biodiversity loss.
    • Although urbanization brings economic and social benefits, its detrimental impact on the environment makes it a development that should be managed carefully.
  4. Compound-Complex Sentence (Câu phức-ghép):
    • While some may argue that urbanization can lead to more efficient use of resources through centralized systems, the reality is that the environmental degradation it causes often outweighs these benefits.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp:

  1. Present Simple Tense (Thì hiện tại đơn):
    • Urbanization occurs globally.
    • Urban areas tend to be hubs of innovation.
  2. Passive Voice (Câu bị động):
    • The negative impact on the environment makes it a development that should be approached with caution.
    • The high concentration of people in cities puts immense pressure on resources like water and energy, leading to their over-exploitation and depletion.
  3. Relative Clauses (Mệnh đề quan hệ):
    • The expansion of cities often leads to deforestation and loss of natural habitats, which disrupts ecosystems and contributes to biodiversity loss.
  4. Conditional Clauses (Câu điều kiện):
    • While some may argue that urbanization can lead to more efficient use of resources through centralized systems, the reality is that the environmental degradation it causes often outweighs these benefits.
  5. Concessive Clauses (Mệnh đề nhượng bộ):
    • Although urbanization brings economic and social benefits, its detrimental impact on the environment makes it a development that should be managed carefully.
  6. Gerund Phrases (Cụm danh động từ):
    • The expansion of cities often leads to deforestation.

Từ nối (Linking Words):

  1. Adding Information (Thêm thông tin):
    • Moreover
    • Furthermore
  2. Contrasting (Tương phản):
    • However
    • Although
    • While
    • On the other hand (implicit in “However” and other contrasting structures)
  3. Cause and Effect (Nguyên nhân và kết quả):
    • Because
    • Result in
    • Lead to
    • Due to
  4. Conclusion (Kết luận):
    • In conclusion
    • Therefore

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Urbanization – Đô thị hóa
  2. Environmental impact – Tác động đến môi trường
  3. Economic development – Phát triển kinh tế
  4. Lifestyle improvements – Cải thiện chất lượng cuộc sống
  5. Environmental challenges – Những thách thức về môi trường
  6. Economic growth – Tăng trưởng kinh tế
  7. Industries – Các ngành công nghiệp
  8. Businesses – Doanh nghiệp
  9. Infrastructure – Cơ sở hạ tầng
  10. Living standards – Mức sống
  11. Innovation – Sự đổi mới
  12. Technological advancements – Tiến bộ công nghệ
  13. Public services – Dịch vụ công
  14. Quality of life – Chất lượng cuộc sống
  15. Deforestation – Nạn phá rừng
  16. Natural habitats – Môi trường sống tự nhiên
  17. Ecosystems – Hệ sinh thái
  18. Biodiversity loss – Sự mất đa dạng sinh học
  19. Pollution – Ô nhiễm
  20. Air, water, and soil pollution – Ô nhiễm không khí, nước, và đất
  21. Vehicular traffic – Giao thông xe cộ
  22. Industrial activities – Các hoạt động công nghiệp
  23. Carbon emissions – Khí thải carbon
  24. Climate change – Biến đổi khí hậu
  25. Resource exploitation – Khai thác tài nguyên
  26. Depletion – Sự cạn kiệt
  27. Centralized systems – Hệ thống tập trung
  28. Environmental degradation – Sự suy thoái môi trường
  29. Waste management – Quản lý chất thải
  30. Sanitation issues – Vấn đề vệ sinh
  31. Public health – Sức khỏe cộng đồng
  32. Sustainable urban growth – Sự phát triển đô thị bền vững
  33. Green building practices – Các phương pháp xây dựng xanh
  34. Efficient public transportation systems – Hệ thống giao thông công cộng hiệu quả
  35. Preservation of green spaces – Bảo tồn các không gian xanh
  36. Environmental safeguards – Các biện pháp bảo vệ môi trường
  37. Sustainable future – Tương lai bền vững

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