IELTS Writing task 2 Positive or Negative working holidays

IELTS Writing task 2 Positive or Negative working holidays

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Positive or Negative working holidays

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Positive or Negative working holidays

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The growing trend of working holidays and combining travel with work. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu đề luyện thi IELTS Writing

In recent years, the trend of blending work with travel has gained significant popularity. This phenomenon, commonly referred to as “working holidays,” involves individuals working remotely while exploring new environments. While this trend offers several benefits, it also presents some challenges. In my view, this development is generally positive, though it is not without its drawbacks.

On the positive side, working holidays provide a unique opportunity for individuals to experience different cultures and environments without sacrificing their professional responsibilities. For instance, employees who work remotely can enjoy the flexibility to explore new cities or countryside areas, enriching their personal and professional lives simultaneously. This can lead to increased job satisfaction, improved mental health, and a greater sense of work-life balance. Furthermore, exposure to diverse environments can enhance creativity and problem-solving skills, which can be beneficial for both employees and their employers.

However, there are also potential negative aspects to consider. One significant issue is the risk of blurred boundaries between work and leisure. When individuals work from holiday destinations, they may struggle to maintain a clear distinction between professional and personal time, which could lead to burnout or reduced productivity. Additionally, not all jobs are suitable for remote work; some professions require a physical presence or specialized equipment that may not be available while traveling.

Another concern is the impact on local communities and infrastructure. The influx of remote workers can strain local resources and infrastructure, especially in popular tourist destinations. This could potentially disrupt local economies and contribute to environmental degradation if not managed properly.

In conclusion, while the trend of combining work with travel offers numerous advantages, such as increased job satisfaction and personal growth, it is essential to address the challenges associated with it. Ensuring a clear separation between work and leisure and considering the impact on local communities are crucial for making this development truly beneficial. Overall, I believe that with appropriate management, the positive aspects of working holidays can outweigh the negatives, making it a favorable trend for many.

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

  1. Câu đơn: Các câu đơn chỉ chứa một mệnh đề chính.
    • Ví dụ: “This phenomenon involves individuals working remotely while exploring new environments.”
    • “This can lead to increased job satisfaction, improved mental health, and a greater sense of work-life balance.”
  2. Câu phức: Các câu phức chứa một mệnh đề chính và ít nhất một mệnh đề phụ.
    • Ví dụ: “While this trend offers several benefits, it also presents some challenges.”
    • “When individuals work from holiday destinations, they may struggle to maintain a clear distinction between professional and personal time, which could lead to burnout or reduced productivity.”
  3. Câu ghép: Các câu ghép chứa hai hoặc nhiều mệnh đề chính, thường liên kết với nhau bằng liên từ.
    • Ví dụ: “This can lead to increased job satisfaction, improved mental health, and a greater sense of work-life balance, and exposure to diverse environments can enhance creativity and problem-solving skills.”
  4. Câu điều kiện: Câu điều kiện đưa ra các tình huống giả định.
    • Ví dụ: “If not managed properly, this could potentially disrupt local economies and contribute to environmental degradation.”
  5. Câu bị động: Câu bị động nhấn mạnh đối tượng của hành động hơn là người thực hiện hành động.
    • Ví dụ: “The influx of remote workers can strain local resources and infrastructure.”
  6. Câu có cấu trúc so sánh: Câu so sánh làm nổi bật sự khác biệt giữa hai điều.
    • Ví dụ: “This could potentially disrupt local economies and contribute to environmental degradation if not managed properly.”

Từ Kết Nối

  • Thời gian/Đối chiếu:
    • While: “While this trend offers several benefits, it also presents some challenges.”
    • However: “However, there are also potential negative aspects to consider.”
    • When: “When individuals work from holiday destinations…”
  • Mục đích/Cause-Effect:
    • For instance: “For instance, employees who work remotely can enjoy…”
    • This can lead to: “This can lead to increased job satisfaction, improved mental health…”
    • Which: “Which can be beneficial for both employees and their employers.”
  • Nhấn mạnh:
    • Furthermore: “Furthermore, exposure to diverse environments can enhance…”
    • Another concern: “Another concern is the impact on local communities and infrastructure.”
    • In conclusion: “In conclusion, while the trend of combining work with travel offers numerous advantages…”
  • Kết thúc:
    • Overall: “Overall, I believe that with appropriate management, the positive aspects of working holidays can outweigh the negatives…”

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Blending – Kết hợp
  2. Phenomenon – Hiện tượng
  3. Remote – Từ xa
  4. Environments – Môi trường
  5. Enriching – Làm phong phú
  6. Satisfaction – Sự hài lòng
  7. Burnout – Cạn kiệt năng lượng
  8. Productivity – Năng suất
  9. Professional – Nghề nghiệp
  10. Specialized – Chuyên biệt
  11. Infrastructure – Cơ sở hạ tầng
  12. Degradation – Sự suy thoái
  13. Distinction – Sự phân biệt
  14. Strain – Sự căng thẳng
  15. Exposed – Tiếp xúc
  16. Creativity – Sự sáng tạo
  17. Problem-solving – Giải quyết vấn đề
  18. Flexibility – Tính linh hoạt
  19. Job satisfaction – Sự hài lòng với công việc
  20. Work-life balance – Cân bằng công việc và cuộc sống

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