IELTS Writing Task 1 yêu cầu mô tả số lượng hồ sơ đăng ký kinh doanh trong ba tháng tại ba quốc gia, được trình bày qua biểu đồ cột. Bạn cần phân tích và so sánh dữ liệu, nhấn mạnh những xu hướng chính, sự khác biệt, và điểm tương đồng giữa các quốc gia. Chú ý sử dụng ngôn ngữ học thuật và từ vựng chính xác để diễn đạt các thông tin quan trọng từ biểu đồ.
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IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Business Registration
You should spent about 20 mintutes on this task
IELTS Writing Task 1 requires describing the number of business registration applications over three months in three countries, presented in a bar chart. You need to analyze and compare the data, highlighting key trends, differences, and similarities between the countries. Be sure to use academic language and precise vocabulary to convey the important information from the chart.
You should write at least 150 words.
Tháng | Quốc gia A | Quốc gia B | Quốc gia C |
Tháng 1 | 1,200 | 950 | 1,100 |
Tháng 2 | 1,350 | 1,020 | 1,250 |
Tháng 3 | 1,400 | 1,100 | 1,300 |

Bài mẫu 1
This report provides an analysis of the business registration trends over three months for three countries: Country A, Country B, and Country C. The data highlights the number of business registrations in January, February, and March, allowing for a comparative analysis of business activity and growth patterns among these nations.
Body 1: Country-wise Analysis
In January, Country A registered 1,200 businesses, leading in business activity compared to Country B’s 950 and Country C’s 1,100 registrations. February saw an increase across all countries, with Country A again leading with 1,350 registrations, followed by Country C at 1,250, and Country B at 1,020. By March, the trend continued with all countries experiencing further growth. Country A registered 1,400 businesses, Country C had 1,300 registrations, and Country B recorded 1,100.
Body 2: Comparative Analysis
Analyzing the data, Country A consistently showed the highest number of business registrations each month, indicating a robust and possibly favorable business environment. Country C, while starting with fewer registrations than Country A, showed a significant increase, particularly notable in March. Country B, although showing growth each month, had the lowest number of registrations among the three countries. This consistent pattern suggests that Country A and Country C may have more dynamic or supportive conditions for business establishment compared to Country B.
In conclusion, the data suggests a positive trend in business registrations across all three countries, with Country A leading, followed by Country C, and Country B trailing. This could reflect varying degrees of economic vitality and business support mechanisms in each country.
Bài mẫu 2
The table provided showcases the number of business registrations in three countries (A, B, and C) over a three-month period. This data is useful for understanding the trend in business activities across these nations, highlighting which country might be experiencing growth or stability in new business ventures.
Body 1
In January, the number of business registrations shows that Country A led with 1,200 registrations, followed by Country C with 1,100, and Country B with 950. This indicates that Country A had a relatively higher entrepreneurial activity compared to the other two countries at the start of the year. Country B, despite having the lowest number, still showed a significant number of new businesses being registered.
Body 2
February saw an increase in business registrations across all three countries. Country A continued to lead with 1,350 registrations, an increase of 150 from January. Country C also showed a notable increase, registering 1,250 new businesses. Country B, while still trailing behind the other two, showed a steady increase to 1,020 registrations. March followed this upward trend, with Country A reaching 1,400 registrations, Country C at 1,300, and Country B at 1,100. This consistent increase in business registrations across all three countries suggests a growing economic activity and a positive business environment in these regions.