IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Biểu đồ cột mô tả số lượng người tham gia hoạt động tình nguyện trong ba tháng ở ba quốc gia khác nhau. Biểu đồ cho thấy sự khác biệt rõ rệt về mức độ tham gia giữa các quốc gia, với các dữ liệu được phân loại theo từng tháng.
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IELTS Writing Task 1 Bar Chart: Volunteer Activities
You should spent about 20 mintutes on this task
The bar chart illustrates the number of people participating in volunteer activities over a three-month period across three different countries. The chart highlights significant differences in participation levels between the countries, with the data categorized by month.
You should write at least 150 words.
Tháng | Quốc gia A | Quốc gia B | Quốc gia C |
Tháng 1 | 5,000 | 3,500 | 4,200 |
Tháng 2 | 4,800 | 3,700 | 4,100 |
Tháng 3 | 5,200 | 3,600 | 4,300 |

Bài mẫu 1
This report analyzes the number of participants in volunteer activities over three months (January, February, and March) in three different countries: Country A, Country B, and Country C. The data provides insights into trends and variations in volunteer engagement across these nations.
Body 1
In January, Country A had the highest number of volunteers with 5,000 participants, followed by Country C with 4,200 participants, and Country B with 3,500 participants. This suggests that Country A had a strong start to the year in terms of volunteerism. The higher number of volunteers in Country A could be attributed to various factors such as effective volunteer recruitment campaigns or a greater number of volunteer opportunities available during this month.
Body 2
In February, there was a slight decrease in volunteer numbers in Country A and Country C, with figures dropping to 4,800 and 4,100, respectively. On the contrary, Country B saw a slight increase in participation, rising to 3,700. March saw a rebound in Country A’s volunteer numbers, reaching 5,200, the highest in the three months. Country C also experienced a slight increase to 4,300, while Country B saw a minor decline to 3,600 participants. This data indicates that while volunteer numbers can fluctuate from month to month, certain countries like Country A show resilience and even growth in volunteer engagement over time.
Bài mẫu 2
Overview: Overall, Country A had the highest number of volunteers each month, while Country B consistently had the lowest. Despite fluctuations in the numbers, the trends show minor variations in volunteer participation across the three months.
Body 1: In January, Country A led with 5,000 volunteers, followed by Country C with 4,200 volunteers, and Country B with 3,500 volunteers. In February, the number of volunteers in Country A slightly decreased to 4,800, while Country B saw a small increase to 3,700. Country C experienced a slight decline, with the number of volunteers dropping to 4,100.
Body 2: In March, volunteer numbers in Country A rose to 5,200, marking the highest number recorded in the three-month period. Country C also saw an increase, with volunteers reaching 4,300. However, Country B’s numbers slightly decreased to 3,600. This indicates a general upward trend in Country A and Country C, while Country B had a more stable and slightly fluctuating pattern.
In conclusion, Country A maintained the highest volunteer numbers throughout the period, with notable increases in March. Country C had the second-highest participation, with minor fluctuations, and Country B had the lowest and most stable figures.