IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 54

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 54

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 54:

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 54:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Online privacy is more important than national security. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

In the modern digital age, the debate between online privacy and national security has become increasingly prominent. Some argue that online privacy is paramount, while others contend that national security should take precedence. This essay will discuss both sides of the argument, ultimately concluding that while online privacy is crucial, it should not be prioritized over national security in all circumstances.

Firstly, online privacy is a fundamental right that ensures individuals can communicate, share information, and express themselves freely without fear of unwarranted surveillance. It is essential for maintaining personal freedom, protecting sensitive information, and fostering trust in digital platforms. For example, online privacy safeguards personal data such as financial information, medical records, and private communications from being accessed and misused by unauthorized entities. Without adequate online privacy, individuals may feel vulnerable and exposed, leading to a decrease in the use of digital services and a potential loss of innovation and progress in the tech industry.

However, national security is equally important as it ensures the safety and well-being of a nation and its citizens. In an era of increasing cyber threats, terrorism, and global instability, governments must have the ability to monitor and prevent potential dangers. For instance, surveillance and data collection can help identify and thwart terrorist plots, prevent cyberattacks on critical infrastructure, and combat organized crime. In these cases, prioritizing national security over online privacy can be justified to protect the greater good.

A balanced approach is necessary, where both online privacy and national security are upheld to the greatest extent possible. Governments should implement stringent regulations to ensure that surveillance activities are conducted lawfully, with transparency, and with proper oversight. Additionally, there should be clear guidelines on the limits of data collection and usage, protecting citizens’ privacy while enabling effective security measures. By striking this balance, it is possible to safeguard personal freedoms without compromising national security.

In conclusion, while online privacy is undeniably important, it should not always take precedence over national security. A nuanced approach that respects both values is essential for maintaining a safe and free society. Through appropriate regulations and oversight, it is possible to achieve a harmony that protects individuals’ rights and ensures national security.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp được sử dụng trong bài

  1. Cấu trúc câu đơn:
    • Some argue that online privacy is paramount.
    • Online privacy is a fundamental right.
  2. Cấu trúc câu ghép:
    • In the modern digital age, the debate between online privacy and national security has become increasingly prominent.
    • Online privacy safeguards personal data such as financial information, medical records, and private communications from being accessed and misused by unauthorized entities.
  3. Cấu trúc câu phức:
    • This essay will discuss both sides of the argument, ultimately concluding that while online privacy is crucial, it should not be prioritized over national security in all circumstances.
    • For example, online privacy safeguards personal data such as financial information, medical records, and private communications from being accessed and misused by unauthorized entities.
  4. Cấu trúc câu phức ghép:
    • In conclusion, while online privacy is undeniably important, it should not always take precedence over national security.

Các từ kết nối các câu và các đoạn trong đoạn văn

  1. Kết nối các đoạn:
    • Firstly
    • However
    • In conclusion
  2. Kết nối các câu:
    • In the modern digital age
    • Some argue that
    • For example
    • Without adequate online privacy
    • However
    • In an era of increasing cyber threats
    • For instance
    • In these cases
    • A balanced approach is necessary
    • Additionally
    • By striking this balance
    • Through appropriate regulations and oversight
  3. Các từ/cụm từ liên kết khác:
    • While
    • That
    • To ensure that
    • Such as
    • From being accessed and misused by
    • Without
    • Leading to
    • Of increasing
    • To identify and thwart
    • Can be justified
    • Protecting citizens’ privacy while enabling
    • Is possible
    • To achieve a harmony

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Online privacy – Quyền riêng tư trực tuyến
  2. National security – An ninh quốc gia
  3. Fundamental right – Quyền cơ bản
  4. Unwarranted surveillance – Giám sát không có căn cứ
  5. Sensitive information – Thông tin nhạy cảm
  6. Unauthorized entities – Các thực thể không được phép
  7. Safeguards – Biện pháp bảo vệ
  8. Vulnerable – Dễ bị tổn thương
  9. Exposure – Sự phơi bày
  10. Innovation – Sự đổi mới
  11. Progress – Tiến bộ
  12. Cyber threats – Các mối đe dọa mạng
  13. Global instability – Bất ổn toàn cầu
  14. Monitor – Giám sát
  15. Surveillance – Giám sát
  16. Data collection – Thu thập dữ liệu
  17. Thwart – Ngăn chặn
  18. Cyberattacks – Các cuộc tấn công mạng
  19. Organized crime – Tội phạm có tổ chức
  20. Justified – Hợp lý
  21. The greater good – Lợi ích chung
  22. Balanced approach – Phương pháp cân bằng
  23. Stringent regulations – Các quy định nghiêm ngặt
  24. Lawfully – Hợp pháp
  25. Transparency – Minh bạch
  26. Oversight – Giám sát
  27. Guidelines – Hướng dẫn
  28. Effective security measures – Các biện pháp an ninh hiệu quả
  29. Striking this balance – Đạt được sự cân bằng này
  30. Nuanced approach – Phương pháp tinh tế
  31. Maintaining – Duy trì
  32. Harmony – Sự hài hòa
  33. Ensures – Đảm bảo

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