IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 90

IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 90

Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 90

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Đề bài IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Agree or Disagree Part 90

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

Parents should have the final say in their children’s education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu IELTS Writing

Education plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s future, and it is a topic of significant debate whether parents should have the final say in their children’s education. While parents undoubtedly have the best interests of their children at heart, I believe that their influence should be balanced with the expertise of educators and the autonomy of the children themselves. Therefore, I partially agree with the statement.

Firstly, parents are the primary caregivers and have a deep understanding of their children’s needs, strengths, and weaknesses. They can provide personalized guidance and support, ensuring that their children receive an education that aligns with their values and aspirations. For instance, parents may choose schools that reflect their cultural or religious beliefs, which can be integral to a child’s identity and development. Furthermore, parents can monitor their children’s progress closely and intervene when necessary to provide additional support or resources.

However, educators possess specialized training and experience that equip them to understand educational methodologies and child development comprehensively. Teachers and educational institutions are better positioned to create a structured and balanced curriculum that caters to the diverse needs of all students. They can introduce children to a broad range of subjects and extracurricular activities, promoting a well-rounded education that might not be achievable if parents had unilateral control. Moreover, educators can identify learning difficulties or special talents early on and provide appropriate interventions, which parents might overlook due to a lack of expertise.

Additionally, it is essential to consider the autonomy and interests of the children themselves. As children grow older, they develop their own interests and aspirations, which may not always align with their parents’ expectations. Allowing children to have a say in their education encourages them to take ownership of their learning journey, fostering independence and motivation. For example, a child passionate about the arts should be allowed to pursue their interests, even if their parents prefer a more traditional academic path. Balancing parental input with the child’s preferences ensures that the education system respects individual choices and promotes personal growth.

In conclusion, while parents should have a significant role in their children’s education, it is vital to balance their influence with the expertise of educators and the evolving autonomy of the children. A collaborative approach that respects the contributions of parents, educators, and students themselves will create an educational environment that is both supportive and enriching. This balanced perspective ensures that children receive a comprehensive and fulfilling education that prepares them for the future.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp và cấu trúc câu

Cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp được sử dụng trong bài:

  1. Câu phức (Complex Sentences): Câu có chứa mệnh đề phụ thuộc.
    • “While parents undoubtedly have the best interests of their children at heart, I believe that their influence should be balanced with the expertise of educators and the autonomy of the children themselves.”
    • “For instance, parents may choose schools that reflect their cultural or religious beliefs, which can be integral to a child’s identity and development.”
    • “They can introduce children to a broad range of subjects and extracurricular activities, promoting a well-rounded education that might not be achievable if parents had unilateral control.”
    • “As children grow older, they develop their own interests and aspirations, which may not always align with their parents’ expectations.”
  2. Câu ghép (Compound Sentences): Câu có hai mệnh đề độc lập nối với nhau bằng liên từ.
    • “Education plays a crucial role in shaping a child’s future, and it is a topic of significant debate whether parents should have the final say in their children’s education.”
    • “Teachers and educational institutions are better positioned to create a structured and balanced curriculum that caters to the diverse needs of all students.”
    • “A child passionate about the arts should be allowed to pursue their interests, even if their parents prefer a more traditional academic path.”
  3. Câu đơn (Simple Sentences): Câu chỉ có một mệnh đề độc lập.
    • “Firstly, parents are the primary caregivers and have a deep understanding of their children’s needs, strengths, and weaknesses.”
    • “They can provide personalized guidance and support, ensuring that their children receive an education that aligns with their values and aspirations.”
  4. Câu phức-ghép (Compound-Complex Sentences): Câu kết hợp cả mệnh đề phụ thuộc và mệnh đề độc lập.
    • “Balancing parental input with the child’s preferences ensures that the education system respects individual choices and promotes personal growth.”

Từ kết nối các câu và các đoạn:

  1. Firstly – mở đầu một ý mới.
  2. For instance – cung cấp ví dụ cụ thể.
  3. Furthermore – bổ sung thêm thông tin.
  4. However – giới thiệu ý kiến trái ngược hoặc bổ sung.
  5. Moreover – thêm một điểm bổ sung nữa.
  6. Additionally – bổ sung thêm thông tin.
  7. As – giới thiệu một mệnh đề phụ thuộc chỉ thời gian hoặc lý do.
  8. Even if – chỉ điều kiện trái ngược.
  9. In conclusion – kết luận, tóm tắt ý kiến chính.
  10. While – giới thiệu một mệnh đề phụ thuộc chỉ sự đối lập.

Cấu trúc ngữ pháp:

  1. Mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative Clauses):
    • “which can be integral to a child’s identity and development.”
    • “that might not be achievable if parents had unilateral control.”
  2. Mệnh đề điều kiện (Conditional Clauses):
    • “if parents had unilateral control.”
  3. Mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ thời gian hoặc lý do (Adverbial Clauses):
    • “As children grow older, they develop their own interests and aspirations.”
  4. Cụm động từ (Phrasal Verbs):
    • “aligned with their values and aspirations.”
    • “intervene when necessary.”
    • “introduced to a broad range.”
  5. Danh từ ghép (Compound Nouns):
    • “primary caregivers.”
    • “educational environment.”
  6. Tính từ ghép (Compound Adjectives):
    • “well-rounded education.”
  7. Động từ nguyên thể với “to” (Infinitives with “to”):
    • “to create a structured and balanced curriculum.”
    • “to pursue their interests.”
  8. Cụm giới từ (Prepositional Phrases):
    • “at heart.”
    • “in shaping.”
    • “with their values.”

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Crucial – quan trọng, cốt yếu
  2. Significant – đáng kể, quan trọng
  3. Influence – ảnh hưởng
  4. Expertise – chuyên môn
  5. Autonomy – tự chủ, tự do
  6. Caregivers – người chăm sóc
  7. Aligns – phù hợp, tương thích
  8. Aspirations – nguyện vọng, khát vọng
  9. Integral – không thể thiếu, quan trọng
  10. Monitor – giám sát
  11. Specialized – chuyên môn hóa
  12. Comprehensively – toàn diện
  13. Extracurricular – ngoại khóa
  14. Curriculum – chương trình giảng dạy
  15. Unilateral – đơn phương
  16. Appropriate – phù hợp
  17. Interventions – can thiệp
  18. Autonomy – tự chủ
  19. Aspirations – khát vọng
  20. Ownership – quyền sở hữu, làm chủ
  21. Independence – độc lập
  22. Motivation – động lực
  23. Collaborative – hợp tác
  24. Respect – tôn trọng
  25. Enriching – làm phong phú
  26. Comprehensive – toàn diện
  27. Fulfilling – thỏa mãn, hoàn thiện

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