Khi học tiếng Anh, nhiều người thường gặp khó khăn trong việc sử dụng các cụm từ liên quan đến thời gian và điều kiện. Hai cụm từ “as long as” và “as soon as” thường bị nhầm lẫn, nhưng chúng có nghĩa và cách sử dụng khác nhau. Bài viết này sẽ giúp bạn phân biệt chúng một cách rõ ràng.
Các bài viết cùng chủ đề:
100 bài tập viết lại câu với “as long as” thay vì “if”
Cấu trúc “as long as” sử dụng trong IELTS Writing
As Long As
Cách sử dụng:
“As long as” được dùng để diễn tả điều kiện. Nó thường mang nghĩa là “miễn là” hoặc “chừng nào mà.” Cụm từ này chỉ ra rằng một hành động hoặc tình huống sẽ xảy ra miễn là điều kiện nhất định được đáp ứng.
Ví dụ:
- “You can borrow my car as long as you return it by 5 PM.”
(Bạn có thể mượn xe của tôi miễn là bạn trả lại trước 5 giờ chiều.)
Ý nghĩa:
Trong câu này, điều kiện để mượn xe là phải trả lại đúng giờ.

You can use my laptop as long as you don’t download anything. | Bạn có thể sử dụng máy tính xách tay của tôi miễn là bạn không tải về bất kỳ thứ gì. |
You can stay up late as long as you finish your homework. | Bạn có thể thức khuya miễn là bạn hoàn thành bài tập về nhà. |
You can have dessert as long as you eat your vegetables. | Bạn có thể ăn tráng miệng miễn là bạn ăn rau trước. |
You can go out with your friends as long as you come back by midnight. | Bạn có thể đi ra ngoài với bạn bè miễn là bạn về nhà trước nửa đêm. |
You can watch TV as long as you help with the chores first. | Bạn có thể xem TV miễn là bạn giúp làm việc nhà trước. |
You can join the team as long as you practice regularly. | Bạn có thể tham gia đội bóng miễn là bạn luyện tập thường xuyên. |
You can play video games as long as your homework is done. | Bạn có thể chơi video game miễn là bạn đã hoàn thành bài tập. |
You can visit your grandparents as long as you call them first. | Bạn có thể thăm ông bà miễn là bạn gọi cho họ trước. |
You can attend the party as long as you’re back home by 10 PM. | Bạn có thể tham dự bữa tiệc miễn là bạn trở về nhà trước 10 giờ tối. |
You can take the dog for a walk as long as you bring him back quickly. | Bạn có thể dẫn chó đi dạo miễn là bạn đưa nó trở lại nhanh chóng. |
You can eat my snacks as long as you share them with me. | Bạn có thể ăn đồ ăn vặt của tôi miễn là bạn chia sẻ với tôi. |
You can borrow my books as long as you return them in good condition. | Bạn có thể mượn sách của tôi miễn là bạn trả lại chúng trong tình trạng tốt. |
You can go to the movies as long as you finish your project. | Bạn có thể đi xem phim miễn là bạn hoàn thành dự án của mình. |
You can swim in the pool as long as you don’t splash water everywhere. | Bạn có thể bơi trong hồ bơi miễn là bạn không làm nước bắn lên khắp nơi. |
You can play outside as long as you’re back before dark. | Bạn có thể chơi ngoài trời miễn là bạn về trước khi trời tối. |
You can have friends over as long as you clean up afterward. | Bạn có thể có bạn bè đến nhà miễn là bạn dọn dẹp sau đó. |
You can use my phone as long as you don’t exceed the data limit. | Bạn có thể sử dụng điện thoại của tôi miễn là bạn không vượt quá giới hạn dữ liệu. |
You can try my jacket as long as you return it in perfect shape. | Bạn có thể thử áo khoác của tôi miễn là bạn trả lại nó trong tình trạng hoàn hảo. |
You can pick the movie as long as it’s family-friendly. | Bạn có thể chọn bộ phim miễn là nó phù hợp với gia đình. |
You can borrow my bike as long as you wear a helmet. | Bạn có thể mượn xe đạp của tôi miễn là bạn đội mũ bảo hiểm. |
You can listen to music as long as you keep the volume low. | Bạn có thể nghe nhạc miễn là bạn giữ âm lượng thấp. |
You can borrow my tools as long as you return them after use. | Bạn có thể mượn dụng cụ của tôi miễn là bạn trả lại chúng sau khi sử dụng. |
You can bring your pet as long as you take care of it. | Bạn có thể dẫn thú cưng đến miễn là bạn chăm sóc nó. |
You can play on the computer as long as you limit your time to one hour. | Bạn có thể chơi trên máy tính miễn là bạn giới hạn thời gian trong một giờ. |
You can eat lunch with us as long as you’re polite. | Bạn có thể ăn trưa cùng chúng tôi miễn là bạn lịch sự. |
You can read my magazine as long as you don’t tear any pages. | Bạn có thể đọc tạp chí của tôi miễn là bạn không xé bất kỳ trang nào. |
You can ride with me as long as you buckle your seatbelt. | Bạn có thể đi xe với tôi miễn là bạn thắt dây an toàn. |
You can visit my house as long as you’re respectful. | Bạn có thể đến nhà tôi miễn là bạn cư xử lịch sự. |
You can go hiking as long as you stay on the marked trail. | Bạn có thể đi bộ đường dài miễn là bạn đi theo con đường đánh dấu. |
You can play soccer as long as you don’t forget your cleats. | Bạn có thể chơi bóng đá miễn là bạn không quên giày. |
You can stay at my place as long as you don’t make a mess. | Bạn có thể ở lại nhà tôi miễn là bạn không làm bừa bộn. |
You can take my camera as long as you handle it carefully. | Bạn có thể mượn máy ảnh của tôi miễn là bạn cẩn thận khi sử dụng. |
You can work on your project as long as you stay focused. | Bạn có thể làm dự án của mình miễn là bạn tập trung. |
You can borrow my notes as long as you give them back tomorrow. | Bạn có thể mượn ghi chú của tôi miễn là bạn trả lại chúng vào ngày mai. |
You can go to the park as long as you take your brother with you. | Bạn có thể đi công viên miễn là bạn dẫn em trai theo. |
You can use the printer as long as you buy more paper. | Bạn có thể sử dụng máy in miễn là bạn mua thêm giấy. |
You can try on my clothes as long as you don’t spill anything on them. | Bạn có thể thử quần áo của tôi miễn là bạn không làm bẩn chúng. |
You can go camping as long as you’re prepared for the weather. | Bạn có thể đi cắm trại miễn là bạn chuẩn bị cho thời tiết. |
You can attend the concert as long as you finish your chores. | Bạn có thể tham dự buổi hòa nhạc miễn là bạn hoàn thành việc nhà. |
You can borrow my skateboard as long as you wear pads. | Bạn có thể mượn ván trượt của tôi miễn là bạn đeo bảo vệ. |
You can use my charger as long as you return it promptly. | Bạn có thể sử dụng sạc của tôi miễn là bạn trả lại kịp thời. |
You can eat my lunch as long as you replace it tomorrow. | Bạn có thể ăn trưa của tôi miễn là bạn thay thế nó vào ngày mai. |
You can join the book club as long as you read the first book. | Bạn có thể tham gia câu lạc bộ sách miễn là bạn đọc cuốn sách đầu tiên. |
You can watch a movie as long as it’s on the approved list. | Bạn có thể xem phim miễn là nó nằm trong danh sách được phê duyệt. |
You can try the new restaurant as long as it’s not too expensive. | Bạn có thể thử nhà hàng mới miễn là nó không quá đắt. |
You can skate on the ice as long as you know how to stop. | Bạn có thể trượt băng miễn là bạn biết cách dừng lại. |
You can take the train as long as you have a ticket. | Bạn có thể đi tàu miễn là bạn có vé. |
You can paint your room as long as you ask for permission first. | Bạn có thể sơn phòng của bạn miễn là bạn xin phép trước. |
You can eat out as long as you help with dinner next time. | Bạn có thể ăn ngoài miễn là bạn giúp nấu ăn lần sau. |
You can help yourself to snacks as long as you don’t overindulge. | Bạn có thể tự do lấy đồ ăn vặt miễn là bạn không ăn quá nhiều. |
You can visit the museum as long as you follow the rules. | Bạn có thể thăm bảo tàng miễn là bạn tuân thủ các quy tắc. |
You can learn a new language as long as you practice every day. | Bạn có thể học một ngôn ngữ mới miễn là bạn luyện tập mỗi ngày. |
You can join the gym as long as you commit to going regularly. | Bạn có thể tham gia phòng gym miễn là bạn cam kết đi thường xuyên. |
You can share your opinion as long as it’s respectful. | Bạn có thể chia sẻ ý kiến của mình miễn là nó lịch sự. |
You can take a day off as long as you finish your work first. | Bạn có thể nghỉ một ngày miễn là bạn hoàn thành công việc trước. |
You can play board games as long as everyone takes turns. | Bạn có thể chơi board game miễn là mọi người đều được chơi theo lượt. |
You can choose a book as long as it’s not too long. | Bạn có thể chọn một cuốn sách miễn là nó không quá dài. |
You can ride your scooter as long as you stay on the sidewalk. | Bạn có thể đi xe scooter miễn là bạn đi trên vỉa hè. |
You can pet the dog as long as you’re gentle. | Bạn có thể vuốt ve chú chó miễn là bạn nhẹ nhàng. |
You can wear my shoes as long as you don’t get them dirty. | Bạn có thể đi giày của tôi miễn là bạn không làm bẩn chúng. |
You can bring your lunch as long as it’s healthy. | Bạn có thể mang bữa trưa của bạn miễn là nó lành mạnh. |
You can play basketball as long as you respect the rules. | Bạn có thể chơi bóng rổ miễn là bạn tôn trọng các quy tắc. |
You can take my advice as long as you think it through. | Bạn có thể nghe lời khuyên của tôi miễn là bạn suy nghĩ kỹ. |
You can make a smoothie as long as you clean the blender afterward. | Bạn có thể làm sinh tố miễn là bạn dọn dẹp máy xay sau đó. |
You can attend the workshop as long as you sign up in advance. | Bạn có thể tham gia hội thảo miễn là bạn đăng ký trước. |
You can plant flowers as long as you take care of them. | Bạn có thể trồng hoa miễn là bạn chăm sóc chúng. |
You can borrow my headphones as long as you don’t lose them. | Bạn có thể mượn tai nghe của tôi miễn là bạn không làm mất chúng. |
You can visit your friend as long as you let me know first. | Bạn có thể thăm bạn của bạn miễn là bạn cho tôi biết trước. |
You can play music as long as it’s not too loud. | Bạn có thể chơi nhạc miễn là nó không quá lớn. |
You can read in bed as long as you don’t stay up too late. | Bạn có thể đọc sách trên giường miễn là bạn không thức quá muộn. |
You can use my desk as long as you keep it tidy. | Bạn có thể sử dụng bàn làm việc của tôi miễn là bạn giữ nó gọn gàng. |
You can go for a bike ride as long as you wear your helmet. | Bạn có thể đi xe đạp miễn là bạn đội mũ bảo hiểm. |
You can play with my toys as long as you put them back. | Bạn có thể chơi với đồ chơi của tôi miễn là bạn để chúng lại chỗ cũ. |
You can have a sleepover as long as you keep the noise down. | Bạn có thể tổ chức một buổi ngủ qua đêm miễn là bạn giữ tiếng ồn ở mức thấp. |
You can try my recipe as long as you follow the instructions. | Bạn có thể thử công thức của tôi miễn là bạn làm theo hướng dẫn. |
You can attend the class as long as you’re on time. | Bạn có thể tham dự lớp học miễn là bạn đến đúng giờ. |
You can explore the city as long as you stick with your group. | Bạn có thể khám phá thành phố miễn là bạn đi cùng nhóm. |
You can help cook dinner as long as you wash your hands. | Bạn có thể giúp nấu ăn tối miễn là bạn rửa tay trước. |
You can sing in the car as long as it’s not too distracting. | Bạn có thể hát trong xe miễn là không làm phân tâm. |
You can have a party as long as you clean up afterward. | Bạn có thể tổ chức một bữa tiệc miễn là bạn dọn dẹp sau đó. |
You can work from home as long as you stay productive. | Bạn có thể làm việc tại nhà miễn là bạn giữ được năng suất. |
You can visit the farm as long as you respect the animals. | Bạn có thể thăm trang trại miễn là bạn tôn trọng động vật. |
You can skateboard as long as you stay away from traffic. | Bạn có thể trượt ván miễn là bạn tránh xa giao thông. |
You can make a presentation as long as you practice first. | Bạn có thể làm một bài thuyết trình miễn là bạn luyện tập trước. |
You can take photos as long as you ask permission. | Bạn có thể chụp ảnh miễn là bạn xin phép trước. |
You can learn to dance as long as you’re willing to practice. | Bạn có thể học nhảy miễn là bạn sẵn sàng luyện tập. |
You can write a story as long as it’s appropriate for school. | Bạn có thể viết một câu chuyện miễn là nó phù hợp với trường học. |
You can plant vegetables as long as you water them regularly. | Bạn có thể trồng rau miễn là bạn tưới nước cho chúng thường xuyên. |
You can invite friends as long as you check with me first. | Bạn có thể mời bạn bè đến miễn là bạn kiểm tra với tôi trước. |
You can participate in the contest as long as you meet the deadline. | Bạn có thể tham gia cuộc thi miễn là bạn nộp đúng hạn. |
You can attend the lecture as long as you take notes. | Bạn có thể tham dự buổi giảng miễn là bạn ghi chép. |
You can play in the rain as long as you don’t catch a cold. | Bạn có thể chơi dưới mưa miễn là bạn không bị cảm. |
You can borrow my backpack as long as you return it by Monday. | Bạn có thể mượn ba lô của tôi miễn là bạn trả lại trước thứ Hai. |
You can take a picture as long as you don’t disturb anyone. | Bạn có thể chụp một bức ảnh miễn là bạn không làm phiền ai. |
You can play music in the background as long as it’s soft. | Bạn có thể chơi nhạc ở nền miễn là nó không quá lớn. |
You can use the last of the milk as long as you buy more. | Bạn có thể dùng hết sữa miễn là bạn mua thêm. |
You can ask questions as long as they’re relevant. | Bạn có thể đặt câu hỏi miễn là chúng liên quan. |
You can drive my car as long as you have your license. | Bạn có thể lái xe của tôi miễn là bạn có giấy phép. |
You can give a speech as long as you prepare in advance. | Bạn có thể có một bài phát biểu miễn là bạn chuẩn bị trước. |
You can play with my cat as long as you’re gentle with her. | Bạn có thể chơi với mèo của tôi miễn là bạn nhẹ nhàng với nó. |
As Soon As
Cách sử dụng:
“As soon as” được dùng để chỉ thời điểm. Nó có nghĩa là “ngay khi” và chỉ ra rằng một hành động sẽ xảy ra ngay lập tức khi một điều kiện khác được hoàn thành.
Ví dụ:
- “I will call you as soon as I arrive.”
(Tôi sẽ gọi cho bạn ngay khi tôi đến.)
Ý nghĩa:
Trong câu này, việc gọi điện sẽ diễn ra ngay lập tức khi người nói đến nơi.

I will text you as soon as I finish my homework. | Tôi sẽ nhắn tin cho bạn ngay khi tôi làm xong bài tập về nhà. |
She will start cooking as soon as she gets home. | Cô ấy sẽ bắt đầu nấu ăn ngay khi về đến nhà. |
We will leave as soon as the meeting ends. | Chúng tôi sẽ rời đi ngay khi cuộc họp kết thúc. |
He will reply to your email as soon as he reads it. | Anh ấy sẽ trả lời email của bạn ngay khi anh ấy đọc nó. |
They will start the project as soon as they get approval. | Họ sẽ bắt đầu dự án ngay khi họ được phê duyệt. |
I will pay the bill as soon as I receive my paycheck. | Tôi sẽ thanh toán hóa đơn ngay khi nhận được tiền lương. |
She will call me as soon as she lands at the airport. | Cô ấy sẽ gọi cho tôi ngay khi cô ấy hạ cánh ở sân bay. |
We will go to the park as soon as the rain stops. | Chúng tôi sẽ đi công viên ngay khi mưa tạnh. |
He will make the reservation as soon as the restaurant opens. | Anh ấy sẽ đặt chỗ ngay khi nhà hàng mở cửa. |
They will arrive as soon as they finish packing. | Họ sẽ đến ngay khi họ đóng gói xong. |
I will submit the report as soon as I complete it. | Tôi sẽ nộp báo cáo ngay khi tôi hoàn thành nó. |
She will contact you as soon as she finds the information. | Cô ấy sẽ liên lạc với bạn ngay khi cô ấy tìm thấy thông tin. |
We will begin the presentation as soon as everyone arrives. | Chúng tôi sẽ bắt đầu bài thuyết trình ngay khi mọi người đến. |
He will answer your question as soon as he understands it. | Anh ấy sẽ trả lời câu hỏi của bạn ngay khi anh ấy hiểu nó. |
They will call the client as soon as they have the details. | Họ sẽ gọi cho khách hàng ngay khi họ có thông tin chi tiết. |
I will get the groceries as soon as I finish work. | Tôi sẽ mua đồ ngay khi tôi tan làm. |
She will send the invitation as soon as the date is confirmed. | Cô ấy sẽ gửi lời mời ngay khi ngày tháng được xác nhận. |
We will go to the beach as soon as the weather clears up. | Chúng tôi sẽ đi biển ngay khi thời tiết quang đãng. |
He will clean the room as soon as he wakes up. | Anh ấy sẽ dọn phòng ngay khi anh ấy thức dậy. |
They will book the tickets as soon as they finalize the plan. | Họ sẽ đặt vé ngay khi họ chốt kế hoạch. |
I will visit you as soon as I have some free time. | Tôi sẽ đến thăm bạn ngay khi tôi có thời gian rảnh. |
She will buy the book as soon as she finds it online. | Cô ấy sẽ mua cuốn sách ngay khi cô ấy tìm thấy nó trực tuyến. |
We will watch the movie as soon as dinner is ready. | Chúng tôi sẽ xem phim ngay khi bữa tối sẵn sàng. |
He will reply as soon as he checks his messages. | Anh ấy sẽ trả lời ngay khi anh ấy kiểm tra tin nhắn. |
They will join us as soon as they finish their meeting. | Họ sẽ tham gia cùng chúng tôi ngay khi họ kết thúc cuộc họp. |
I will return the call as soon as I am done with the meeting. | Tôi sẽ gọi lại ngay khi tôi xong cuộc họp. |
She will help you as soon as she finishes her assignment. | Cô ấy sẽ giúp bạn ngay khi cô ấy hoàn thành bài tập. |
We will fix the car as soon as we find the right part. | Chúng tôi sẽ sửa xe ngay khi tìm được phụ tùng phù hợp. |
He will send the document as soon as he completes the revisions. | Anh ấy sẽ gửi tài liệu ngay khi anh ấy hoàn thành các chỉnh sửa. |
They will decide as soon as they discuss the options. | Họ sẽ quyết định ngay khi họ thảo luận xong các lựa chọn. |
I will start exercising as soon as I buy new shoes. | Tôi sẽ bắt đầu tập thể dục ngay khi tôi mua giày mới. |
She will take a nap as soon as she gets home. | Cô ấy sẽ chợp mắt ngay khi cô ấy về đến nhà. |
We will play the game as soon as everyone is ready. | Chúng tôi sẽ chơi trò chơi ngay khi mọi người sẵn sàng. |
He will call his parents as soon as he gets the news. | Anh ấy sẽ gọi cho bố mẹ ngay khi anh ấy nhận được tin tức. |
They will visit the museum as soon as they have a day off. | Họ sẽ đến thăm bảo tàng ngay khi họ có một ngày nghỉ. |
I will begin studying as soon as I finish dinner. | Tôi sẽ bắt đầu học ngay khi tôi ăn tối xong. |
She will join the team as soon as she submits her application. | Cô ấy sẽ tham gia nhóm ngay khi cô ấy nộp đơn đăng ký. |
We will book the hotel as soon as we confirm the dates. | Chúng tôi sẽ đặt khách sạn ngay khi chúng tôi xác nhận ngày. |
He will respond as soon as he reads the message. | Anh ấy sẽ phản hồi ngay khi anh ấy đọc tin nhắn. |
They will go shopping as soon as the sale starts. | Họ sẽ đi mua sắm ngay khi đợt giảm giá bắt đầu. |
I will contact the company as soon as I gather all the information. | Tôi sẽ liên lạc với công ty ngay khi tôi thu thập đủ thông tin. |
She will visit her grandmother as soon as the school break starts. | Cô ấy sẽ thăm bà ngay khi kỳ nghỉ học bắt đầu. |
We will cook dinner as soon as we buy the ingredients. | Chúng tôi sẽ nấu bữa tối ngay khi chúng tôi mua được nguyên liệu. |
He will start the project as soon as he receives the instructions. | Anh ấy sẽ bắt đầu dự án ngay khi anh ấy nhận được chỉ dẫn. |
They will leave the party as soon as the cake is served. | Họ sẽ rời khỏi bữa tiệc ngay khi bánh được phục vụ. |
I will give you an update as soon as I hear from them. | Tôi sẽ cập nhật cho bạn ngay khi tôi nghe tin từ họ. |
She will water the plants as soon as she gets back from work. | Cô ấy sẽ tưới cây ngay khi cô ấy về đến nhà. |
We will plan the trip as soon as we know our schedules. | Chúng tôi sẽ lên kế hoạch cho chuyến đi ngay khi chúng tôi biết lịch trình của mình. |
He will buy a new phone as soon as the price drops. | Anh ấy sẽ mua điện thoại mới ngay khi giá giảm. |
They will send the invoice as soon as the work is completed. | Họ sẽ gửi hóa đơn ngay khi công việc hoàn thành. |
I will start reading the book as soon as I finish this chapter. | Tôi sẽ bắt đầu đọc cuốn sách ngay khi tôi hoàn thành chương này. |
She will call her sister as soon as she gets a chance. | Cô ấy sẽ gọi cho chị gái ngay khi cô ấy có cơ hội. |
We will organize the event as soon as we secure the venue. | Chúng tôi sẽ tổ chức sự kiện ngay khi chúng tôi đảm bảo được địa điểm. |
He will finish the painting as soon as he gets more supplies. | Anh ấy sẽ hoàn thành bức tranh ngay khi anh ấy có thêm vật liệu. |
They will start the discussion as soon as everyone arrives. | Họ sẽ bắt đầu cuộc thảo luận ngay khi mọi người đến. |
I will make dinner as soon as I get home from the gym. | Tôi sẽ nấu bữa tối ngay khi tôi về từ phòng tập thể dục. |
She will write the letter as soon as she finds time. | Cô ấy sẽ viết thư ngay khi cô ấy tìm được thời gian. |
We will set up the tent as soon as we reach the campsite. | Chúng tôi sẽ dựng lều ngay khi chúng tôi đến khu cắm trại. |
He will explain the situation as soon as he gets more information. | Anh ấy sẽ giải thích tình huống ngay khi anh ấy có thêm thông tin. |
They will clean the house as soon as they finish breakfast. | Họ sẽ dọn nhà ngay khi họ ăn sáng xong. |
I will visit the doctor as soon as I have an appointment. | Tôi sẽ đến bác sĩ ngay khi tôi có lịch hẹn. |
She will submit the form as soon as she gets the required documents. | Cô ấy sẽ nộp đơn ngay khi cô ấy có đủ tài liệu cần thiết. |
We will leave for the airport as soon as we finish packing. | Chúng tôi sẽ đi ra sân bay ngay khi chúng tôi đóng gói xong. |
He will send the email as soon as he edits the draft. | Anh ấy sẽ gửi email ngay khi anh ấy chỉnh sửa xong bản thảo. |
They will buy the furniture as soon as they move into the new house. | Họ sẽ mua đồ nội thất ngay khi họ chuyển đến nhà mới. |
I will give you a tour as soon as you arrive. | Tôi sẽ đưa bạn đi tham quan ngay khi bạn đến. |
She will attend the meeting as soon as she finishes her task. | Cô ấy sẽ tham dự cuộc họp ngay khi cô ấy hoàn thành nhiệm vụ của mình. |
We will start the lesson as soon as the students settle down. | Chúng tôi sẽ bắt đầu bài học ngay khi các học sinh ổn định. |
He will open the store as soon as the new stock arrives. | Anh ấy sẽ mở cửa hàng ngay khi hàng mới về. |
They will update the website as soon as they finish the design. | Họ sẽ cập nhật trang web ngay khi họ hoàn thành thiết kế. |
I will start saving money as soon as I get a job. | Tôi sẽ bắt đầu tiết kiệm tiền ngay khi tôi có việc làm. |
She will bake the cake as soon as she gets the recipe. | Cô ấy sẽ nướng bánh ngay khi cô ấy có công thức. |
We will call a taxi as soon as the event ends. | Chúng tôi sẽ gọi taxi ngay khi sự kiện kết thúc. |
He will prepare the presentation as soon as he gathers the data. | Anh ấy sẽ chuẩn bị bài thuyết trình ngay khi anh ấy thu thập dữ liệu. |
They will organize the files as soon as they get new folders. | Họ sẽ sắp xếp tài liệu ngay khi họ có tập hồ sơ mới. |
I will go on vacation as soon as I get approval from my boss. | Tôi sẽ đi nghỉ ngay khi tôi được sếp phê duyệt. |
She will check her email as soon as she wakes up. | Cô ấy sẽ kiểm tra email ngay khi cô ấy thức dậy. |
We will start decorating as soon as we receive the supplies. | Chúng tôi sẽ bắt đầu trang trí ngay khi nhận được đồ dùng. |
He will wash the dishes as soon as he finishes eating. | Anh ấy sẽ rửa bát ngay khi anh ấy ăn xong. |
They will hold the meeting as soon as the manager arrives. | Họ sẽ tổ chức cuộc họp ngay khi giám đốc đến. |
I will watch the show as soon as I finish my chores. | Tôi sẽ xem chương trình ngay khi tôi hoàn thành công việc nhà. |
She will do the laundry as soon as she buys detergent. | Cô ấy sẽ giặt đồ ngay khi cô ấy mua được bột giặt. |
We will go hiking as soon as the weather improves. | Chúng tôi sẽ đi leo núi ngay khi thời tiết cải thiện. |
He will update you as soon as he speaks to the client. | Anh ấy sẽ cập nhật cho bạn ngay khi anh ấy nói chuyện với khách hàng. |
They will finish the report as soon as they get the numbers. | Họ sẽ hoàn thành báo cáo ngay khi họ có số liệu. |
I will call the plumber as soon as I notice any leaks. | Tôi sẽ gọi thợ sửa ống nước ngay khi tôi thấy có rò rỉ. |
She will buy the dress as soon as she saves enough money. | Cô ấy sẽ mua chiếc váy ngay khi cô ấy tiết kiệm đủ tiền. |
We will make the reservation as soon as we decide on a date. | Chúng tôi sẽ đặt chỗ ngay khi chúng tôi quyết định ngày. |
He will book the flight as soon as the sale begins. | Anh ấy sẽ đặt vé máy bay ngay khi đợt khuyến mãi bắt đầu. |
They will move to the new office as soon as it’s ready. | Họ sẽ chuyển đến văn phòng mới ngay khi nó sẵn sàng. |
I will feed the dog as soon as I get home. | Tôi sẽ cho chó ăn ngay khi tôi về nhà. |
She will send the package as soon as she packs it. | Cô ấy sẽ gửi bưu kiện ngay khi cô ấy đóng gói xong. |
We will schedule the meeting as soon as we confirm the availability. | Chúng tôi sẽ sắp xếp cuộc họp ngay khi chúng tôi xác nhận được lịch. |
He will publish the article as soon as he edits it. | Anh ấy sẽ xuất bản bài viết ngay khi anh ấy chỉnh sửa xong. |
They will sign the contract as soon as they review the terms. | Họ sẽ ký hợp đồng ngay khi họ xem xét các điều khoản. |
I will clean the garage as soon as I have a free weekend. | Tôi sẽ dọn nhà để xe ngay khi tôi có cuối tuần rảnh rỗi. |
She will attend the event as soon as she receives the invitation. | Cô ấy sẽ tham dự sự kiện ngay khi cô ấy nhận được lời mời. |
We will go to the restaurant as soon as we finish work. | Chúng tôi sẽ đi ăn nhà hàng ngay khi chúng tôi xong việc. |
He will start his new job as soon as he finishes his current one. | Anh ấy sẽ bắt đầu công việc mới ngay khi anh ấy kết thúc công việc hiện tại. |
They will visit the museum as soon as they buy tickets. | Họ sẽ thăm bảo tàng ngay khi họ mua vé. |
So Sánh
- As long as: Mang tính điều kiện. Hành động xảy ra khi điều kiện được đáp ứng.
- As soon as: Mang tính thời gian. Hành động xảy ra ngay khi điều kiện xảy ra.
Bài Tập
Sửa lỗi sai

- I will help you as long as you finish the task now.
- As soon as you work hard, you will succeed.
- Call me as long as you get there.
- We will go out as soon as the rain stops.
- She will be happy as soon as she finds out.
- I will start the project as long as you give the green light.
- He will arrive as long as the traffic clears.
- You can use my car as soon as you promise to drive safely.
- As soon as you respect me, we will work together.
- I’ll buy the phone as long as it becomes available.
- You can go home as soon as you finish your homework every day.
- We will start cooking as long as the guests arrive.
- They will succeed as soon as they put in enough effort.
- He can drive the car as long as he has a license.
- We will leave as soon as the meeting finishes.
- You can watch TV as soon as you behave.
- I will pay you as long as you complete the work today.
- We’ll head out as soon as the sun comes out.
- As long as you leave the office, call me.
- As soon as you keep your promise, I will trust you.
- We’ll eat as long as the food arrives.
- He will start working as soon as he has the tools.
- I’ll speak to her as long as she’s honest with me.
- As soon as you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- We’ll have the meeting as long as everyone arrives.
- He will lend you the book as soon as you take care of it.
- They will finish the project as long as they get the resources.
- I will call you as long as I reach home safely.
- We will have a picnic as soon as the weather clears.
- As long as the teacher arrives, we will start the class.
- I will trust him as soon as he proves himself.
- He will help you as soon as you ask him.
- You can borrow my car as long as you bring it back by evening.
- I’ll meet you as soon as I finish this task.
- As long as you pass the test, you can move on to the next level.
- I will wait for you as soon as you finish your meeting.
- She will smile at you as long as you are friendly.
- They will play outside as soon as the sun shines.
- You can leave as soon as you finish your work.
- He will join us as long as he can find a ride.
- I will cook dinner as soon as I get home.
- We will have fun as long as everyone participates.
- She will take a break as soon as she completes her project.
- You can use my laptop as long as you keep it charged.
- We will watch the movie as soon as it starts.
- He will stay late as long as the project requires it.
- I’ll get you the details as soon as I have them.
- We will play games as long as it doesn’t rain.
- She will text you as soon as she arrives.
- I will support you as long as you are honest with me.
- You can stay out as soon as your chores are done.
- We will leave the house as long as everyone is ready.
- He will call you as soon as he gets home.
- I will help you as long as you ask nicely.
- We will explore the city as soon as we arrive.
- She will read the book as long as it’s interesting.
- I will respond to your email as soon as I see it.
- They will start the meeting as long as the manager arrives.
- You can play video games as soon as you finish your homework.
- I will be there as long as you need me.
- We will have a barbecue as soon as the weather is nice.
- She will send the report as long as she completes it by Friday.
- He will join the team as soon as he moves here.
- I will share the information as long as it’s confidential.
- You can help me as soon as you have time.
- We will decide as soon as we have all the facts.
- I will travel as long as I have the money.
- He will play soccer as soon as he gets off work.
- You can ask questions as long as you’re polite.
- She will volunteer as soon as she finishes school.
- I’ll lend you the book as soon as I finish reading it.
- They will agree to the terms as long as they are fair.
- We will organize the event as soon as we have enough participants.
- I will go shopping as soon as I get paid.
- You can meet us as long as you’re on time.
- He will clean the house as soon as the guests arrive.
- We will celebrate as long as we achieve our goal.
- She will enroll in the class as soon as it opens.
- I will help you move as long as I’m available.
- You can eat dessert as soon as you finish your dinner.
- We will start the project as long as we have the budget.
- He will help you as soon as he finishes his tasks.
- I’ll call you as soon as I arrive at the party.
- They will be happy as long as you include them.
- We will participate as soon as we receive the invitation.
- I will take the call as long as it’s important.
- You can take a break as soon as the timer goes off.
- She will be excited as long as the trip is planned well.
- We will start the hike as soon as the weather improves.
- He will visit us as long as he has time.
- I will see the movie as soon as it comes out.
- You can borrow my pen as long as you return it.
- We will go for a walk as soon as the sun sets.
- She will take the job as long as the salary is good.
- I will meet you as soon as I finish my shift.
- They will agree to the deal as long as it benefits both sides.
- You can stay here as soon as you pay the rent.
- We will play the game as long as it’s fun.
- He will help you with the project as soon as he can.
- I’ll send you the files as long as you ask for them.
Đáp án
- I will help you as soon as you finish the task now.
- As long as you work hard, you will succeed.
- Call me as soon as you get there.
- We will go out as soon as the rain stops.
- She will be happy as soon as she finds out.
- I will start the project as soon as you give the green light.
- He will arrive as soon as the traffic clears.
- You can use my car as long as you promise to drive safely.
- As long as you respect me, we will work together.
- I’ll buy the phone as soon as it becomes available.
- You can go home as long as you finish your homework every day.
- We will start cooking as soon as the guests arrive.
- They will succeed as long as they put in enough effort.
- He can drive the car as long as he has a license.
- We will leave as soon as the meeting finishes.
- You can watch TV as long as you behave.
- I will pay you as soon as you complete the work today.
- We’ll head out as soon as the sun comes out.
- As soon as you leave the office, call me.
- As long as you keep your promise, I will trust you.
- We’ll eat as soon as the food arrives.
- He will start working as long as he has the tools.
- I’ll speak to her as long as she’s honest with me.
- As long as you study hard, you will pass the exam.
- We’ll have the meeting as soon as everyone arrives.
- He will lend you the book as long as you take care of it.
- They will finish the project as soon as they get the resources.
- I will call you as soon as I reach home safely.
- We will have a picnic as soon as the weather clears.
- As soon as the teacher arrives, we will start the class.
- I will trust him as long as he proves himself.
- He will help you as long as you ask him.
- You can borrow my car as soon as you bring it back by evening.
- I’ll meet you as soon as I finish this task.
- As soon as you pass the test, you can move on to the next level.
- I will wait for you as soon as you finish your meeting.
- She will smile at you as long as you are friendly.
- They will play outside as soon as the sun shines.
- You can leave as soon as you finish your work.
- He will join us as long as he can find a ride.
- I will cook dinner as soon as I get home.
- We will have fun as long as everyone participates.
- She will take a break as soon as she completes her project.
- You can use my laptop as long as you keep it charged.
- We will watch the movie as soon as it starts.
- He will stay late as long as the project requires it.
- I’ll get you the details as soon as I have them.
- We will play games as long as it doesn’t rain.
- She will text you as soon as she arrives.
- I will support you as long as you are honest with me.
- You can stay out as soon as your chores are done.
- We will leave the house as soon as everyone is ready.
- He will call you as soon as he gets home.
- I will help you as long as you ask nicely.
- We will explore the city as soon as we arrive.
- She will read the book as long as it’s interesting.
- I will respond to your email as soon as I see it.
- They will start the meeting as soon as the manager arrives.
- You can play video games as long as you finish your homework.
- I will be there as long as you need me.
- We will have a barbecue as soon as the weather is nice.
- She will send the report as long as she completes it by Friday.
- He will join the team as soon as he moves here.
- I will share the information as long as it’s confidential.
- You can help me as soon as you have time.
- We will decide as soon as we have all the facts.
- I will travel as long as I have the money.
- He will play soccer as soon as he gets off work.
- You can ask questions as long as you’re polite.
- She will volunteer as soon as she finishes school.
- I’ll lend you the book as soon as I finish reading it.
- They will agree to the terms as long as they are fair.
- We will organize the event as soon as we have enough participants.
- I will go shopping as soon as I get paid.
- You can meet us as long as you’re on time.
- He will clean the house as soon as the guests arrive.
- We will celebrate as long as we achieve our goal.
- She will enroll in the class as soon as it opens.
- I will help you move as long as I’m available.
- You can eat dessert as soon as you finish your dinner.
- We will start the project as long as we have the budget.
- He will help you with the project as soon as he can.
- I’ll call you as soon as I arrive at the party.
- They will be happy as long as you include them.
- We will participate as soon as we receive the invitation.
- I will take the call as long as it’s important.
- You can take a break as soon as the timer goes off.
- She will be excited as long as the trip is planned well.
- We will start the hike as soon as the weather improves.
- He will help you with your homework as long as you show your effort.
- I will see the movie as soon as it comes out.
- You can borrow my pen as long as you return it.
- We will go for a walk as soon as the sun sets.
- She will take the job as long as the salary is good.
- I will meet you as soon as I finish my shift.
- They will agree to the deal as long as it benefits both sides.
- You can stay here as soon as you pay the rent.
- We will play the game as long as it’s fun.
- He will help you with the project as soon as he can.
- I’ll send you the files as long as you ask for them.
Điền từ vào chỗ trống:
- I will call you __________ I get home.
- You can borrow my car __________ you return it by tonight.
- We will start the meeting __________ the manager arrives.
- You can play outside __________ you finish your homework.
- We will leave __________ the rain stops.
- He will help you __________ you ask him nicely.
- I will finish the project __________ I receive the final details.
- You can stay out __________ you let me know where you are.
- We will eat __________ the food is ready.
- She will trust you __________ you are honest with her.
- He will call you __________ he gets to the office.
- I will help you __________ you need me.
- You can use my laptop __________ you handle it carefully.
- We will begin the presentation __________ everyone is seated.
- I will support your decision __________ it makes sense.
- You can leave __________ your work is done.
- We will start the movie __________ everyone arrives.
- He will travel __________ he has enough money.
- You can stay here __________ you follow the rules.
- I will clean the house __________ I finish this task.
- She will be happy __________ she hears the good news.
- You can watch TV __________ your chores are completed.
- We will go for a walk __________ the sun comes out.
- He will continue working __________ he is needed.
- I will respond to your email __________ I see it.
- You can borrow my book __________ you return it by Friday.
- We will finish the project __________ we get the final materials.
- She will take the exam __________ she feels prepared.
- He will join us __________ he finishes his meeting.
- You can join the team __________ you pass the test.
- I will start cooking __________ I get home from work.
- We will travel __________ the weather improves.
- You can use my phone __________ it’s fully charged.
- He will drive __________ he gets his driver’s license.
- We will have the meeting __________ the boss approves it.
- You can enter the room __________ you have permission.
- I will send the report __________ it’s ready.
- You can borrow my pen __________ you give it back.
- We will celebrate __________ we achieve our goal.
- He will leave the office __________ his shift ends.
- You can play video games __________ you finish your homework.
- We will go shopping __________ the sale starts.
- I will answer your question __________ I understand it fully.
- She will call you __________ she arrives home.
- You can stay here __________ you’re quiet.
- We will start the class __________ the teacher arrives.
- He will finish the project __________ he has all the resources.
- I will take a break __________ I complete this task.
- You can eat dessert __________ you finish your dinner.
- She will meet us __________ she finishes her work.
- You can use the computer __________ you have permission.
- We will go out __________ the rain stops.
- He will talk to you __________ he’s free.
- I will listen to your story __________ it’s true.
- You can drive my car __________ you promise to be careful.
- We will have the party __________ everyone is here.
- I will do the laundry __________ I get home.
- He will study __________ he has the materials.
- You can join the club __________ you follow the rules.
- She will take the job __________ she is offered a good salary.
- I will finish my work __________ I get the required files.
- You can attend the meeting __________ you have the invitation.
- We will begin __________ everyone is ready.
- He will travel __________ he saves enough money.
- I will read the book __________ I buy it.
- You can have the keys __________ you give them back later.
- We will plan the trip __________ the details are confirmed.
- He will meet us __________ he finishes his current task.
- You can go home __________ you finish all your tasks.
- I will check the results __________ I log into the system.
- She will help you __________ you ask her politely.
- We will attend the concert __________ we buy the tickets.
- He will fix the car __________ he has the right tools.
- You can borrow my jacket __________ you return it by tomorrow.
- I will visit you __________ I finish my work.
- We will finish the game __________ we solve the puzzle.
- He will pay you back __________ he gets his paycheck.
- You can stay in the house __________ you clean up after yourself.
- I will teach you __________ you show me that you’re committed.
- We will finish the presentation __________ we have all the data.
- You can eat the cake __________ you finish your meal.
- He will reply __________ he reads your message.
- I will start the project __________ the client approves it.
- We will call you __________ we arrive at the airport.
- You can borrow the laptop __________ you take good care of it.
- She will go to the party __________ she finishes her work.
- I will join you __________ I finish this report.
- We will leave the house __________ everyone is ready.
- He will take a break __________ he finishes his current task.
- You can watch the show __________ you finish your homework.
- We will meet them __________ the time is set.
- She will come to the meeting __________ she’s free.
- I will start cooking __________ the groceries arrive.
- You can go out __________ you finish cleaning your room.
- He will buy the tickets __________ he gets paid.
- We will visit the museum __________ it reopens.
- She will join the club __________ her application is accepted.
- I will pack my bags __________ I finish my work.
- We will plan the event __________ the date is confirmed.
- You can take a break __________ you finish your assignment.
Đáp án
- I will call you as soon as I get home.
- You can borrow my car as long as you return it by tonight.
- We will start the meeting as soon as the manager arrives.
- You can play outside as long as you finish your homework.
- We will leave as soon as the rain stops.
- He will help you as long as you ask him nicely.
- I will finish the project as soon as I receive the final details.
- You can stay out as long as you let me know where you are.
- We will eat as soon as the food is ready.
- She will trust you as long as you are honest with her.
- He will call you as soon as he gets to the office.
- I will help you as long as you need me.
- You can use my laptop as long as you handle it carefully.
- We will begin the presentation as soon as everyone is seated.
- I will support your decision as long as it makes sense.
- You can leave as soon as your work is done.
- We will start the movie as soon as everyone arrives.
- He will travel as soon as he has enough money.
- You can stay here as long as you follow the rules.
- I will clean the house as soon as I finish this task.
- She will be happy as soon as she hears the good news.
- You can watch TV as soon as your chores are completed.
- We will go for a walk as soon as the sun comes out.
- He will continue working as long as he is needed.
- I will respond to your email as soon as I see it.
- You can borrow my book as long as you return it by Friday.
- We will finish the project as soon as we get the final materials.
- She will take the exam as soon as she feels prepared.
- He will join us as soon as he finishes his meeting.
- You can join the team as long as you pass the test.
- I will start cooking as soon as I get home from work.
- We will travel as soon as the weather improves.
- You can use my phone as long as it’s fully charged.
- He will drive as soon as he gets his driver’s license.
- We will have the meeting as soon as the boss approves it.
- You can enter the room as long as you have permission.
- I will send the report as soon as it’s ready.
- You can borrow my pen as long as you give it back.
- We will celebrate as soon as we achieve our goal.
- He will leave the office as soon as his shift ends.
- You can play video games as long as you finish your homework.
- We will go shopping as soon as the sale starts.
- I will answer your question as long as I understand it fully.
- She will call you as soon as she arrives home.
- You can stay here as long as you’re quiet.
- We will start the class as soon as the teacher arrives.
- He will finish the project as soon as he has all the resources.
- I will take a break as soon as I complete this task.
- You can eat dessert as soon as you finish your dinner.
- She will meet us as soon as she finishes her work.
- You can use the computer as long as you have permission.
- We will go out as soon as the rain stops.
- He will talk to you as soon as he’s free.
- I will listen to your story as long as it’s true.
- You can drive my car as long as you promise to be careful.
- We will have the party as soon as everyone is here.
- I will do the laundry as soon as I get home.
- He will study as long as he has the materials.
- You can join the club as long as you follow the rules.
- She will take the job as soon as she is offered a good salary.
- I will finish my work as soon as I get the required files.
- You can attend the meeting as long as you have the invitation.
- We will begin as soon as everyone is ready.
- He will travel as soon as he saves enough money.
- I will read the book as soon as I buy it.
- You can have the keys as long as you give them back later.
- We will plan the trip as soon as the details are confirmed.
- He will meet us as soon as he finishes his current task.
- You can go home as soon as you finish all your tasks.
- I will check the results as soon as I log into the system.
- She will help you as long as you ask her politely.
- We will attend the concert as soon as we buy the tickets.
- He will fix the car as soon as he has the right tools.
- You can borrow my jacket as long as you return it by tomorrow.
- I will visit you as soon as I finish my work.
- We will finish the game as soon as we solve the puzzle.
- He will pay you back as soon as he gets his paycheck.
- You can stay in the house as long as you clean up after yourself.
- I will teach you as long as you show me that you’re committed.
- We will finish the presentation as soon as we have all the data.
- You can eat the cake as soon as you finish your meal.
- He will reply as soon as he reads your message.
- I will start the project as soon as the client approves it.
- We will call you as soon as we arrive at the airport.
- You can borrow the laptop as long as you take good care of it.
- She will go to the party as soon as she finishes her work.
- I will join you as soon as I finish this report.
- We will leave the house as soon as everyone is ready.
- He will take a break as soon as he finishes his current task.
- You can watch the show as long as you finish your homework.
- We will meet them as soon as the time is set.
- She will come to the meeting as soon as she’s free.
- I will start cooking as soon as the groceries arrive.
- You can go out as soon as you finish cleaning your room.
- He will buy the tickets as soon as he gets paid.
- We will visit the museum as soon as it reopens.
- She will join the club as soon as her application is accepted.
- I will pack my bags as soon as I finish my work.
- We will plan the event as soon as the date is confirmed.
- You can take a break as soon as you finish your assignment.
Bài tập viết lại câu
- I will call you as soon as I arrive.
- She will leave the office as soon as the meeting ends.
- We will go for a walk as soon as it stops raining.
- He will start cooking as soon as he gets home.
- I will send the report as soon as I finish it.
- They will open the door as soon as you knock.
- I will clean the house as soon as I finish my work.
- She will answer your question as soon as she understands it.
- He will arrive at the party as soon as he finishes his task.
- We will start the movie as soon as everyone arrives.
- You can eat dessert as soon as you finish your dinner.
- I will reply to your message as soon as I see it.
- They will go on vacation as soon as they save enough money.
- We will leave the house as soon as everyone is ready.
- He will pay you back as soon as he gets his paycheck.
- I will do the dishes as soon as I finish eating.
- She will call you as soon as she arrives home.
- They will buy the house as soon as they get approval from the bank.
- We will start the meeting as soon as the manager arrives.
- He will send you the file as soon as he finds it.
- I will read the book as soon as I have time.
- She will meet us as soon as she finishes work.
- They will open the store as soon as the clock strikes 9.
- I will water the plants as soon as the sun sets.
- He will drive as soon as he gets his license.
- We will clean the house as soon as the guests leave.
- She will bake the cake as soon as she gets the ingredients.
- I will start the project as soon as I receive the instructions.
- They will move into the new house as soon as the renovation is done.
- We will leave for the airport as soon as everyone is ready.
- He will go to the gym as soon as he finishes work.
- I will help you as soon as I complete this task.
- She will submit the assignment as soon as she finishes it.
- They will leave the city as soon as they find a new job.
- We will start cooking as soon as the groceries arrive.
- I will reply to your email as soon as I check it.
- He will pack his bags as soon as he gets home.
- She will wash the car as soon as she finishes breakfast.
- We will start the class as soon as the teacher arrives.
- I will call the doctor as soon as I feel better.
- They will start the project as soon as they receive the funding.
- He will come to the meeting as soon as he finishes his current task.
- She will begin studying as soon as she receives the books.
- We will go to the beach as soon as the weather improves.
- I will turn on the TV as soon as the news starts.
- He will make dinner as soon as he gets home.
- They will sign the contract as soon as the lawyer reviews it.
- We will buy the car as soon as the price drops.
- I will send you the pictures as soon as I upload them.
- She will leave the office as soon as the clock strikes 5.
- He will start reading as soon as he finishes his work.
- They will visit us as soon as they have time.
- We will start the event as soon as all the guests arrive.
- I will clean my room as soon as I get home.
- She will join the class as soon as she finishes her current course.
- He will go for a walk as soon as the rain stops.
- They will buy the tickets as soon as they decide on the date.
- We will have lunch as soon as the food is ready.
- I will answer your call as soon as I hear the phone ring.
- She will complete the task as soon as she understands the instructions.
- He will finish the book as soon as he has time.
- They will start the concert as soon as the audience is seated.
- We will leave the house as soon as the sun sets.
- I will go to the gym as soon as I finish work.
- She will return the book as soon as she finishes reading it.
- He will make a decision as soon as he gathers all the information.
- They will move into the apartment as soon as it’s available.
- We will order food as soon as we decide on a restaurant.
- I will respond to your message as soon as I finish this meeting.
- She will book the flight as soon as she gets approval from her boss.
- He will apply for the job as soon as he updates his resume.
- They will go hiking as soon as the weather improves.
- We will leave the office as soon as we finish this report.
- I will visit you as soon as I have some free time.
- She will start the exam as soon as she receives the paper.
- He will call you as soon as he finishes his meeting.
- They will launch the product as soon as the marketing team is ready.
- We will visit the museum as soon as it reopens.
- I will take a nap as soon as I finish my homework.
- She will leave for the airport as soon as she finishes packing.
- He will buy the house as soon as he gets the loan approval.
- They will submit the application as soon as they gather all the documents.
- We will go to the park as soon as the sun comes out.
- I will finish the report as soon as I receive the last piece of information.
- She will start her new job as soon as she finishes her current one.
- He will play the game as soon as he completes his homework.
- They will book the hotel as soon as they confirm the dates.
- We will have dinner as soon as the food is ready.
- I will read the article as soon as I get the time.
- She will water the plants as soon as she finishes her chores.
- He will clean the kitchen as soon as he finishes cooking.
- They will sign the agreement as soon as the lawyer reviews it.
- We will book the tickets as soon as we decide on the destination.
- I will go for a run as soon as the weather clears up.
- She will finish the project as soon as she receives the necessary materials.
- He will take a break as soon as he completes his assignment.
- They will make the announcement as soon as they get approval.
- We will go shopping as soon as we finish breakfast.
- I will visit you as soon as I finish my current project.
- She will send the invitation as soon as she finalizes the guest list.
Đáp án
- I will call you as long as I arrive.
- She will leave the office as long as the meeting ends.
- We will go for a walk as long as it stops raining.
- He will start cooking as long as he gets home.
- I will send the report as long as I finish it.
- They will open the door as long as you knock.
- I will clean the house as long as I finish my work.
- She will answer your question as long as she understands it.
- He will arrive at the party as long as he finishes his task.
- We will start the movie as long as everyone arrives.
- You can eat dessert as long as you finish your dinner.
- I will reply to your message as long as I see it.
- They will go on vacation as long as they save enough money.
- We will leave the house as long as everyone is ready.
- He will pay you back as long as he gets his paycheck.
- I will do the dishes as long as I finish eating.
- She will call you as long as she arrives home.
- They will buy the house as long as they get approval from the bank.
- We will start the meeting as long as the manager arrives.
- He will send you the file as long as he finds it.
- I will read the book as long as I have time.
- She will meet us as long as she finishes work.
- They will open the store as long as the clock strikes 9.
- I will water the plants as long as the sun sets.
- He will drive as long as he gets his license.
- We will clean the house as long as the guests leave.
- She will bake the cake as long as she gets the ingredients.
- I will start the project as long as I receive the instructions.
- They will move into the new house as long as the renovation is done.
- We will leave for the airport as long as everyone is ready.
- He will go to the gym as long as he finishes work.
- I will help you as long as I complete this task.
- She will submit the assignment as long as she finishes it.
- They will leave the city as long as they find a new job.
- We will start cooking as long as the groceries arrive.
- I will reply to your email as long as I check it.
- He will pack his bags as long as he gets home.
- She will wash the car as long as she finishes breakfast.
- We will start the class as long as the teacher arrives.
- I will call the doctor as long as I feel better.
- They will start the project as long as they receive the funding.
- He will come to the meeting as long as he finishes his current task.
- She will begin studying as long as she receives the books.
- We will go to the beach as long as the weather improves.
- I will turn on the TV as long as the news starts.
- He will make dinner as long as he gets home.
- They will sign the contract as long as the lawyer reviews it.
- We will buy the car as long as the price drops.
- I will send you the pictures as long as I upload them.
- She will leave the office as long as the clock strikes 5.
- He will start reading as long as he finishes his work.
- They will visit us as long as they have time.
- We will start the event as long as all the guests arrive.
- I will clean my room as long as I get home.
- She will join the class as long as she finishes her current course.
- He will go for a walk as long as the rain stops.
- They will buy the tickets as long as they decide on the date.
- We will have lunch as long as the food is ready.
- I will answer your call as long as I hear the phone ring.
- She will complete the task as long as she understands the instructions.
- He will finish the book as long as he has time.
- They will start the concert as long as the audience is seated.
- We will leave the house as long as the sun sets.
- I will go to the gym as long as I finish work.
- She will return the book as long as she finishes reading it.
- He will make a decision as long as he gathers all the information.
- They will move into the apartment as long as it’s available.
- We will order food as long as we decide on a restaurant.
- I will respond to your message as long as I finish this meeting.
- She will book the flight as long as she gets approval from her boss.
- He will apply for the job as long as he updates his resume.
- They will go hiking as long as the weather improves.
- We will leave the office as long as we finish this report.
- I will visit you as long as I have some free time.
- She will start the exam as long as she receives the paper.
- He will call you as long as he finishes his meeting.
- They will launch the product as long as the marketing team is ready.
- We will visit the museum as long as it reopens.
- I will take a nap as long as I finish my homework.
- She will leave for the airport as long as she finishes packing.
- He will buy the house as long as he gets the loan approval.
- They will submit the application as long as they gather all the documents.
- We will go to the park as long as the sun comes out.
- I will finish the report as long as I receive the last piece of information.
- She will start her new job as long as she finishes her current one.
- He will play the game as long as he completes his homework.
- They will book the hotel as long as they confirm the dates.
- We will have dinner as long as the food is ready.
- I will read the article as long as I get the time.
- She will water the plants as long as she finishes her chores.
- He will clean the kitchen as long as he finishes cooking.
- They will sign the agreement as long as the lawyer reviews it.
- We will book the tickets as long as we decide on the destination.
- I will go for a run as long as the weather clears up.
- She will finish the project as long as she receives the necessary materials.
- He will take a break as long as he completes his assignment.
- They will make the announcement as long as they get approval.
- We will go shopping as long as we finish breakfast.
- I will visit you as long as I finish my current project.
- She will send the invitation as long as she finalizes the guest list.
Việc phân biệt “as long as” và “as soon as” rất quan trọng trong giao tiếp hàng ngày. Hiểu rõ cách sử dụng chúng sẽ giúp bạn diễn đạt ý kiến một cách chính xác và tự tin hơn. Hãy luyện tập với nhiều ví dụ để nắm vững cách sử dụng hai cụm từ này trong tiếng Anh nhé!