100 câu bài tập và lý thuyết về Indirect Questions

100 câu bài tập và lý thuyết về Indirect Questions

Indirect Questions (Câu Hỏi Gián Tiếp) là dạng câu hỏi được dùng khi muốn hỏi lại điều gì đó một cách lịch sự hoặc gián tiếp. Thay vì hỏi trực tiếp, chúng ta sử dụng một mệnh đề chính kết hợp với một mệnh đề phụ.

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Indirect Questions (Câu Hỏi Gián Tiếp) là dạng câu hỏi được dùng khi muốn hỏi lại điều gì đó một cách lịch sự hoặc gián tiếp. Thay vì hỏi trực tiếp, chúng ta sử dụng một mệnh đề chính kết hợp với một mệnh đề phụ.

Cấu Trúc Indirect Questions (câu hỏi gián tiếp)

Indirect Questions thường bắt đầu bằng một câu hoặc cụm từ như:

  • I wonder…
  • Could you tell me…
  • Do you know…
  • I’d like to know…
  • Would you mind telling me…
Câu Hỏi Yes/No
  • Direct Question: “Are you coming to the party?”
  • Indirect Question: “Could you tell me if you are coming to the party?”
Câu Hỏi Wh-
  • Direct Question: “Where does she live?”
  • Indirect Question: “Do you know where she lives?”

3. Các Quy Tắc Chính

  1. Không Đảo Ngữ: Trong câu hỏi gián tiếp, chúng ta không đảo ngữ như câu hỏi trực tiếp.
    • Direct: “Where is the bank?”
    • Indirect: “Can you tell me where the bank is?”
  2. Giữ Nguyên Thì: Thì của động từ trong mệnh đề phụ không thay đổi.
    • Direct: “What time does the movie start?”
    • Indirect: “Do you know what time the movie starts?”
  3. Dùng “If” hoặc “Whether” cho Câu Hỏi Yes/No: Sử dụng “if” hoặc “whether” để biến đổi câu hỏi Yes/No.
    • Direct: “Is she at home?”
    • Indirect: “Can you tell me if she is at home?”

4. Một Số Ví Dụ Khác

  • Direct: “What is your name?” Indirect: “Could you tell me what your name is?”
  • Direct: “Did he finish the project?” Indirect: “Do you know if he finished the project?”

Dưới đây là 100 câu hỏi trực tiếp để chuyển đổi thành câu hỏi gián tiếp

  1. Where is the station?
  2. What time does the meeting start?
  3. Are they coming tonight?
  4. Where did she go yesterday?
  5. How much does this cost?
  6. Did he call you?
  7. Who is that man?
  8. Why are they leaving early?
  9. What did you eat for breakfast?
  10. Is it going to rain tomorrow?
  11. Have you seen this movie?
  12. When does the bus arrive?
  13. Why did she cry?
  14. What is his job?
  15. How old is your brother?
  16. Will they be here by noon?
  17. When will you finish your homework?
  18. Who took my book?
  19. Is she married?
  20. Where can I buy a ticket?
  21. How long does the journey take?
  22. Do you like ice cream?
  23. What are they doing now?
  24. When did you start working here?
  25. How many languages can you speak?
  26. Did she arrive on time?
  27. Where does he live?
  28. Why didn’t you come to the party?
  29. What time do you usually get up?
  30. Is there a bank nearby?
  31. How far is the airport from here?
  32. When is your birthday?
  33. Did you finish the assignment?
  34. What kind of music do you like?
  35. Who is your favorite author?
  36. Are they going to the concert?
  37. How often do you exercise?
  38. Where can I find a good restaurant?
  39. What is your favorite color?
  40. When does the store close?
  41. Why did they cancel the meeting?
  42. How much did you pay for the car?
  43. Who will be the next president?
  44. Is she working today?
  45. Where are my keys?
  46. What is your favorite movie?
  47. Do you play any musical instruments?
  48. How did you learn to cook?
  49. When did you get married?
  50. Are you coming to the meeting tomorrow?
  51. Why are you laughing?
  52. What are your plans for the weekend?
  53. Where have you been all day?
  54. How do you solve this problem?
  55. What is the name of this street?
  56. Did he tell you the truth?
  57. How often do you travel?
  58. When was the last time you saw her?
  59. Are they staying at the hotel?
  60. What did you think of the book?
  61. Where did you buy that shirt?
  62. How can I improve my English?
  63. Why did she leave so early?
  64. What is the weather like today?
  65. Who is your best friend?
  66. Are you hungry?
  67. Where can I park my car?
  68. When will the project be completed?
  69. How did you meet your best friend?
  70. What time does the show start?
  71. Why are you so happy?
  72. Who is your favorite teacher?
  73. Did you go to the gym yesterday?
  74. How was your vacation?
  75. Where is the nearest hospital?
  76. When will you graduate?
  77. Are you ready to order?
  78. What is your favorite sport?
  79. How did you hear about this job?
  80. Where did you grow up?
  81. Why are you late?
  82. What are you looking for?
  83. When does the next train leave?
  84. Is she your sister?
  85. How did you get here?
  86. What is the problem?
  87. Who is the author of this book?
  88. Do you need any help?
  89. Where did you put my glasses?
  90. When is the deadline for the project?
  91. Why are they arguing?
  92. What are you reading?
  93. How much does it weigh?
  94. Who will attend the meeting?
  95. Is the movie interesting?
  96. Where should I go for vacation?
  97. When did you last visit your parents?
  98. How do you spell your name?
  99. What is your phone number?
  100. Are you feeling better now?

Dưới đây là đáp án chuyển đổi từ câu hỏi trực tiếp sang câu hỏi gián tiếp

  1. Where is the station? -> Can you tell me where the station is?
  2. What time does the meeting start? -> Do you know what time the meeting starts?
  3. Are they coming tonight? -> Do you know if they are coming tonight?
  4. Where did she go yesterday? -> Can you tell me where she went yesterday?
  5. How much does this cost? -> Could you tell me how much this costs?
  6. Did he call you? -> Do you know if he called you?
  7. Who is that man? -> Do you know who that man is?
  8. Why are they leaving early? -> Can you tell me why they are leaving early?
  9. What did you eat for breakfast? -> Could you tell me what you ate for breakfast?
  10. Is it going to rain tomorrow? -> Do you know if it is going to rain tomorrow?
  11. Have you seen this movie? -> Can you tell me if you have seen this movie?
  12. When does the bus arrive? -> Do you know when the bus arrives?
  13. Why did she cry? -> Can you tell me why she cried?
  14. What is his job? -> Do you know what his job is?
  15. How old is your brother? -> Could you tell me how old your brother is?
  16. Will they be here by noon? -> Do you know if they will be here by noon?
  17. When will you finish your homework? -> Can you tell me when you will finish your homework?
  18. Who took my book? -> Do you know who took my book?
  19. Is she married? -> Do you know if she is married?
  20. Where can I buy a ticket? -> Could you tell me where I can buy a ticket?
  21. How long does the journey take? -> Do you know how long the journey takes?
  22. Do you like ice cream? -> Can you tell me if you like ice cream?
  23. What are they doing now? -> Do you know what they are doing now?
  24. When did you start working here? -> Can you tell me when you started working here?
  25. How many languages can you speak? -> Do you know how many languages you can speak?
  26. Did she arrive on time? -> Do you know if she arrived on time?
  27. Where does he live? -> Do you know where he lives?
  28. Why didn’t you come to the party? -> Can you tell me why you didn’t come to the party?
  29. What time do you usually get up? -> Could you tell me what time you usually get up?
  30. Is there a bank nearby? -> Do you know if there is a bank nearby?
  31. How far is the airport from here? -> Can you tell me how far the airport is from here?
  32. When is your birthday? -> Do you know when your birthday is?
  33. Did you finish the assignment? -> Can you tell me if you finished the assignment?
  34. What kind of music do you like? -> Do you know what kind of music you like?
  35. Who is your favorite author? -> Can you tell me who your favorite author is?
  36. Are they going to the concert? -> Do you know if they are going to the concert?
  37. How often do you exercise? -> Can you tell me how often you exercise?
  38. Where can I find a good restaurant? -> Do you know where I can find a good restaurant?
  39. What is your favorite color? -> Do you know what your favorite color is?
  40. When does the store close? -> Can you tell me when the store closes?
  41. Why did they cancel the meeting? -> Can you tell me why they canceled the meeting?
  42. How much did you pay for the car? -> Do you know how much you paid for the car?
  43. Who will be the next president? -> Can you tell me who will be the next president?
  44. Is she working today? -> Do you know if she is working today?
  45. Where are my keys? -> Could you tell me where my keys are?
  46. What is your favorite movie? -> Do you know what your favorite movie is?
  47. Do you play any musical instruments? -> Can you tell me if you play any musical instruments?
  48. How did you learn to cook? -> Could you tell me how you learned to cook?
  49. When did you get married? -> Do you know when you got married?
  50. Are you coming to the meeting tomorrow? -> Do you know if you are coming to the meeting tomorrow?
  51. Why are you laughing? -> Can you tell me why you are laughing?
  52. What are your plans for the weekend? -> Could you tell me what your plans for the weekend are?
  53. Where have you been all day? -> Can you tell me where you have been all day?
  54. How do you solve this problem? -> Could you tell me how you solve this problem?
  55. What is the name of this street? -> Do you know what the name of this street is?
  56. Did he tell you the truth? -> Can you tell me if he told you the truth?
  57. How often do you travel? -> Do you know how often you travel?
  58. When was the last time you saw her? -> Can you tell me when the last time you saw her was?
  59. Are they staying at the hotel? -> Do you know if they are staying at the hotel?
  60. What did you think of the book? -> Can you tell me what you thought of the book?
  61. Where did you buy that shirt? -> Could you tell me where you bought that shirt?
  62. How can I improve my English? -> Can you tell me how I can improve my English?
  63. Why did she leave so early? -> Can you tell me why she left so early?
  64. What is the weather like today? -> Do you know what the weather is like today?
  65. Who is your best friend? -> Can you tell me who your best friend is?
  66. Are you hungry? -> Do you know if you are hungry?
  67. Where can I park my car? -> Can you tell me where I can park my car?
  68. When will the project be completed? -> Do you know when the project will be completed?
  69. How did you meet your best friend? -> Can you tell me how you met your best friend?
  70. What time does the show start? -> Do you know what time the show starts?
  71. Why are you so happy? -> Can you tell me why you are so happy?
  72. Who is your favorite teacher? -> Can you tell me who your favorite teacher is?
  73. Did you go to the gym yesterday? -> Can you tell me if you went to the gym yesterday?
  74. How was your vacation? -> Could you tell me how your vacation was?
  75. Where is the nearest hospital? -> Do you know where the nearest hospital is?
  76. When will you graduate? -> Can you tell me when you will graduate?
  77. Are you ready to order? -> Do you know if you are ready to order?
  78. What is your favorite sport? -> Do you know what your favorite sport is?
  79. How did you hear about this job? -> Can you tell me how you heard about this job?
  80. Where did you grow up? -> Can you tell me where you grew up?
  81. Why are you late? -> Can you tell me why you are late?
  82. What are you looking for? -> Could you tell me what you are looking for?
  83. When does the next train leave? -> Do you know when the next train leaves?
  84. Is she your sister? -> Do you know if she is your sister?
  85. How did you get here? -> Could you tell me how you got here?
  86. What is the problem? -> Can you tell me what the problem is?
  87. Who is the author of this book? -> Do you know who the author of this book is?
  88. Do you need any help? -> Can you tell me if you need any help?
  89. Where did you put my glasses? -> Can you tell me where you put my glasses?
  90. When is the deadline for the project? -> Do you know when the deadline for the project is?
  91. Why are they arguing? -> Can you tell me why they are arguing?
  92. What are you reading? -> Could you tell me what you are reading?
  93. How much does it weigh? -> Can you tell me how much it weighs?
  94. Who will attend the meeting? -> Do you know who will attend the meeting?
  95. Is the movie interesting? -> Do you know if the movie is interesting?
  96. Where should I go for vacation? -> Can you tell me where I should go for vacation?
  97. When did you last visit your parents? -> Can you tell me when you last visited your parents?
  98. How do you spell your name? -> Could you tell me how you spell your name?
  99. What is your phone number? -> Can you tell me what your phone number is?
  100. Are you feeling better now? -> Do you know if you are feeling better now?

Học lại bài cũ: 100 câu bài tập và lý thuyết về Quantifiers (Từ định lượng).

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