100 câu bài tập và lý thuyết về Quantifiers (Từ định lượng)

100 câu bài tập và lý thuyết về Quantifiers (Từ định lượng)

Quantifiers là những từ dùng để chỉ số lượng của danh từ trong câu. Chúng có thể đi kèm với danh từ đếm được (countable nouns) hoặc danh từ không đếm được (uncountable nouns). Dưới đây là một số quantifiers thông dụng và cách sử dụng chúng:

Tóm tắt nội dung

Tóm tắt nội dung


Quantifiers là những từ dùng để chỉ số lượng của danh từ trong câu. Chúng có thể đi kèm với danh từ đếm được (countable nouns) hoặc danh từ không đếm được (uncountable nouns).

Dưới đây là một số quantifiers thông dụng và cách sử dụng chúng

  1. Some
    • Dùng với danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được.
    • Dùng trong câu khẳng định hoặc câu hỏi đề nghị.
    • Ví dụ:
      • I have some friends.
      • Would you like some tea?
  2. Any
    • Dùng với danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được.
    • Thường dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi.
    • Ví dụ:
      • I don’t have any friends.
      • Do you have any money?
  3. Much
    • Dùng với danh từ không đếm được.
    • Thường dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi.
    • Ví dụ:
      • I don’t have much money.
      • How much water do you need?
  4. Many
    • Dùng với danh từ đếm được số nhiều.
    • Thường dùng trong câu phủ định và câu hỏi, nhưng cũng có thể dùng trong câu khẳng định.
    • Ví dụ:
      • I don’t have many books.
      • How many apples do you want?
  5. A lot of / Lots of
    • Dùng với cả danh từ đếm được số nhiều và danh từ không đếm được.
    • Thường dùng trong câu khẳng định.
    • Ví dụ:
      • She has a lot of friends.
      • There is a lot of sugar in the tea.
  6. Few / A few
    • Dùng với danh từ đếm được số nhiều.
    • “Few” mang nghĩa tiêu cực (rất ít, gần như không có), “a few” mang nghĩa tích cực (một vài, đủ dùng).
    • Ví dụ:
      • Few people came to the party.
      • I have a few friends in this city.
  7. Little / A little
    • Dùng với danh từ không đếm được.
    • “Little” mang nghĩa tiêu cực (rất ít, gần như không có), “a little” mang nghĩa tích cực (một ít, đủ dùng).
    • Ví dụ:
      • There is little milk in the fridge.
      • I need a little help with this task.
  8. Enough
    • Dùng với cả danh từ đếm được và không đếm được.
    • Ví dụ:
      • We have enough chairs for everyone.
      • Do you have enough information?

100 Câu Bài Tập Ứng Dụng

  1. I don’t have ___ money. (some/any)
  2. She bought ___ apples. (some/any)
  3. There isn’t ___ milk left. (much/many)
  4. I have ___ books to read. (much/many)
  5. Do you want ___ tea? (some/any)
  6. We need ___ more chairs. (a few/a little)
  7. They have ___ friends in the city. (a few/a little)
  8. There is ___ sugar in the bowl. (few/little)
  9. I don’t know ___ people here. (many/much)
  10. There are ___ problems we need to solve. (a lot of/lots of)
  11. He has ___ patience with children. (few/little)
  12. She spends too ___ time on her phone. (much/many)
  13. I don’t have ___ information about the project. (much/many)
  14. We need ___ volunteers for the event. (a few/a little)
  15. She has ___ books on her shelf. (few/little)
  16. Do you have ___ questions? (some/any)
  17. There aren’t ___ cookies left. (many/much)
  18. We don’t have ___ butter. (many/much)
  19. I need ___ advice from you. (some/any)
  20. How ___ sugar do you need? (much/many)
  21. There are ___ people in the park. (few/little)
  22. Can you give me ___ water? (some/any)
  23. He doesn’t have ___ patience for this. (many/much)
  24. We have ___ work to do. (a lot of/lots of)
  25. She needs ___ time to think. (some/any)
  26. There are ___ cars on the street today. (few/little)
  27. He has ___ homework to finish. (much/many)
  28. I don’t see ___ students in the classroom. (many/much)
  29. She has ___ dresses in her wardrobe. (few/little)
  30. Do you need ___ help with that? (some/any)
  31. There isn’t ___ flour left. (much/many)
  32. We have ___ tasks to complete. (a lot of/lots of)
  33. She has ___ experience in this field. (few/little)
  34. How ___ water should I pour? (much/many)
  35. They brought ___ gifts to the party. (a few/a little)
  36. I have ___ friends in this country. (few/little)
  37. There aren’t ___ chairs in the room. (many/much)
  38. Can I have ___ more coffee? (some/any)
  39. She doesn’t have ___ time to waste. (many/much)
  40. We need ___ ingredients for the recipe. (a few/a little)
  41. He knows ___ people in the industry. (a lot of/lots of)
  42. There is ___ noise in the room. (few/little)
  43. How ___ bread do you want? (much/many)
  44. I have ___ questions to ask. (some/any)
  45. There isn’t ___ space in the car. (much/many)
  46. We have ___ plans for the weekend. (a lot of/lots of)
  47. She has ___ knowledge about the subject. (few/little)
  48. Do you have ___ suggestions for me? (some/any)
  49. He doesn’t have ___ money to buy a car. (many/much)
  50. We need ___ minutes to finish. (a few/a little)
  51. There are ___ apples in the basket. (few/little)
  52. How ___ milk do you need? (much/many)
  53. She has ___ projects to work on. (some/any)
  54. There aren’t ___ students in the class. (many/much)
  55. I have ___ things to tell you. (a few/a little)
  56. Do you want ___ more soup? (some/any)
  57. There isn’t ___ time left. (much/many)
  58. We have ___ opportunities here. (a lot of/lots of)
  59. She has ___ patience with children. (few/little)
  60. He needs ___ time to decide. (some/any)
  61. There are ___ birds in the sky. (few/little)
  62. How ___ books do you have? (much/many)
  63. I don’t see ___ difference. (much/many)
  64. She brought ___ cookies to share. (a few/a little)
  65. There is ___ food in the fridge. (few/little)
  66. We have ___ homework to do. (a lot of/lots of)
  67. She doesn’t know ___ about the topic. (many/much)
  68. Do you have ___ experience in this area? (some/any)
  69. He has ___ money in his wallet. (few/little)
  70. We need ___ time to prepare. (a few/a little)
  71. There aren’t ___ solutions to this problem. (many/much)
  72. How ___ coffee do you drink daily? (much/many)
  73. I have ___ friends who can help. (some/any)
  74. There is ___ water in the bottle. (few/little)
  75. She has ___ questions about the project. (a few/a little)
  76. Do you want ___ bread with your soup? (some/any)
  77. He doesn’t have ___ energy to continue. (many/much)
  78. We need ___ supplies for the trip. (a few/a little)
  79. They have ___ pets at home. (a lot of/lots of)
  80. There is ___ noise outside. (few/little)
  81. How ___ time do you need? (much/many)
  82. She has ___ clothes in her suitcase. (few/little)
  83. I don’t have ___ problems with this. (many/much)
  84. Do you need ___ help with your homework? (some/any)
  85. There isn’t ___ traffic today. (much/many)
  86. We have ___ tasks to complete before noon. (a lot of/lots of)
  87. She has ___ patience for nonsense. (few/little)
  88. He needs ___ advice on the matter. (some/any)
  89. There aren’t ___ options available. (many/much)
  90. How ___ food should I prepare? (much/many)
  91. I have ___ friends coming over tonight. (some/any)
  92. There is ___ dust on the shelf. (few/little)
  93. We need ___ details about the event. (a few/a little)
  94. She doesn’t know ___ people here. (many/much)
  95. Do you have ___ information about the case? (some/any)
  96. He has ___ time to relax. (few/little)
  97. There aren’t ___ books on the table. (many/much)
  98. How ___ milk is in the fridge? (much/many)
  99. I need ___ rest after this. (some/any)
  100. There is ___ work left to do. (few/little)

Đáp án gợi ý:

  1. any
  2. some
  3. much
  4. many
  5. some
  6. a few
  7. a few
  8. little
  9. many
  10. a lot of
  11. little
  12. much
  13. much
  14. a few
  15. few
  16. any
  17. many
  18. much
  19. some
  20. much
  21. few
  22. some
  23. much
  24. a lot of
  25. some
  26. few
  27. much
  28. many
  29. few
  30. any
  31. much
  32. a lot of
  33. little
  34. much
  35. a few
  36. few
  37. many
  38. some
  39. much
  40. a few
  41. a lot of
  42. little
  43. much
  44. any
  45. much
  46. a lot of
  47. little
  48. any
  49. much
  50. a few
  51. few
  52. much
  53. some
  54. many
  55. a few
  56. some
  57. much
  58. a lot of
  59. little
  60. some
  61. few
  62. many
  63. much
  64. a few
  65. little
  66. a lot of
  67. much
  68. any
  69. little
  70. a few
  71. many
  72. much
  73. some
  74. little
  75. a few
  76. some
  77. much
  78. a few
  79. lots of
  80. little
  81. much
  82. few
  83. many
  84. any
  85. much
  86. lots of
  87. little
  88. some
  89. many
  90. much
  91. some
  92. little
  93. a few
  94. many
  95. any
  96. little
  97. many
  98. much
  99. some
  100. little

Học lại bài cũ: 100 câu bài tập về Comparatives and Superlatives (So sánh hơn và so sánh nhất).

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