Bài viết này cung cấp 100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc “not until… that…,” giúp người học nắm vững cách nhấn mạnh thời điểm hoặc điều kiện xảy ra sự việc trong tiếng Anh. Thực hành với cấu trúc này sẽ nâng cao kỹ năng viết, giúp câu văn trở nên đa dạng và chính xác hơn.
Học lại bài cũ: 100 bài tập viết lại câu với “despite” và “although”.
Học thêm nhiều bài cũ khác tại: 100 bài tập dạng viết lại câu.
Đề bài 100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc “not until… that…”
- They didn’t realize the truth until the evidence was shown.
- She didn’t leave the office until her work was done.
- We didn’t start the project until we received approval.
- The train didn’t arrive until the storm had passed.
- He didn’t apologize until he saw her tears.
- The movie didn’t begin until everyone had taken their seats.
- They didn’t win the match until the last minute.
- The teacher didn’t explain the solution until everyone was confused.
- We didn’t book the tickets until the date was confirmed.
- The results weren’t announced until the end of the ceremony.
- She didn’t realize her mistake until it was too late.
- They didn’t stop arguing until their mother intervened.
- The game didn’t start until the referee arrived.
- He didn’t know the answer until the teacher asked him.
- We didn’t decide on a venue until everyone had agreed.
- She didn’t feel better until she had some rest.
- The dog didn’t calm down until its owner returned.
- They didn’t discover the treasure until they dug deeper.
- He didn’t understand the joke until someone explained it.
- The store didn’t open until the manager arrived.
- We didn’t start cooking until the ingredients were ready.
- They didn’t leave the restaurant until the bill was paid.
- The lights didn’t come on until the sun had set.
- The doctor didn’t give a diagnosis until all tests were done.
- We didn’t realize we were lost until it got dark.
- The concert didn’t begin until all the seats were filled.
- They didn’t finish the project until they got extra help.
- The flight wasn’t delayed until the weather changed.
- She didn’t stop crying until her mother hugged her.
- The house wasn’t sold until they lowered the price.
- They didn’t leave the office until the meeting was over.
- We didn’t celebrate until the exam results were announced.
- He didn’t drive the car until he passed his test.
- She didn’t travel abroad until she had saved enough money.
- The baby didn’t sleep until it was fed.
- They didn’t find the missing book until they cleaned the room.
- He didn’t propose to her until he got a stable job.
- The train didn’t depart until everyone had boarded.
- The alarm didn’t go off until the fire spread.
- They didn’t submit the report until the deadline approached.
- We didn’t relax until the event was over.
- She didn’t speak up until everyone else had finished.
- They didn’t start the meeting until the director arrived.
- The guests didn’t leave until midnight.
- We didn’t enjoy the holiday until the weather improved.
- He didn’t stop until he completed the entire task.
- The conference didn’t start until the keynote speaker arrived.
- They didn’t start filming until the location was set up.
- The shop didn’t close until all customers left.
- The kids didn’t play outside until their homework was done.
- The rain didn’t stop until the afternoon.
- They didn’t book the hotel until they found a good deal.
- She didn’t know the truth until she read the letter.
- The team didn’t celebrate until they secured the victory.
- He didn’t stop laughing until his stomach hurt.
- They didn’t arrive at the destination until dawn.
- The plan wasn’t finalized until everyone approved.
- We didn’t notice the error until the document was printed.
- He didn’t make a decision until all options were considered.
- The show didn’t begin until the audience was seated.
- They didn’t evacuate the building until the alarm sounded.
- She didn’t answer the phone until she finished her task.
- The doctor didn’t prescribe medication until the tests were completed.
- We didn’t realize the time until the clock struck midnight.
- The students didn’t leave the classroom until the bell rang.
- They didn’t call for help until the situation worsened.
- The singer didn’t perform until the stage was ready.
- He didn’t move to a new house until he got a promotion.
- The race didn’t start until the weather cleared.
- They didn’t finish their meal until the main course arrived.
- We didn’t know about the change until the announcement was made.
- The lecture didn’t begin until the professor arrived.
- They didn’t clean the house until the guests were expected.
- The lights didn’t turn off until the power outage happened.
- He didn’t leave the party until everyone else had gone.
- We didn’t solve the puzzle until we found the last piece.
- The meeting didn’t end until all issues were resolved.
- They didn’t believe the story until they saw the evidence.
- She didn’t tell the truth until she was confronted.
- The dog didn’t bark until it saw the stranger.
- The cake wasn’t baked until the oven was preheated.
- We didn’t get any feedback until the report was reviewed.
- They didn’t start the engine until everyone was inside the car.
- The team didn’t make progress until they changed their strategy.
- She didn’t take action until she consulted her lawyer.
- The class didn’t settle down until the teacher arrived.
- He didn’t win the award until his third attempt.
- The restaurant didn’t open until the renovations were completed.
- We didn’t notice the mistake until it was too late.
- They didn’t sign the contract until they read the fine print.
- The plane didn’t take off until the runway was clear.
- She didn’t wear the dress until the occasion was right.
- They didn’t return home until the party ended.
- The product wasn’t launched until all tests were successful.
- He didn’t reply to the email until he finished his meeting.
- The crowd didn’t cheer until the team scored.
- The police didn’t arrive until the situation escalated.
- We didn’t begin eating until everyone was served.
- She didn’t make the decision until she weighed all options.
- The event didn’t start until the official gave the signal.
Đáp án 100 bài tập viết lại câu sử dụng cấu trúc “not until… that…”
- It was not until the evidence was shown that they realized the truth.
- It was not until her work was done that she left the office.
- It was not until we received approval that we started the project.
- It was not until the storm had passed that the train arrived.
- It was not until he saw her tears that he apologized.
- It was not until everyone had taken their seats that the movie began.
- It was not until the last minute that they won the match.
- It was not until everyone was confused that the teacher explained the solution.
- It was not until the date was confirmed that we booked the tickets.
- It was not until the end of the ceremony that the results were announced.
- It was not until it was too late that she realized her mistake.
- It was not until their mother intervened that they stopped arguing.
- It was not until the referee arrived that the game started.
- It was not until the teacher asked him that he knew the answer.
- It was not until everyone had agreed that we decided on a venue.
- It was not until she had some rest that she felt better.
- It was not until its owner returned that the dog calmed down.
- It was not until they dug deeper that they discovered the treasure.
- It was not until someone explained it that he understood the joke.
- It was not until the manager arrived that the store opened.
- It was not until the ingredients were ready that we started cooking.
- It was not until the bill was paid that they left the restaurant.
- It was not until the sun had set that the lights came on.
- It was not until all tests were done that the doctor gave a diagnosis.
- It was not until it got dark that we realized we were lost.
- It was not until all the seats were filled that the concert began.
- It was not until they got extra help that they finished the project.
- It was not until the weather changed that the flight was delayed.
- It was not until her mother hugged her that she stopped crying.
- It was not until they lowered the price that the house was sold.
- It was not until the meeting was over that they left the office.
- It was not until the exam results were announced that we celebrated.
- It was not until he passed his test that he drove the car.
- It was not until she had saved enough money that she traveled abroad.
- It was not until it was fed that the baby slept.
- It was not until they cleaned the room that they found the missing book.
- It was not until he got a stable job that he proposed to her.
- It was not until everyone had boarded that the train departed.
- It was not until the fire spread that the alarm went off.
- It was not until the deadline approached that they submitted the report.
- It was not until the event was over that we relaxed.
- It was not until everyone else had finished that she spoke up.
- It was not until the director arrived that they started the meeting.
- It was not until midnight that the guests left.
- It was not until the weather improved that we enjoyed the holiday.
- It was not until he completed the entire task that he stopped.
- It was not until the keynote speaker arrived that the conference started.
- It was not until the location was set up that they started filming.
- It was not until all customers left that the shop closed.
- It was not until their homework was done that the kids played outside.
- It was not until the afternoon that the rain stopped.
- It was not until they found a good deal that they booked the hotel.
- It was not until she read the letter that she knew the truth.
- It was not until they secured the victory that the team celebrated.
- It was not until his stomach hurt that he stopped laughing.
- It was not until dawn that they arrived at the destination.
- It was not until everyone approved that the plan was finalized.
- It was not until the document was printed that we noticed the error.
- It was not until all options were considered that he made a decision.
- It was not until the audience was seated that the show began.
- It was not until the alarm sounded that they evacuated the building.
- It was not until she finished her task that she answered the phone.
- It was not until the tests were completed that the doctor prescribed medication.
- It was not until the clock struck midnight that we realized the time.
- It was not until the bell rang that the students left the classroom.
- It was not until the situation worsened that they called for help.
- It was not until the stage was ready that the singer performed.
- It was not until he got a promotion that he moved to a new house.
- It was not until the weather cleared that the race started.
- It was not until the main course arrived that they finished their meal.
- It was not until the announcement was made that we knew about the change.
- It was not until the professor arrived that the lecture began.
- It was not until the guests were expected that they cleaned the house.
- It was not until the power outage happened that the lights turned off.
- It was not until everyone else had gone that he left the party.
- It was not until we found the last piece that we solved the puzzle.
- It was not until all issues were resolved that the meeting ended.
- It was not until they saw the evidence that they believed the story.
- It was not until she was confronted that she told the truth.
- It was not until it saw the stranger that the dog barked.
- It was not until the oven was preheated that the cake was baked.
- It was not until the report was reviewed that we got any feedback.
- It was not until everyone was inside the car that they started the engine.
- It was not until they changed their strategy that the team made progress.
- It was not until she consulted her lawyer that she took action.
- It was not until the teacher arrived that the class settled down.
- It was not until his third attempt that he won the award.
- It was not until the renovations were completed that the restaurant opened.
- It was not until it was too late that we noticed the mistake.
- It was not until they read the fine print that they signed the contract.
- It was not until the runway was clear that the plane took off.
- It was not until the occasion was right that she wore the dress.
- It was not until the party ended that they returned home.
- It was not until all tests were successful that the product was launched.
- It was not until he finished his meeting that he replied to the email.
- It was not until the team scored that the crowd cheered.
- It was not until the situation escalated that the police arrived.
- It was not until everyone was served that we began eating.
- It was not until she weighed all options that she made the decision.
- It was not until the official gave the signal that the event started.