IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part adventure tourism

IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part adventure tourism

Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part adventure tourism

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Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng 2-Part adventure tourism

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The popularity of adventure tourism has surged in recent years. What are the reasons for this? How can people research this?

Write at least 250 words.

Giải mẫu đề luyện thi IELTS Writing

Adventure tourism has witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity in recent years. This trend can be attributed to several factors, including the desire for unique experiences, the influence of social media, and the increased accessibility to remote destinations. While this trend has its merits, it also raises questions about how individuals can effectively research and prepare for such trips. This essay will discuss the reasons behind the rise of adventure tourism and suggest ways for people to conduct proper research before embarking on such journeys.

One of the primary reasons for the growing interest in adventure tourism is the modern traveler’s quest for unique and thrilling experiences. In contrast to traditional forms of tourism, which often involve visiting well-known landmarks and cities, adventure tourism offers the opportunity to explore uncharted territories and engage in activities that push one’s physical and mental limits. This appeal to the human desire for novelty and excitement is further amplified by social media platforms, where travelers frequently share their adventures, inspiring others to seek similar experiences.

Moreover, advancements in technology and transportation have made previously inaccessible destinations more reachable. For instance, the proliferation of budget airlines and improved infrastructure in remote areas have made it easier for travelers to explore places that were once considered off-limits. The ease of access, combined with the thrill of adventure, has led to a significant increase in the number of people choosing adventure tourism.

However, the rise in adventure tourism also highlights the need for thorough research and preparation. Given the potential risks associated with such activities, it is crucial for travelers to gather information on the destinations they plan to visit. Research can be conducted through various means, such as reading travel blogs, consulting guidebooks, and seeking advice from experienced travelers. Additionally, travelers should also consider the environmental and cultural impact of their activities and make informed decisions to minimize any negative consequences.

In conclusion, the surge in adventure tourism can be attributed to the desire for unique experiences and the increased accessibility of remote destinations. While the trend offers exciting opportunities, it is essential for travelers to conduct thorough research to ensure their safety and the sustainability of the environments they visit. By doing so, they can fully enjoy the benefits of adventure tourism while minimizing its potential downsides.

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

1. Cấu trúc câu:

  • Câu đơn:
    • “Adventure tourism has witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity in recent years.”
    • “Moreover, advancements in technology and transportation have made previously inaccessible destinations more reachable.”
  • Câu phức:
    • “This trend can be attributed to several factors, including the desire for unique experiences, the influence of social media, and the increased accessibility to remote destinations.”
    • “In contrast to traditional forms of tourism, which often involve visiting well-known landmarks and cities, adventure tourism offers the opportunity to explore uncharted territories and engage in activities that push one’s physical and mental limits.”
  • Câu ghép:
    • “The ease of access, combined with the thrill of adventure, has led to a significant increase in the number of people choosing adventure tourism.”
    • “By doing so, they can fully enjoy the benefits of adventure tourism while minimizing its potential downsides.”
  • Câu phức hợp:
    • “Given the potential risks associated with such activities, it is crucial for travelers to gather information on the destinations they plan to visit.”
    • “While this trend has its merits, it also raises questions about how individuals can effectively research and prepare for such trips.”

2. Cấu trúc ngữ pháp:

  • Thì hiện tại hoàn thành:
    • “Adventure tourism has witnessed a remarkable surge in popularity.”
    • “Advancements in technology and transportation have made previously inaccessible destinations more reachable.”
  • Cấu trúc bị động:
    • “This trend can be attributed to several factors.”
    • “It is crucial for travelers to gather information.”
  • Cấu trúc so sánh:
    • “In contrast to traditional forms of tourism, which often involve visiting well-known landmarks and cities…”
    • “…to explore places that were once considered off-limits.”
  • Cụm danh từ:
    • “The desire for unique experiences.”
    • “The increased accessibility of remote destinations.”
  • Mệnh đề quan hệ:
    • “In contrast to traditional forms of tourism, which often involve visiting well-known landmarks and cities…”
    • “…activities that push one’s physical and mental limits.”

Từ kết nối (Linking Words)

  • Kết nối giữa các câu trong đoạn:
    • “This trend can be attributed to…”
    • “In contrast to…”
    • “Moreover…”
    • “For instance…”
    • “However…”
    • “Given the potential risks…”
  • Kết nối giữa các đoạn văn:
    • “One of the primary reasons for…”
    • “Moreover…”
    • “However…”
    • “In conclusion…”

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

  1. Popularity – Sự phổ biến
  2. Surged – Tăng mạnh
  3. Attributes – Quy cho, cho rằng
  4. Unique experiences – Trải nghiệm độc đáo
  5. Influence – Ảnh hưởng
  6. Accessibility – Khả năng tiếp cận
  7. Remote destinations – Điểm đến xa xôi
  8. Quest – Sự tìm kiếm
  9. Thrilling – Hấp dẫn, kịch tính
  10. Traditional forms – Hình thức truyền thống
  11. Landmarks – Địa danh
  12. Uncharted territories – Vùng đất chưa được khám phá
  13. Amplified – Làm tăng lên
  14. Proliferation – Sự phát triển nhanh chóng
  15. Infrastructure – Cơ sở hạ tầng
  16. Off-limits – Cấm, không được phép
  17. Risks – Rủi ro
  18. Gather – Thu thập
  19. Consulting – Tham khảo
  20. Guidebooks – Sách hướng dẫn
  21. Experienced travelers – Du khách có kinh nghiệm
  22. Environmental impact – Ảnh hưởng môi trường
  23. Cultural impact – Ảnh hưởng văn hóa
  24. Informed decisions – Quyết định có suy nghĩ chín chắn
  25. Sustainability – Tính bền vững
  26. Potential downsides – Khả năng bất lợi

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