IELTS Writing task 2 dạng Advantages and Disadvatages: Online Shopping

IELTS Writing task 2 dạng Advantages and Disadvatages: Online Shopping

Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng dạng Advantages and Disadvatages: Online Shopping

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Đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 dạng dạng Advantages and Disadvatages: Online Shopping

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task

The increasing trend of online shopping over traditional shopping. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Write at least 250 words.

Bài mẫu IELTS Writing Task 2 dạng Advantages and Disadvatages: Online Shopping


In recent years, the rapid growth of online shopping has significantly changed the way consumers purchase goods, gradually replacing traditional in-store shopping. This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping, ultimately arguing that the benefits of convenience and variety far outweigh the potential drawbacks.

Body Paragraph 1: Advantages

One of the primary advantages of online shopping is the unparalleled convenience it offers. Consumers can shop at any time of the day or night, without the need to travel to physical stores. This is particularly beneficial for people with busy schedules or those living in remote areas. For instance, a working professional can order groceries online during a break and have them delivered to their doorstep, saving time and effort.

Another significant advantage is the wide range of products available online. Unlike traditional stores that are limited by shelf space, online retailers can offer a vast selection of goods from around the world. Shoppers can easily compare prices and read reviews to make informed purchasing decisions. For example, a consumer looking to buy a specific brand of electronics can browse multiple websites to find the best deal, ensuring both quality and cost-effectiveness.

Body Paragraph 2: Disadvantages

Despite its many advantages, online shopping also has its drawbacks. One major disadvantage is the lack of physical inspection before purchase. Consumers cannot touch, try on, or test products before buying, which can lead to dissatisfaction if the item does not meet their expectations. For instance, purchasing clothing online often involves the risk of receiving items that do not fit well or look different from the images provided.

Another disadvantage is the potential for security and privacy issues. Online transactions require consumers to provide personal and financial information, which can be vulnerable to cyberattacks. There have been cases where hackers have gained access to customer data, leading to identity theft and financial loss. Such incidents make some consumers hesitant to shop online, especially on lesser-known websites.


In conclusion, while online shopping presents certain disadvantages, such as the inability to physically inspect products and potential security risks, the advantages of convenience and a broader selection of goods are more significant. Therefore, it can be argued that the benefits of online shopping outweigh the drawbacks, making it a preferable option for many consumers in today’s digital age.

Các từ vựng tiếng Anh cần lưu ý trong bài viết

1. Convenience

  • Định nghĩa: Sự tiện lợi, dễ dàng trong việc làm một việc gì đó.
  • Ví dụ: “The unparalleled convenience of online shopping allows consumers to shop at any time of the day or night.”

2. Vast Selection

  • Định nghĩa: Một sự lựa chọn rất phong phú hoặc rộng lớn.
  • Ví dụ: “Online retailers can offer a vast selection of goods from around the world.”

3. Dissatisfaction

  • Định nghĩa: Sự không hài lòng, không thoả mãn.
  • Ví dụ: “Purchasing clothing online often involves the risk of receiving items that do not fit well, leading to dissatisfaction.”

4. Cyberattacks

  • Định nghĩa: Các cuộc tấn công mạng nhằm vào hệ thống máy tính hoặc dữ liệu cá nhân.
  • Ví dụ: “Online transactions require consumers to provide personal and financial information, which can be vulnerable to cyberattacks.”

5. Identity Theft

  • Định nghĩa: Hành vi đánh cắp danh tính của người khác để sử dụng thông tin cá nhân vào mục đích lừa đảo.
  • Ví dụ: “There have been cases where hackers have gained access to customer data, leading to identity theft.”

6. Informed Purchasing Decisions

  • Định nghĩa: Quyết định mua sắm dựa trên thông tin đầy đủ và chính xác.
  • Ví dụ: “Shoppers can easily compare prices and read reviews to make informed purchasing decisions.”

7. Unparalleled

  • Định nghĩa: Không có đối thủ, vô song.
  • Ví dụ: “The convenience of online shopping is unparalleled compared to traditional in-store shopping.”

8. Limited by Shelf Space

  • Định nghĩa: Bị hạn chế bởi không gian trưng bày.
  • Ví dụ: “Unlike traditional stores that are limited by shelf space, online retailers can offer a wider range of products.”

9. Hesitant

  • Định nghĩa: Do dự, không chắc chắn.
  • Ví dụ: “Such incidents make some consumers hesitant to shop online, especially on lesser-known websites.”

10. Potential Drawbacks

  • Định nghĩa: Các nhược điểm hoặc bất lợi tiềm ẩn.
  • Ví dụ: “Ultimately arguing that the benefits of convenience and variety far outweigh the potential drawbacks.”

Thống kê cấu trúc câu và cấu trúc ngữ pháp

1. Cấu trúc câu

  • Câu đơn (Simple sentences):
    • “In recent years, the rapid growth of online shopping has significantly changed the way consumers purchase goods, gradually replacing traditional in-store shopping.”
    • “This is particularly beneficial for people with busy schedules or those living in remote areas.”
    • “Such incidents make some consumers hesitant to shop online, especially on lesser-known websites.”
  • Câu ghép (Compound sentences):
    • “This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping, ultimately arguing that the benefits of convenience and variety far outweigh the potential drawbacks.”
    • “Consumers cannot touch, try on, or test products before buying, which can lead to dissatisfaction if the item does not meet their expectations.”
    • “For instance, a working professional can order groceries online during a break and have them delivered to their doorstep, saving time and effort.”
  • Câu phức (Complex sentences):
    • “Another significant advantage is the wide range of products available online, unlike traditional stores that are limited by shelf space.”
    • “Despite its many advantages, online shopping also has its drawbacks.”
    • “While online shopping presents certain disadvantages, such as the inability to physically inspect products and potential security risks, the advantages of convenience and a broader selection of goods are more significant.”
  • Câu ghép phức (Compound-complex sentences):
    • “For instance, purchasing clothing online often involves the risk of receiving items that do not fit well or look different from the images provided.”

2. Cấu trúc ngữ pháp

  • Thì hiện tại hoàn thành (Present Perfect Tense):
    • “Online shopping has significantly changed the way consumers purchase goods.”
    • “Hackers have gained access to customer data, leading to identity theft and financial loss.”
  • Thì hiện tại đơn (Present Simple Tense):
    • “Consumers cannot touch, try on, or test products before buying.”
    • “This is particularly beneficial for people with busy schedules.”
  • Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (Present Continuous Tense):
    • “This essay will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.”
    • “Online shopping presents certain disadvantages.”
  • Câu điều kiện loại 1 (First Conditional Sentences):
    • “If the item does not meet their expectations, it can lead to dissatisfaction.”
  • Cấu trúc bị động (Passive Voice):
    • “Goods can be delivered to their doorstep.”
    • “Such incidents make some consumers hesitant to shop online.”
  • Mệnh đề quan hệ (Relative Clauses):
    • “Consumers cannot touch, try on, or test products before buying, which can lead to dissatisfaction.”
    • “Online retailers can offer a vast selection of goods from around the world.”
  • Cụm từ chỉ mục đích (Purpose Clauses):
    • “To make informed purchasing decisions.”
  • Cụm từ so sánh (Comparative Clauses):
    • “Unlike traditional stores that are limited by shelf space.”
    • “Ensuring both quality and cost-effectiveness.”
  • Liên từ chỉ sự đối lập (Concessive Clauses):
    • “While online shopping presents certain disadvantages, the advantages of convenience and a broader selection of goods are more significant.”
    • “Despite its many advantages, online shopping also has its drawbacks.”

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